// Name: wx/xti.h
// Purpose: runtime metadata information (extended class info)
// Author: Stefan Csomor
-// Modified by:
+// Modified by: Francesco Montorsi
// Created: 27/07/03
-// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Copyright: (c) 1997 Julian Smart
// (c) 2003 Stefan Csomor
// Licence: wxWindows licence
// This means we have the following domains :
// - Type Information for categorizing built in types as well as custom types
-// this includes information about enums, their values and names
-// - Type safe value storage : a kind of wxVariant, called right now wxxVariant
-// which will be merged with wxVariant
+// this includes information about enums, their values and names
+// - Type safe value storage : a kind of wxVariant, called right now wxAny
+// which will be merged with wxVariant
// - Property Information and Property Accessors providing access to a class'
-// values and exposed event delegates
+// values and exposed event delegates
// - Information about event handlers
// - extended Class Information for accessing all these
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "wx/defs.h"
-#include "wx/memory.h"
-#include "wx/flags.h"
-#include "wx/string.h"
-#include "wx/arrstr.h"
-#include "wx/hashmap.h"
-#include "wx/log.h"
-#include "wx/intl.h"
-#include <typeinfo>
-// we will move this later to defs.h
-#if defined(__GNUC__) && !wxCHECK_GCC_VERSION( 3 , 4 )
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER <= 1200
-# define wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL( method , type ) method<type>()
-# define wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_FIX( type )
-# define wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL( method , type ) method((type*)NULL)
-# define wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_FIX( type ) type* =NULL
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER <= 1200
-# define wxINFUNC_CLASS_TYPE_FIX( type ) typedef type type;
-# define wxTEMPLATED_FUNCTION_FIX( type )
-# define wxINFUNC_CLASS_TYPE_FIX( type )
-#define EMPTY_MACROVALUE /**/
-class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxObject;
-class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxClassInfo;
-class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxDynamicClassInfo;
-class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxHashTable;
-class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxObjectRefData;
-class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxEvent;
-class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxEvtHandler;
-typedef void (wxObject::*wxObjectEventFunction)(wxEvent&);
-# define wxTO_STRING(type) wxToStringConverter<type>
-# define wxTO_STRING_IMP(type)
-# define wxFROM_STRING(type) wxFromStringConverter<type>
-# define wxFROM_STRING_IMP(type)
-# define wxTO_STRING(type) ToString##type
-# define wxTO_STRING_IMP(type) inline void ToString##type( const wxxVariant& data , wxString &result ) { wxToStringConverter<type>(data, result); }
-# define wxFROM_STRING(type) FromString##type
-# define wxFROM_STRING_IMP(type) inline void FromString##type( const wxString& data , wxxVariant &result ) { wxFromStringConverter<type>(data, result); }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Enum Support
-// In the header files there would no change from pure c++ code, in the
-// implementation, an enum would have
-// to be enumerated eg :
-// wxBEGIN_ENUM( wxFlavor )
-// wxENUM_MEMBER( Vanilla )
-// wxENUM_MEMBER( Chocolate )
-// wxENUM_MEMBER( Strawberry )
-// wxEND_ENUM( wxFlavor )
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-struct WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxEnumMemberData
- const wxChar* m_name;
- int m_value;
-class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxEnumData
-public :
- wxEnumData( wxEnumMemberData* data ) ;
- // returns true if the member has been found and sets the int value
- // pointed to accordingly (if ptr != null )
- // if not found returns false, value left unchanged
- bool HasEnumMemberValue( const wxChar *name , int *value = NULL ) const ;
+class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxClassInfo;
+class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxHashTable;
+class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxPluginLibrary;
+class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxHashTable;
+class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxHashTable_Node;
- // returns the value of the member, if not found in debug mode an
- // assert is issued, in release 0 is returned
- int GetEnumMemberValue(const wxChar *name ) const ;
+class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxStringToAnyHashMap;
+class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxPropertyInfoMap;
+class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxPropertyAccessor;
+class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxObjectAllocatorAndCreator;
+class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxObjectAllocator;
- // returns the name of the enum member having the passed in value
- // returns an emtpy string if not found
- const wxChar *GetEnumMemberName(int value) const ;
- // returns the number of members in this enum
- int GetEnumCount() const { return m_count ; }
- // returns the value of the nth member
- int GetEnumMemberValueByIndex( int n ) const ;
- // returns the value of the nth member
- const wxChar *GetEnumMemberNameByIndex( int n ) const ;
-private :
- wxEnumMemberData *m_members;
- int m_count ;
+#define wx_dynamic_cast(t, x) dynamic_cast<t>(x)
-#define wxBEGIN_ENUM( e ) \
- wxEnumMemberData s_enumDataMembers##e[] = {
-#define wxENUM_MEMBER( v ) { wxT(#v), v } ,
-#define wxEND_ENUM( e ) { NULL , 0 } } ; \
- wxEnumData s_enumData##e( s_enumDataMembers##e ) ; \
- wxEnumData *wxGetEnumData(e) { return &s_enumData##e ; } \
- template<> void wxStringReadValue(const wxString& s , e &data ) \
-{ \
- data = (e) s_enumData##e.GetEnumMemberValue(s) ; \
-} \
- template<> void wxStringWriteValue(wxString &s , const e &data ) \
-{ \
- s = s_enumData##e.GetEnumMemberName((int)data) ; \
-} \
- void FromLong##e( long data , wxxVariant& result ) { result = wxxVariant((e)data) ;} \
- void ToLong##e( const wxxVariant& data , long &result ) { result = (long) data.wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , e) ;} \
- wxTO_STRING_IMP( e ) \
- wxFROM_STRING_IMP( e ) \
- wxEnumTypeInfo s_typeInfo##e(wxT_ENUM , &s_enumData##e , &wxTO_STRING( e ) , &wxFROM_STRING( e ) , &ToLong##e , &FromLong##e , typeid(e).name() ) ;
+#include "wx/xtitypes.h"
+#include "wx/xtihandler.h"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Set Support
-// in the header :
-// enum wxFlavor
-// {
-// Vanilla,
-// Chocolate,
-// Strawberry,
-// };
-// typedef wxBitset<wxFlavor> wxCoupe ;
-// in the implementation file :
-// wxBEGIN_ENUM( wxFlavor )
-// wxENUM_MEMBER( Vanilla )
-// wxENUM_MEMBER( Chocolate )
-// wxENUM_MEMBER( Strawberry )
-// wxEND_ENUM( wxFlavor )
-// wxIMPLEMENT_SET_STREAMING( wxCoupe , wxFlavor )
-// implementation note : no partial specialization for streaming, but a delegation to a
-// different class
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// in order to remove dependancy on string tokenizer
-void WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxSetStringToArray( const wxString &s , wxArrayString &array ) ;
-template<typename e>
-void wxSetFromString(const wxString &s , wxBitset<e> &data )
- wxEnumData* edata = wxGetEnumData((e) 0) ;
- data.reset() ;
- wxArrayString array ;
- wxSetStringToArray( s , array ) ;
- wxString flag;
- for ( int i = 0 ; i < array.Count() ; ++i )
- {
- flag = array[i] ;
- int ivalue ;
- if ( edata->HasEnumMemberValue( flag , &ivalue ) )
- {
- data.set( (e) ivalue ) ;
- }
- }
-template<typename e>
-void wxSetToString( wxString &s , const wxBitset<e> &data )
- wxEnumData* edata = wxGetEnumData((e) 0) ;
- int count = edata->GetEnumCount() ;
- int i ;
- s.Clear() ;
- for ( i = 0 ; i < count ; i++ )
- {
- e value = (e) edata->GetEnumMemberValueByIndex(i) ;
- if ( data.test( value ) )
- {
- // this could also be done by the templated calls
- if ( !s.empty() )
- s +=wxT("|") ;
- s += edata->GetEnumMemberNameByIndex(i) ;
- }
- }
-#define wxIMPLEMENT_SET_STREAMING(SetName,e) \
- template<> void wxStringReadValue(const wxString &s , wxBitset<e> &data ) \
-{ \
- wxSetFromString( s , data ) ; \
-} \
- template<> void wxStringWriteValue( wxString &s , const wxBitset<e> &data ) \
-{ \
- wxSetToString( s , data ) ; \
-} \
- void FromLong##SetName( long data , wxxVariant& result ) { result = wxxVariant(SetName((unsigned long)data)) ;} \
- void ToLong##SetName( const wxxVariant& data , long &result ) { result = (long) data.wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , SetName).to_ulong() ;} \
- wxTO_STRING_IMP( SetName ) \
- wxFROM_STRING_IMP( SetName ) \
- wxEnumTypeInfo s_typeInfo##SetName(wxT_SET , &s_enumData##e , &wxTO_STRING( SetName ) , &wxFROM_STRING( SetName ) , &ToLong##SetName , &FromLong##SetName, typeid(SetName).name() ) ; \
-template<typename e>
-void wxFlagsFromString(const wxString &s , e &data )
- wxEnumData* edata = wxGetEnumData((e*) 0) ;
- data.m_data = 0 ;
- wxArrayString array ;
- wxSetStringToArray( s , array ) ;
- wxString flag;
- for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < array.Count() ; ++i )
- {
- flag = array[i] ;
- int ivalue ;
- if ( edata->HasEnumMemberValue( flag , &ivalue ) )
- {
- data.m_data |= ivalue ;
- }
- }
-template<typename e>
-void wxFlagsToString( wxString &s , const e& data )
- wxEnumData* edata = wxGetEnumData((e*) 0) ;
- int count = edata->GetEnumCount() ;
- int i ;
- s.Clear() ;
- long dataValue = data.m_data ;
- for ( i = 0 ; i < count ; i++ )
- {
- int value = edata->GetEnumMemberValueByIndex(i) ;
- // make this to allow for multi-bit constants to work
- if ( value && ( dataValue & value ) == value )
- {
- // clear the flags we just set
- dataValue &= ~value ;
- // this could also be done by the templated calls
- if ( !s.empty() )
- s +=wxT("|") ;
- s += edata->GetEnumMemberNameByIndex(i) ;
- }
- }
-#define wxBEGIN_FLAGS( e ) \
- wxEnumMemberData s_enumDataMembers##e[] = {
-#define wxFLAGS_MEMBER( v ) { wxT(#v), v } ,
-#define wxEND_FLAGS( e ) { NULL , 0 } } ; \
- wxEnumData s_enumData##e( s_enumDataMembers##e ) ; \
- wxEnumData *wxGetEnumData(e*) { return &s_enumData##e ; } \
- template<> void wxStringReadValue(const wxString &s , e &data ) \
-{ \
- wxFlagsFromString<e>( s , data ) ; \
-} \
- template<> void wxStringWriteValue( wxString &s , const e& data ) \
-{ \
- wxFlagsToString<e>( s , data ) ; \
-} \
- void FromLong##e( long data , wxxVariant& result ) { result = wxxVariant(e(data)) ;} \
- void ToLong##e( const wxxVariant& data , long &result ) { result = (long) data.wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , e).m_data ;} \
- wxTO_STRING_IMP( e ) \
- wxFROM_STRING_IMP( e ) \
- wxEnumTypeInfo s_typeInfo##e(wxT_SET , &s_enumData##e , &wxTO_STRING( e ) , &wxFROM_STRING( e ) , &ToLong##e , &FromLong##e, typeid(e).name() ) ;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Type Information
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// All data exposed by the RTTI is characterized using the following classes.
