+#include "wx/defs.h"
+#include "wx/window.h"
+#include "wx/list.h"
+#include "wx/dynarray.h"
+extern WXDLLIMPEXP_DATA_CORE(const char) wxStatusBarNameStr[];
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// wxStatusBar constants
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// wxStatusBar styles
+#define wxSTB_SIZEGRIP 0x0010
+#define wxSTB_SHOW_TIPS 0x0020
+#define wxSTB_ELLIPSIZE_START 0x0040
+#define wxSTB_ELLIPSIZE_MIDDLE 0x0080
+#define wxSTB_ELLIPSIZE_END 0x0100
+// old compat style name:
+// style flags for wxStatusBar fields
+#define wxSB_NORMAL 0x0000
+#define wxSB_FLAT 0x0001
+#define wxSB_RAISED 0x0002
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// wxStatusBarPane: an helper for wxStatusBar
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxStatusBarPane
+ // only wxStatusBarBase can access our internal members and modify them:
+ friend class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_CORE wxStatusBarBase;
+ wxStatusBarPane(int style = wxSB_NORMAL, size_t width = 0)
+ : m_nStyle(style), m_nWidth(width)
+ { m_arrStack.Add(wxEmptyString); m_bEllipsized=false; }
+ int GetWidth() const
+ { return m_nWidth; }
+ int GetStyle() const
+ { return m_nStyle; }
+ const wxArrayString& GetStack() const
+ { return m_arrStack; }
+ // implementation-only getter:
+ bool IsEllipsized() const
+ { return m_bEllipsized; }
+ // NOTE: there are no setters in wxStatusBarPane;
+ // use wxStatusBar functions to modify a wxStatusBarPane
+ int m_nStyle;
+ int m_nWidth; // the width maybe negative, indicating a variable-width field
+ // this is the array of the stacked strings of this pane; note that this
+ // stack does include also the string currently displayed in this pane
+ // as the version stored in the native status bar control is possibly
+ // ellipsized; note that m_arrStack.Last() is the top of the stack
+ // (i.e. the string shown in the status bar)
+ wxArrayString m_arrStack;
+ // was the m_arrStack.Last() string shown in the status bar control ellipsized?
+ bool m_bEllipsized;
+WX_DECLARE_EXPORTED_OBJARRAY(wxStatusBarPane, wxStatusBarPaneArray);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// wxStatusBar: a window near the bottom of the frame used for status info
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxStatusBarBase : public wxWindow
+ wxStatusBarBase();
+ virtual ~wxStatusBarBase();
+ // field count
+ // -----------
+ // set the number of fields and call SetStatusWidths(widths) if widths are
+ // given
+ virtual void SetFieldsCount(int number = 1, const int *widths = NULL);
+ int GetFieldsCount() const { return m_panes.GetCount(); }
+ // field text
+ // ----------
+ // NOTE: even if it is not pure virtual, SetStatusText() must be overloaded by
+ // the derived classes to update the given text in the native control
+ virtual void SetStatusText(const wxString& text, int number = 0)
+ { m_panes[number].GetStack().Last() = text; }
+ virtual wxString GetStatusText(int number = 0) const
+ { return m_panes[number].GetStack().Last(); }
+ const wxArrayString& GetStatusStack(int n) const
+ { return m_panes[n].GetStack(); }
+ void PushStatusText(const wxString& text, int number = 0);
+ void PopStatusText(int number = 0);
+ // fields widths
+ // -------------
+ // set status field widths as absolute numbers: positive widths mean that
+ // the field has the specified absolute width, negative widths are
+ // interpreted as the sizer options, i.e. the extra space (total space
+ // minus the sum of fixed width fields) is divided between the fields with
+ // negative width according to the abs value of the width (field with width
+ // -2 grows twice as much as one with width -1 &c)
+ virtual void SetStatusWidths(int n, const int widths[]);
+ int GetStatusWidth(int n) const
+ { return m_panes[n].GetWidth(); }
+ // field styles
+ // ------------
+ // Set the field style. Use either wxSB_NORMAL (default) for a standard 3D
+ // border around a field, wxSB_FLAT for no border around a field, so that it
+ // appears flat or wxSB_POPOUT to make the field appear raised.
+ // Setting field styles only works on wxMSW
+ virtual void SetStatusStyles(int n, const int styles[]);
+ int GetStatusStyle(int n) const
+ { return m_panes[n].GetStyle(); }
+ // geometry
+ // --------
+ // Get the position and size of the field's internal bounding rectangle
+ virtual bool GetFieldRect(int i, wxRect& rect) const = 0;
+ // sets the minimal vertical size of the status bar
+ virtual void SetMinHeight(int height) = 0;
+ // get the dimensions of the horizontal and vertical borders
+ virtual int GetBorderX() const = 0;
+ virtual int GetBorderY() const = 0;
+ wxSize GetBorders() const
+ { return wxSize(GetBorderX(), GetBorderY()); }
+ // miscellaneous
+ // -------------
+ const wxStatusBarPane& GetField(int n) const
+ { return m_panes[n]; }
+ // wxWindow overrides:
+ // don't want status bars to accept the focus at all
+ virtual bool AcceptsFocus() const { return false; }
+ // the client size of a toplevel window doesn't include the status bar
+ virtual bool CanBeOutsideClientArea() const { return true; }
+ // wxWindow overrides:
+ virtual void DoSetToolTip( wxToolTip *tip )
+ {
+ "Do not set tooltip(s) manually when using wxSTB_SHOW_TIPS!");
+ wxWindow::DoSetToolTip(tip);
+ }
+ virtual wxBorder GetDefaultBorder() const { return wxBORDER_NONE; }
+ // internal helpers & data:
+ // calculate the real field widths for the given total available size
+ wxArrayInt CalculateAbsWidths(wxCoord widthTotal) const;
+ // an internal utility used to keep track of which panes have labels
+ // which were last rendered as ellipsized...
+ void SetEllipsizedFlag(int n, bool ellipsized)
+ { m_panes[n].m_bEllipsized = ellipsized; }
+ // the array with the pane infos:
+ wxStatusBarPaneArray m_panes;
+ // if true overrides the width info of the wxStatusBarPanes
+ bool m_bSameWidthForAllPanes;
+ wxDECLARE_NO_COPY_CLASS(wxStatusBarBase);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// include the actual wxStatusBar class declaration
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#if defined(__WXUNIVERSAL__)
+ #define wxStatusBarUniv wxStatusBar
+ #include "wx/univ/statusbr.h"
+#elif defined(__WXPALMOS__)
+ #define wxStatusBarPalm wxStatusBar
+ #include "wx/palmos/statusbr.h"
+#elif defined(__WIN32__) && wxUSE_NATIVE_STATUSBAR
+ #include "wx/msw/statusbar.h"
+#elif defined(__WXMAC__)
+ #define wxStatusBarMac wxStatusBar
+ #include "wx/generic/statusbr.h"
+ #include "wx/osx/statusbr.h"
+ #define wxStatusBarGeneric wxStatusBar
+ #include "wx/generic/statusbr.h"
+#endif // wxUSE_STATUSBAR