+ if (flags & wxDL_GET_LOADED)
+ return ::GetModuleHandle(libname.t_str());
+ // Explicitly look in the same path as where the main wx HINSTANCE module
+ // is located (usually the executable or the DLL that uses wx). Normally
+ // this is automatically part of the default search path but in some cases
+ // it may not be, such as when the wxPython extension modules need to load
+ // a DLL, but the intperpreter executable is located elsewhere. Doing
+ // this allows us to always be able to dynamically load a DLL that is
+ // located at the same place as the wx modules.
+ wxString modpath, path;
+ ::GetModuleFileName(wxGetInstance(),
+ wxStringBuffer(modpath, MAX_PATH+1),
+ wxFileName::SplitPath(modpath, &path, NULL, NULL);
+ typedef BOOL (WINAPI *SetDllDirectory_t)(LPCTSTR lpPathName);
+ static SetDllDirectory_t s_pfnSetDllDirectory = (SetDllDirectory_t) -1;
+ if ( s_pfnSetDllDirectory == (SetDllDirectory_t) -1 )
+ {
+ /*
+ Should wxLoadedDLL ever not be used here (or rather, the
+ wxDL_GET_LOADED flag isn't used), infinite recursion will take
+ place (unless s_pfnSetDllDirectory is set to NULL here right
+ before loading the DLL).
+ */
+ wxLoadedDLL dllKernel("kernel32.dll");
+ wxDL_INIT_FUNC_AW(s_pfn, SetDllDirectory, dllKernel);
+ }
+ if (s_pfnSetDllDirectory)
+ {
+ s_pfnSetDllDirectory(path.t_str());
+ }
+ wxDllType handle = ::LoadLibrary(libname.t_str());
+ // reset the search path
+ if (s_pfnSetDllDirectory)
+ {
+ s_pfnSetDllDirectory(NULL);
+ }
+ return handle;