+ // TODO!
+static void TestFileNameOperations()
+ // TODO!
+static void TestFileNameCwd()
+ // TODO!
+#endif // TEST_FILENAME
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// wxFileName time functions
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <wx/filename.h>
+#include <wx/datetime.h>
+static void TestFileGetTimes()
+ wxFileName fn(_T("testdata.fc"));
+ wxDateTime dtAccess, dtMod, dtCreate;
+ if ( !fn.GetTimes(&dtAccess, &dtMod, &dtCreate) )
+ {
+ wxPrintf(_T("ERROR: GetTimes() failed.\n"));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ static const wxChar *fmt = _T("%Y-%b-%d %H:%M:%S");
+ wxPrintf(_T("File times for '%s':\n"), fn.GetFullPath().c_str());
+ wxPrintf(_T("Creation: \t%s\n"), dtCreate.Format(fmt).c_str());
+ wxPrintf(_T("Last read: \t%s\n"), dtAccess.Format(fmt).c_str());
+ wxPrintf(_T("Last write: \t%s\n"), dtMod.Format(fmt).c_str());
+ }
+static void TestFileSetTimes()
+ wxFileName fn(_T("testdata.fc"));
+ if ( !fn.Touch() )
+ {
+ wxPrintf(_T("ERROR: Touch() failed.\n"));
+ }
+#endif // TEST_FILETIME
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// wxHashTable
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifdef TEST_HASH
+#include "wx/hash.h"
+struct Foo
+ Foo(int n_) { n = n_; count++; }
+ ~Foo() { count--; }
+ int n;
+ static size_t count;
+size_t Foo::count = 0;
+WX_DECLARE_LIST(Foo, wxListFoos);
+WX_DECLARE_HASH(Foo, wxListFoos, wxHashFoos);
+#include "wx/listimpl.cpp"
+static void TestHash()
+ wxPuts(_T("*** Testing wxHashTable ***\n"));
+ {
+ wxHashTable hash(wxKEY_INTEGER), hash2(wxKEY_STRING);
+ int i;
+ for ( i = 0; i < 100; ++i )
+ hash.Put(i, (wxObject*)&i + i);
+ hash.BeginFind();
+ wxHashTable::compatibility_iterator it = hash.Next();
+ i = 0;
+ while (it)
+ {
+ ++i;
+ it = hash.Next();
+ }
+ if (i != 100)
+ wxPuts(_T("Error in wxHashTable::compatibility_iterator\n"));
+ for ( i = 99; i >= 0; --i )
+ if( hash.Get(i) != (wxObject*)&i + i )
+ wxPuts(_T("Error in wxHashTable::Get/Put\n"));
+ hash2.Put("foo", (wxObject*)&i + 1);
+ hash2.Put("bar", (wxObject*)&i + 2);
+ hash2.Put("baz", (wxObject*)&i + 3);
+ if (hash2.Get("moo") != NULL)
+ wxPuts(_T("Error in wxHashTable::Get\n"));
+ if (hash2.Get("bar") != (wxObject*)&i + 2)
+ wxPuts(_T("Error in wxHashTable::Get/Put\n"));
+ }
+#if !wxUSE_STL
+ {
+ wxHashFoos hash;
+ hash.DeleteContents(true);
+ wxPrintf(_T("Hash created: %u foos in hash, %u foos totally\n"),
+ hash.GetCount(), Foo::count);
+ static const int hashTestData[] =
+ {
+ 0, 1, 17, -2, 2, 4, -4, 345, 3, 3, 2, 1,
+ };
+ size_t n;
+ for ( n = 0; n < WXSIZEOF(hashTestData); n++ )
+ {
+ hash.Put(hashTestData[n], n, new Foo(n));
+ }
+ wxPrintf(_T("Hash filled: %u foos in hash, %u foos totally\n"),
+ hash.GetCount(), Foo::count);
+ wxPuts(_T("Hash access test:"));
+ for ( n = 0; n < WXSIZEOF(hashTestData); n++ )
+ {
+ wxPrintf(_T("\tGetting element with key %d, value %d: "),
+ hashTestData[n], n);
+ Foo *foo = hash.Get(hashTestData[n], n);
+ if ( !foo )
+ {
+ wxPrintf(_T("ERROR, not found.\n"));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wxPrintf(_T("%d (%s)\n"), foo->n,
+ (size_t)foo->n == n ? "ok" : "ERROR");
