#include "wx/intl.h"
#include "wx/settings.h"
#include "wx/bitmap.h"
+ #include "wx/region.h"
#include "wx/dcmemory.h"
#include "wx/control.h"
#include "wx/app.h" // for GetComCtl32Version
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxToolBar, wxToolBarBase)
- EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND(wxToolBar::OnEraseBackground)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // workaround for flat toolbar on Windows XP classic style: we have to set
- // the style after creating the control; doing it at creation time doesn't work
- if ( style & wxTB_FLAT )
- {
- LRESULT style = GetMSWToolbarStyle();
- if ( !(style & TBSTYLE_FLAT) )
- ::SendMessage(GetHwnd(), TB_SETSTYLE, 0, style | TBSTYLE_FLAT);
- }
-#endif // wxUSE_UXTHEME
+ // we always erase our background on WM_PAINT so there is no need to do it
+ // in WM_ERASEBKGND too (by default this won't be done but if the toolbar
+ // has a non default background colour, then it would be used in both
+ // places resulting in flicker)
+ SetBackgroundStyle(wxBG_STYLE_PAINT);
return true;
m_hBitmap = 0;
- if ( m_disabledImgList )
- {
- delete m_disabledImgList;
- m_disabledImgList = NULL;
- }
+ wxDELETE(m_disabledImgList);
if ( !(style & wxTB_NO_TOOLTIPS) )
- if ( style & (wxTB_FLAT | wxTB_HORZ_LAYOUT) )
- {
- // static as it doesn't change during the program lifetime
- static const int s_verComCtl = wxApp::GetComCtl32Version();
- // comctl32.dll 4.00 doesn't support the flat toolbars and using this
- // style with 6.00 (part of Windows XP) leads to the toolbar with
- // incorrect background colour - and not using it still results in the
- // correct (flat) toolbar, so don't use it there
- if ( s_verComCtl > 400 && s_verComCtl < 600 )
- if ( s_verComCtl >= 470 && style & wxTB_HORZ_LAYOUT )
- msStyle |= TBSTYLE_LIST;
- }
+ if ( style & wxTB_FLAT && wxApp::GetComCtl32Version() > 400 )
+ msStyle |= TBSTYLE_FLAT;
+ if ( style & wxTB_HORZ_LAYOUT && wxApp::GetComCtl32Version() >= 470 )
+ msStyle |= TBSTYLE_LIST;
if ( style & wxTB_NODIVIDER )
if ( style & wxTB_RIGHT )
msStyle |= CCS_RIGHT;
+ // always use TBSTYLE_TRANSPARENT because the background is not drawn
+ // correctly without it in all themes and, for whatever reason, the control
+ // also flickers horribly when it is resized if this style is not used
+ //
+ // note that this is implicitly enabled by the native toolbar itself when
+ // TBSTYLE_FLAT is used (i.e. it's impossible to use TBSTYLE_FLAT without
+ // TBSTYLE_TRANSPARENT) but turn it on explicitly in any case
return msStyle;
void wxToolBar::CreateDisabledImageList()
- if (m_disabledImgList != NULL)
- {
- delete m_disabledImgList;
- m_disabledImgList = NULL;
- }
+ wxDELETE(m_disabledImgList);
// as we can't use disabled image list with older versions of comctl32.dll,
// don't even bother creating it
wxBitmap bmpDisabled = tool->GetDisabledBitmap();
if ( bmpDisabled.Ok() )
+ const wxSize sizeBitmap = bmpDisabled.GetSize();
m_disabledImgList = new wxImageList
- m_defaultWidth,
- m_defaultHeight,
+ sizeBitmap.x,
+ sizeBitmap.y,
bmpDisabled.GetMask() != NULL,
// so we need a valid id for it and not wxID_SEPARATOR
// which is used by spacers by default
+ // also set the number of separators so that the logic in
+ // HandlePaint() works correctly
+ tool->SetSeparatorsCount(1);
button.idCommand = tool->GetId();
void wxToolBar::UpdateStretchableSpacersSize()
- // we can't resize the spacers if TB_SETBUTTONINFO is not supported
+ // we can't resize the spacers if TB_SETBUTTONINFO is not supported (we
+ // could try to do it with multiple separators as for the controls but this
+ // is too painful and it just doesn't seem to be worth doing for the
+ // ancient systems)
if ( wxApp::GetComCtl32Version() < 471 )
// reduce their size if there is not enough place for all tools
const int totalSize = IsVertical() ? GetClientSize().y : GetClientSize().x;
const int extraSize = totalSize - m_totalFixedSize;
- const int sizeSpacer = extraSize > 0 ? extraSize / numSpaces : 0;
+ const int sizeSpacer = extraSize > 0 ? extraSize / numSpaces : 1;
// the last spacer should consume all remaining space if we have too much
// of it (which can be greater than sizeSpacer because of the rounding)
const int sizeLastSpacer = extraSize > 0
? extraSize - (numSpaces - 1)*sizeSpacer
- : 0;
+ : 1;
// cumulated offset by which we need to move all the following controls to
// the right: while the toolbar takes care of the normal items, we must
offset += tbbi.cx - (rcOld.right - rcOld.left);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// This handler is required to allow the toolbar to be set to a non-default
-// colour: for example, when it must blend in with a notebook page.
