local int huft_build OF((
uIntf *, /* code lengths in bits */
uInt, /* number of codes */
local int huft_build OF((
uIntf *, /* code lengths in bits */
uInt, /* number of codes */
/* If BMAX needs to be larger than 16, then h and x[] should be uLong. */
#define BMAX 15 /* maximum bit length of any code */
/* If BMAX needs to be larger than 16, then h and x[] should be uLong. */
#define BMAX 15 /* maximum bit length of any code */
+#if defined(__VISAGECPP__) // Visual game can't handle this antiquated interface
+local int huft_build(uIntf* b, uInt n, uInt s, const uIntf* d, const uIntf* e,
+ inflate_huft* FAR *t, uIntf* m, inflate_huft* hp, uInt* hn, uIntf* v)
local int huft_build(b, n, s, d, e, t, m, hp, hn, v)
uIntf *b; /* code lengths in bits (all assumed <= BMAX) */
uInt n; /* number of codes (assumed <= 288) */
local int huft_build(b, n, s, d, e, t, m, hp, hn, v)
uIntf *b; /* code lengths in bits (all assumed <= BMAX) */
uInt n; /* number of codes (assumed <= 288) */
if the given code set is incomplete (the tables are still built in this
case), Z_DATA_ERROR if the input is invalid (an over-subscribed set of
lengths), or Z_MEM_ERROR if not enough memory. */
if the given code set is incomplete (the tables are still built in this
case), Z_DATA_ERROR if the input is invalid (an over-subscribed set of
lengths), or Z_MEM_ERROR if not enough memory. */
int inflate_trees_bits(c, bb, tb, hp, z)
uIntf *c; /* 19 code lengths */
uIntf *bb; /* bits tree desired/actual depth */
inflate_huft * FAR *tb; /* bits tree result */
inflate_huft *hp; /* space for trees */
z_streamp z; /* for messages */
int inflate_trees_bits(c, bb, tb, hp, z)
uIntf *c; /* 19 code lengths */
uIntf *bb; /* bits tree desired/actual depth */
inflate_huft * FAR *tb; /* bits tree result */
inflate_huft *hp; /* space for trees */
z_streamp z; /* for messages */
+#if defined(__VISAGECPP__) // Visual game can't handle this antiquated interface
+int inflate_trees_dynamic(uInt nl, uInt nd, uInt* c, uInt* bl, uInt *bd, inflate_huft* FAR *tl,
+ inflate_huft* FAR *td, inflate_huft* hp, z_streamp z)
int inflate_trees_dynamic(nl, nd, c, bl, bd, tl, td, hp, z)
uInt nl; /* number of literal/length codes */
uInt nd; /* number of distance codes */
int inflate_trees_dynamic(nl, nd, c, bl, bd, tl, td, hp, z)
uInt nl; /* number of literal/length codes */
uInt nd; /* number of distance codes */
inflate_huft * FAR *td; /* distance tree result */
inflate_huft *hp; /* space for trees */
z_streamp z; /* for messages */
inflate_huft * FAR *td; /* distance tree result */
inflate_huft *hp; /* space for trees */
z_streamp z; /* for messages */
+#if defined(__VISAGECPP__) // Visual game can't handle this antiquated interface
+int inflate_trees_fixed(uIntf* bl, uIntf *bd, inflate_huft* FAR *tl,
+ inflate_huft* FAR *td, z_streamp z)
int inflate_trees_fixed(bl, bd, tl, td, z)
uIntf *bl; /* literal desired/actual bit depth */
uIntf *bd; /* distance desired/actual bit depth */
inflate_huft * FAR *tl; /* literal/length tree result */
inflate_huft * FAR *td; /* distance tree result */
z_streamp z; /* for memory allocation */
int inflate_trees_fixed(bl, bd, tl, td, z)
uIntf *bl; /* literal desired/actual bit depth */
uIntf *bd; /* distance desired/actual bit depth */
inflate_huft * FAR *tl; /* literal/length tree result */
inflate_huft * FAR *td; /* distance tree result */
z_streamp z; /* for memory allocation */