+ }
+ }
+ wxPrintf(_T("\nTrying to get an element not in hash: "));
+ if ( hash.Get(1234) || hash.Get(1, 0) )
+ {
+ wxPuts(_T("ERROR: found!"));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wxPuts(_T("ok (not found)"));
+ }
+ }
+ wxPrintf(_T("Hash destroyed: %u foos left\n"), Foo::count);
+ wxPuts(_T("*** Testing wxHashTable finished ***\n"));
+#endif // TEST_HASH
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// wxHashMap
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "wx/hashmap.h"
+// test compilation of basic map types
+WX_DECLARE_HASH_MAP( int*, int*, wxPointerHash, wxPointerEqual, myPtrHashMap );
+WX_DECLARE_HASH_MAP( long, long, wxIntegerHash, wxIntegerEqual, myLongHashMap );
+WX_DECLARE_HASH_MAP( unsigned long, unsigned, wxIntegerHash, wxIntegerEqual,
+ myUnsignedHashMap );
+WX_DECLARE_HASH_MAP( unsigned int, unsigned, wxIntegerHash, wxIntegerEqual,
+ myTestHashMap1 );
+WX_DECLARE_HASH_MAP( int, unsigned, wxIntegerHash, wxIntegerEqual,
+ myTestHashMap2 );
+WX_DECLARE_HASH_MAP( short, unsigned, wxIntegerHash, wxIntegerEqual,
+ myTestHashMap3 );
+WX_DECLARE_HASH_MAP( unsigned short, unsigned, wxIntegerHash, wxIntegerEqual,
+ myTestHashMap4 );
+// same as:
+// WX_DECLARE_HASH_MAP( wxString, wxString, wxStringHash, wxStringEqual,
+// myStringHashMap );
+WX_DECLARE_STRING_HASH_MAP(wxString, myStringHashMap);
+typedef myStringHashMap::iterator Itor;
+static void TestHashMap()
+ wxPuts(_T("*** Testing wxHashMap ***\n"));
+ myStringHashMap sh(0); // as small as possible
+ wxString buf;
+ size_t i;
+ const size_t count = 10000;
+ // init with some data
+ for( i = 0; i < count; ++i )
+ {
+ buf.Printf(wxT("%d"), i );
+ sh[buf] = wxT("A") + buf + wxT("C");
+ }
+ // test that insertion worked
+ if( sh.size() != count )
+ {
+ wxPrintf(_T("*** ERROR: %u ELEMENTS, SHOULD BE %u ***\n"), sh.size(), count);
+ }
+ for( i = 0; i < count; ++i )
+ {
+ buf.Printf(wxT("%d"), i );
+ if( sh[buf] != wxT("A") + buf + wxT("C") )
+ {
+ wxPrintf(_T("*** ERROR INSERTION BROKEN! STOPPING NOW! ***\n"));
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // check that iterators work
+ Itor it;
+ for( i = 0, it = sh.begin(); it != sh.end(); ++it, ++i )
+ {
+ if( i == count )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if( it->second != sh[it->first] )
+ {
+ wxPrintf(_T("*** ERROR ITERATORS BROKEN! STOPPING NOW! ***\n"));
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if( sh.size() != i )
+ {
+ wxPrintf(_T("*** ERROR: %u ELEMENTS ITERATED, SHOULD BE %u ***\n"), i, count);
+ }
+ // test copy ctor, assignment operator
+ myStringHashMap h1( sh ), h2( 0 );
+ h2 = sh;
+ for( i = 0, it = sh.begin(); it != sh.end(); ++it, ++i )
+ {
+ if( h1[it->first] != it->second )
+ {
+ wxPrintf(_T("*** ERROR: COPY CTOR BROKEN %s ***\n"), it->first.c_str());
+ }
+ if( h2[it->first] != it->second )
+ {
+ wxPrintf(_T("*** ERROR: OPERATOR= BROKEN %s ***\n"), it->first.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ // other tests
+ for( i = 0; i < count; ++i )
+ {
+ buf.Printf(wxT("%d"), i );
+ size_t sz = sh.size();
+ // test find() and erase(it)
+ if( i < 100 )
+ {
