- Show_Ops
+ Show_Ops,
+ Show_Regions,
+ Show_Circles
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// global variables
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-static wxBitmap gs_bmpNoMask,
- gs_bmpWithColMask,
- gs_bmpMask,
- gs_bmpWithMask,
- gs_bmp4,
- gs_bmp36;
+static wxBitmap *gs_bmpNoMask = NULL,
+ *gs_bmpWithColMask = NULL,
+ *gs_bmpMask = NULL,
+ *gs_bmpWithMask = NULL,
+ *gs_bmp4 = NULL,
+ *gs_bmp4_mono = NULL,
+ *gs_bmp36 = NULL;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// private classes
// return: if OnInit() returns false, the application terminates)
virtual bool OnInit();
+ virtual int OnExit() { DeleteBitmaps(); return 0; }
+ void DeleteBitmaps();
bool LoadImages();
void DrawText(wxDC& dc);
void DrawImages(wxDC& dc);
void DrawWithLogicalOps(wxDC& dc);
+ void DrawRegions(wxDC& dc);
+ void DrawCircles(wxDC& dc);
void DrawDefault(wxDC& dc);
+ void DrawRegionsHelper(wxDC& dc, wxCoord x);
MyFrame *m_owner;
ScreenToShow m_show;
+ wxBitmap m_smile_bmp;
+ wxIcon m_std_icon;
- MenuShow_Last = File_ShowOps,
+ File_ShowRegions,
+ File_ShowCircles,
+ MenuShow_Last = File_ShowCircles,
bool MyApp::LoadImages()
+ gs_bmpNoMask = new wxBitmap;
+ gs_bmpWithColMask = new wxBitmap;
+ gs_bmpMask = new wxBitmap;
+ gs_bmpWithMask = new wxBitmap;
+ gs_bmp4 = new wxBitmap;
+ gs_bmp4_mono = new wxBitmap;
+ gs_bmp36 = new wxBitmap;
wxPathList pathList;
wxString path = pathList.FindValidPath("pat4.bmp");
if ( !path )
return FALSE;
- gs_bmp4.LoadFile(path, wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP);
- wxMask* mask4 = new wxMask(gs_bmp4, *wxBLACK);
- gs_bmp4.SetMask(mask4);
+ /* 4 colour bitmap */
+ gs_bmp4->LoadFile(path, wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP);
+ /* turn into mono-bitmap */
+ gs_bmp4_mono->LoadFile(path, wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP);
+ wxMask* mask4 = new wxMask(*gs_bmp4_mono, *wxBLACK);
+ gs_bmp4_mono->SetMask(mask4);
path = pathList.FindValidPath("pat36.bmp");
if ( !path )
return FALSE;
- gs_bmp36.LoadFile(path, wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP);
- wxMask* mask36 = new wxMask(gs_bmp36, *wxBLACK);
- gs_bmp36.SetMask(mask36);
+ gs_bmp36->LoadFile(path, wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP);
+ wxMask* mask36 = new wxMask(*gs_bmp36, *wxBLACK);
+ gs_bmp36->SetMask(mask36);
path = pathList.FindValidPath("image.bmp");
if ( !path )
return FALSE;
- gs_bmpNoMask.LoadFile(path, wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP);
- gs_bmpWithMask.LoadFile(path, wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP);
- gs_bmpWithColMask.LoadFile(path, wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP);
+ gs_bmpNoMask->LoadFile(path, wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP);
+ gs_bmpWithMask->LoadFile(path, wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP);
+ gs_bmpWithColMask->LoadFile(path, wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP);
path = pathList.FindValidPath("mask.bmp");
if ( !path )
return FALSE;
- gs_bmpMask.LoadFile(path, wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP);
-// This is so wrong, it hurts.
