+// Case Insensitive Map of Event names to eventTypes
+// created dynamically at run time in:
+// EVT_ACTIVEX(eventName, id, fn)
+// we map the pointer to them so that:
+// const wxEventType& RegisterActiveXEvent(wxString eventName);
+// can return a const reference, which is neccessary for event tables
+// probably should use a wxWindows hash table here, but I'm lazy ...
+struct less_wxStringI
+ bool operator()(const wxString& x, const wxString& y) const
+ {
+ return x.CmpNoCase(y) < 0;
+ };
+typedef map<wxString, wxEventType *, less_wxStringI> ActiveXNamedEventMap;
+static ActiveXNamedEventMap sg_NamedEventMap;
+const wxEventType& RegisterActiveXEvent(const wxChar *eventName)
+ wxString ev = eventName;
+ ActiveXNamedEventMap::iterator it = sg_NamedEventMap.find(ev);
+ if (it == sg_NamedEventMap.end())
+ {
+ wxEventType *et = new wxEventType(wxNewEventType());
+ sg_NamedEventMap[ev] = et;
+ return *et;
+ };
+ return *(it->second);
+// Map of Event DISPID's to eventTypes
+// created dynamically at run time in:
+// EVT_ACTIVEX(eventName, id, fn)
+// we map the pointer to them so that:
+// const wxEventType& RegisterActiveXEvent(wxString eventName);
+// can return a const reference, which is neccessary for event tables
+typedef map<DISPID, wxEventType *> ActiveXDISPIDEventMap;
+static ActiveXDISPIDEventMap sg_dispIdEventMap;
+const wxEventType& RegisterActiveXEvent(DISPID event)
+ ActiveXDISPIDEventMap::iterator it = sg_dispIdEventMap.find(event);
+ if (it == sg_dispIdEventMap.end())
+ {
+ wxEventType *et = new wxEventType(wxNewEventType());
+ sg_dispIdEventMap[event] = et;
+ return *et;
+ };
+ return *(it->second);
+// one off class for automatic freeing of activeX eventtypes
+class ActiveXEventMapFlusher
+ ~ActiveXEventMapFlusher()
+ {
+ // Named events
+ ActiveXNamedEventMap::iterator it = sg_NamedEventMap.end();
+ while (it != sg_NamedEventMap.end())
+ {
+ delete it->second;
+ it++;
+ };
+ // DISPID events
+ ActiveXDISPIDEventMap::iterator dit = sg_dispIdEventMap.end();
+ while (dit != sg_dispIdEventMap.end())
+ {
+ delete dit->second;
+ dit++;
+ };
+ };
+static ActiveXEventMapFlusher s_dummyActiveXEventMapFlusher;
+bool MSWVariantToVariant(VARIANTARG& va, wxVariant& vx)
+ switch(va.vt)
+ {
+ return MSWVariantToVariant(*va.pvarVal, vx);
+ case VT_I2:
+ case VT_I4:
+ vx = (long) va.iVal;
+ return true;
+ case VT_I2 | VT_BYREF:
+ case VT_I4 | VT_BYREF:
+ vx = (long) *va.piVal;
+ return true;
+ case VT_BSTR:
+ vx = wxString(va.bstrVal);
+ return true;
+ case VT_BSTR | VT_BYREF:
+ vx = wxString(*va.pbstrVal);
+ return true;
+ case VT_BOOL:
+ vx = (va.boolVal != FALSE);
+ return true;
+ case VT_BOOL | VT_BYREF:
+ vx = (*va.pboolVal != FALSE);
+ return true;
+ default:
+ vx.MakeNull();
+ return false;
+ };
+bool VariantToMSWVariant(wxVariant& vx, VARIANTARG& va)
+ switch(va.vt)
+ {
+ return VariantToMSWVariant(vx, va);
+ case VT_I2:
+ case VT_I4:
+ va.iVal = (long) vx;
+ return true;
+ case VT_I2 | VT_BYREF:
+ case VT_I4 | VT_BYREF:
+ *va.piVal = (long) vx;
+ return true;
+ case VT_BOOL:
+ va.boolVal = ((bool) vx) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ return true;
+ case VT_BOOL | VT_BYREF:
+ *va.pboolVal = ((bool) vx) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ return true;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ };
+class wxActiveXEvents : public IDispatch
+ wxActiveX *m_activeX;
+ wxActiveXEvents(wxActiveX *ax) : m_activeX(ax) {}
+ virtual ~wxActiveXEvents()
+ {
+ }
+ //IDispatch
+ STDMETHODIMP GetIDsOfNames(REFIID r, OLECHAR** o, unsigned int i, LCID l, DISPID* d)
+ {
+ return E_NOTIMPL;
+ };
+ STDMETHODIMP GetTypeInfo(unsigned int i, LCID l, ITypeInfo** t)
+ {
+ return E_NOTIMPL;
+ };
+ STDMETHODIMP GetTypeInfoCount(unsigned int* i)
+ {
+ return E_NOTIMPL;
+ };
+ void DispatchEvent(int eventIdx, const wxEventType& eventType, DISPPARAMS * pDispParams)
