<set var="DIR_SUFFIX_CPU">
<if cond="FORMAT=='msevc4prj'">_$(CPU)</if>
+ <if cond="TARGET_CPU=='amd64'">_amd64</if>
+ <if cond="TARGET_CPU=='AMD64'">_amd64</if>
+ <if cond="TARGET_CPU=='ia64'">_ia64</if>
+ <if cond="TARGET_CPU=='IA64'">_ia64</if>
<if cond="FORMAT!='autoconf'">
<if cond="MSLU=='1'">unicows</if>
+ <set var="LINK_TARGET_CPU">
+ <if cond="TARGET_CPU=='amd64'">/MACHINE:AMD64</if>
+ <if cond="TARGET_CPU=='AMD64'">/MACHINE:AMD64</if>
+ <if cond="TARGET_CPU=='ia64'">/MACHINE:IA64</if>
+ <if cond="TARGET_CPU=='IA64'">/MACHINE:IA64</if>
+ </set>
<template id="common_settings">
- <if cond="FORMAT=='msevc4prj'">
- <!-- hack to make eVC4 default project still compatible with eVC3 environment -->
+ <if cond="FORMAT=='msevc4prj' and
+ BAKEFILE_VERSION in ['0.1.9'] and
+ USE_RTTI=='0'">
+ <!-- hack to make eVC4 2.6.2 project files compatible with what we had in 2.6.1 -->
<set var="_ldlibs">$(_ldlibs.replace('ccrtrtti.lib', ''))</set>
+ <set var="_cppflags">$(_cppflags.replace('/GR', ''))</set>
+ </if>
+ <if cond="FORMAT=='msvc'">
+ <ldflags>$(LINK_TARGET_CPU)</ldflags>
+ <define-tag name="msvc-create-rcdefs-h" rules="dll,lib">
+ <if cond="IS_MSVC_PRJ">
+ <msvc-headers-setup-h>
+ msw/genrcdefs.h
+ </msvc-headers-setup-h>
+ <!-- FIXME: we need another way to get the compiler name -->
+ <set var="VC_COMPILER">
+ <if cond="FORMAT=='msevc4prj'">$(_COMPILER)</if>
+ <if cond="FORMAT!='msevc4prj'">cl</if>
+ </set>
+ <set var="_custom_build_include_wx_msw_genrcdefs_h">
+Creating $(SETUPHDIR)\wx\msw\rcdefs.h
+"$(SETUPHDIR)\wx\msw\rcdefs.h" : "$(DOLLAR)(SOURCE)" "$(DOLLAR)(SETUPHDIR)\wx\msw"
+$(TAB)$(VC_COMPILER) /EP /nologo "$(DOLLAR)(InputPath)" > "$(SETUPHDIR)\wx\msw\rcdefs.h"
+ </set>
+ </if>
+ </define-tag>
<template id="msvc_setup_h">
+ <msvc-create-rcdefs-h/>
<!-- =============================================================== -->
- <!-- this include is added by configure, we need to put other
- includes before it: -->
+ <include cond="FORMAT!='autoconf'">$(SETUPHDIR)</include>
<include cond="FORMAT!='autoconf'">$(TOP_SRCDIR)include</include>
- <include cond="FORMAT!='autoconf'">$(SETUPHDIR)</include>
-wcd=549 <!-- 'sizeof' operand contains compiler generated information -->
+ <if cond="FORMAT=='autoconf'">
+ <set var="RCDEFDIR">
+ <if cond="TOOLKIT=='MSW'">
+ </if>
+ </set>
+ </if>
<template id="wx_dll_b" template="wx_lib_b">
<set var="WXDLLNAME">$(wxwin.mkDllName(wxid))</set>
<!-- version info resources: -->
<if cond="FORMAT not in ['rpmspec','wx24dsp']"> <!-- FIXME: fix for bkl-0.1.7 only, remove the cond later -->
- <res-include cond="FORMAT=='autoconf'">
- $(TOP_SRCDIR)include
- </res-include>
+ <if cond="FORMAT=='autoconf'">
+ <res-include>$(RCDEFDIR)</res-include>
+ <res-include>$(TOP_SRCDIR)include</res-include>
+ </if>