-// gs_bmpMask.SetDepth(1);
-// wxMask *mask = new wxMask(gs_bmpMask);
+ gs_bmpMask->LoadFile(path, wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP);
- wxMask *mask = new wxMask(gs_bmpMask, *wxBLACK);
- gs_bmpWithMask.SetMask(mask);
+ wxMask *mask = new wxMask(*gs_bmpMask, *wxBLACK);
+ gs_bmpWithMask->SetMask(mask);
- mask = new wxMask(gs_bmpWithColMask, *wxWHITE);
- gs_bmpWithColMask.SetMask(mask);
+ mask = new wxMask(*gs_bmpWithColMask, *wxWHITE);
+ gs_bmpWithColMask->SetMask(mask);
return TRUE;
// stop here
+ DeleteBitmaps();
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
+void MyApp::DeleteBitmaps()
+ delete gs_bmpNoMask;
+ delete gs_bmpWithColMask;
+ delete gs_bmpMask;
+ delete gs_bmpWithMask;
+ delete gs_bmp4;
+ delete gs_bmp4_mono;
+ delete gs_bmp36;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MyCanvas
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EVT_MOTION (MyCanvas::OnMouseMove)
-MyCanvas::MyCanvas( MyFrame *parent ) : wxScrolledWindow( parent )
+#include "smile.xpm"
+MyCanvas::MyCanvas(MyFrame *parent)
+ : wxScrolledWindow(parent, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
m_owner = parent;
m_show = Show_Default;
+ m_smile_bmp = wxBitmap(smile_xpm);
+ m_std_icon = wxTheApp->GetStdIcon(wxICON_INFORMATION);
-//draw a polygon and an overlapping rectangle
-//is transparent is 1, the fill pattern are made transparent
-//is transparent is 2, the fill pattern are made transparent but inversed
-//is transparent is 0 the text for and background color will be used to represent/map
-//the colors of the monochrome bitmap pixels to the fillpattern
+// Draw a polygon and an overlapping rectangle
+// If transparent is 1, the fill pattern is made transparent.
+// If transparent is 2, the fill pattern is made transparent but inversed
+// If is transparent is 0 the text for and background color will be used to represent/map
+// the colors of the monochrome bitmap pixels to the fillpattern
-//i miss_used the the menu items for setting so called back and fore ground color
-//just to show how the those colors do influence the fillpatterns
-//just play with those,
-//and with the code
-//variations are endless using other logical functions
+// I abused the the menu items for setting so called back and fore ground color
+// just to show how the those colors do influence the fillpatterns just play
+// with those, and with the code variations are endless using other logical
+// functions.
void MyCanvas::DrawTestPoly( int x, int y,wxDC &dc,int transparent )
- wxBrush* brush4 = new wxBrush(gs_bmp4);
- wxBrush* brush36 = new wxBrush(gs_bmp36);
+// wxBrush* brush4 = new wxBrush(*gs_bmp4);
+ wxBrush* brush4 = new wxBrush(*wxBLACK,wxFDIAGONAL_HATCH);
+ wxBrush* brush4_mono = new wxBrush(*gs_bmp4_mono);
+ wxBrush* brush36 = new wxBrush(*gs_bmp36);
wxPoint todraw[5];
case 0:
+ dc.SetLogicalFunction(wxCOPY);
dc.SetPen( wxPen( "black", 4, wxSOLID) );
dc.SetBrush( *brush4 );
- dc.SetTextForeground(*wxGREEN);
- dc.SetTextBackground(m_owner->m_colourForeground);
- dc.SetLogicalFunction(wxCOPY);