+ {
+ wxASSERT(eventIdx >= 0 && eventIdx < int(m_activeX->m_events.size()));
+ wxActiveX::FuncX &func = m_activeX->m_events[eventIdx];
+ wxActiveXEvent event;
+ event.SetId(m_activeX->GetId());
+ event.SetEventType(eventType);
+ event.m_params.NullList();
+ event.m_params.SetName(func.name);
+ // arguments
+ if (pDispParams)
+ {
+ // cdecl call
+ // sometimes the pDispParams does not match the param info for a activex control
+ int nArg = min(func.params.size(), pDispParams->cArgs);
+ for (int i = nArg - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+ {
+ VARIANTARG& va = pDispParams->rgvarg[i];
+ wxActiveX::ParamX &px = func.params[nArg - i - 1];
+ wxVariant vx;
+ vx.SetName(px.name);
+ MSWVariantToVariant(va, vx);
+ event.m_params.Append(vx);
+ };
+ };
+ if (func.hasOut)
+ {
+ int nArg = min(func.params.size(), pDispParams->cArgs);
+ m_activeX->GetParent()->ProcessEvent(event);
+ for (int i = 0; i < nArg; i++)
+ {
+ VARIANTARG& va = pDispParams->rgvarg[i];
+ wxActiveX::ParamX &px = func.params[nArg - i - 1];
+ if (px.IsOut())
+ {
+ wxVariant& vx = event.m_params[nArg - i - 1];
+ VariantToMSWVariant(vx, va);
+ };
+ };
+ }
+ else
+ m_activeX->GetParent()->AddPendingEvent(event);
+ };
+ STDMETHODIMP Invoke(DISPID dispIdMember, REFIID riid, LCID lcid,
+ WORD wFlags, DISPPARAMS * pDispParams,
+ VARIANT * pVarResult, EXCEPINFO * pExcepInfo,
+ unsigned int * puArgErr)
+ {
+ return E_NOTIMPL;
+ wxASSERT(m_activeX);
+ // map dispid to m_eventsIdx
+ wxActiveX::MemberIdList::iterator mid = m_activeX->m_eventsIdx.find((MEMBERID) dispIdMember);
+ if (mid == m_activeX->m_eventsIdx.end())
+ return S_OK;
+ int funcIdx = mid->second;
+ wxActiveX::FuncX &func = m_activeX->m_events[funcIdx];
+ // try to find dispid event
+ ActiveXDISPIDEventMap::iterator dit = sg_dispIdEventMap.find(dispIdMember);
+ if (dit != sg_dispIdEventMap.end())
+ {
+ // Dispatch Event
+ DispatchEvent(funcIdx, *(dit->second), pDispParams);
+ return S_OK;
+ };
+ // try named event
+ ActiveXNamedEventMap::iterator nit = sg_NamedEventMap.find(func.name);
+ if (nit == sg_NamedEventMap.end())
+ return S_OK;
+ // Dispatch Event
+ DispatchEvent(funcIdx, *(nit->second), pDispParams);
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ OLE_INTERFACE(IID_IDispatch, IDispatch)
+wxString wxActiveXEvent::EventName()
+ return m_params.GetName();
+int wxActiveXEvent::ParamCount() const
+ return m_params.GetCount();
+wxString wxActiveXEvent::ParamType(int idx)
+ wxASSERT(idx >= 0 && idx < m_params.GetCount());
+ return m_params[idx].GetType();
+wxString wxActiveXEvent::ParamName(int idx)
+ wxASSERT(idx >= 0 && idx < m_params.GetCount());
+ return m_params[idx].GetName();
+static wxVariant nullVar;
+wxVariant wxActiveXEvent::operator[] (int idx) const
+ return (wxVariant&) operator[] (idx);
+wxVariant& wxActiveXEvent::operator[] (int idx)
+ wxASSERT(idx >= 0 && idx < ParamCount());
+ return m_params[idx];
+wxVariant wxActiveXEvent::operator[] (wxString name) const
+ return (wxVariant&) operator[] (name);
+wxVariant& wxActiveXEvent::operator[] (wxString name)
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_params.GetCount(); i++)
+ {
+ if (name.CmpNoCase(m_params[i].GetName()) == 0)
+ return m_params[i];
+ };
+ wxString err = "wxActiveXEvent::operator[] invalid name <" + name + ">";
+ err += "\r\nValid Names = :\r\n";
+ for (i = 0; i < m_params.GetCount(); i++)
+ {
+ err += m_params[i].GetName();
+ err += "\r\n";
+ };
+ wxASSERT_MSG(false, err);
+ return nullVar;
+void wxActiveX::GetTypeInfo()
+ /*
+ We are currently only interested in the IDispatch interface
+ to the control. For dual interfaces (TypeKind = TKIND_INTERFACE)
+ we should drill down through the inheritance
+ (using TYPEATTR->cImplTypes) and GetRefTypeOfImplType(n)
+ and retrieve all the func names etc that way, then generate a C++
+ header file for it.
