+ HGDIOBJ GetObject() const { return m_gdiobj; }
+ HGDIOBJ m_gdiobj;
+// TODO: all this asks for using a AutoHandler<T, CreateFunc> template...
+// a class for temporary brushes
+class AutoHBRUSH : private AutoGDIObject
+ : AutoGDIObject(::CreateSolidBrush(col)) { }
+ operator HBRUSH() const { return (HBRUSH)GetObject(); }
+// a class for temporary fonts
+class AutoHFONT : private AutoGDIObject
+ AutoHFONT()
+ : AutoGDIObject() { }
+ AutoHFONT(const LOGFONT& lf)
+ : AutoGDIObject(::CreateFontIndirect(&lf)) { }
+ void Init(const LOGFONT& lf) { InitGdiobj(::CreateFontIndirect(&lf)); }
+ operator HFONT() const { return (HFONT)GetObject(); }
+// a class for temporary pens
+class AutoHPEN : private AutoGDIObject
+ : AutoGDIObject(::CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 0, col)) { }
+ operator HPEN() const { return (HPEN)GetObject(); }
+// classes for temporary bitmaps
+class AutoHBITMAP : private AutoGDIObject
+ : AutoGDIObject() { }
+ AutoHBITMAP(HBITMAP hbmp) : AutoGDIObject(hbmp) { }
+ void Init(HBITMAP hbmp) { InitGdiobj(hbmp); }
+ operator HBITMAP() const { return (HBITMAP)GetObject(); }
+class CompatibleBitmap : public AutoHBITMAP
+ CompatibleBitmap(HDC hdc, int w, int h)
+ : AutoHBITMAP(::CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, w, h))
+ {
+ }
+class MonoBitmap : public AutoHBITMAP
+ MonoBitmap(int w, int h)
+ : AutoHBITMAP(::CreateBitmap(w, h, 1, 1, 0))
+ {
+ }
+// class automatically destroys the region object
+class AutoHRGN : private AutoGDIObject
+ AutoHRGN(HRGN hrgn) : AutoGDIObject(hrgn) { }
+ operator HRGN() const { return (HRGN)GetObject(); }
+// class sets the specified clipping region during its life time
+class HDCClipper
+ HDCClipper(HDC hdc, HRGN hrgn)
+ : m_hdc(hdc)
+ {
+ if ( !::SelectClipRgn(hdc, hrgn) )
+ {
+ wxLogLastError(wxT("SelectClipRgn"));
+ }
+ }
+ ~HDCClipper()
+ {
+ ::SelectClipRgn(m_hdc, NULL);
+ }
+ HDC m_hdc;
+// set the given map mode for the life time of this object
+// NB: SetMapMode() is not supported by CE so we also define a helper macro
+// to avoid using it there
+#ifdef __WXWINCE__
+ #define wxCHANGE_HDC_MAP_MODE(hdc, mm)
+#else // !__WXWINCE__
+ class HDCMapModeChanger
+ {
+ public:
+ HDCMapModeChanger(HDC hdc, int mm)
+ : m_hdc(hdc)
+ {
+ m_modeOld = ::SetMapMode(hdc, mm);
+ if ( !m_modeOld )
+ {
+ wxLogLastError(wxT("SelectClipRgn"));
+ }
+ }
+ ~HDCMapModeChanger()
+ {
+ if ( m_modeOld )
+ ::SetMapMode(m_hdc, m_modeOld);
+ }
+ private:
+ HDC m_hdc;
+ int m_modeOld;
+ };
+ #define wxCHANGE_HDC_MAP_MODE(hdc, mm) \
+ HDCMapModeChanger wxMAKE_UNIQUE_NAME(wxHDCMapModeChanger)(hdc, mm)
+#endif // __WXWINCE__/!__WXWINCE__
+// smart pointer using GlobalAlloc/GlobalFree()
+class GlobalPtr
+ // default ctor, call Init() later
+ GlobalPtr()
+ {
+ m_hGlobal = NULL;
+ }
+ // allocates a block of given size
+ void Init(size_t size, unsigned flags = GMEM_MOVEABLE)
+ {
+ m_hGlobal = ::GlobalAlloc(flags, size);
+ if ( !m_hGlobal )
+ {
+ wxLogLastError(wxT("GlobalAlloc"));
+ }
+ }
+ GlobalPtr(size_t size, unsigned flags = GMEM_MOVEABLE)
+ {
+ Init(size, flags);
+ }
+ ~GlobalPtr()
+ {
+ if ( m_hGlobal && ::GlobalFree(m_hGlobal) )
+ {
+ wxLogLastError(wxT("GlobalFree"));
+ }
+ }
+ // implicit conversion
+ operator HGLOBAL() const { return m_hGlobal; }
+ HGLOBAL m_hGlobal;
+// when working with global pointers (which is unfortunately still necessary
+// sometimes, e.g. for clipboard) it is important to unlock them exactly as
+// many times as we lock them which just asks for using a "smart lock" class
+class GlobalPtrLock
+ // default ctor, use Init() later -- should only be used if the HGLOBAL can