- //don't understand hwo but the outline is also depending on logicalfunction
dc.SetPen( wxPen( "red", 4, wxSOLID) );
dc.SetBrush( *brush36 );
- dc.SetLogicalFunction(wxCOPY);
dc.DrawRectangle( x+10, y+10, 200, 200 );
+ dc.SetPen( wxPen( "green", 4, wxSOLID) );
+ dc.SetBrush( *brush4_mono );
+ dc.SetTextForeground(*wxCYAN);
+ dc.SetTextBackground(m_owner->m_colourBackground);
+ dc.DrawRectangle( x+50, y+50, 200, 200 );
+ dc.DrawCircle( x+400, y+50, 130 );
delete brush4;
+ delete brush4_mono;
delete brush36;
dc.SetPen( wxPen( "black", width, wxSOLID) );
dc.SetBrush( *wxRED_BRUSH );
+ dc.DrawText(wxString::Format("Testing lines of width %d", width), x + 10, y - 10);
dc.DrawRectangle( x+10, y+10, 100, 190 );
+ dc.DrawText("Solid/dot/short dash/long dash/dot dash", x + 150, y + 10);
dc.SetPen( wxPen( "black", width, wxSOLID) );
dc.DrawLine( x+20, y+20, 100, y+20 );
dc.SetPen( wxPen( "black", width, wxDOT) );
dc.SetPen( wxPen( "black", width, wxDOT_DASH) );
dc.DrawLine( x+20, y+60, 100, y+60 );
+ dc.DrawText("Misc hatches", x + 150, y + 70);
dc.SetPen( wxPen( "black", width, wxBDIAGONAL_HATCH) );
dc.DrawLine( x+20, y+70, 100, y+70 );
dc.SetPen( wxPen( "black", width, wxCROSSDIAG_HATCH) );
dc.SetPen( wxPen( "black", width, wxVERTICAL_HATCH) );
dc.DrawLine( x+20, y+120, 100, y+120 );
+ dc.DrawText("User dash", x + 150, y + 140);
wxPen ud( "black", width, wxUSER_DASH );
wxDash dash1[1];
dash1[0] = 0;
dash1[0] = 2;
ud.SetDashes( 1, dash1 );
dc.DrawLine( x+20, y+160, 100, y+160 );
- dash1[0] = 0xFF;
+ dash1[0] = 0x7F;
ud.SetDashes( 1, dash1 );
dc.DrawLine( x+20, y+170, 100, y+170 );
dc.FloodFill(0, 0, wxColour(255, 0, 0));
#endif //
- dc.DrawIcon( wxICON(mondrian), 40, 40 );
dc.DrawCheckMark(5, 80, 15, 15);
dc.DrawCheckMark(25, 80, 30, 30);
dc.DrawCheckMark(60, 80, 60, 60);
- // this is the test for "blitting bitmap into DC damages selected brush"
- // bug
- wxIcon icon = wxTheApp->GetStdIcon(wxICON_INFORMATION);
- wxCoord rectSize = icon.GetWidth() + 10;
+ // this is the test for "blitting bitmap into DC damages selected brush" bug
+ wxCoord rectSize = m_std_icon.GetWidth() + 10;
wxCoord x = 100;
dc.SetBrush( *wxGREEN_BRUSH );
dc.DrawRectangle(x, 10, rectSize, rectSize);
- dc.DrawBitmap(icon, x + 5, 15, TRUE);
+ dc.DrawBitmap(m_std_icon, x + 5, 15, TRUE);
x += rectSize + 10;
dc.DrawRectangle(x, 10, rectSize, rectSize);
- dc.DrawIcon(wxTheApp->GetStdIcon(wxICON_INFORMATION), x + 5, 15);
+ dc.DrawIcon(m_std_icon, x + 5, 15);
x += rectSize + 10;
dc.DrawRectangle(x, 10, rectSize, rectSize);
// test for "transparent" bitmap drawing (it intersects with the last
// rectangle above)
//dc.SetBrush( *wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH );
- #include "../image/smile.xpm"
- wxBitmap bmp(smile_xpm);
- if (bmp.Ok())
- dc.DrawBitmap(bmp, x + rectSize - 20, rectSize - 10, TRUE);
+ if (m_smile_bmp.Ok())
+ dc.DrawBitmap(m_smile_bmp, x + rectSize - 20, rectSize - 10, TRUE);
dc.SetBrush( *wxBLACK_BRUSH );
dc.DrawRectangle( 0, 160, 1000, 300 );
dc.DrawLine(400, 170, 400, 210);
dc.DrawLine(300, 200, 410, 200);
+ // a few more tests of this kind
