+void MyFrame::OnKill(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ long pid = wxGetNumberFromUser(_T("Please specify the process to kill"),
+ _T("Enter PID:"),
+ _T("Exec question"),
+ m_pidLast,
+ // we need the full unsigned int range
+ this);
+ if ( pid == -1 )
+ {
+ // cancelled
+ return;
+ }
+ static const wxString signalNames[] =
+ {
+ _T("Just test (SIGNONE)"),
+ _T("Hangup (SIGHUP)"),
+ _T("Interrupt (SIGINT)"),
+ _T("Quit (SIGQUIT)"),
+ _T("Illegal instruction (SIGILL)"),
+ _T("Trap (SIGTRAP)"),
+ _T("Abort (SIGABRT)"),
+ _T("Emulated trap (SIGEMT)"),
+ _T("FP exception (SIGFPE)"),
+ _T("Kill (SIGKILL)"),
+ _T("Bus (SIGBUS)"),
+ _T("Segment violation (SIGSEGV)"),
+ _T("System (SIGSYS)"),
+ _T("Broken pipe (SIGPIPE)"),
+ _T("Alarm (SIGALRM)"),
+ _T("Terminate (SIGTERM)"),
+ };
+ int sig = wxGetSingleChoiceIndex(_T("How to kill the process?"),
+ _T("Exec question"),
+ WXSIZEOF(signalNames), signalNames,
+ this);
+ switch ( sig )
+ {
+ default:
+ wxFAIL_MSG( _T("unexpected return value") );
+ // fall through
+ case -1:
+ // cancelled
+ return;
+ case wxSIGNONE:
+ case wxSIGHUP:
+ case wxSIGINT:
+ case wxSIGQUIT:
+ case wxSIGILL:
+ case wxSIGTRAP:
+ case wxSIGABRT:
+ case wxSIGEMT:
+ case wxSIGFPE:
+ case wxSIGKILL:
+ case wxSIGBUS:
+ case wxSIGSEGV:
+ case wxSIGSYS:
+ case wxSIGPIPE:
+ case wxSIGALRM:
+ case wxSIGTERM:
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( sig == 0 )
+ {
+ if ( wxProcess::Exists(pid) )
+ wxLogStatus(_T("Process %ld is running."), pid);
+ else
+ wxLogStatus(_T("No process with pid = %ld."), pid);
+ }
+ else // not SIGNONE
+ {
+ wxKillError rc = wxProcess::Kill(pid, (wxSignal)sig);
+ if ( rc == wxKILL_OK )
+ {
+ wxLogStatus(_T("Process %ld killed with signal %d."), pid, sig);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ static const wxChar *errorText[] =
+ {
+ _T(""), // no error
+ _T("signal not supported"),
+ _T("permission denied"),
+ _T("no such process"),
+ _T("unspecified error"),
+ };
+ wxLogStatus(_T("Failed to kill process %ld with signal %d: %s"),
+ pid, sig, errorText[rc]);
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// event handlers: exec menu
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void MyFrame::DoAsyncExec(const wxString& cmd)
+ wxProcess *process = new MyProcess(this, cmd);
+ m_pidLast = wxExecute(cmd, wxEXEC_ASYNC, process);
+ if ( !m_pidLast )
+ {
+ wxLogError( _T("Execution of '%s' failed."), cmd.c_str() );
+ delete process;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wxLogStatus( _T("Process %ld (%s) launched."),
+ m_pidLast, cmd.c_str() );
+ m_cmdLast = cmd;
+ }