-void wxToolBar::OnEraseBackground(wxEraseEvent& event)
- RECT rect = wxGetClientRect(GetHwnd());
- wxDC *dc = event.GetDC();
- HDC hdc = GetHdcOf(*dc);
- // we may need to draw themed colour so that we appear correctly on
- // e.g. notebook page under XP with themes but only do it if the parent
- // draws themed background itself
- if ( !UseBgCol() && !GetParent()->UseBgCol() )
- {
- wxUxThemeEngine *theme = wxUxThemeEngine::GetIfActive();
- if ( theme )
- {
- hr = theme->DrawThemeParentBackground(GetHwnd(), hdc, &rect);
- if ( hr == S_OK )
- return;
- // it can also return S_FALSE which seems to simply say that it
- // didn't draw anything but no error really occurred
- if ( FAILED(hr) )
- {
- wxLogApiError(wxT("DrawThemeParentBackground(toolbar)"), hr);
- }
- }
- }
- if ( MSWEraseRect(*dc) )
- return;
-#endif // wxUSE_UXTHEME
- // we need to always draw our background under XP, as otherwise it doesn't
- // appear correctly with some themes (e.g. Zune one)
- if ( wxGetWinVersion() == wxWinVersion_XP ||
- UseBgCol() || (GetMSWToolbarStyle() & TBSTYLE_TRANSPARENT) )
- {
- // do draw our background
- //
- // notice that this 'dumb' implementation may cause flicker for some of
- // the controls in which case they should intercept wxEraseEvent and
- // process it themselves somehow
- AutoHBRUSH hBrush(wxColourToRGB(GetBackgroundColour()));
- ::FillRect(hdc, &rect, hBrush);
- }
- else // we have no non-default background colour
- {
- // let the system do it for us
- event.Skip();
- }
bool wxToolBar::HandleSize(WXWPARAM WXUNUSED(wParam), WXLPARAM lParam)
// wait until we have some tools
return true;
-#ifndef __WXWINCE__
-bool wxToolBar::MSWEraseRect(wxDC& dc, const wxRect *rectItem)
+bool wxToolBar::HandlePaint(WXWPARAM wParam, WXLPARAM lParam)
- // erase the given rectangle to hide the separator
- // themed background doesn't look well under XP so only draw it for Vista
- // and later
- if ( !UseBgCol() && wxGetWinVersion() >= wxWinVersion_Vista )
+ // we must prevent the dummy separators corresponding to controls or
+ // stretchable spaces from being seen: we used to do it by painting over
+ // them but this, unsurprisingly, resulted in a lot of flicker so now we
+ // prevent the toolbar from painting them at all
+ // compute the region containing all dummy separators which we don't want
+ // to be seen
+ wxRegion rgnDummySeps;
+ const wxRect rectTotal = GetClientRect();
+ int toolIndex = 0;
+ for ( wxToolBarToolsList::compatibility_iterator node = m_tools.GetFirst();
+ node;
+ node = node->GetNext() )
- wxUxThemeEngine *theme = wxUxThemeEngine::GetIfActive();
- if ( theme )
+ wxToolBarTool * const
+ tool = static_cast<wxToolBarTool *>(node->GetData());
+ if ( tool->IsControl() || tool->IsStretchableSpace() )
- wxUxThemeHandle hTheme(this, L"REBAR");
- // Draw the whole background since the pattern may be position
- // sensitive; but clip it to the area of interest.
