-Source: "distrib\msw\MSVCRT.dll"; DestDir: "{code:GetPythonDir}"; CopyMode: alwaysskipifsameorolder; Flags: uninsneveruninstall; Components: core
-Source: "distrib\msw\MSVCIRT.dll"; DestDir: "{code:GetPythonDir}"; CopyMode: alwaysskipifsameorolder; Flags: uninsneveruninstall; Components: core
-Source: "distrib\msw\MSVCP60.dll"; DestDir: "{code:GetPythonDir}"; CopyMode: alwaysskipifsameorolder; Flags: uninsneveruninstall; Components: core
Source: "%(WXDIR)s\lib\vc_dll\wx*%(WXDLLVER)s_*.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\%(PKGDIR)s\wx"; Components: core
Source: "scripts\xrced"; DestDir: "{code:GetPythonDir}\Scripts"; Flags: sharedfile; Components: core
-Source: "docs\README.txt"; DestDir: "{app}\%(PKGDIR)s\docs"; Flags: isreadme; Components: core
+Source: "distrib\README.win32.txt"; DestDir: "{app}\%(PKGDIR)s\docs"; Flags: isreadme; Components: core
Source: "licence\*.txt"; DestDir: "{app}\%(PKGDIR)s\docs\licence"; Components: core
'Should I do it?',
mbConfirmation, MB_YESNO);
if ResultCode = IDYES then begin
- InstExec(FileName, '/SILENT', WizardDirValue()+'\wxPython', True, False, SW_SHOWNORMAL, ResultCode);
+ InstExec(FileName, '/SILENT', WizardDirValue(), True, False, SW_SHOWNORMAL, ResultCode);
ISS_DocDemo_Template = r'''
-AppName = wxPython%(SHORTVER)s-DocsDemo
+AppName = wxPython%(SHORTVER)s-docs-demos
AppVerName = wxPython Docs and Demos %(VERSION)s
-OutputBaseFilename = wxPython%(SHORTVER)s-DocsDemo-%(VERSION)s
+OutputBaseFilename = wxPython%(SHORTVER)s-win32-docs-demos-%(VERSION)s
AppCopyright = Copyright © 2004 Total Control Software
-DefaultDirName = {pf}\wxPython%(SHORTVER)s Docs Demos and Tools
+DefaultDirName = {pf}\wxPython%(SHORTVER)s Docs and Demos
DefaultGroupName = wxPython%(SHORTVER)s Docs Demos and Tools
AlwaysCreateUninstallIcon = yes
AdminPrivilegesRequired = no
os.path.walk('wx\\locale', walk_helper, stringlst)
return '\n'.join(stringlst)
def get_system_dir():
for p in [r"C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32",
return p
raise IOError, "System dir not found"
def get_batch_files():
globs = {}
execfile("scripts/CreateBatchFiles.py", globs)
scripts = ['Type: files; Name: "{code:GetPythonDir}\Scripts\%s.bat";' % i[0] for i in scripts]
return '\n'.join(scripts)
+runtime_template = 'Source: "%s"; DestDir: "{code:GetPythonDir}"; CopyMode: alwaysskipifsameorolder; Flags: uninsneveruninstall; Components: core'
+def get_runtime_dlls(PYVER):
+ if PYVER == "py24":
+ source = [ r"distrib\msw\msvcr71.dll",
+ r"distrib\msw\msvcp71.dll" ]
+ else:
+ source = [ r"distrib\msw\MSVCRT.dll",
+ r"distrib\msw\MSVCIRT.dll",
+ r"distrib\msw\MSVCP60.dll" ]
+ DLLs = [runtime_template % dll for dll in source]
+ return '\n'.join(DLLs)
def main():
UNINSTALL_BATCH = get_batch_files()
PKGDIR = open('src/wx.pth').read()
LOCALE = build_locale_string(PKGDIR)
+ RTDLL = get_runtime_dlls(PYVER)
print """Building Win32 installer for wxPython:
""" % vars()
- if PYTHONVER >= "2.2":
+ if PYTHONVER >= "2.4":
+ IF22 = r"InstallDir := InstallDir + 'Lib\site-packages';"
+ elif PYTHONVER >= "2.2":
IF22 = r"InstallDir := InstallDir + '\Lib\site-packages';"
IF22 = ""
f = open(ISSDEMOFILE, "w")
f.write(ISS_DocDemo_Template % vars())
TOOLS = os.environ['TOOLS']
if TOOLS.startswith('/cygdrive'):
TOOLS = r"c:\TOOLS" # temporary hack until I convert everything over to bash