+ // be NULL (in which case Init() shouldn't be called)
+ GlobalPtrLock()
+ {
+ m_hGlobal = NULL;
+ m_ptr = NULL;
+ }
+ // initialize the object, may be only called if we were created using the
+ // default ctor; HGLOBAL must not be NULL
+ void Init(HGLOBAL hGlobal)
+ {
+ m_hGlobal = hGlobal;
+ // NB: GlobalLock() is a macro, not a function, hence don't use the
+ // global scope operator with it (and neither with GlobalUnlock())
+ m_ptr = GlobalLock(hGlobal);
+ if ( !m_ptr )
+ {
+ wxLogLastError(wxT("GlobalLock"));
+ }
+ }
+ // initialize the object, HGLOBAL must not be NULL
+ GlobalPtrLock(HGLOBAL hGlobal)
+ {
+ Init(hGlobal);
+ }
+ ~GlobalPtrLock()
+ {
+ if ( m_hGlobal && !GlobalUnlock(m_hGlobal) )
+ {
+ // this might happen simply because the block became unlocked
+ DWORD dwLastError = ::GetLastError();
+ if ( dwLastError != NO_ERROR )
+ {
+ wxLogApiError(wxT("GlobalUnlock"), dwLastError);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void *Get() const { return m_ptr; }
+ operator void *() const { return m_ptr; }
+ HGLOBAL m_hGlobal;
+ void *m_ptr;
+// register the class when it is first needed and unregister it in dtor
+class ClassRegistrar
+ // ctor doesn't register the class, call Initialize() for this
+ ClassRegistrar() { m_registered = -1; }
+ // return true if the class is already registered
+ bool IsInitialized() const { return m_registered != -1; }
+ // return true if the class had been already registered
+ bool IsRegistered() const { return m_registered == 1; }
+ // try to register the class if not done yet, return true on success
+ bool Register(const WNDCLASS& wc)
+ {
+ // we should only be called if we hadn't been initialized yet
+ wxASSERT_MSG( m_registered == -1,
+ wxT("calling ClassRegistrar::Register() twice?") );
+ m_registered = ::RegisterClass(&wc) ? 1 : 0;
+ if ( !IsRegistered() )
+ {
+ wxLogLastError(wxT("RegisterClassEx()"));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_clsname = wc.lpszClassName;
+ }
+ return m_registered == 1;
+ }
+ // get the name of the registered class (returns empty string if not
+ // registered)
+ const wxString& GetName() const { return m_clsname; }
+ // unregister the class if it had been registered
+ ~ClassRegistrar()
+ {
+ if ( IsRegistered() )
+ {
+ if ( !::UnregisterClass(m_clsname.wx_str(), wxGetInstance()) )
+ {
+ wxLogLastError(wxT("UnregisterClass"));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // initial value is -1 which means that we hadn't tried registering the
+ // class yet, it becomes true or false (1 or 0) when Initialize() is called
+ int m_registered;
+ // the name of the class, only non empty if it had been registered
+ wxString m_clsname;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// macros to make casting between WXFOO and FOO a bit easier: the GetFoo()
+// returns Foo cast to the Windows type for oruselves, while GetFooOf() takes
+// an argument which should be a pointer or reference to the object of the
+// corresponding class (this depends on the macro)
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#define GetHwnd() ((HWND)GetHWND())
+#define GetHwndOf(win) ((HWND)((win)->GetHWND()))
+// old name
+#define GetWinHwnd GetHwndOf
+#define GetHdc() ((HDC)GetHDC())
+#define GetHdcOf(dc) ((HDC)(dc).GetHDC())
+#define GetHbitmap() ((HBITMAP)GetHBITMAP())
+#define GetHbitmapOf(bmp) ((HBITMAP)(bmp).GetHBITMAP())
+#define GetHicon() ((HICON)GetHICON())
+#define GetHiconOf(icon) ((HICON)(icon).GetHICON())
+#define GetHaccel() ((HACCEL)GetHACCEL())
+#define GetHaccelOf(table) ((HACCEL)((table).GetHACCEL()))
+#define GetHbrush() ((HBRUSH)GetResourceHandle())