-// The first characterization is done by wxTypeKind. All enums up to and including
-// wxT_CUSTOM represent so called simple types. These cannot be divided any further.
-// They can be converted to and from wxStrings, that's all.
-enum wxTypeKind
- wxT_VOID = 0, // unknown type
- wxT_BOOL,
- wxT_CHAR,
- wxT_UCHAR,
- wxT_INT,
- wxT_UINT,
- wxT_LONG,
- wxT_ULONG,
- wxT_FLOAT,
- wxT_STRING, // must be wxString
- wxT_SET, // must be wxBitset<> template
- wxT_ENUM,
- wxT_CUSTOM, // user defined type (e.g. wxPoint)
- wxT_OBJECT_PTR, // object reference
- wxT_OBJECT , // embedded object
- wxT_COLLECTION , // collection
- wxT_DELEGATE , // for connecting against an event source
- wxT_LAST_TYPE_KIND = wxT_DELEGATE // sentinel for bad data, asserts, debugging
-class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxxVariant ;
-class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxTypeInfo ;
-class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxTypeInfo
-public :
- typedef void (*converterToString_t)( const wxxVariant& data , wxString &result ) ;
- typedef void (*converterFromString_t)( const wxString& data , wxxVariant &result ) ;
- wxTypeInfo(wxTypeKind kind,
- converterToString_t to = NULL, converterFromString_t from = NULL,
- const wxString &name = wxEmptyString):
- m_toString(to), m_fromString(from), m_kind(kind), m_name(name)
- {
- Register();
- }
- wxTypeInfo(wxTypeKind kind,
- converterToString_t to, converterFromString_t from,
- const char *name):
- m_toString(to), m_fromString(from), m_kind(kind), m_name(wxString::FromAscii(name))
- {
- Register();
- }
- virtual ~wxTypeInfo()
- {
- Unregister() ;
- }
- // return the kind of this type (wxT_... constants)
- wxTypeKind GetKind() const { return m_kind ; }
- // returns the unique name of this type
- const wxString& GetTypeName() const { return m_name ; }
- // is this type a delegate type
- bool IsDelegateType() const { return m_kind == wxT_DELEGATE ; }
- // is this type a custom type
- bool IsCustomType() const { return m_kind == wxT_CUSTOM ; }
- // is this type an object type
- bool IsObjectType() const { return m_kind == wxT_OBJECT || m_kind == wxT_OBJECT_PTR ; }
- // can the content of this type be converted to and from strings ?
- bool HasStringConverters() const { return m_toString != NULL && m_fromString != NULL ; }
- // convert a wxxVariant holding data of this type into a string
- void ConvertToString( const wxxVariant& data , wxString &result ) const
- { if ( m_toString ) (*m_toString)( data , result ) ; else wxLogError( _("String conversions not supported") ) ; }
- // convert a string into a wxxVariant holding the corresponding data in this type
- void ConvertFromString( const wxString& data , wxxVariant &result ) const
- { if( m_fromString ) (*m_fromString)( data , result ) ; else wxLogError( _("String conversions not supported") ) ; }
- static wxTypeInfo *FindType(const char *typeName) { return FindType( wxString::FromAscii(typeName) ) ; }
- static wxTypeInfo *FindType(const wxChar *typeName);
-private :
- void Register();
- void Unregister();
- converterToString_t m_toString ;
- converterFromString_t m_fromString ;
- static wxTypeInfoMap* ms_typeTable ;
- wxTypeKind m_kind;
- wxString m_name;
-class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxBuiltInTypeInfo : public wxTypeInfo
-public :
- wxBuiltInTypeInfo( wxTypeKind kind , converterToString_t to = NULL , converterFromString_t from = NULL , const wxString &name = wxEmptyString ) :
- wxTypeInfo( kind , to , from , name )
- { wxASSERT_MSG( GetKind() < wxT_SET , wxT("Illegal Kind for Base Type") ) ; }
- wxBuiltInTypeInfo( wxTypeKind kind , converterToString_t to , converterFromString_t from , const char *name ) :
- wxTypeInfo( kind , to , from , name )
- { wxASSERT_MSG( GetKind() < wxT_SET , wxT("Illegal Kind for Base Type") ) ; }
-} ;
-class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxCustomTypeInfo : public wxTypeInfo
-public :
- wxCustomTypeInfo( const wxString &name , converterToString_t to , converterFromString_t from ) :
- wxTypeInfo( wxT_CUSTOM , to , from , name )
- {}
- wxCustomTypeInfo( const char *name , converterToString_t to , converterFromString_t from ) :
- wxTypeInfo( wxT_CUSTOM , to , from , name )
- {}
-} ;
-class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxEnumTypeInfo : public wxTypeInfo
-public :
- typedef void (*converterToLong_t)( const wxxVariant& data , long &result ) ;
- typedef void (*converterFromLong_t)( long data , wxxVariant &result ) ;
- wxEnumTypeInfo( wxTypeKind kind , wxEnumData* enumInfo , converterToString_t to , converterFromString_t from ,
- converterToLong_t toLong , converterFromLong_t fromLong , const wxString &name ) :
- wxTypeInfo( kind , to , from , name ) , m_toLong( toLong ) , m_fromLong( fromLong )
- { wxASSERT_MSG( kind == wxT_ENUM || kind == wxT_SET , wxT("Illegal Kind for Enum Type")) ; m_enumInfo = enumInfo ;}
- wxEnumTypeInfo( wxTypeKind kind , wxEnumData* enumInfo , converterToString_t to , converterFromString_t from ,
- converterToLong_t toLong , converterFromLong_t fromLong , const char * name ) :
- wxTypeInfo( kind , to , from , name ) , m_toLong( toLong ) , m_fromLong( fromLong )
- { wxASSERT_MSG( kind == wxT_ENUM || kind == wxT_SET , wxT("Illegal Kind for Enum Type")) ; m_enumInfo = enumInfo ;}
- const wxEnumData* GetEnumData() const { return m_enumInfo ; }
- // convert a wxxVariant holding data of this type into a long
- void ConvertToLong( const wxxVariant& data , long &result ) const
- { if( m_toLong ) (*m_toLong)( data , result ) ; else wxLogError( _("Long Conversions not supported") ) ; }
- // convert a long into a wxxVariant holding the corresponding data in this type
- void ConvertFromLong( long data , wxxVariant &result ) const
- { if( m_fromLong ) (*m_fromLong)( data , result ) ; else wxLogError( _("Long Conversions not supported") ) ;}
-private :
- converterToLong_t m_toLong ;
- converterFromLong_t m_fromLong ;
- wxEnumData *m_enumInfo; // Kind == wxT_ENUM or Kind == wxT_SET
-} ;
-class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxClassTypeInfo : public wxTypeInfo
-public :
- wxClassTypeInfo( wxTypeKind kind , wxClassInfo* classInfo , converterToString_t to = NULL , converterFromString_t from = NULL , const wxString &name = wxEmptyString) ;
- wxClassTypeInfo( wxTypeKind kind , wxClassInfo* classInfo , converterToString_t to , converterFromString_t from , const char *name ) ;
- const wxClassInfo *GetClassInfo() const { return m_classInfo ; }
-private :
- wxClassInfo *m_classInfo; // Kind == wxT_OBJECT - could be NULL
-} ;
-class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxCollectionTypeInfo : public wxTypeInfo
-public :
- wxCollectionTypeInfo( const wxString &elementName , converterToString_t to , converterFromString_t from , const wxString &name) :
- wxTypeInfo( wxT_COLLECTION , to , from , name )
- { m_elementTypeName = elementName ; m_elementType = NULL ;}
- wxCollectionTypeInfo( const char *elementName , converterToString_t to , converterFromString_t from , const char *name ) :
- wxTypeInfo( wxT_COLLECTION , to , from , name )
- { m_elementTypeName = wxString::FromAscii( elementName ) ; m_elementType = NULL ;}
- const wxTypeInfo* GetElementType() const
- {
- if ( m_elementType == NULL )
- m_elementType = wxTypeInfo::FindType( m_elementTypeName ) ;
- return m_elementType ; }
-private :
- mutable wxTypeInfo * m_elementType ;
- wxString m_elementTypeName ;
-} ;
-// a delegate is an exposed event source
-class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxDelegateTypeInfo : public wxTypeInfo
-public :
- wxDelegateTypeInfo( int eventType , wxClassInfo* eventClass , converterToString_t to = NULL , converterFromString_t from = NULL ) ;
- wxDelegateTypeInfo( int eventType , int lastEventType, wxClassInfo* eventClass , converterToString_t to = NULL , converterFromString_t from = NULL ) ;
- int GetEventType() const { return m_eventType ; }
- int GetLastEventType() const { return m_lastEventType ; }
- const wxClassInfo* GetEventClass() const { return m_eventClass ; }
-private :
- const wxClassInfo *m_eventClass; // (extended will merge into classinfo)
- int m_eventType ;
- int m_lastEventType ;
-} ;
-template<typename T> const wxTypeInfo* wxGetTypeInfo( T * ) { return wxTypeInfo::FindType(typeid(T).name()) ; }
-// this macro is for usage with custom, non-object derived classes and structs, wxPoint is such a custom type
-#define wxCUSTOM_TYPE_INFO( e , toString , fromString ) \
- wxCustomTypeInfo s_typeInfo##e(typeid(e).name() , &toString , &fromString) ;
-#define wxCUSTOM_TYPE_INFO( e , toString , fromString ) \
- void ToString##e( const wxxVariant& data , wxString &result ) { toString(data, result); } \
- void FromString##e( const wxString& data , wxxVariant &result ) { fromString(data, result); } \
- wxCustomTypeInfo s_typeInfo##e(typeid(e).name() , &ToString##e , &FromString##e) ;
-#define wxCOLLECTION_TYPE_INFO( element , collection ) \
- wxCollectionTypeInfo s_typeInfo##collection( typeid(element).name() , NULL , NULL , typeid(collection).name() ) ;
-// sometimes a compiler invents specializations that are nowhere called, use this macro to satisfy the refs, currently
-// we don't have to play tricks, but if we will have to according to the compiler, we will use that macro for that
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// wxxVariant as typesafe data holder
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxxVariantData
- virtual ~wxxVariantData() {}
- // return a heap allocated duplicate
- virtual wxxVariantData* Clone() const = 0 ;
- // returns the type info of the contentc
- virtual const wxTypeInfo* GetTypeInfo() const = 0 ;
-} ;
-template<typename T> class wxxVariantDataT : public wxxVariantData
- wxxVariantDataT(const T& d) : m_data(d) {}
- virtual ~wxxVariantDataT() {}
- // get a ref to the stored data
- T & Get() { return m_data; }
- // get a const ref to the stored data
- const T & Get() const { return m_data; }
- // set the data
- void Set(const T& d) { m_data = d; }
- // return a heap allocated duplicate
- virtual wxxVariantData* Clone() const { return new wxxVariantDataT<T>( Get() ) ; }
- // returns the type info of the contentc
- virtual const wxTypeInfo* GetTypeInfo() const { return wxGetTypeInfo( (T*) NULL ) ; }
- T m_data;
-class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxxVariant
-public :
- wxxVariant() { m_data = NULL ; }
