+ friend class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxHashTableBase_Node;
+ typedef wxHashTableBase_Node Node;
+ wxHashTableBase();
+ virtual ~wxHashTableBase() { }
+ void Create( wxKeyType keyType = wxKEY_INTEGER,
+ size_t size = wxHASH_SIZE_DEFAULT );
+ void Clear();
+ void Destroy();
+ size_t GetSize() const { return m_size; }
+ size_t GetCount() const { return m_count; }
+ void DeleteContents( bool flag ) { m_deleteContents = flag; }
+ static long MakeKey(const wxString& string);
+ void DoPut( long key, long hash, void* data );
+ void DoPut( const wxString& key, long hash, void* data );
+ void* DoGet( long key, long hash ) const;
+ void* DoGet( const wxString& key, long hash ) const;
+ void* DoDelete( long key, long hash );
+ void* DoDelete( const wxString& key, long hash );
+ // Remove the node from the hash, *only called from
+ // ~wxHashTable*_Node destructor
+ void DoRemoveNode( wxHashTableBase_Node* node );
+ // destroys data contained in the node if appropriate:
+ // deletes the key if it is a string and destrys
+ // the value if m_deleteContents is true
+ void DoDestroyNode( wxHashTableBase_Node* node );
+ // inserts a node in the table (at the end of the chain)
+ void DoInsertNode( size_t bucket, wxHashTableBase_Node* node );
+ // removes a node from the table (fiven a pointer to the previous
+ // but does not delete it (only deletes its contents)
+ void DoUnlinkNode( size_t bucket, wxHashTableBase_Node* node,
+ wxHashTableBase_Node* prev );
+ // unconditionally deletes node value (invoking the
+ // correct destructor)
+ virtual void DoDeleteContents( wxHashTableBase_Node* node ) = 0;
+ // number of buckets
+ size_t m_size;
+ // number of nodes (key/value pairs)
+ size_t m_count;
+ // table
+ Node** m_table;
+ // key typ (INTEGER/STRING)
+ wxKeyType m_keyType;
+ // delete contents when hash is cleared
+ bool m_deleteContents;
+ wxDECLARE_NO_COPY_CLASS(wxHashTableBase);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// for compatibility only
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxHashTable_Node : public wxHashTableBase_Node
+ friend class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxHashTable;
+ wxHashTable_Node( long key, void* value,
+ wxHashTableBase* table )
+ : wxHashTableBase_Node( key, value, table ) { }
+ wxHashTable_Node( const wxString& key, void* value,
+ wxHashTableBase* table )
+ : wxHashTableBase_Node( key, value, table ) { }
+ wxObject* GetData() const
+ { return (wxObject*)wxHashTableBase_Node::GetData(); }
+ void SetData( wxObject* data )
+ { wxHashTableBase_Node::SetData( data ); }
+ wxHashTable_Node* GetNext() const
+ { return (wxHashTable_Node*)wxHashTableBase_Node::GetNext(); }
+// should inherit protectedly, but it is public for compatibility in
+// order to publicly inherit from wxObject
+class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxHashTable : public wxHashTableBase
+ typedef wxHashTableBase hash;
+ typedef wxHashTable_Node Node;
+ typedef wxHashTable_Node* compatibility_iterator;
+ wxHashTable( wxKeyType keyType = wxKEY_INTEGER,
+ size_t size = wxHASH_SIZE_DEFAULT )
+ : wxHashTableBase() { Create( keyType, size ); BeginFind(); }
+ wxHashTable( const wxHashTable& table );
+ virtual ~wxHashTable() { Destroy(); }
+ const wxHashTable& operator=( const wxHashTable& );
+ // key and value are the same
+ void Put(long value, wxObject *object)
+ { DoPut( value, value, object ); }
+ void Put(long lhash, long value, wxObject *object)
+ { DoPut( value, lhash, object ); }
+ void Put(const wxString& value, wxObject *object)
+ { DoPut( value, MakeKey( value ), object ); }
+ void Put(long lhash, const wxString& value, wxObject *object)
