-REM These not automatically copied by Doxygen because it's not\r
-REM used in doxygen documentation, only in our html footer.\r
-copy images\powered-by-wxwidgets.png out\html 2>&1 >NUL\r
-copy images\logo_*.png out\html 2>&1 >NUL\r
-copy images\wxgtk\*.png out\html\wxgtk 2>&1 >NUL\r
-copy images\wxmsw\*.png out\html\wxmsw 2>&1 >NUL\r
-copy images\wxmac\*.png out\html\wxmac 2>&1 >NUL\r
-copy wxwidgets.js out\html 2>&1 >NUL\r
-REM this CSS is automatically copied by Doxygen because it's\r
-REM included by our custom html header...\r
-copy wxwidgets.css out\html 2>&1 >NUL\r
-REM set cfgfile variable to the right doxyfile to use,\r
-REM using MS broken batch scripting\r
-setlocal enableextensions\r
-set arg=%1\r
-if "%arg%" EQU "" set cfgfile=Doxyfile_all\r
-if "%arg%" NEQ "" set cfgfile=Doxyfile_%1\r
+REM These not automatically copied by Doxygen because they're not\r
+REM used in doxygen documentation, only in our html footer and by our\r
+REM custom aliases\r
+copy images\generic\*.png out\html\generic 2>&1 >NUL\r