- wxxVariant( wxxVariantData* data , const wxString& name = wxEmptyString ) : m_data(data) , m_name(name) {}
- wxxVariant( const wxxVariant &d ) { if ( d.m_data ) m_data = d.m_data->Clone() ; else m_data = NULL ; m_name = d.m_name ; }
- template<typename T> wxxVariant( const T& data , const wxString& name = wxEmptyString ) :
- m_data(new wxxVariantDataT<T>(data) ), m_name(name) {}
- ~wxxVariant() { delete m_data ; }
- // get a ref to the stored data
- template<typename T> T& Get(wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_FIX(T))
- {
- wxxVariantDataT<T> *dataptr = dynamic_cast<wxxVariantDataT<T>*> (m_data) ;
- wxASSERT_MSG( dataptr , wxString::Format(wxT("Cast to %s not possible"), typeid(T).name()) ) ;
- return dataptr->Get() ;
- }
- // get a ref to the stored data
- template<typename T> const T& Get(wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_FIX(T)) const
- {
- const wxxVariantDataT<T> *dataptr = dynamic_cast<const wxxVariantDataT<T>*> (m_data) ;
- wxASSERT_MSG( dataptr , wxString::Format(wxT("Cast to %s not possible"), typeid(T).name()) ) ;
- return dataptr->Get() ;
- }
- bool IsEmpty() const { return m_data == NULL ; }
- template<typename T> bool HasData(wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_FIX(T)) const
- {
- const wxxVariantDataT<T> *dataptr = dynamic_cast<const wxxVariantDataT<T>*> (m_data) ;
- return dataptr != NULL ;
- }
- // stores the data
- template<typename T> void Set(const T& data) const
- {
- delete m_data ;
- m_data = new wxxVariantDataT<T>(data) ;
- }
- wxxVariant& operator=(const wxxVariant &d)
- {
- delete m_data;
- m_data = d.m_data ? d.m_data->Clone() : NULL ;
- m_name = d.m_name ;
- return *this ;
- }
- // gets the stored data casted to a wxObject* , returning NULL if cast is not possible
- wxObject* GetAsObject() ;
- // get the typeinfo of the stored object
- const wxTypeInfo* GetTypeInfo() const { return m_data->GetTypeInfo() ; }
- // returns this value as string
- wxString GetAsString() const
- {
- wxString s ;
- GetTypeInfo()->ConvertToString( *this , s ) ;
- return s ;
- }
- const wxString& GetName() const { return m_name ; }
-private :
- wxxVariantData* m_data ;
- wxString m_name ;
-} ;
-#include "wx/dynarray.h"
-// templated streaming, every type must have their specialization for these methods
-template<typename T>
-void wxStringReadValue( const wxString &s , T &data );
-template<typename T>
-void wxStringWriteValue( wxString &s , const T &data);
-template<typename T>
-void wxToStringConverter( const wxxVariant &v, wxString &s wxTEMPLATED_FUNCTION_FIX(T)) { wxStringWriteValue( s , v.wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , T) ) ; }
-template<typename T>
-void wxFromStringConverter( const wxString &s, wxxVariant &v wxTEMPLATED_FUNCTION_FIX(T)) { T d ; wxStringReadValue( s , d ) ; v = wxxVariant(d) ; }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Property Support
-// wxPropertyInfo is used to inquire of the property by name. It doesn't
-// provide access to the property, only information about it. If you
-// want access, look at wxPropertyAccessor.
+// wxClassInfo
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxSetter
+class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxObjectFunctor
- wxSetter( const wxString name ) { m_name = name ; }
- virtual ~wxSetter() {}
- virtual void Set( wxObject *object, const wxxVariant &variantValue ) const = 0;
- const wxString& GetName() const { return m_name ; }
- wxString m_name;
+ virtual ~wxObjectFunctor();
-class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxGetter
- wxGetter( const wxString name ) { m_name = name ; }
- virtual ~wxGetter() {}
- virtual void Get( const wxObject *object , wxxVariant& result) const = 0;
- const wxString& GetName() const { return m_name ; }
- wxString m_name;
-class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxCollectionGetter
-public :
- wxCollectionGetter( const wxString name ) { m_name = name ; }
- virtual ~wxCollectionGetter() {}
- virtual void Get( const wxObject *object , wxxVariantArray& result) const = 0;
- const wxString& GetName() const { return m_name ; }
-private :
- wxString m_name ;
-} ;
-template<typename coll_t> void WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxCollectionToVariantArray( const coll_t& coll , wxxVariantArray& result ) ;
-public :
- wxAdder( const wxString name ) { m_name = name ; }
- virtual ~wxAdder() {}
- virtual void Add( wxObject *object, const wxxVariant &variantValue ) const= 0;
- const wxString& GetName() const { return m_name ; }
-private :
- wxString m_name ;
-} ;
-#define wxSETTER( property, Klass, valueType, setterMethod ) \
-class wxSetter##property : public wxSetter \
-{ \
-public: \
- wxSetter##property() : wxSetter( wxT(#setterMethod) ) {} \
- ~wxSetter##property() {} \
- void Set( wxObject *object, const wxxVariant &variantValue ) const \
-{ \
- Klass *obj = dynamic_cast<Klass*>(object) ; \
- if ( variantValue.wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(HasData, valueType) ) \
- obj->setterMethod(variantValue.wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , valueType)) ; \
- else \
- obj->setterMethod(*variantValue.wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , valueType*)) ; \
-} \
-} ;
-#define wxGETTER( property, Klass, valueType , gettermethod ) \
-class wxGetter##property : public wxGetter \
-{ \
-public : \
- wxGetter##property() : wxGetter( wxT(#gettermethod) ) {} \
- ~wxGetter##property() {} \
- void Get( const wxObject *object , wxxVariant &result) const \
-{ \
- const Klass *obj = dynamic_cast<const Klass*>(object) ; \
- result = wxxVariant( obj->gettermethod() ) ; \
-} \
-} ;
-#define wxADDER( property, Klass, valueType , addermethod ) \
-class wxAdder##property : public wxAdder \
-{ \
-public: \
- wxAdder##property() : wxAdder( wxT(#addermethod) ) {} \
- ~wxAdder##property() {} \
- void Add( wxObject *object, const wxxVariant &variantValue ) const \
-{ \
- Klass *obj = dynamic_cast<Klass*>(object) ; \
- if ( variantValue.wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(HasData, valueType) ) \
- obj->addermethod(variantValue.wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , valueType)) ; \
- else \
- obj->addermethod(*variantValue.wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , valueType*)) ; \
-} \
-} ;
-#define wxCOLLECTION_GETTER( property, Klass, valueType , gettermethod ) \
-class wxCollectionGetter##property : public wxCollectionGetter \
-{ \
-public : \
- wxCollectionGetter##property() : wxCollectionGetter( wxT(#gettermethod) ) {} \
- ~wxCollectionGetter##property() {} \
- void Get( const wxObject *object , wxxVariantArray &result) const \
-{ \
- const Klass *obj = dynamic_cast<const Klass*>(object) ; \
- wxCollectionToVariantArray( obj->gettermethod() , result ) ; \
-} \
-} ;
-class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxPropertyAccessor
-public :
- wxPropertyAccessor( wxSetter *setter , wxGetter *getter , wxAdder *adder , wxCollectionGetter *collectionGetter )
- { m_setter = setter ; m_getter = getter ; m_adder = adder ; m_collectionGetter = collectionGetter ;}
- virtual ~wxPropertyAccessor() {}
- // Setting a simple property (non-collection)
- virtual void SetProperty(wxObject *object, const wxxVariant &value) const
- { if ( m_setter ) m_setter->Set( object , value ) ; else wxLogError( _("SetProperty called w/o valid setter") ) ;}
- // Getting a simple property (non-collection)
- virtual void GetProperty(const wxObject *object, wxxVariant &result) const
- { if ( m_getter ) m_getter->Get( object , result ) ; else wxLogError( _("GetProperty called w/o valid getter") ) ;}
- // Adding an element to a collection property
- virtual void AddToPropertyCollection(wxObject *object, const wxxVariant &value) const
- { if ( m_adder ) m_adder->Add( object , value ) ; else wxLogError( _("AddToPropertyCollection called w/o valid adder") ) ;}
- // Getting a collection property
- virtual void GetPropertyCollection( const wxObject *obj, wxxVariantArray &result) const
- { if ( m_collectionGetter ) m_collectionGetter->Get( obj , result) ; else wxLogError( _("GetPropertyCollection called w/o valid collection getter") ) ;}
- virtual bool HasSetter() const { return m_setter != NULL ; }
- virtual bool HasCollectionGetter() const { return m_collectionGetter != NULL ; }
- virtual bool HasGetter() const { return m_getter != NULL ; }
- virtual bool HasAdder() const { return m_adder != NULL ; }
- virtual const wxString& GetCollectionGetterName() const
- { return m_collectionGetter->GetName() ; }
- virtual const wxString& GetGetterName() const
- { return m_getter->GetName() ; }
- virtual const wxString& GetSetterName() const
- { return m_setter->GetName() ; }
- virtual const wxString& GetAdderName() const
- { return m_adder->GetName() ; }
-protected :
- wxSetter *m_setter ;
- wxAdder *m_adder ;
- wxGetter *m_getter ;
- wxCollectionGetter* m_collectionGetter ;
-class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxGenericPropertyAccessor : public wxPropertyAccessor
-public :
- wxGenericPropertyAccessor( const wxString &propName ) ;
- ~wxGenericPropertyAccessor() ;
- void RenameProperty( const wxString& WXUNUSED_UNLESS_DEBUG(oldName),
- const wxString& newName )
- {
- wxASSERT( oldName == m_propertyName ) ; m_propertyName = newName ;
- }
- virtual bool HasSetter() const { return true ; }
- virtual bool HasGetter() const { return true ; }
- virtual bool HasAdder() const { return false ; }
- virtual bool HasCollectionGetter() const { return false ; }
- virtual const wxString& GetGetterName() const
- { return m_getterName ; }
- virtual const wxString& GetSetterName() const
- { return m_setterName ; }
- virtual void SetProperty(wxObject *object, const wxxVariant &value) const ;
- virtual void GetProperty(const wxObject *object, wxxVariant &value) const ;
- // Adding an element to a collection property
- virtual void AddToPropertyCollection(wxObject *WXUNUSED(object), const wxxVariant &WXUNUSED(value)) const
- { wxLogError( _("AddToPropertyCollection called on a generic accessor") ) ;}
- // Getting a collection property
- virtual void GetPropertyCollection( const wxObject *WXUNUSED(obj), wxxVariantArray &WXUNUSED(result)) const
- { wxLogError ( _("GetPropertyCollection called on a generic accessor") ) ;}
-private :
- struct wxGenericPropertyAccessorInternal ;
- wxGenericPropertyAccessorInternal* m_data ;
- wxString m_propertyName ;