+ But we don't do this and probably never will, so if we have a DUAL
+ interface then we query for the IDispatch
+ via GetRefTypeOfImplType(-1).
+ */
+ HRESULT hret = 0;
+ // get type info via class info
+ wxAutoOleInterface<IProvideClassInfo> classInfo(IID_IProvideClassInfo, m_ActiveX);
+ if (! classInfo.Ok())
+ return;
+ // type info
+ wxAutoOleInterface<ITypeInfo> typeInfo;
+ hret = classInfo->GetClassInfo(typeInfo.GetRef());
+ if (! typeInfo.Ok())
+ return;
+ hret = typeInfo->GetTypeAttr(&ta);
+ if (! ta)
+ return;
+ // this should be a TKIND_COCLASS
+ wxASSERT(ta->typekind == TKIND_COCLASS);
+ // iterate contained interfaces
+ for (int i = 0; i < ta->cImplTypes; i++)
+ {
+ HREFTYPE rt = 0;
+ // get dispatch type info handle
+ hret = typeInfo->GetRefTypeOfImplType(i, &rt);
+ if (! SUCCEEDED(hret))
+ continue;
+ // get dispatch type info interface
+ wxAutoOleInterface<ITypeInfo> ti;
+ hret = typeInfo->GetRefTypeInfo(rt, ti.GetRef());
+ if (! ti.Ok())
+ continue;
+ // check if default event sink
+ bool defEventSink = false;
+ int impTypeFlags = 0;
+ typeInfo->GetImplTypeFlags(i, &impTypeFlags);
+ {
+ if (impTypeFlags & IMPLTYPEFLAG_FSOURCE)
+ {
+ WXOLE_TRACEOUT("Default Event Sink");
+ defEventSink = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ WXOLE_TRACEOUT("Default Interface");
+ }
+ };
+ // process
+ GetTypeInfo(ti, defEventSink);
+ };
+ // free
+ typeInfo->ReleaseTypeAttr(ta);
+void wxActiveX::GetTypeInfo(ITypeInfo *ti, bool defEventSink)
+ ti->AddRef();
+ wxAutoOleInterface<ITypeInfo> typeInfo(ti);
+ HRESULT hret = typeInfo->GetTypeAttr(&ta);
+ if (! ta)
+ return;
+ if (ta->typekind == TKIND_DISPATCH)
+ {
+ WXOLE_TRACEOUT("GUID = " << GetIIDName(ta->guid).c_str());
+ if (defEventSink)
+ {
+ wxActiveXEvents *disp = new wxActiveXEvents(this);
+ ConnectAdvise(ta->guid, disp);
+ };
+ // Get Function Names
+ for (int i = 0; i < ta->cFuncs; i++)
+ {
+ hret = typeInfo->GetFuncDesc(i, &fd);
+ if (! fd)
+ continue;
+ BSTR anames[1] = {NULL};
+ unsigned int n = 0;
+ hret = typeInfo->GetNames(fd->memid, anames, 1, &n);
+ if (anames[0])
+ {
+ wxString name = anames[0];
+ WXOLE_TRACEOUT("Name " << i << " = " << name.c_str());
+ SysFreeString(anames[0]);
+ if (defEventSink)
+ {
+ FuncX func;
+ func.name = name;
+ func.memid = fd->memid;
+ func.hasOut = false;
+ // get Param Names
+ unsigned int maxPNames = fd->cParams + 1;
+ unsigned int nPNames = 0;
+ BSTR *pnames = new BSTR[maxPNames];
+ hret = typeInfo->GetNames(fd->memid, pnames, maxPNames, &nPNames);
+ wxASSERT(int(nPNames) >= fd->cParams + 1);
+ SysFreeString(pnames[0]);
+ // params
+ for (int p = 0; p < fd->cParams; p++)
+ {
+ ParamX param;
+ param.flags = fd->lprgelemdescParam[p].idldesc.wIDLFlags;
+ param.vt = fd->lprgelemdescParam[p].tdesc.vt;
+ param.isPtr = (param.vt == VT_PTR);
+ param.isSafeArray = (param.vt == VT_SAFEARRAY);
+ if (param.isPtr || param.isSafeArray)
+ param.vt = fd->lprgelemdescParam[p].tdesc.lptdesc->vt;
+ param.name = pnames[p + 1];
+ SysFreeString(pnames[p + 1]);
+ func.hasOut |= (param.IsOut() || param.isPtr);
+ func.params.push_back(param);
+ };
+ delete [] pnames;
+ m_events.push_back(func);
+ m_eventsIdx[fd->memid] = m_events.size() - 1;
+ };
+ };
+ typeInfo->ReleaseFuncDesc(fd);
+ };
+ }
+ typeInfo->ReleaseTypeAttr(ta);
+// Type Info exposure
+const wxActiveX::FuncX& wxActiveX::GetEvent(int idx) const
+ wxASSERT(idx >= 0 && idx < GetEventCount());
+ return m_events[idx];