+ dc.SetPen(*wxRED_PEN);
+ dc.SetBrush( *wxWHITE_BRUSH );
+ dc.DrawRectangle(300, 220, 1, 1);
+ dc.DrawRectangle(310, 220, 2, 2);
+ dc.DrawRectangle(320, 220, 3, 3);
+ dc.DrawRectangle(330, 220, 4, 4);
+ dc.SetPen(*wxTRANSPARENT_PEN);
+ dc.SetBrush( *wxWHITE_BRUSH );
+ dc.DrawRectangle(300, 230, 1, 1);
+ dc.DrawRectangle(310, 230, 2, 2);
+ dc.DrawRectangle(320, 230, 3, 3);
+ dc.DrawRectangle(330, 230, 4, 4);
// and now for filled rect with outline
dc.SetBrush( *wxWHITE_BRUSH );
dc.SetFont( *wxNORMAL_FONT );
wxString text;
- dc. SetBackgroundMode(wxTRANSPARENT);
+ dc.SetBackgroundMode(wxTRANSPARENT);
for ( int n = -180; n < 180; n += 30 )
dc.DrawText( text, 110, 120 );
dc.DrawRectangle( 100, 40, 4, height );
+ // test the logical function effect
+ wxCoord y = 150;
+ dc.SetLogicalFunction(wxINVERT);
+ dc.DrawText( "There should be no text below", 110, 150 );
+ dc.DrawRectangle( 110, y, 100, height );
+ // twice drawn inverted should result in invisible
+ y += height;
+ dc.DrawText( "Invisible text", 110, y );
+ dc.DrawRectangle( 110, y, 100, height );
+ dc.DrawText( "Invisible text", 110, y );
+ dc.DrawRectangle( 110, y, 100, height );
+ dc.SetLogicalFunction(wxCOPY);
+ y += height;
+ dc.DrawRectangle( 110, y, 100, height );
+ dc.DrawText( "Visible text", 110, y );
static const struct
void MyCanvas::DrawImages(wxDC& dc)
dc.DrawText("original image", 0, 0);
- dc.DrawBitmap(gs_bmpNoMask, 0, 20, 0);
+ dc.DrawBitmap(*gs_bmpNoMask, 0, 20, 0);
dc.DrawText("with colour mask", 0, 100);
- dc.DrawBitmap(gs_bmpWithColMask, 0, 120, TRUE);
+ dc.DrawBitmap(*gs_bmpWithColMask, 0, 120, TRUE);
dc.DrawText("the mask image", 0, 200);
- dc.DrawBitmap(gs_bmpMask, 0, 220, 0);
+ dc.DrawBitmap(*gs_bmpMask, 0, 220, 0);
dc.DrawText("masked image", 0, 300);
- dc.DrawBitmap(gs_bmpWithMask, 0, 320, TRUE);
+ dc.DrawBitmap(*gs_bmpWithMask, 0, 320, TRUE);
- int cx = gs_bmpWithColMask.GetWidth(),
- cy = gs_bmpWithColMask.GetHeight();
+ int cx = gs_bmpWithColMask->GetWidth(),
+ cy = gs_bmpWithColMask->GetHeight();
wxMemoryDC memDC;
for ( size_t n = 0; n < WXSIZEOF(rasterOperations); n++ )
y = 20 + 100*(n/4);
dc.DrawText(rasterOperations[n].name, x, y - 20);
- memDC.SelectObject(gs_bmpWithColMask);
+ memDC.SelectObject(*gs_bmpWithColMask);
dc.Blit(x, y, cx, cy, &memDC, 0, 0, rasterOperations[n].rop, TRUE);
+void MyCanvas::DrawCircles(wxDC& dc)
+ int x = 100,
+ y = 100,
+ r = 20;
+ dc.DrawText("Some circles", 0, y);
+ dc.DrawCircle(x, y, r);
+ dc.DrawCircle(x + 2*r, y, r);
+ dc.DrawCircle(x + 4*r, y, r);
+ y += 2*r;
+ dc.DrawText("And ellipses", 0, y);
+ dc.DrawEllipse(x - r, y, 2*r, r);
+ dc.DrawEllipse(x + r, y, 2*r, r);
+ dc.DrawEllipse(x + 3*r, y, 2*r, r);
+ y += 2*r;
+ dc.DrawText("And arcs", 0, y);
+ dc.DrawArc(x - r, y, x + r, y, x, y);
+ dc.DrawArc(x + 4*r, y, x + 2*r, y, x + 3*r, y);
+ dc.DrawArc(x + 5*r, y, x + 5*r, y, x + 6*r, y);
+ y += 2*r;
+ dc.DrawEllipticArc(x - r, y, 2*r, r, 0, 90);
+ dc.DrawEllipticArc(x + r, y, 2*r, r, 90, 180);
+ dc.DrawEllipticArc(x + 3*r, y, 2*r, r, 180, 270);
+ dc.DrawEllipticArc(x + 5*r, y, 2*r, r, 270, 360);
