+This will produce zip, gzip and bzip archives of the tree (without
+"compression" argument only .gz is made). Note that this commands produces huge
+amounts of output so redirecting it to a file is recommended.
+To add a prefix to the release, such as RC1, the SVN revision, or a date, just
+pass --postfix="postfix" to the script. More info on the options and their
+possible values can be found by calling `create-archive.py --help`.
+IMPORTANT NOTE: You *must* run this script from a clean source tree, that is,
+ with no junk files in it or modifications. This is because the
+ release should be a pristine copy of the tree as of the time of
+ release. If you have legitimate modifications in the tree that need
+ to be in the release, commit them first.
+To generate the windows installer (.exe) and the documentation files (chm and htb formats)
+which depends on the wxwidgets.iss file, and generates output in the %DAILY% directory. It
+assumes a clean copy of the wxWidgets source tree in %INNO%. Temporary files will be generated
+in the tree from which the batch file is run. It depends on doxygen, a number of gnu
+win32 tools and Microsofts htmlhelp compiler. The wxwidgets.iss file should not need
+editing, but you will want to check that the bld_chm_exe.bat has the correct version number.
+Alternative non official release scripts
+If you use git-svn, then you can use alternative script that avoids the
+problems such as using non-clean tree and also has better handling of the ends
+of lines conversions. To use it you need to run
+- build/tools/svn-find-native-eols.pl
+- build/tools/git-make-release
+- build/tools/make-html-docs
+(the last one can also be used without git).
+Upload the files to SourceForge (the simplest is to scp them to
+sfusername,wxwindows@frs.sf.net:/home/frs/project/w/wx/wxwindows/x.y.z) and to
+ftp.wxwidgets.org (ask Chris to do it).
+Create http://docs.wxwidgets.org/x.y.z/ (ask Bryan to do it if not done yet).
+Post announcement at least to wx-announce@googlegroups.com.
+TODO: where else to announce it?
+Update www.wxwidgets.org, usually a news item is enough but something more can
+be called for for major releases.
+Post to wxBlog if necessary.