+ { DoPut( value, lhash, object ); }
+ // key and value are the same
+ wxObject *Get(long value) const
+ { return (wxObject*)DoGet( value, value ); }
+ wxObject *Get(long lhash, long value) const
+ { return (wxObject*)DoGet( value, lhash ); }
+ wxObject *Get(const wxString& value) const
+ { return (wxObject*)DoGet( value, MakeKey( value ) ); }
+ wxObject *Get(long lhash, const wxString& value) const
+ { return (wxObject*)DoGet( value, lhash ); }
+ // Deletes entry and returns data if found
+ wxObject *Delete(long key)
+ { return (wxObject*)DoDelete( key, key ); }
+ wxObject *Delete(long lhash, long key)
+ { return (wxObject*)DoDelete( key, lhash ); }
+ wxObject *Delete(const wxString& key)
+ { return (wxObject*)DoDelete( key, MakeKey( key ) ); }
+ wxObject *Delete(long lhash, const wxString& key)
+ { return (wxObject*)DoDelete( key, lhash ); }
+ // Way of iterating through whole hash table (e.g. to delete everything)
+ // Not necessary, of course, if you're only storing pointers to
+ // objects maintained separately
+ void BeginFind() { m_curr = NULL; m_currBucket = 0; }
+ Node* Next();
+ void Clear() { wxHashTableBase::Clear(); }
+ size_t GetCount() const { return wxHashTableBase::GetCount(); }
+ // copy helper
+ void DoCopy( const wxHashTable& copy );
+ // searches the next node starting from bucket bucketStart and sets
+ // m_curr to it and m_currBucket to its bucket
+ void GetNextNode( size_t bucketStart );
+ virtual void DoDeleteContents( wxHashTableBase_Node* node );
+ // current node
+ Node* m_curr;
+ // bucket the current node belongs to
+ size_t m_currBucket;
+// defines a new type safe hash table which stores the elements of type eltype
+// in lists of class listclass
+#define _WX_DECLARE_HASH(eltype, dummy, hashclass, classexp) \
+ classexp hashclass : public wxHashTableBase \
+ { \
+ public: \
+ hashclass(wxKeyType keyType = wxKEY_INTEGER, \
+ size_t size = wxHASH_SIZE_DEFAULT) \
+ : wxHashTableBase() { Create(keyType, size); } \
+ \
+ virtual ~hashclass() { Destroy(); } \
+ \
+ void Put(long key, eltype *data) { DoPut(key, key, (void*)data); } \
+ void Put(long lhash, long key, eltype *data) \
+ { DoPut(key, lhash, (void*)data); } \
+ eltype *Get(long key) const { return (eltype*)DoGet(key, key); } \
+ eltype *Get(long lhash, long key) const \
+ { return (eltype*)DoGet(key, lhash); } \
+ eltype *Delete(long key) { return (eltype*)DoDelete(key, key); } \
+ eltype *Delete(long lhash, long key) \
+ { return (eltype*)DoDelete(key, lhash); } \
+ private: \
+ virtual void DoDeleteContents( wxHashTableBase_Node* node ) \
+ { delete (eltype*)node->GetData(); } \
+ \
+ DECLARE_NO_COPY_CLASS(hashclass) \
+ }
+// this macro is to be used in the user code
+#define WX_DECLARE_HASH(el, list, hash) \
+ _WX_DECLARE_HASH(el, list, hash, class)
+// and this one does exactly the same thing but should be used inside the
+// library
+#define WX_DECLARE_EXPORTED_HASH(el, list, hash) \
+ _WX_DECLARE_HASH(el, list, hash, class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE)
+#define WX_DECLARE_USER_EXPORTED_HASH(el, list, hash, usergoo) \
+ _WX_DECLARE_HASH(el, list, hash, class usergoo)
+// delete all hash elements
+// NB: the class declaration of the hash elements must be visible from the
+// place where you use this macro, otherwise the proper destructor may not
+// be called (a decent compiler should give a warning about it, but don't
+// count on it)!
+#define WX_CLEAR_HASH_TABLE(hash) \
+ { \
+ (hash).BeginFind(); \
+ wxHashTable::compatibility_iterator it = (hash).Next(); \
+ while( it ) \
+ { \
+ delete it->GetData(); \
+ it = (hash).Next(); \
+ } \
+ (hash).Clear(); \
+ }
+#endif // _WX_HASH_H__