Called in response of an "open-application" Apple event.
Override this to create a new document in your app.
- @onlyfor{wxmac}
+ @onlyfor{wxosx}
virtual void MacNewFile();
user double clicked on it or if the document file was dropped on either the
running application or the application icon in Finder.
- @onlyfor{wxmac}
+ @onlyfor{wxosx}
virtual void MacOpenFile(const wxString& fileName);
Called in response of a "get-url" Apple event.
- @onlyfor{wxmac}
+ @onlyfor{wxosx}
virtual void MacOpenURL(const wxString& url);
Called in response of a "print-document" Apple event.
- @onlyfor{wxmac}
+ @onlyfor{wxosx}
virtual void MacPrintFile(const wxString& fileName);
Called in response of a "reopen-application" Apple event.
- @onlyfor{wxmac}
+ @onlyfor{wxosx}
virtual void MacReopenApp();