+ it = sh.find( buf );
+ if( it != sh.end() )
+ {
+ sh.erase( it );
+ if( sh.find( buf ) != sh.end() )
+ {
+ wxPrintf(_T("*** ERROR: FOUND DELETED ELEMENT %u ***\n"), i);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ wxPrintf(_T("*** ERROR: CANT FIND ELEMENT %u ***\n"), i);
+ }
+ else
+ // test erase(key)
+ {
+ size_t c = sh.erase( buf );
+ if( c != 1 )
+ wxPrintf(_T("*** ERROR: SHOULD RETURN 1 ***\n"));
+ if( sh.find( buf ) != sh.end() )
+ {
+ wxPrintf(_T("*** ERROR: FOUND DELETED ELEMENT %u ***\n"), i);
+ }
+ }
+ // count should decrease
+ if( sh.size() != sz - 1 )
+ {
+ wxPrintf(_T("*** ERROR: COUNT DID NOT DECREASE ***\n"));
+ }
+ }
+ wxPrintf(_T("*** Finished testing wxHashMap ***\n"));
+#endif // TEST_HASHMAP
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// wxList
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifdef TEST_LIST
+#include "wx/list.h"
+WX_DECLARE_LIST(Bar, wxListBars);
+#include "wx/listimpl.cpp"
+WX_DECLARE_LIST(int, wxListInt);
+static void TestList()
+ wxPuts(_T("*** Testing wxList operations ***\n"));
+ {
+ wxListInt list1;
+ int dummy[5];
+ int i;
+ for ( i = 0; i < 5; ++i )
+ list1.Append(dummy + i);
+ if ( list1.GetCount() != 5 )
+ wxPuts(_T("Wrong number of items in list\n"));
+ if ( list1.Item(3)->GetData() != dummy + 3 )
+ wxPuts(_T("Error in Item()\n"));
+ if ( !list1.Find(dummy + 4) )
+ wxPuts(_T("Error in Find()\n"));
+ wxListInt::compatibility_iterator node = list1.GetFirst();
+ i = 0;
+ while (node)
+ {
+ if ( node->GetData() != dummy + i )
+ wxPuts(_T("Error in compatibility_iterator\n"));
+ node = node->GetNext();
+ ++i;
+ }
+ if ( size_t(i) != list1.GetCount() )
+ wxPuts(_T("Error in compatibility_iterator\n"));
+ list1.Insert(dummy + 0);
+ list1.Insert(1, dummy + 1);
+ list1.Insert(list1.GetFirst()->GetNext()->GetNext(), dummy + 2);
+ node = list1.GetFirst();
+ i = 0;
+ while (i < 3)
+ {
+ int* t = node->GetData();
+ if ( t != dummy + i )
+ wxPuts(_T("Error in Insert\n"));
+ node = node->GetNext();
+ ++i;
+ }
+ }
+ wxPuts(_T("*** Testing wxList operations finished ***\n"));
+ wxPuts(_T("*** Testing std::list operations ***\n"));
+ {
+ wxListInt list1;
+ wxListInt::iterator it, en;
+ wxListInt::reverse_iterator rit, ren;
+ int i;
+ for ( i = 0; i < 5; ++i )
+ list1.push_back(i + &i);
+ for ( it = list1.begin(), en = list1.end(), i = 0;
+ it != en; ++it, ++i )
+ if ( *it != i + &i )
+ wxPuts(_T("Error in iterator\n"));
+ for ( rit = list1.rbegin(), ren = list1.rend(), i = 4;
+ rit != ren; ++rit, --i )
+ if ( *rit != i + &i )
+ wxPuts(_T("Error in reverse_iterator\n"));
+ if ( *list1.rbegin() != *--list1.end() ||
+ *list1.begin() != *--list1.rend() )
+ wxPuts(_T("Error in iterator/reverse_iterator\n"));
+ if ( *list1.begin() != *--++list1.begin() ||
+ *list1.rbegin() != *--++list1.rbegin() )
+ wxPuts(_T("Error in iterator/reverse_iterator\n"));
+ if ( list1.front() != &i || list1.back() != &i + 4 )
+ wxPuts(_T("Error in front()/back()\n"));
+ list1.erase(list1.begin());
+ list1.erase(--list1.end());
+ for ( it = list1.begin(), en = list1.end(), i = 1;
+ it != en; ++it, ++i )
+ if ( *it != i + &i )
+ wxPuts(_T("Error in erase()\n"));