- RECT rcTotal;
- wxCopyRectToRECT(GetClientSize(), rcTotal);
- RECT rcItem;
- if ( rectItem )
- wxCopyRectToRECT(*rectItem, rcItem);
- HRESULT hr = theme->DrawThemeBackground
- (
- hTheme,
- GetHdcOf(dc),
- 0, 0,
- &rcTotal,
- rectItem ? &rcItem : NULL
- );
- if ( hr == S_OK )
- return true;
- // it can also return S_FALSE which seems to simply say that it
- // didn't draw anything but no error really occurred
- if ( FAILED(hr) )
+ const size_t numSeps = tool->GetSeparatorsCount();
+ for ( size_t n = 0; n < numSeps; n++, toolIndex++ )
- wxLogApiError(wxT("DrawThemeBackground(toolbar)"), hr);
+ // for some reason TB_GETITEMRECT returns a rectangle 1 pixel
+ // shorter than the full window size (at least under Windows 7)
+ // but we need to erase the full height below
+ RECT rcItem = wxGetTBItemRect(GetHwnd(), toolIndex);
+ rcItem.top = 0;
+ rcItem.bottom = rectTotal.height;
+ rgnDummySeps.Union(wxRectFromRECT(rcItem));
- }
-#endif // wxUSE_UXTHEME
- // this is a bit peculiar but we may simply do nothing here if no rectItem
- // is specified (and hence we need to erase everything) as this only
- // happens when we're called from OnEraseBackground() and in this case we
- // may simply return false to let the systems default background erasing to
- // take place
- if ( rectItem )
- dc.DrawRectangle(*rectItem);
- return false;
-bool wxToolBar::HandlePaint(WXWPARAM wParam, WXLPARAM lParam)
- // erase any dummy separators which were used only for reserving space in
- // the toolbar (either for a control or just for a stretchable space)
- // first of all, are there any controls at all?
- wxToolBarToolsList::compatibility_iterator node;
- for ( node = m_tools.GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext() )
- {
- wxToolBarToolBase * const tool = node->GetData();
- if ( tool->IsControl() || tool->IsStretchableSpace() )
- break;
+ else
+ {
+ // normal tools never correspond to more than one native button
+ toolIndex++;
+ }
- if ( !node )
+ if ( rgnDummySeps.IsOk() )
- // no controls, nothing to erase
- return false;
+ // exclude the area occupied by the controls and stretchable spaces
+ // from the update region to prevent the toolbar from drawing
+ // separators in it
+ if ( !::ValidateRgn(GetHwnd(), GetHrgnOf(rgnDummySeps)) )
+ {
+ wxLogLastError(wxT("ValidateRgn()"));
+ }
- // prepare the DC on which we'll be drawing
- wxClientDC dc(this);
- dc.SetPen(*wxTRANSPARENT_PEN);
+ // still let the native control draw everything else normally but set up a
+ // hook to be able to process the next WM_ERASEBKGND sent to our parent
+ // because toolbar will ask it to erase its background from its WM_PAINT
+ // handler (when using TBSTYLE_TRANSPARENT which we do always use)
+ //
+ // installing hook is not completely trivial as all kinds of strange
+ // situations are possible: sometimes we can be called recursively from
+ // inside the native toolbar WM_PAINT handler so the hook might already be
+ // installed and sometimes the native toolbar might not send WM_ERASEBKGND
+ // to the parent at all for whatever reason, so deal with all these cases
+ wxWindow * const parent = GetParent();
+ const bool hadHook = parent->MSWHasEraseBgHook();
+ if ( !hadHook )
+ GetParent()->MSWSetEraseBgHook(this);
- RECT rcUpdate;
- if ( !::GetUpdateRect(GetHwnd(), &rcUpdate, FALSE) )
- {
- // nothing to redraw anyhow
- return false;
- }
+ MSWDefWindowProc(WM_PAINT, wParam, lParam);
- const wxRect rectUpdate = wxRectFromRECT(rcUpdate);
- dc.SetClippingRegion(rectUpdate);
+ if ( !hadHook )
+ GetParent()->MSWSetEraseBgHook(NULL);
- // draw the toolbar tools, separators &c normally
- wxControl::MSWWindowProc(WM_PAINT, wParam, lParam);
- // for each control in the toolbar find all the separators intersecting it
- // and erase them
- //
- // NB: this is really the only way to do it as we don't know if a separator
- // corresponds to a control (i.e. is a dummy one) or a real one
- // otherwise
- int toolIndex = 0;
- for ( node = m_tools.GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext(), toolIndex++ )
+ if ( rgnDummySeps.IsOk() )
- wxToolBarTool *tool = (wxToolBarTool*)node->GetData();
- if ( tool->IsControl() )
- {
- // get the control rect in our client coords
- wxControl *control = tool->GetControl();
- wxStaticText *staticText = tool->GetStaticText();
- wxRect rectCtrl = control->GetRect();
- wxRect rectStaticText;
- if ( staticText )
- rectStaticText = staticText->GetRect();
- if ( !rectCtrl.Intersects(rectUpdate) &&
- (!staticText || !rectStaticText.Intersects(rectUpdate)) )
- continue;
+ // erase the dummy separators region ourselves now as nobody painted
+ // over them
+ WindowHDC hdc(GetHwnd());
+ ::SelectClipRgn(hdc, GetHrgnOf(rgnDummySeps));
+ MSWDoEraseBackground(hdc);
+ }
- // iterate over all buttons to find all separators intersecting
- // this control
- int count = ::SendMessage(GetHwnd(), TB_BUTTONCOUNT, 0, 0);
- for ( int n = 0; n < count; n++ )
- {
- // is it a separator?