- wxString m_setterName ;
- wxString m_getterName ;
-} ;
-typedef long wxPropertyInfoFlags ;
-enum {
- // will be removed in future releases
- wxPROP_DEPRECATED = 0x00000001 ,
- // object graph property, will be streamed with priority (after constructor properties)
- wxPROP_OBJECT_GRAPH = 0x00000002 ,
- // this will only be streamed out and in as enum/set, the internal representation is still a long
- wxPROP_ENUM_STORE_LONG = 0x00000004 ,
- // don't stream out this property, needed eg to avoid streaming out children that are always created by their parents
- wxPROP_DONT_STREAM = 0x00000008 ,
-} ;
-class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxPropertyInfo
- friend class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxDynamicClassInfo ;
-public :
- wxPropertyInfo(wxPropertyInfo* &iter,
- wxClassInfo* itsClass,
- const wxString& name,
- const wxString& typeName,
- wxPropertyAccessor *accessor,
- wxxVariant dv,
- wxPropertyInfoFlags flags = 0,
- const wxString& helpString = wxEmptyString,
- const wxString& groupString = wxEmptyString) :
- m_itsClass(itsClass),
- m_name(name),
- m_typeInfo(NULL),
- m_typeName(typeName) ,
- m_collectionElementTypeInfo(NULL),
- m_accessor(accessor),
- m_defaultValue(dv),
- m_flags(flags),
- m_helpString(helpString),
- m_groupString(groupString)
- {
- Insert(iter);
- }
- wxPropertyInfo(wxPropertyInfo* &iter,
- wxClassInfo* itsClass,
- const wxString& name,
- const char* typeName,
- wxPropertyAccessor *accessor,
- wxxVariant dv,
- wxPropertyInfoFlags flags = 0,
- const wxString& helpString = wxEmptyString,
- const wxString& groupString = wxEmptyString) :
- m_itsClass(itsClass),
- m_name(name),
- m_typeInfo(NULL),
- m_typeName(wxString::FromAscii(typeName)) ,
- m_collectionElementTypeInfo(NULL),
- m_accessor(accessor),
- m_defaultValue(dv),
- m_flags(flags),
- m_helpString(helpString),
- m_groupString(groupString)
- {
- Insert(iter);
- }
- wxPropertyInfo(wxPropertyInfo* &iter,
- wxClassInfo* itsClass,
- const wxString& name,
- wxDelegateTypeInfo* type,
- wxPropertyAccessor *accessor,
- wxxVariant dv,
- wxPropertyInfoFlags flags = 0,
- const wxString& helpString = wxEmptyString,
- const wxString& groupString = wxEmptyString) :
- m_itsClass(itsClass),
- m_name(name),
- m_typeInfo(type),
- m_collectionElementTypeInfo(NULL),
- m_accessor(accessor),
- m_defaultValue(dv),
- m_flags(flags),
- m_helpString(helpString),
- m_groupString(groupString)
- {
- Insert(iter);
- }
- wxPropertyInfo(wxPropertyInfo* &iter,
- wxClassInfo* itsClass, const wxString& name,
- const wxString& collectionTypeName,
- const wxString& elementTypeName,
- wxPropertyAccessor *accessor,
- wxPropertyInfoFlags flags = 0,
- const wxString& helpString = wxEmptyString,
- const wxString& groupString = wxEmptyString) :
- m_itsClass(itsClass),
- m_name(name),
- m_typeInfo(NULL),
- m_typeName(collectionTypeName) ,
- m_collectionElementTypeInfo(NULL),
- m_collectionElementTypeName(elementTypeName),
- m_accessor(accessor) ,
- m_flags(flags),
- m_helpString(helpString),
- m_groupString(groupString)
- {
- Insert(iter);
- }
- wxPropertyInfo(wxPropertyInfo* &iter,
- wxClassInfo* itsClass, const wxString& name,
- const char* collectionTypeName,
- const char* elementTypeName,
- wxPropertyAccessor *accessor,
- wxPropertyInfoFlags flags = 0,
- const wxString& helpString = wxEmptyString,
- const wxString& groupString = wxEmptyString) :
- m_itsClass(itsClass),
- m_name(name),
- m_typeInfo(NULL),
- m_typeName(wxString::FromAscii(collectionTypeName)) ,
- m_collectionElementTypeInfo(NULL),
- m_collectionElementTypeName(wxString::FromAscii(elementTypeName)),
- m_accessor(accessor) ,
- m_flags(flags),
- m_helpString(helpString),
- m_groupString(groupString)
- {
- Insert(iter);
- }
- ~wxPropertyInfo() ;
- // return the class this property is declared in
- const wxClassInfo* GetDeclaringClass() const { return m_itsClass ; }
- // return the name of this property
- const wxString& GetName() const { return m_name ; }
- // returns the flags of this property
- wxPropertyInfoFlags GetFlags() const { return m_flags ;}
- // returns the short help string of this property
- const wxString& GetHelpString() const { return m_helpString ; }
- // returns the group string of this property
- const wxString& GetGroupString() const { return m_groupString ; }
- // return the element type info of this property (for collections, otherwise NULL)
- const wxTypeInfo * GetCollectionElementTypeInfo() const
- {
- if ( m_collectionElementTypeInfo == NULL )
- m_collectionElementTypeInfo = wxTypeInfo::FindType(m_collectionElementTypeName) ;
- return m_collectionElementTypeInfo ;
- }
- // return the type info of this property
- const wxTypeInfo * GetTypeInfo() const
- {
- if ( m_typeInfo == NULL )
- m_typeInfo = wxTypeInfo::FindType(m_typeName) ;
- return m_typeInfo ;
- }
- // return the accessor for this property
- wxPropertyAccessor* GetAccessor() const { return m_accessor ; }
- // returns NULL if this is the last property of this class
- wxPropertyInfo* GetNext() const { return m_next ; }
- // returns the default value of this property, its kind may be wxT_VOID if it is not valid
- wxxVariant GetDefaultValue() const { return m_defaultValue ; }
-private :
- void Insert(wxPropertyInfo* &iter)
- {
- m_next = NULL ;
- if ( iter == NULL )
- iter = this ;
- else
- {
- wxPropertyInfo* i = iter ;
- while( i->m_next )
- i = i->m_next ;
- i->m_next = this ;
- }
- }
- wxClassInfo* m_itsClass ;
- wxString m_name ;
- mutable wxTypeInfo* m_typeInfo ;
- wxString m_typeName ;
- mutable wxTypeInfo* m_collectionElementTypeInfo ;
- wxString m_collectionElementTypeName ;
- wxPropertyAccessor* m_accessor ;
- wxxVariant m_defaultValue;
- wxPropertyInfoFlags m_flags ;
- wxString m_helpString ;
- wxString m_groupString ;
- // string representation of the default value
- // to be assigned by the designer to the property
- // when the component is dropped on the container.
- wxPropertyInfo* m_next ;
+ // Invoke the actual event handler:
+ virtual void operator()(const wxObject *) = 0;
-WX_DECLARE_STRING_HASH_MAP_WITH_DECL( wxPropertyInfo* , wxPropertyInfoMap , class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE ) ;
-#define wxBEGIN_PROPERTIES_TABLE(theClass) \
- wxPropertyInfo *theClass::GetPropertiesStatic() \
-{ \
- typedef theClass class_t; \
- static wxPropertyInfo* first = NULL ;
- return first ; }
-#define wxHIDE_PROPERTY( pname ) \
- static wxPropertyInfo _propertyInfo##pname( first , class_t::GetClassInfoStatic() , wxT(#pname) , typeid(void).name() ,NULL , wxxVariant() , wxPROP_DONT_STREAM , wxEmptyString , wxEmptyString ) ;
-#define wxPROPERTY( pname , type , setter , getter , defaultValue , flags , help , group) \
- wxSETTER( pname , class_t , type , setter ) \
- static wxSetter##pname _setter##pname ; \
- wxGETTER( pname , class_t , type , getter ) \
- static wxGetter##pname _getter##pname ; \
- static wxPropertyAccessor _accessor##pname( &_setter##pname , &_getter##pname , NULL , NULL ) ; \
- static wxPropertyInfo _propertyInfo##pname( first , class_t::GetClassInfoStatic() , wxT(#pname) , typeid(type).name() ,&_accessor##pname , wxxVariant(defaultValue) , flags , group , help ) ;
-#define wxPROPERTY_FLAGS( pname , flags , type , setter , getter ,defaultValue , pflags , help , group) \
- wxSETTER( pname , class_t , type , setter ) \
- static wxSetter##pname _setter##pname ; \
- wxGETTER( pname , class_t , type , getter ) \
- static wxGetter##pname _getter##pname ; \
- static wxPropertyAccessor _accessor##pname( &_setter##pname , &_getter##pname , NULL , NULL ) ; \
- static wxPropertyInfo _propertyInfo##pname( first , class_t::GetClassInfoStatic() , wxT(#pname) , typeid(flags).name() ,&_accessor##pname , wxxVariant(defaultValue), wxPROP_ENUM_STORE_LONG | pflags , help , group ) ;
-#define wxREADONLY_PROPERTY( pname , type , getter ,defaultValue , flags , help , group) \
- wxGETTER( pname , class_t , type , getter ) \
- static wxGetter##pname _getter##pname ; \
- static wxPropertyAccessor _accessor##pname( NULL , &_getter##pname , NULL , NULL ) ; \
- static wxPropertyInfo _propertyInfo##pname( first , class_t::GetClassInfoStatic() , wxT(#pname) , typeid(type).name() ,&_accessor##pname , wxxVariant(defaultValue), flags , help , group ) ;
-#define wxREADONLY_PROPERTY_FLAGS( pname , flags , type , getter ,defaultValue , pflags , help , group) \
- wxGETTER( pname , class_t , type , getter ) \
- static wxGetter##pname _getter##pname ; \
- static wxPropertyAccessor _accessor##pname( NULL , &_getter##pname , NULL , NULL ) ; \
- static wxPropertyInfo _propertyInfo##pname( first , class_t::GetClassInfoStatic() , wxT(#pname) , typeid(flags).name() ,&_accessor##pname , wxxVariant(defaultValue), wxPROP_ENUM_STORE_LONG | pflags , help , group ) ;
-#define wxPROPERTY_COLLECTION( pname , colltype , addelemtype , adder , getter , flags , help , group ) \
- wxADDER( pname , class_t , addelemtype , adder ) \
- static wxAdder##pname _adder##pname ; \
- wxCOLLECTION_GETTER( pname , class_t , colltype , getter ) \
- static wxCollectionGetter##pname _collectionGetter##pname ; \
- static wxPropertyAccessor _accessor##pname( NULL , NULL ,&_adder##pname , &_collectionGetter##pname ) ; \
- static wxPropertyInfo _propertyInfo##pname( first , class_t::GetClassInfoStatic() , wxT(#pname) , typeid(colltype).name() ,typeid(addelemtype).name() ,&_accessor##pname , flags , help , group ) ;
-#define wxREADONLY_PROPERTY_COLLECTION( pname , colltype , addelemtype , getter , flags , help , group) \
- wxCOLLECTION_GETTER( pname , class_t , colltype , getter ) \
- static wxCollectionGetter##pname _collectionGetter##pname ; \
- static wxPropertyAccessor _accessor##pname( NULL , NULL , NULL , &_collectionGetter##pname ) ; \
- static wxPropertyInfo _propertyInfo##pname( first ,class_t::GetClassInfoStatic() , wxT(#pname) , typeid(colltype).name() ,typeid(addelemtype).name() ,&_accessor##pname , flags , help , group ) ;
-#define wxEVENT_PROPERTY( name , eventType , eventClass ) \
- static wxDelegateTypeInfo _typeInfo##name( eventType , CLASSINFO( eventClass ) ) ; \
- static wxPropertyInfo _propertyInfo##name( first ,class_t::GetClassInfoStatic() , wxT(#name) , &_typeInfo##name , NULL , wxxVariant() ) ; \
-#define wxEVENT_RANGE_PROPERTY( name , eventType , lastEventType , eventClass ) \
- static wxDelegateTypeInfo _typeInfo##name( eventType , lastEventType , CLASSINFO( eventClass ) ) ; \