+ }
+ wxPuts(_T("*** Testing std::list operations finished ***\n"));
+static void TestListCtor()
+ wxPuts(_T("*** Testing wxList construction ***\n"));
+ {
+ wxListBars list1;
+ list1.Append(new Bar(_T("first")));
+ list1.Append(new Bar(_T("second")));
+ wxPrintf(_T("After 1st list creation: %u objects in the list, %u objects total.\n"),
+ list1.GetCount(), Bar::GetNumber());
+ wxListBars list2;
+ list2 = list1;
+ wxPrintf(_T("After 2nd list creation: %u and %u objects in the lists, %u objects total.\n"),
+ list1.GetCount(), list2.GetCount(), Bar::GetNumber());
+#if !wxUSE_STL
+ list1.DeleteContents(true);
+ WX_CLEAR_LIST(wxListBars, list1);
+ }
+ wxPrintf(_T("After list destruction: %u objects left.\n"), Bar::GetNumber());
+#endif // TEST_LIST
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// wxLocale
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "wx/intl.h"
+#include "wx/utils.h" // for wxSetEnv
+static wxLocale gs_localeDefault(wxLANGUAGE_ENGLISH);
+// find the name of the language from its value
+static const wxChar *GetLangName(int lang)
+ static const wxChar *languageNames[] =
+ {
+ _T("DEFAULT"),
+ _T("UNKNOWN"),
+ _T("AFAR"),
+ _T("AMHARIC"),
+ _T("ARABIC"),
+ _T("AYMARA"),
+ _T("AZERI"),
+ _T("BASHKIR"),
+ _T("BASQUE"),
+ _T("BENGALI"),
+ _T("BHUTANI"),
+ _T("BIHARI"),
+ _T("BISLAMA"),
+ _T("BRETON"),
+ _T("BURMESE"),
+ _T("CATALAN"),
+ _T("CHINESE"),
+ _T("CZECH"),
+ _T("DANISH"),
+ _T("DUTCH"),
+ _T("ENGLISH"),
+ _T("FARSI"),
+ _T("FIJI"),
+ _T("FINNISH"),
+ _T("FRENCH"),
+ _T("FRISIAN"),
+ _T("GERMAN"),
+ _T("GREEK"),
+ _T("GUARANI"),
+ _T("HAUSA"),
+ _T("HEBREW"),
+ _T("HINDI"),
+ _T("INUPIAK"),
+ _T("IRISH"),
+ _T("ITALIAN"),
+ _T("KANNADA"),
+ _T("KAZAKH"),
+ _T("KIRGHIZ"),
+ _T("KIRUNDI"),
+ _T("KONKANI"),
+ _T("KOREAN"),
+ _T("KURDISH"),
+ _T("LATIN"),
+ _T("LATVIAN"),
+ _T("LINGALA"),
+ _T("MALAY"),
+ _T("MALTESE"),
+ _T("MAORI"),
+ _T("MARATHI"),
+ _T("NAURU"),
+ _T("NEPALI"),
+ _T("OCCITAN"),
+ _T("ORIYA"),
+ _T("OROMO"),
+ _T("PASHTO"),
+ _T("POLISH"),
+ _T("PUNJABI"),
+ _T("QUECHUA"),
+ _T("RUSSIAN"),
+ _T("SAMOAN"),
+ _T("SANGHO"),
+ _T("SERBIAN"),
+ _T("SESOTHO"),
+ _T("SHONA"),
+ _T("SINDHI"),
+ _T("SISWATI"),
+ _T("SLOVAK"),
+ _T("SOMALI"),
+ _T("SPANISH"),
+ _T("SWAHILI"),
+ _T("SWEDISH"),
+ _T("TAGALOG"),
+ _T("TAJIK"),
+ _T("TAMIL"),
+ _T("TATAR"),
+ _T("TELUGU"),
+ _T("THAI"),
+ _T("TIBETAN"),
+ _T("TONGA"),
+ _T("TSONGA"),
+ _T("TURKISH"),
+ _T("TURKMEN"),
+ _T("TWI"),
+ _T("UIGHUR"),
+ _T("URDU"),
+ _T("UZBEK"),
+ _T("VOLAPUK"),
+ _T("WELSH"),
+ _T("WOLOF"),
+ _T("XHOSA"),
+ _T("YIDDISH"),
+ _T("YORUBA"),
+ _T("ZHUANG"),
+ _T("ZULU"),
+ };
+ if ( (size_t)lang < WXSIZEOF(languageNames) )
+ return languageNames[lang];
+ else
+ return _T("INVALID");
+static void TestDefaultLang()
+ wxPuts(_T("*** Testing wxLocale::GetSystemLanguage ***"));
+ static const wxChar *langStrings[] =
+ {
+ NULL, // system default
+ _T("C"),
+ _T("fr"),
+ _T("fr_FR"),
+ _T("en"),
+ _T("en_GB"),
+ _T("en_US"),
+ _T("de_DE.iso88591"),
+ _T("german"),
+ _T("?"), // invalid lang spec
+ _T("klingonese"), // I bet on some systems it does exist...