- if ( !::SendMessage(GetHwnd(), TB_GETBUTTON,
- n, (LPARAM)&tbb) )
- {
- wxLogDebug(wxT("TB_GETBUTTON failed?"));
+ return true;
- continue;
- }
+WXHBRUSH wxToolBar::MSWGetToolbarBgBrush()
+ // we conservatively use a solid brush here but we could also use a themed
+ // brush by using DrawThemeBackground() to create a bitmap brush (it'd need
+ // to be invalidated whenever the toolbar is resized and, also, correctly
+ // aligned using SetBrushOrgEx() before each use -- there is code for doing
+ // this in wxNotebook already so it'd need to be refactored into wxWindow)
+ //
+ // however inasmuch as there is a default background for the toolbar at all
+ // (and this is not a trivial question as different applications use very
+ // different colours), it seems to be a solid one and using REBAR
+ // background brush as we used to do before doesn't look good at all under
+ // Windows 7 (and probably Vista too), so for now we just keep it simple
+ wxColour const
+ colBg = m_hasBgCol ? GetBackgroundColour()
+ : wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE);
+ wxBrush * const
+ brush = wxTheBrushList->FindOrCreateBrush(colBg);
+ return brush ? static_cast<WXHBRUSH>(brush->GetResourceHandle()) : 0;
- if ( tbb.fsStyle != TBSTYLE_SEP )
- continue;
+WXHBRUSH wxToolBar::MSWGetBgBrushForChild(WXHDC hDC, wxWindowMSW *child)
+ WXHBRUSH hbr = wxToolBarBase::MSWGetBgBrushForChild(hDC, child);
+ if ( hbr )
+ return hbr;
- // get the bounding rect of the separator
- RECT r = wxGetTBItemRect(GetHwnd(), n);
- if ( !r.right )
- continue;
+ // the base class version only returns a brush for erasing children
+ // background if we have a non-default background colour but as the toolbar
+ // doesn't erase its own background by default, we need to always do it for
+ // (semi-)transparent children
+ if ( child->GetParent() == this && child->HasTransparentBackground() )
+ return MSWGetToolbarBgBrush();
- const wxRect rectItem = wxRectFromRECT(r);
+ return 0;
- // does it intersect the update region at all?
- if ( !rectUpdate.Intersects(rectItem) )
- continue;
+void wxToolBar::MSWDoEraseBackground(WXHDC hDC)
+ wxFillRect(GetHwnd(), (HDC)hDC, (HBRUSH)MSWGetToolbarBgBrush());
- // does it intersect the control itself or its label?
- //
- // if it does, refresh it so it's redrawn on top of the
- // background
- if ( rectCtrl.Intersects(rectItem) )
- control->Refresh(false);
- else if ( staticText && rectStaticText.Intersects(rectItem) )
- staticText->Refresh(false);
- else
- continue;
+bool wxToolBar::MSWEraseBgHook(WXHDC hDC)
+ // toolbar WM_PAINT handler offsets the DC origin before sending
+ // WM_ERASEBKGND to the parent but as we handle it in the toolbar itself,
+ // we need to reset it back
+ HDC hdc = (HDC)hDC;
+ POINT ptOldOrg;
+ if ( !::SetWindowOrgEx(hdc, 0, 0, &ptOldOrg) )
+ {
+ wxLogLastError(wxT("SetWindowOrgEx(tbar-bg-hdc)"));
+ return false;
+ }
- MSWEraseRect(dc, &rectItem);
- }
- }
- else if ( tool->IsStretchableSpace() )
- {
- const wxRect
- rectItem = wxRectFromRECT(wxGetTBItemRect(GetHwnd(), toolIndex));
+ MSWDoEraseBackground(hDC);
- if ( rectUpdate.Intersects(rectItem) )
- MSWEraseRect(dc, &rectItem);
- }
- }
+ ::SetWindowOrgEx(hdc, ptOldOrg.x, ptOldOrg.y, NULL);
return true;
-#endif // __WXWINCE__
void wxToolBar::HandleMouseMove(WXWPARAM WXUNUSED(wParam), WXLPARAM lParam)
return 0;
-#ifndef __WXWINCE__
case WM_PAINT:
// refreshing the controls in the toolbar inside a composite window
// results in an endless stream of WM_PAINT messages -- and seems
if ( !IsDoubleBuffered() && HandlePaint(wParam, lParam) )
return 0;
-#endif // __WXWINCE__
return wxControl::MSWWindowProc(nMsg, wParam, lParam);