+#define GetHbrushOf(brush) ((HBRUSH)(brush).GetResourceHandle())
+#define GetHmenu() ((HMENU)GetHMenu())
+#define GetHmenuOf(menu) ((HMENU)(menu)->GetHMenu())
+#define GetHcursor() ((HCURSOR)GetHCURSOR())
+#define GetHcursorOf(cursor) ((HCURSOR)(cursor).GetHCURSOR())
+#define GetHfont() ((HFONT)GetHFONT())
+#define GetHfontOf(font) ((HFONT)(font).GetHFONT())
+#define GetHimagelist() ((HIMAGELIST)GetHIMAGELIST())
+#define GetHimagelistOf(imgl) ((HIMAGELIST)(imgl)->GetHIMAGELIST())
+#define GetHpalette() ((HPALETTE)GetHPALETTE())
+#define GetHpaletteOf(pal) ((HPALETTE)(pal).GetHPALETTE())
+#define GetHpen() ((HPEN)GetResourceHandle())
+#define GetHpenOf(pen) ((HPEN)(pen).GetResourceHandle())
+#define GetHrgn() ((HRGN)GetHRGN())
+#define GetHrgnOf(rgn) ((HRGN)(rgn).GetHRGN())
+#endif // wxUSE_GUI
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// global functions
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// return the full path of the given module
+inline wxString wxGetFullModuleName(HMODULE hmod)
+ wxString fullname;
+ if ( !::GetModuleFileName
+ (
+ hmod,
+ wxStringBuffer(fullname, MAX_PATH),
+ ) )
+ {
+ wxLogLastError(wxT("GetModuleFileName"));
+ }
+ return fullname;
+// return the full path of the program file
+inline wxString wxGetFullModuleName()
+ return wxGetFullModuleName((HMODULE)wxGetInstance());
+// return the run-time version of the OS in a format similar to
+// WINVER/_WIN32_WINNT compile-time macros:
+// 0x0300 Windows NT 3.51
+// 0x0400 Windows 95, NT4
+// 0x0410 Windows 98
+// 0x0500 Windows ME, 2000
+// 0x0501 Windows XP, 2003
+// 0x0502 Windows XP SP2, 2003 SP1
+// 0x0600 Windows Vista, 2008
+// 0x0601 Windows 7
+// for the other Windows versions 0 is currently returned
+enum wxWinVersion
+ wxWinVersion_Unknown = 0,
+ wxWinVersion_3 = 0x0300,
+ wxWinVersion_NT3 = wxWinVersion_3,
+ wxWinVersion_4 = 0x0400,
+ wxWinVersion_95 = wxWinVersion_4,
+ wxWinVersion_NT4 = wxWinVersion_4,
+ wxWinVersion_98 = 0x0410,
+ wxWinVersion_5 = 0x0500,
+ wxWinVersion_ME = wxWinVersion_5,
+ wxWinVersion_NT5 = wxWinVersion_5,
+ wxWinVersion_2000 = wxWinVersion_5,
+ wxWinVersion_XP = 0x0501,
+ wxWinVersion_2003 = 0x0501,
+ wxWinVersion_XP_SP2 = 0x0502,
+ wxWinVersion_2003_SP1 = 0x0502,
+ wxWinVersion_6 = 0x0600,
+ wxWinVersion_Vista = wxWinVersion_6,
+ wxWinVersion_NT6 = wxWinVersion_6,
+ wxWinVersion_7 = 0x601
+WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxWinVersion wxGetWinVersion();
+#if wxUSE_GUI
+// cursor stuff
+extern HCURSOR wxGetCurrentBusyCursor(); // from msw/utils.cpp
+extern const wxCursor *wxGetGlobalCursor(); // from msw/cursor.cpp
+// GetCursorPos can fail without populating the POINT. This falls back to GetMessagePos.
+WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE void wxGetCursorPosMSW(POINT* pt);
+WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE void wxGetCharSize(WXHWND wnd, int *x, int *y, const wxFont& the_font);
+WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE void wxFillLogFont(LOGFONT *logFont, const wxFont *font);
+WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxFont wxCreateFontFromLogFont(const LOGFONT *logFont);
+WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxFontEncoding wxGetFontEncFromCharSet(int charset);
+WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE void wxSliderEvent(WXHWND control, WXWORD wParam, WXWORD pos);
+WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE void wxScrollBarEvent(WXHWND hbar, WXWORD wParam, WXWORD pos);
+// Find maximum size of window/rectangle
+extern WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE void wxFindMaxSize(WXHWND hwnd, RECT *rect);