+ };
+ wxPrintf(_T("The default system encoding is %s (%d)\n"),
+ wxLocale::GetSystemEncodingName().c_str(),
+ wxLocale::GetSystemEncoding());
+ for ( size_t n = 0; n < WXSIZEOF(langStrings); n++ )
+ {
+ const wxChar *langStr = langStrings[n];
+ if ( langStr )
+ {
+ // FIXME: this doesn't do anything at all under Windows, we need
+ // to create a new wxLocale!
+ wxSetEnv(_T("LC_ALL"), langStr);
+ }
+ int lang = gs_localeDefault.GetSystemLanguage();
+ wxPrintf(_T("Locale for '%s' is %s.\n"),
+ langStr ? langStr : _T("system default"), GetLangName(lang));
+ }
+#endif // TEST_LOCALE
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// MIME types
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifdef TEST_MIME
+#include "wx/mimetype.h"
+static void TestMimeEnum()
+ wxPuts(_T("*** Testing wxMimeTypesManager::EnumAllFileTypes() ***\n"));
+ wxArrayString mimetypes;
+ size_t count = wxTheMimeTypesManager->EnumAllFileTypes(mimetypes);
+ wxPrintf(_T("*** All %u known filetypes: ***\n"), count);
+ wxArrayString exts;
+ wxString desc;
+ for ( size_t n = 0; n < count; n++ )
+ {
+ wxFileType *filetype =
+ wxTheMimeTypesManager->GetFileTypeFromMimeType(mimetypes[n]);
+ if ( !filetype )
+ {
+ wxPrintf(_T("nothing known about the filetype '%s'!\n"),
+ mimetypes[n].c_str());
+ continue;
+ }
+ filetype->GetDescription(&desc);
+ filetype->GetExtensions(exts);
+ filetype->GetIcon(NULL);
+ wxString extsAll;
+ for ( size_t e = 0; e < exts.GetCount(); e++ )
+ {
+ if ( e > 0 )
+ extsAll << _T(", ");
+ extsAll += exts[e];
+ }
+ wxPrintf(_T("\t%s: %s (%s)\n"),
+ mimetypes[n].c_str(), desc.c_str(), extsAll.c_str());
+ }
+ wxPuts(_T(""));
+static void TestMimeOverride()
+ wxPuts(_T("*** Testing wxMimeTypesManager additional files loading ***\n"));
+ static const wxChar *mailcap = _T("/tmp/mailcap");
+ static const wxChar *mimetypes = _T("/tmp/mime.types");
+ if ( wxFile::Exists(mailcap) )
+ wxPrintf(_T("Loading mailcap from '%s': %s\n"),
+ mailcap,
+ wxTheMimeTypesManager->ReadMailcap(mailcap) ? _T("ok") : _T("ERROR"));
+ else
+ wxPrintf(_T("WARN: mailcap file '%s' doesn't exist, not loaded.\n"),
+ mailcap);
+ if ( wxFile::Exists(mimetypes) )
+ wxPrintf(_T("Loading mime.types from '%s': %s\n"),
+ mimetypes,
+ wxTheMimeTypesManager->ReadMimeTypes(mimetypes) ? _T("ok") : _T("ERROR"));
+ else
+ wxPrintf(_T("WARN: mime.types file '%s' doesn't exist, not loaded.\n"),
+ mimetypes);
+ wxPuts(_T(""));
+static void TestMimeFilename()
+ wxPuts(_T("*** Testing MIME type from filename query ***\n"));