- static wxPropertyInfo _propertyInfo##name( first , class_t::GetClassInfoStatic() , wxT(#name) , &_typeInfo##name , NULL , wxxVariant() ) ; \
+class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxPropertyInfo;
+class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxHandlerInfo;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Implementation Helper for Simple Properties
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#define wxIMPLEMENT_PROPERTY(name, type) \
- type m_##name; \
-public: \
- void Set##name( type const & p) { m_##name = p; } \
- type const & Get##name() const { return m_##name; }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Handler Info
-// this is describing an event sink
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxHandlerInfo
- friend class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxDynamicClassInfo ;
-public :
- wxHandlerInfo(wxHandlerInfo* &iter,
- wxClassInfo* itsClass,
- const wxString& name,
- wxObjectEventFunction address,
- const wxClassInfo* eventClassInfo) :
- m_eventFunction(address),
- m_name(name),
- m_eventClassInfo(eventClassInfo) ,
- m_itsClass(itsClass)
- {
- m_next = NULL ;
- if ( iter == NULL )
- iter = this ;
- else
- {
- wxHandlerInfo* i = iter ;
- while( i->m_next )
- i = i->m_next ;
- i->m_next = this ;
- }
- }
- ~wxHandlerInfo() ;
- // return the name of this handler
- const wxString& GetName() const { return m_name ; }
- // return the class info of the event
- const wxClassInfo *GetEventClassInfo() const { return m_eventClassInfo ; }
- // get the handler function pointer
- wxObjectEventFunction GetEventFunction() const { return m_eventFunction ; }
- // returns NULL if this is the last handler of this class
- wxHandlerInfo* GetNext() const { return m_next ; }
- // return the class this property is declared in
- const wxClassInfo* GetDeclaringClass() const { return m_itsClass ; }
-private :
- wxObjectEventFunction m_eventFunction ;
- wxString m_name;
- const wxClassInfo* m_eventClassInfo ;
- wxHandlerInfo* m_next ;
- wxClassInfo* m_itsClass ;
-#define wxHANDLER(name,eventClassType) \
- static wxHandlerInfo _handlerInfo##name( first , class_t::GetClassInfoStatic() , wxT(#name) , (wxObjectEventFunction) (wxEventFunction) &name , CLASSINFO( eventClassType ) ) ;
-#define wxBEGIN_HANDLERS_TABLE(theClass) \
- wxHandlerInfo *theClass::GetHandlersStatic() \
-{ \
- typedef theClass class_t; \
- static wxHandlerInfo* first = NULL ;
-#define wxEND_HANDLERS_TABLE() \
- return first ; }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Constructor Bridges
-// allow to set up constructors with params during runtime
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxConstructorBridge
-public :
- virtual void Create(wxObject * &o, wxxVariant *args) = 0;
-// a direct constructor bridge calls the operator new for this class and
-// passes all params to the constructor. needed for classes that cannot be
-// instantiated using alloc-create semantics
-class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxDirectConstructorBrigde : public wxConstructorBridge
-public :
- virtual void Create(wxObject * &o, wxxVariant *args) = 0;
-} ;
-// Creator Bridges for all Numbers of Params
-// no params
-template<typename Class>
-struct wxConstructorBridge_0 : public wxConstructorBridge
- void Create(wxObject * &o, wxxVariant *)
- {
- Class *obj = dynamic_cast<Class*>(o);
- obj->Create();
- }
-struct wxConstructorBridge_Dummy : public wxConstructorBridge
- void Create(wxObject *&, wxxVariant *)
- {
- }
-} ;
-#define wxCONSTRUCTOR_0(klass) \
- wxConstructorBridge_0<klass> constructor##klass ; \
- wxConstructorBridge* klass::ms_constructor = &constructor##klass ; \
- const wxChar *klass::ms_constructorProperties[] = { NULL } ; \
- const int klass::ms_constructorPropertiesCount = 0 ;
-#define wxCONSTRUCTOR_DUMMY(klass) \
- wxConstructorBridge_Dummy constructor##klass ; \
- wxConstructorBridge* klass::ms_constructor = &constructor##klass ; \
- const wxChar *klass::ms_constructorProperties[] = { NULL } ; \
- const int klass::ms_constructorPropertiesCount = 0 ;
-// 1 param
-template<typename Class, typename T0>
-struct wxConstructorBridge_1 : public wxConstructorBridge
- void Create(wxObject * &o, wxxVariant *args)
- {
- Class *obj = dynamic_cast<Class*>(o);
- obj->Create(
- args[0].wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , T0)
- );
- }
-#define wxCONSTRUCTOR_1(klass,t0,v0) \
- wxConstructorBridge_1<klass,t0> constructor##klass ; \
- wxConstructorBridge* klass::ms_constructor = &constructor##klass ; \
- const wxChar *klass::ms_constructorProperties[] = { wxT(#v0) } ; \
- const int klass::ms_constructorPropertiesCount = 1 ;
-// 2 params
-template<typename Class,
-typename T0, typename T1>
-struct wxConstructorBridge_2 : public wxConstructorBridge
- void Create(wxObject * &o, wxxVariant *args)
- {
- Class *obj = dynamic_cast<Class*>(o);
- obj->Create(
- args[0].wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , T0) ,
- args[1].wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , T1)
- );
- }
-#define wxCONSTRUCTOR_2(klass,t0,v0,t1,v1) \
- wxConstructorBridge_2<klass,t0,t1> constructor##klass ; \
- wxConstructorBridge* klass::ms_constructor = &constructor##klass ; \
- const wxChar *klass::ms_constructorProperties[] = { wxT(#v0) , wxT(#v1) } ; \
- const int klass::ms_constructorPropertiesCount = 2;
-// direct constructor version
-template<typename Class,
-typename T0, typename T1>
-struct wxDirectConstructorBridge_2 : public wxDirectConstructorBrigde
- void Create(wxObject * &o, wxxVariant *args)
- {
- o = new Class(
- args[0].wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , T0) ,
- args[1].wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , T1)
- );
- }
-#define wxDIRECT_CONSTRUCTOR_2(klass,t0,v0,t1,v1) \
- wxDirectConstructorBridge_2<klass,t0,t1> constructor##klass ; \
- wxConstructorBridge* klass::ms_constructor = &constructor##klass ; \
- const wxChar *klass::ms_constructorProperties[] = { wxT(#v0) , wxT(#v1) } ; \
- const int klass::ms_constructorPropertiesCount = 2;
-// 3 params
-template<typename Class,
-typename T0, typename T1, typename T2>
-struct wxConstructorBridge_3 : public wxConstructorBridge
- void Create(wxObject * &o, wxxVariant *args)
- {
- Class *obj = dynamic_cast<Class*>(o);
- obj->Create(
- args[0].wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , T0) ,
- args[1].wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , T1) ,
- args[2].wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , T2)
- );
- }
-#define wxCONSTRUCTOR_3(klass,t0,v0,t1,v1,t2,v2) \
- wxConstructorBridge_3<klass,t0,t1,t2> constructor##klass ; \
- wxConstructorBridge* klass::ms_constructor = &constructor##klass ; \
- const wxChar *klass::ms_constructorProperties[] = { wxT(#v0) , wxT(#v1) , wxT(#v2) } ; \
- const int klass::ms_constructorPropertiesCount = 3 ;
-// 4 params
-template<typename Class,
-typename T0, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>
-struct wxConstructorBridge_4 : public wxConstructorBridge
- void Create(wxObject * &o, wxxVariant *args)
- {
- Class *obj = dynamic_cast<Class*>(o);
- obj->Create(
- args[0].wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , T0) ,
- args[1].wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , T1) ,
- args[2].wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , T2) ,
- args[3].wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , T3)
- );
- }
-#define wxCONSTRUCTOR_4(klass,t0,v0,t1,v1,t2,v2,t3,v3) \
- wxConstructorBridge_4<klass,t0,t1,t2,t3> constructor##klass ; \
- wxConstructorBridge* klass::ms_constructor = &constructor##klass ; \
- const wxChar *klass::ms_constructorProperties[] = { wxT(#v0) , wxT(#v1) , wxT(#v2) , wxT(#v3) } ; \
- const int klass::ms_constructorPropertiesCount = 4 ;
-// 5 params
-template<typename Class,
-typename T0, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4>
-struct wxConstructorBridge_5 : public wxConstructorBridge
- void Create(wxObject * &o, wxxVariant *args)
- {
- Class *obj = dynamic_cast<Class*>(o);
- obj->Create(
- args[0].wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , T0) ,
- args[1].wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , T1) ,
- args[2].wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , T2) ,
- args[3].wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , T3) ,
- args[4].wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , T4)
- );
- }
-#define wxCONSTRUCTOR_5(klass,t0,v0,t1,v1,t2,v2,t3,v3,t4,v4) \
- wxConstructorBridge_5<klass,t0,t1,t2,t3,t4> constructor##klass ; \
- wxConstructorBridge* klass::ms_constructor = &constructor##klass ; \
- const wxChar *klass::ms_constructorProperties[] = { wxT(#v0) , wxT(#v1) , wxT(#v2) , wxT(#v3) , wxT(#v4) } ; \
- const int klass::ms_constructorPropertiesCount = 5;
-// 6 params
-template<typename Class,
-typename T0, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5>
-struct wxConstructorBridge_6 : public wxConstructorBridge
- void Create(wxObject * &o, wxxVariant *args)
- {
- Class *obj = dynamic_cast<Class*>(o);
- obj->Create(
- args[0].wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , T0) ,
- args[1].wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , T1) ,
- args[2].wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , T2) ,
- args[3].wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , T3) ,
- args[4].wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , T4) ,
- args[5].wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , T5)
- );
- }
-#define wxCONSTRUCTOR_6(klass,t0,v0,t1,v1,t2,v2,t3,v3,t4,v4,t5,v5) \
- wxConstructorBridge_6<klass,t0,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5> constructor##klass ; \
- wxConstructorBridge* klass::ms_constructor = &constructor##klass ; \
- const wxChar *klass::ms_constructorProperties[] = { wxT(#v0) , wxT(#v1) , wxT(#v2) , wxT(#v3) , wxT(#v4) , wxT(#v5) } ; \
- const int klass::ms_constructorPropertiesCount = 6;
-// direct constructor version
-template<typename Class,
-typename T0, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5>
-struct wxDirectConstructorBridge_6 : public wxDirectConstructorBrigde
- void Create(wxObject * &o, wxxVariant *args)
- {
- o = new Class(
- args[0].wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , T0) ,
- args[1].wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , T1) ,
- args[2].wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , T2) ,
