-The wxDocManager class is part of the document/view framework supported by wxWindows,
+The wxDocManager class is part of the document/view framework supported by wxWidgets,
and cooperates with the \helpref{wxView}{wxview}, \helpref{wxDocument}{wxdocument}\rtfsp
and \helpref{wxDocTemplate}{wxdoctemplate} classes.
The currently active view.
Stores the integer to be used for the next default document name.
A pointer to an instance of \helpref{wxFileHistory}{wxfilehistory},
which manages the history of recently-visited files on the File menu.
Stores the maximum number of documents that can be opened before
existing documents are closed. By default, this is 10,000.
A list of all documents.
Stores the flags passed to the constructor.
The directory last selected by the user when opening a file.
A list of all document templates.
\func{void}{wxDocManager}{\param{long}{ flags = wxDEFAULT\_DOCMAN\_FLAGS}, \param{bool}{ initialize = true}}
base constructor with false, and then call Initialize in your own constructor, to allow
your own Initialize or OnCreateFileHistory functions to be called.
\func{void}{ActivateView}{\param{wxView* }{doc}, \param{bool}{ activate}, \param{bool}{ deleting}}
Sets the current view.
\func{void}{AddDocument}{\param{wxDocument *}{doc}}
Adds the document to the list of documents.
\func{void}{AddFileToHistory}{\param{const wxString\& }{filename}}
Adds a file to the file history list, if we have a pointer to an appropriate file menu.
\func{void}{AssociateTemplate}{\param{wxDocTemplate *}{temp}}
Adds the template to the document manager's template list.
\func{bool}{CloseDocuments}{\param{bool }{force = true}}
Closes all currently opened documents.
\func{wxDocument*}{CreateDocument}{\param{const wxString\& }{path}, \param{long}{ flags}}
If the maximum number of documents has been reached, this function
will delete the oldest currently loaded document before creating a new one.
\func{wxView*}{CreateView}{\param{wxDocument*}{doc}, \param{long}{ flags}}
document (by virtue of multiple templates mentioning the same document type), a choice
of view is presented to the user.
\func{void}{DisassociateTemplate}{\param{wxDocTemplate *}{temp}}
Note that you can add multiple menus using this function, to be managed by the
file history object.
\func{wxDocTemplate *}{FindTemplateForPath}{\param{const wxString\& }{path}}
Given a path, try to find template that matches the extension. This is only
an approximate method of finding a template for creating a document.
\func{wxDocument *}{GetCurrentDocument}{\void}
Returns the document associated with the currently active view (if any).
\func{wxView *}{GetCurrentView}{\void}
Returns the currently active view
Returns a reference to the list of documents.
\func{wxFileHistory *}{GetFileHistory}{\void}
Returns the directory last selected by the user when opening a file. Initially empty.
Returns the number of documents that can be open simultaneously.
Returns the number of files currently stored in the file history.
The bottom line: if you're not deriving from Initialize, forget it and
construct wxDocManager with no arguments.
\func{bool}{MakeDefaultName}{\param{const wxString\& }{buf}}
appending an integer counter to the string {\bf unnamed} and incrementing
the counter.
+\perlnote{In wxPerl this function must return the modified name rather
+than just modifying the argument.}
\func{wxFileHistory *}{OnCreateFileHistory}{\void}
A hook to allow a derived class to create a different type of file history. Called
from \helpref{Initialize}{wxdocmanagerinitialize}.
Closes and deletes the currently active document.
Closes and deletes all the currently opened documents.
Creates a document from a list of templates (if more than one template).
Creates a new document and reads in the selected file.
Saves the current document by calling wxDocument::Save for the current document.
Calls wxDocument::SaveAs for the current document.
\func{void}{OnMenuCommand}{\param{int}{ cmd}}
Unrecognized commands are routed to the currently active wxView's OnMenuCommand.
\func{void}{RemoveDocument}{\param{wxDocument *}{doc}}
Removes the document from the list of documents.
\func{wxDocTemplate *}{SelectDocumentPath}{\param{wxDocTemplate **}{templates},
\param{int}{ noTemplates}, \param{const wxString\& }{path}, \param{const wxString\& }{bufSize},
(doctemplate, path) = My::DocManager->SelectDocumentPath( ... );
\func{wxDocTemplate *}{SelectDocumentType}{\param{wxDocTemplate **}{templates},
\param{int}{ noTemplates}, \param{bool}{ sort=false}}
\perlnote{In wxPerl {\tt templates} is a reference to a list of templates.}
\func{wxDocTemplate *}{SelectViewType}{\param{wxDocTemplate **}{templates},
\param{int}{ noTemplates}, \param{bool}{ sort=false}}
Sets the directory to be displayed to the user when opening a file. Initially this is empty.
\func{void}{SetMaxDocsOpen}{\param{int}{ n}}