+void MyCanvas::DrawRegions(wxDC& dc)
+ dc.DrawText("You should see a red rect partly covered by a cyan one "
+ "on the left", 10, 5);
+ dc.DrawText("and 5 smileys from which 4 are partially clipped on the "
+ "right (2 copies should be identical)",
+ 10, 5 + dc.GetCharHeight());
+ DrawRegionsHelper(dc, 10);
+ DrawRegionsHelper(dc, 350);
+void MyCanvas::DrawRegionsHelper(wxDC& dc, wxCoord x)
+ dc.DestroyClippingRegion();
+ dc.SetBrush( *wxWHITE_BRUSH );
+ dc.SetPen( *wxTRANSPARENT_PEN );
+ dc.DrawRectangle( x,50,310,310 );
+ dc.SetClippingRegion( x+10,60,100,270 );
+ dc.SetBrush( *wxRED_BRUSH );
+ dc.DrawRectangle( x,50,310,310 );
+ dc.SetClippingRegion( x+10,60,100,100 );
+ dc.SetBrush( *wxCYAN_BRUSH );
+ dc.DrawRectangle( x,50,310,310 );
+ // when drawing the left half, destroy the clipping region, when drawing
+ // the right one - leave it
+ //
+ // normally it shouldn't make any difference as SetClippingRegion()
+ // replaces the old clipping region
+ if ( x < 300 )
+ dc.DestroyClippingRegion();
+ dc.SetClippingRegion( x+110,70,100,270 );
+ dc.SetBrush( *wxGREY_BRUSH );
+ dc.DrawRectangle( x,50,310,310 );
+ if (m_smile_bmp.Ok())
+ {
+ dc.DrawBitmap( m_smile_bmp, x+150, 200, TRUE );
+ dc.DrawBitmap( m_smile_bmp, x+130, 60, TRUE );
+ dc.DrawBitmap( m_smile_bmp, x+130, 330, TRUE );
+ dc.DrawBitmap( m_smile_bmp, x+100, 120, TRUE );
+ dc.DrawBitmap( m_smile_bmp, x+200, 120, TRUE );
+ }
void MyCanvas::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent &WXUNUSED(event))
wxPaintDC dc(this);
dc.SetBackgroundMode( m_owner->m_backgroundMode );
+ case Show_Circles:
+ DrawCircles(dc);
+ break;
+ case Show_Regions:
+ DrawRegions(dc);
+ break;
case Show_Text:
case Show_Lines:
DrawTestLines( 0, 100, 0, dc );
- DrawTestLines( 0, 300, 1, dc );
- DrawTestLines( 0, 500, 2, dc );
- DrawTestLines( 0, 700, 6, dc );
+ DrawTestLines( 0, 320, 1, dc );
+ DrawTestLines( 0, 540, 2, dc );
+ DrawTestLines( 0, 760, 6, dc );
case Show_Polygons:
DrawTestPoly( 0, 100, dc, 0 );
DrawTestPoly( 33, 500, dc, 1 );
DrawTestPoly( 43, 1000, dc, 2 );
case Show_Mask:
case Show_Ops:
+ default:
+ {
+ dc.SetPen( *wxBLACK_PEN );
+ dc.DrawLine( 0,0,100,100 );
+ }
// frame constructor
MyFrame::MyFrame(const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size)
- : wxFrame((wxFrame *)NULL, -1, title, pos, size)
+ : wxFrame((wxFrame *)NULL, -1, title, pos, size,
// set the frame icon
menuFile->Append(File_ShowPolygons, "&Polygons screen\tF4");
menuFile->Append(File_ShowMask, "wx&Mask screen\tF5");
menuFile->Append(File_ShowOps, "&ROP screen\tF6");
+ menuFile->Append(File_ShowRegions, "Re&gions screen\tF7");
+ menuFile->Append(File_ShowCircles, "&Circles screen\tF8");
menuFile->Append(File_About, "&About...\tCtrl-A", "Show about dialog");
void MyFrame::OnShow(wxCommandEvent& event)
- m_canvas->Show((ScreenToShow)(event.GetInt() - MenuShow_First));
+ m_canvas->Show((ScreenToShow)(event.GetId() - MenuShow_First));
void MyFrame::OnOption(wxCommandEvent& event)
- switch (event.GetInt())
+ switch (event.GetId())
case MapMode_Text:
m_mapMode = wxMM_TEXT;