- args[3].wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , T3) ,
- args[4].wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , T4) ,
- args[5].wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , T5)
- );
- }
-#define wxDIRECT_CONSTRUCTOR_6(klass,t0,v0,t1,v1,t2,v2,t3,v3,t4,v4,t5,v5) \
- wxDirectConstructorBridge_6<klass,t0,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5> constructor##klass ; \
- wxConstructorBridge* klass::ms_constructor = &constructor##klass ; \
- const wxChar *klass::ms_constructorProperties[] = { wxT(#v0) , wxT(#v1) , wxT(#v2) , wxT(#v3) , wxT(#v4) , wxT(#v5) } ; \
- const int klass::ms_constructorPropertiesCount = 6;
+typedef wxObject *(*wxObjectConstructorFn)(void);
+typedef wxPropertyInfo *(*wxPropertyInfoFn)(void);
+typedef wxHandlerInfo *(*wxHandlerInfoFn)(void);
+typedef void (*wxVariantToObjectConverter)( const wxAny &data, wxObjectFunctor* fn );
+typedef wxObject* (*wxVariantToObjectPtrConverter) ( const wxAny& data);
+typedef wxAny (*wxObjectToVariantConverter)( wxObject* );
-// 7 params
+WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxString wxAnyGetAsString( const wxAny& data);
+WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE const wxObject* wxAnyGetAsObjectPtr( const wxAny& data);
-template<typename Class,
-typename T0, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5, typename T6>
-struct wxConstructorBridge_7 : public wxConstructorBridge
- void Create(wxObject * &o, wxxVariant *args)
- {
- Class *obj = dynamic_cast<Class*>(o);
- obj->Create(
- args[0].wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , T0) ,
- args[1].wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , T1) ,
- args[2].wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , T2) ,
- args[3].wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , T3) ,
- args[4].wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , T4) ,
- args[5].wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , T5) ,
- args[6].wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , T6)
- );
- }
+class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxObjectWriter;
+class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxObjectWriterCallback;
-#define wxCONSTRUCTOR_7(klass,t0,v0,t1,v1,t2,v2,t3,v3,t4,v4,t5,v5,t6,v6) \
- wxConstructorBridge_7<klass,t0,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6> constructor##klass ; \
- wxConstructorBridge* klass::ms_constructor = &constructor##klass ; \
- const wxChar *klass::ms_constructorProperties[] = { wxT(#v0) , wxT(#v1) , wxT(#v2) , wxT(#v3) , wxT(#v4) , wxT(#v5) , wxT(#v6) } ; \
- const int klass::ms_constructorPropertiesCount = 7;
+typedef bool (*wxObjectStreamingCallback) ( const wxObject *, wxObjectWriter *, \
+ wxObjectWriterCallback *, const wxStringToAnyHashMap & );
-// 8 params
-template<typename Class,
-typename T0, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5, typename T6, typename T7>
-struct wxConstructorBridge_8 : public wxConstructorBridge
- void Create(wxObject * &o, wxxVariant *args)
- {
- Class *obj = dynamic_cast<Class*>(o);
- obj->Create(
- args[0].wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , T0) ,
- args[1].wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , T1) ,
- args[2].wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , T2) ,
- args[3].wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , T3) ,
- args[4].wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , T4) ,
- args[5].wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , T5) ,
- args[6].wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , T6) ,
- args[7].wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , T7)
- );
- }
-#define wxCONSTRUCTOR_8(klass,t0,v0,t1,v1,t2,v2,t3,v3,t4,v4,t5,v5,t6,v6,t7,v7) \
- wxConstructorBridge_8<klass,t0,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7> constructor##klass ; \
- wxConstructorBridge* klass::ms_constructor = &constructor##klass ; \
- const wxChar *klass::ms_constructorProperties[] = { wxT(#v0) , wxT(#v1) , wxT(#v2) , wxT(#v3) , wxT(#v4) , wxT(#v5) , wxT(#v6) , wxT(#v7) } ; \
- const int klass::ms_constructorPropertiesCount = 8;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// wxClassInfo
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-typedef wxObject *(*wxObjectConstructorFn)(void);
-typedef wxObject* (*wxVariantToObjectConverter)( wxxVariant &data ) ;
-typedef wxxVariant (*wxObjectToVariantConverter)( wxObject* ) ;
-class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxWriter;
-class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxPersister;
-typedef bool (*wxObjectStreamingCallback) ( const wxObject *, wxWriter * , wxPersister * , wxxVariantArray & ) ;
class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxClassInfo
- friend class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxPropertyInfo ;
- friend class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxHandlerInfo ;
+ friend class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxPropertyInfo;
+ friend class /* WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE */ wxHandlerInfo;
+ friend wxObject *wxCreateDynamicObject(const wxString& name);
wxClassInfo(const wxClassInfo **_Parents,
- const wxChar *_UnitName,
- const wxChar *_ClassName,
- int size,
- wxObjectConstructorFn ctor ,
- wxPropertyInfo *_Props ,
- wxHandlerInfo *_Handlers ,
- wxConstructorBridge* _Constructor ,
- const wxChar ** _ConstructorProperties ,
- const int _ConstructorPropertiesCount ,
- wxVariantToObjectConverter _PtrConverter1 ,
- wxVariantToObjectConverter _Converter2 ,
- wxObjectToVariantConverter _Converter3 ,
- wxObjectStreamingCallback _streamingCallback = NULL
- ) :
+ const wxChar *_UnitName,
+ const wxChar *_ClassName,
+ int size,
+ wxObjectConstructorFn ctor,
+ wxPropertyInfoFn _Props,
+ wxHandlerInfoFn _Handlers,
+ wxObjectAllocatorAndCreator* _Constructor,
+ const wxChar ** _ConstructorProperties,
+ const int _ConstructorPropertiesCount,
+ wxVariantToObjectPtrConverter _PtrConverter1,
+ wxVariantToObjectConverter _Converter2,
+ wxObjectToVariantConverter _Converter3,
+ wxObjectStreamingCallback _streamingCallback = NULL) :
- m_firstProperty(_Props),
- m_firstHandler(_Handlers),
+ m_firstPropertyFn(_Props),
+ m_firstHandlerFn(_Handlers),
+ m_firstProperty(NULL),
+ m_firstHandler(NULL),
+ m_firstInited(false),
sm_first = this;
- Register() ;
+ Register();
wxClassInfo(const wxChar *_UnitName, const wxChar *_ClassName,
+ m_firstPropertyFn(NULL),
+ m_firstHandlerFn(NULL),
+ m_firstInited(true),
sm_first = this;
- Register() ;
+ Register();
- virtual ~wxClassInfo() ;
+ // ctor compatible with old RTTI system
+ wxClassInfo(const wxChar *_ClassName,
+ const wxClassInfo *_Parent1,
+ const wxClassInfo *_Parent2,
+ int size,
+ wxObjectConstructorFn ctor) :
+ m_className(_ClassName),
+ m_objectSize(size),
+ m_objectConstructor(ctor),
+ m_next(sm_first),
+ m_firstPropertyFn(NULL),
+ m_firstHandlerFn(NULL),
+ m_firstProperty(NULL),
+ m_firstHandler(NULL),
+ m_firstInited(true),
+ m_parents(NULL),
+ m_unitName(NULL),
+ m_constructor(NULL),
+ m_constructorProperties(NULL),
+ m_constructorPropertiesCount(0),
+ m_variantOfPtrToObjectConverter(NULL),
+ m_variantToObjectConverter(NULL),
+ m_objectToVariantConverter(NULL),
+ m_streamingCallback(NULL)
+ {
+ sm_first = this;
+ m_parents[0] = _Parent1;
+ m_parents[1] = _Parent2;
+ m_parents[2] = NULL;
+ Register();
+ }
- // allocates an instance of this class, this object does not have to be initialized or fully constructed
- // as this call will be followed by a call to Create
- virtual wxObject *AllocateObject() const { return m_objectConstructor ? (*m_objectConstructor)() : 0; }
+ virtual ~wxClassInfo();
+ // allocates an instance of this class, this object does not have to be
+ // initialized or fully constructed as this call will be followed by a call to Create
+ virtual wxObject *AllocateObject() const
+ { return m_objectConstructor ? (*m_objectConstructor)() : 0; }
// 'old naming' for AllocateObject staying here for backward compatibility
- wxObject *CreateObject() const { return AllocateObject() ; }
+ wxObject *CreateObject() const { return AllocateObject(); }
// direct construction call for classes that cannot construct instances via alloc/create
- wxObject *ConstructObject(int ParamCount, wxxVariant *Params) const
- {
- if ( ParamCount != m_constructorPropertiesCount )
- {
- wxLogError( _("Illegal Parameter Count for ConstructObject Method") ) ;
- return NULL ;
- }
- wxObject *object = NULL ;
- m_constructor->Create( object , Params ) ;
- return object ;
- }
+ wxObject *ConstructObject(int ParamCount, wxAny *Params) const;
- bool NeedsDirectConstruction() const { return dynamic_cast<wxDirectConstructorBrigde*>( m_constructor) != NULL ; }
- const wxChar *GetClassName() const { return m_className; }
+ bool NeedsDirectConstruction() const;
+ const wxChar *GetClassName() const
+ { return m_className; }
const wxChar *GetBaseClassName1() const
{ return m_parents[0] ? m_parents[0]->GetClassName() : NULL; }
const wxChar *GetBaseClassName2() const
{ return (m_parents[0] && m_parents[1]) ? m_parents[1]->GetClassName() : NULL; }
- const wxChar *GetIncludeName() const { return m_unitName ; }
- const wxClassInfo **GetParents() const { return m_parents; }
- int GetSize() const { return m_objectSize; }
- bool IsDynamic() const { return (NULL != m_objectConstructor); }
- wxObjectConstructorFn GetConstructor() const { return m_objectConstructor; }
- static const wxClassInfo *GetFirst() { return sm_first; }
- const wxClassInfo *GetNext() const { return m_next; }
- static wxClassInfo *FindClass(const wxChar *className);
+ const wxClassInfo *GetBaseClass1() const
+ { return m_parents[0]; }
+ const wxClassInfo *GetBaseClass2() const
+ { return m_parents[0] ? m_parents[1] : NULL; }
+ const wxChar *GetIncludeName() const
+ { return m_unitName; }
+ const wxClassInfo **GetParents() const
+ { return m_parents; }
+ int GetSize() const
+ { return m_objectSize; }
+ bool IsDynamic() const
+ { return (NULL != m_objectConstructor); }
+ wxObjectConstructorFn GetConstructor() const
+ { return m_objectConstructor; }
+ const wxClassInfo *GetNext() const
+ { return m_next; }
+ // statics:
+ static void CleanUp();
+ static wxClassInfo *FindClass(const wxString& className);
+ static const wxClassInfo *GetFirst()
+ { return sm_first; }
// Climb upwards through inheritance hierarchy.
// Dual inheritance is catered for.
- bool IsKindOf(const wxClassInfo *info) const
- {
- if ( info != 0 )
- {
- if ( info == this )
- return true ;
- for ( int i = 0 ; m_parents[i] ; ++ i )
- {
- if ( m_parents[i]->IsKindOf( info ) )
- return true ;
- }
- }
- return false ;
- }
+ bool IsKindOf(const wxClassInfo *info) const;
// if there is a callback registered with that class it will be called
// before this object will be written to disk, it can veto streaming out
// this object by returning false, if this class has not registered a
// callback, the search will go up the inheritance tree if no callback has
// been registered true will be returned by default
- bool BeforeWriteObject( const wxObject *obj, wxWriter *streamer , wxPersister *persister , wxxVariantArray &metadata) const ;
+ bool BeforeWriteObject( const wxObject *obj, wxObjectWriter *streamer,
+ wxObjectWriterCallback *writercallback, const wxStringToAnyHashMap &metadata) const;
// gets the streaming callback from this class or any superclass
- wxObjectStreamingCallback GetStreamingCallback() const ;
- // Initializes parent pointers and hash table for fast searching.
- wxDEPRECATED( static void InitializeClasses() );
- // Cleans up hash table used for fast searching.
- wxDEPRECATED( static void CleanUpClasses() );
- static void CleanUp();
+ wxObjectStreamingCallback GetStreamingCallback() const;
// returns the first property
- const wxPropertyInfo* GetFirstProperty() const { return m_firstProperty ; }
+ wxPropertyInfo* GetFirstProperty() const
+ { EnsureInfosInited(); return m_firstProperty; }
// returns the first handler
- const wxHandlerInfo* GetFirstHandler() const { return m_firstHandler ; }
+ wxHandlerInfo* GetFirstHandler() const
+ { EnsureInfosInited(); return m_firstHandler; }
// Call the Create upon an instance of the class, in the end the object is fully
// initialized
- virtual void Create (wxObject *object, int ParamCount, wxxVariant *Params) const
- {
- if ( ParamCount != m_constructorPropertiesCount )
- {
- wxLogError( _("Illegal Parameter Count for Create Method") ) ;
- return ;
- }
- m_constructor->Create( object , Params ) ;
- }
+ virtual bool Create (wxObject *object, int ParamCount, wxAny *Params) const;
// get number of parameters for constructor
- virtual int GetCreateParamCount() const { return m_constructorPropertiesCount; }
+ virtual int GetCreateParamCount() const
+ { return m_constructorPropertiesCount; }
// get n-th constructor parameter
- virtual const wxChar* GetCreateParamName(int n) const { return m_constructorProperties[n] ; }
+ virtual const wxChar* GetCreateParamName(int n) const
+ { return m_constructorProperties[n]; }
- // Runtime access to objects for simple properties (get/set) by property name, and variant data
- virtual void SetProperty (wxObject *object, const wxChar *propertyName, const wxxVariant &value) const ;
- virtual wxxVariant GetProperty (wxObject *object, const wxChar *propertyName) const;
+ // Runtime access to objects for simple properties (get/set) by property
+ // name and variant data
+ virtual void SetProperty (wxObject *object, const wxChar *propertyName,
+ const wxAny &value) const;
+ virtual wxAny GetProperty (wxObject *object, const wxChar *propertyName) const;
// Runtime access to objects for collection properties by property name
- virtual wxxVariantArray GetPropertyCollection(wxObject *object, const wxChar *propertyName) const ;
- virtual void AddToPropertyCollection(wxObject *object, const wxChar *propertyName , const wxxVariant& value) const ;
+ virtual wxAnyList GetPropertyCollection(wxObject *object,
+ const wxChar *propertyName) const;
+ virtual void AddToPropertyCollection(wxObject *object, const wxChar *propertyName,
+ const wxAny& value) const;
- // we must be able to cast variants to wxObject pointers, templates seem not to be suitable
- wxObject* VariantToInstance( wxxVariant &data ) const
- {
- if ( data.GetTypeInfo()->GetKind() == wxT_OBJECT )
- return m_variantToObjectConverter( data ) ;
- else
- return m_variantOfPtrToObjectConverter( data ) ;
- }
+ // we must be able to cast variants to wxObject pointers, templates seem
+ // not to be suitable
+ void CallOnAny( const wxAny &data, wxObjectFunctor* functor ) const;
- wxxVariant InstanceToVariant( wxObject *object ) const { return m_objectToVariantConverter( object ) ; }
+ wxObject* AnyToObjectPtr( const wxAny &data) const;
+ wxAny ObjectPtrToAny( wxObject *object ) const;
// find property by name
- virtual const wxPropertyInfo *FindPropertyInfo (const wxChar *PropertyName) const ;
+ virtual const wxPropertyInfo *FindPropertyInfo (const wxChar *PropertyName) const;
// find handler by name
- virtual const wxHandlerInfo *FindHandlerInfo (const wxChar *PropertyName) const ;
+ virtual const wxHandlerInfo *FindHandlerInfo (const wxChar *handlerName) const;
// find property by name
- virtual wxPropertyInfo *FindPropertyInfoInThisClass (const wxChar *PropertyName) const ;
+ virtual wxPropertyInfo *FindPropertyInfoInThisClass (const wxChar *PropertyName) const;
// find handler by name
- virtual wxHandlerInfo *FindHandlerInfoInThisClass (const wxChar *PropertyName) const ;
+ virtual wxHandlerInfo *FindHandlerInfoInThisClass (const wxChar *handlerName) const;
- // puts all the properties of this class and its superclasses in the map, as long as there is not yet
- // an entry with the same name (overriding mechanism)
- void GetProperties( wxPropertyInfoMap &map ) const ;
+ // puts all the properties of this class and its superclasses in the map,
+ // as long as there is not yet an entry with the same name (overriding mechanism)
+ void GetProperties( wxPropertyInfoMap &map ) const;
const wxChar *m_className;
int m_objectSize;
- wxObjectConstructorFn m_objectConstructor;
+ wxObjectConstructorFn m_objectConstructor;
// class info object live in a linked list:
// pointers to its head and the next element in it
static wxClassInfo *sm_first;
- wxClassInfo *m_next;
+ wxClassInfo *m_next;
- // FIXME: this should be private (currently used directly by way too
- // many clients)
static wxHashTable *sm_classTable;
-protected :
- wxPropertyInfo * m_firstProperty ;
- wxHandlerInfo * m_firstHandler ;
+ wxPropertyInfoFn m_firstPropertyFn;
+ wxHandlerInfoFn m_firstHandlerFn;
+ void EnsureInfosInited() const
+ {
+ if ( !m_firstInited)
+ {
+ if ( m_firstPropertyFn != NULL)
+ m_firstProperty = (*m_firstPropertyFn)();
+ if ( m_firstHandlerFn != NULL)
+ m_firstHandler = (*m_firstHandlerFn)();
+ m_firstInited = true;
+ }
+ }
+ mutable wxPropertyInfo* m_firstProperty;
+ mutable wxHandlerInfo* m_firstHandler;
- const wxClassInfo** m_parents ;
- const wxChar* m_unitName;
+ mutable bool m_firstInited;
- wxConstructorBridge* m_constructor ;
- const wxChar ** m_constructorProperties ;
- const int m_constructorPropertiesCount ;
- wxVariantToObjectConverter m_variantOfPtrToObjectConverter ;
- wxVariantToObjectConverter m_variantToObjectConverter ;
- wxObjectToVariantConverter m_objectToVariantConverter ;
- wxObjectStreamingCallback m_streamingCallback ;
- const wxPropertyAccessor *FindAccessor (const wxChar *propertyName) const ;
+ const wxClassInfo** m_parents;
+ const wxChar* m_unitName;
+ wxObjectAllocatorAndCreator* m_constructor;
+ const wxChar ** m_constructorProperties;
+ const int m_constructorPropertiesCount;
+ wxVariantToObjectPtrConverter m_variantOfPtrToObjectConverter;
+ wxVariantToObjectConverter m_variantToObjectConverter;
+ wxObjectToVariantConverter m_objectToVariantConverter;
+ wxObjectStreamingCallback m_streamingCallback;
- // InitializeClasses() helper
- static wxClassInfo *GetBaseByName(const wxChar *name) ;
+ const wxPropertyAccessor *FindAccessor (const wxChar *propertyName) const;
// registers the class
-WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxObject *wxCreateDynamicObject(const wxChar *name);
+WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxObject *wxCreateDynamicObject(const wxString& name);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// wxDynamicObject
+// wxDynamicClassInfo
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// this object leads to having a pure runtime-instantiation
class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxDynamicClassInfo : public wxClassInfo
- friend class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxDynamicObject ;
-public :
- wxDynamicClassInfo( const wxChar *_UnitName, const wxChar *_ClassName , const wxClassInfo* superClass ) ;
- virtual ~wxDynamicClassInfo() ;
+ friend class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxDynamicObject;
+ wxDynamicClassInfo( const wxChar *_UnitName, const wxChar *_ClassName,
+ const wxClassInfo* superClass );
+ virtual ~wxDynamicClassInfo();
// constructs a wxDynamicObject with an instance
- virtual wxObject *AllocateObject() const ;
+ virtual wxObject *AllocateObject() const;
// Call the Create method for a class
- virtual void Create (wxObject *object, int ParamCount, wxxVariant *Params) const ;
+ virtual bool Create (wxObject *object, int ParamCount, wxAny *Params) const;
// get number of parameters for constructor
- virtual int GetCreateParamCount() const ;
+ virtual int GetCreateParamCount() const;
// get i-th constructor parameter
- virtual const wxChar* GetCreateParamName(int i) const ;
+ virtual const wxChar* GetCreateParamName(int i) const;
// Runtime access to objects by property name, and variant data
- virtual void SetProperty (wxObject *object, const wxChar *PropertyName, const wxxVariant &Value) const ;
- virtual wxxVariant GetProperty (wxObject *object, const wxChar *PropertyName) const ;
+ virtual void SetProperty (wxObject *object, const wxChar *PropertyName,
+ const wxAny &Value) const;
+ virtual wxAny GetProperty (wxObject *object, const wxChar *PropertyName) const;
// adds a property to this class at runtime
- void AddProperty( const wxChar *propertyName , const wxTypeInfo* typeInfo ) ;
+ void AddProperty( const wxChar *propertyName, const wxTypeInfo* typeInfo );
// removes an existing runtime-property
- void RemoveProperty( const wxChar *propertyName ) ;
+ void RemoveProperty( const wxChar *propertyName );
// renames an existing runtime-property
- void RenameProperty( const wxChar *oldPropertyName , const wxChar *newPropertyName ) ;
+ void RenameProperty( const wxChar *oldPropertyName, const wxChar *newPropertyName );
// as a handler to this class at runtime
- void AddHandler( const wxChar *handlerName , wxObjectEventFunction address , const wxClassInfo* eventClassInfo ) ;
+ void AddHandler( const wxChar *handlerName, wxObjectEventFunction address,
+ const wxClassInfo* eventClassInfo );
// removes an existing runtime-handler
- void RemoveHandler( const wxChar *handlerName ) ;
+ void RemoveHandler( const wxChar *handlerName );
// renames an existing runtime-handler
- void RenameHandler( const wxChar *oldHandlerName , const wxChar *newHandlerName ) ;
-private :
- struct wxDynamicClassInfoInternal ;
- wxDynamicClassInfoInternal* m_data ;
-} ;
+ void RenameHandler( const wxChar *oldHandlerName, const wxChar *newHandlerName );
+ struct wxDynamicClassInfoInternal;
+ wxDynamicClassInfoInternal* m_data;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Dynamic class macros
+// wxDECLARE class macros
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#define _DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(name) \
- public: \
- static wxClassInfo ms_classInfo; \
- static const wxClassInfo* ms_classParents[] ; \
- static wxPropertyInfo* GetPropertiesStatic() ; \
- static wxHandlerInfo* GetHandlersStatic() ; \
- static wxClassInfo *GetClassInfoStatic() \
-{ return &name::ms_classInfo; } \
- virtual wxClassInfo *GetClassInfo() const \
-{ return &name::ms_classInfo; }
-#define _DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(name) \
- public: \
- static wxClassInfo ms_class##name; \
- static const wxClassInfo* ms_classParents##name[] ; \
- static wxPropertyInfo* GetPropertiesStatic() ; \
- static wxHandlerInfo* GetHandlersStatic() ; \
- static wxClassInfo *GetClassInfoStatic() \
-{ return &name::ms_class##name; } \
- virtual wxClassInfo *GetClassInfo() const \
-{ return &name::ms_class##name; }
-#define DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(name) \
- static wxConstructorBridge* ms_constructor ; \
- static const wxChar * ms_constructorProperties[] ; \
- static const int ms_constructorPropertiesCount ; \
+#define _DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(name) \
+ public: \
+ static wxClassInfo ms_classInfo; \
+ static const wxClassInfo* ms_classParents[]; \
+ static wxPropertyInfo* GetPropertiesStatic(); \
+ static wxHandlerInfo* GetHandlersStatic(); \
+ static wxClassInfo *GetClassInfoStatic() \
+ { return &name::ms_classInfo; } \
+ virtual wxClassInfo *GetClassInfo() const \
+ { return &name::ms_classInfo; }
+#define wxDECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(name) \
+ static wxObjectAllocatorAndCreator* ms_constructor; \
+ static const wxChar * ms_constructorProperties[]; \
+ static const int ms_constructorPropertiesCount; \
-// -----------------------------------
-// for concrete classes
-// -----------------------------------
-// Single inheritance with one base class
-#define _TYPEINFO_CLASSES(n , toString , fromString ) \
- wxClassTypeInfo s_typeInfo##n(wxT_OBJECT , &n::ms_classInfo , toString , fromString , typeid(n).name()) ; \
- wxClassTypeInfo s_typeInfoPtr##n(wxT_OBJECT_PTR , &n::ms_classInfo , toString , fromString , typeid(n*).name()) ;
-#define _IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(name, basename, unit , callback) \
- wxObject* wxConstructorFor##name() \
-{ return new name; } \
- const wxClassInfo* name::ms_classParents[] = { &basename::ms_classInfo ,NULL } ; \
- wxObject* wxVariantOfPtrToObjectConverter##name ( wxxVariant &data ) { return data.wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , name*) ; } \
- wxxVariant wxObjectToVariantConverter##name ( wxObject *data ) { return wxxVariant( dynamic_cast<name*> (data) ) ; } \
- wxClassInfo name::ms_classInfo(name::ms_classParents , wxT(unit) , wxT(#name), \
- (int) sizeof(name), \
- (wxObjectConstructorFn) wxConstructorFor##name , \
- name::GetPropertiesStatic(),name::GetHandlersStatic(),name::ms_constructor , name::ms_constructorProperties , \
- name::ms_constructorPropertiesCount , wxVariantOfPtrToObjectConverter##name , NULL , wxObjectToVariantConverter##name , callback);
-#define _IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS_WITH_COPY(name, basename, unit, callback ) \
- wxObject* wxConstructorFor##name() \
-{ return new name; } \
- const wxClassInfo* name::ms_classParents[] = { &basename::ms_classInfo ,NULL } ; \
- wxObject* wxVariantToObjectConverter##name ( wxxVariant &data ) { return &data.wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , name) ; } \
- wxObject* wxVariantOfPtrToObjectConverter##name ( wxxVariant &data ) { return data.wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , name*) ; } \
- wxxVariant wxObjectToVariantConverter##name ( wxObject *data ) { return wxxVariant( dynamic_cast<name*> (data) ) ; } \
- wxClassInfo name::ms_classInfo(name::ms_classParents , wxT(unit) , wxT(#name), \
- (int) sizeof(name), \
- (wxObjectConstructorFn) wxConstructorFor##name , \
- name::GetPropertiesStatic(),name::GetHandlersStatic(),name::ms_constructor , name::ms_constructorProperties, \
- name::ms_constructorPropertiesCount , wxVariantOfPtrToObjectConverter##name , wxVariantToObjectConverter##name , wxObjectToVariantConverter##name, callback);
-#define IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS_WITH_COPY( name , basename ) \
- _IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS_WITH_COPY( name , basename , "" , NULL ) \
- const wxPropertyInfo *name::GetPropertiesStatic() { return (wxPropertyInfo*) NULL ; } \
- const wxHandlerInfo *name::GetHandlersStatic() { return (wxHandlerInfo*) NULL ; } \
-#define IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS( name , basename ) \
- _IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS( name , basename , "" , NULL ) \
- wxPropertyInfo *name::GetPropertiesStatic() { return (wxPropertyInfo*) NULL ; } \
- wxHandlerInfo *name::GetHandlersStatic() { return (wxHandlerInfo*) NULL ; } \
-#define IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS_XTI( name , basename , unit ) \
- _IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS( name , basename , unit , NULL ) \
-#define IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS_XTI_CALLBACK( name , basename , unit , callback ) \
- _IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS( name , basename , unit , &callback ) \
-#define IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS_WITH_COPY_XTI( name , basename , unit ) \
- _IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS_WITH_COPY( name , basename , unit , NULL ) \
-#define IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS_WITH_COPY_AND_STREAMERS_XTI( name , basename , unit , toString , fromString ) \
- _IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS_WITH_COPY( name , basename , unit , NULL ) \
- _TYPEINFO_CLASSES(name, toString , fromString)
-// this is for classes that do not derive from wxobject, there are no creators for these
- const wxClassInfo* name::ms_classParents[] = { NULL } ; \
- wxClassInfo name::ms_classInfo(name::ms_classParents , wxEmptyString , wxT(#name), \
- (int) sizeof(name), \
- (wxObjectConstructorFn) 0 , \
- name::GetPropertiesStatic(),name::GetHandlersStatic(),0 , 0 , \
- 0 , 0 , 0 ); \
-// this is for subclasses that still do not derive from wxobject
-#define IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS_NO_WXOBJECT_XTI( name , basename, unit ) \
- const wxClassInfo* name::ms_classParents[] = { &basename::ms_classInfo ,NULL } ; \
- wxClassInfo name::ms_classInfo(name::ms_classParents , wxEmptyString , wxT(#name), \
- (int) sizeof(name), \
- (wxObjectConstructorFn) 0 , \
- name::GetPropertiesStatic(),name::GetHandlersStatic(),0 , 0 , \
- 0 , 0 , 0 ); \
-// Multiple inheritance with two base classes
-#define _IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS2(name, basename, basename2, unit) \
- wxObject* wxConstructorFor##name() \
-{ return new name; } \
- const wxClassInfo* name::ms_classParents[] = { &basename::ms_classInfo ,&basename2::ms_classInfo , NULL } ; \
- wxObject* wxVariantToObjectConverter##name ( wxxVariant &data ) { return data.wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , name*) ; } \
- wxxVariant wxObjectToVariantConverter##name ( wxObject *data ) { return wxxVariant( dynamic_cast<name*> (data) ) ; } \
- wxClassInfo name::ms_classInfo(name::ms_classParents , wxT(unit) , wxT(#name), \
- (int) sizeof(name), \
- (wxObjectConstructorFn) wxConstructorFor##name , \
- name::GetPropertiesStatic(),name::GetHandlersStatic(),name::ms_constructor , name::ms_constructorProperties , \
- name::ms_constructorPropertiesCount , wxVariantToObjectConverter##name , wxObjectToVariantConverter##name); \
-#define IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS2( name , basename , basename2) \
- _IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS2( name , basename , basename2 , "") \
- wxPropertyInfo *name::GetPropertiesStatic() { return (wxPropertyInfo*) NULL ; } \
- wxHandlerInfo *name::GetHandlersStatic() { return (wxHandlerInfo*) NULL ; } \
-#define IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS2_XTI( name , basename , basename2, unit) \
- _IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS2( name , basename , basename2 , unit) \
-// -----------------------------------
-// for abstract classes
-// -----------------------------------
-// Single inheritance with one base class
-#define _IMPLEMENT_ABSTRACT_CLASS(name, basename) \
- const wxClassInfo* name::ms_classParents[] = { &basename::ms_classInfo ,NULL } ; \
- wxObject* wxVariantToObjectConverter##name ( wxxVariant &data ) { return data.wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , name*) ; } \
- wxObject* wxVariantOfPtrToObjectConverter##name ( wxxVariant &data ) { return data.wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , name*) ; } \
- wxxVariant wxObjectToVariantConverter##name ( wxObject *data ) { return wxxVariant( dynamic_cast<name*> (data) ) ; } \
- wxClassInfo name::ms_classInfo(name::ms_classParents , wxEmptyString , wxT(#name), \
- (int) sizeof(name), \
- (wxObjectConstructorFn) 0 , \
- name::GetPropertiesStatic(),name::GetHandlersStatic(),0 , 0 , \
- 0 , wxVariantOfPtrToObjectConverter##name ,wxVariantToObjectConverter##name , wxObjectToVariantConverter##name); \
-#define IMPLEMENT_ABSTRACT_CLASS( name , basename ) \
- _IMPLEMENT_ABSTRACT_CLASS( name , basename ) \
- wxHandlerInfo *name::GetHandlersStatic() { return (wxHandlerInfo*) NULL ; } \
- wxPropertyInfo *name::GetPropertiesStatic() { return (wxPropertyInfo*) NULL ; }
-// Multiple inheritance with two base classes
-#define IMPLEMENT_ABSTRACT_CLASS2(name, basename1, basename2) \
- wxClassInfo name::ms_classInfo(wxT(#name), wxT(#basename1), \
- wxT(#basename2), (int) sizeof(name), \
- (wxObjectConstructorFn) 0);
-#define wxBEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( a , b ) BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( a , b )
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Collection Support
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template<typename iter , typename collection_t > void wxListCollectionToVariantArray( const collection_t& coll , wxxVariantArray &value )
- iter current = coll.GetFirst() ;
- while (current)
- {
- value.Add( new wxxVariant(current->GetData()) ) ;
- current = current->GetNext();
- }
-template<typename collection_t> void wxArrayCollectionToVariantArray( const collection_t& coll , wxxVariantArray &value )
- for( size_t i = 0 ; i < coll.GetCount() ; i++ )
- {
- value.Add( new wxxVariant(coll[i]) ) ;
- }
+#define wxDECLARE_CLASS(name) \
+#define wxCLASSINFO(name) (&name::ms_classInfo)
+#endif // wxUSE_EXTENDED_RTTI
#endif // _WX_XTIH__