+enum {
+"This is the base class for implementing image file loading/saving, and
+image creation from data. It is used within `wx.Image` and is not
+normally seen by the application.", "");
class wxImageHandler : public wxObject {
// wxImageHandler(); Abstract Base Class
DocStr(MakeKey, "Get the key in the histogram for the given RGB values", "");
- static unsigned long MakeKey(unsigned char r,
- unsigned char g,
- unsigned char b);
+ static unsigned long MakeKey(byte r,
+ byte g,
+ byte b);
- bool, FindFirstUnusedColour(unsigned char *OUTPUT,
- unsigned char *OUTPUT,
- unsigned char *OUTPUT,
- unsigned char startR = 1,
- unsigned char startG = 0,
- unsigned char startB = 0 ) const,
+ bool, FindFirstUnusedColour(byte *OUTPUT,
+ byte *OUTPUT,
+ byte *OUTPUT,
+ byte startR = 1,
+ byte startG = 0,
+ byte startB = 0 ) const,
"FindFirstUnusedColour(int startR=1, int startG=0, int startB=0) -> (success, r, g, b)",
"Find first colour that is not used in the image and has higher RGB
values than startR, startG, startB. Returns a tuple consisting of a
success flag and rgb values.", "");
+ %extend {
+ DocStr(GetCount,
+ "Returns the pixel count for the given key. Use `MakeKey` to create a
+key value from a RGB tripple.", "");
+ unsigned long GetCount(unsigned long key) {
+ wxImageHistogramEntry e = (*self)[key];
+ return e.value;
+ }
+ DocStr(GetCountRGB,
+ "Returns the pixel count for the given RGB values.", "");
+ unsigned long GetCountRGB(byte r,
+ byte g,
+ byte b) {
+ unsigned long key = wxImageHistogram::MakeKey(r, g, b);
+ wxImageHistogramEntry e = (*self)[key];
+ return e.value;
+ }
+ DocStr(GetCountColour,
+ "Returns the pixel count for the given `wx.Colour` value.", "");
+ unsigned long GetCountColour(const wxColour& colour) {
+ unsigned long key = wxImageHistogram::MakeKey(colour.Red(),
+ colour.Green(),
+ colour.Blue());
+ wxImageHistogramEntry e = (*self)[key];
+ return e.value;
+ }
+ }
+ typedef unsigned char* buffer;
+%typemap(in) (buffer data, int DATASIZE)
+ { if (!PyArg_Parse($input, "t#", &$1, &$2)) SWIG_fail; }
+%typemap(in) (buffer alpha, int ALPHASIZE)
+ { if (!PyArg_Parse($input, "t#", &$1, &$2)) SWIG_fail; }
+"A platform-independent image class. An image can be created from
+data, or using `wx.Bitmap.ConvertToImage`, or loaded from a file in a
+variety of formats. Functions are available to set and get image
+bits, so it can be used for basic image manipulation.
+A wx.Image cannot be drawn directly to a `wx.DC`. Instead, a
+platform-specific `wx.Bitmap` object must be created from it using the
+`wx.BitmapFromImage` constructor. This bitmap can then be drawn in a
+device context, using `wx.DC.DrawBitmap`.
+One colour value of the image may be used as a mask colour which will
+lead to the automatic creation of a `wx.Mask` object associated to the
+bitmap object.
+wx.Image supports alpha channel data, that is in addition to a byte
+for the red, green and blue colour components for each pixel it also
+stores a byte representing the pixel opacity. An alpha value of 0
+corresponds to a transparent pixel (null opacity) while a value of 255
+means that the pixel is 100% opaque.
+Unlike RGB data, not all images have an alpha channel and before using
+`GetAlpha` you should check if this image contains an alpha channel
+with `HasAlpha`. Note that currently only images loaded from PNG files
+with transparency information will have an alpha channel.", "");
+// Pull the nested class out to the top level for SWIG's sake
+#define wxImage_RGBValue wxImage::RGBValue
+#define wxImage_HSVValue wxImage::HSVValue
+class wxImage_RGBValue
+ wxImage_RGBValue(byte r=0, byte g=0, byte b=0);
+ byte red;
+ byte green;
+ byte blue;
+class wxImage_HSVValue
+ wxImage_HSVValue(double h=0.0, double s=0.0, double v=0.0);
+ double hue;
+ double saturation;
+ double value;
class wxImage : public wxObject {
- wxImage( const wxString& name, long type = wxBITMAP_TYPE_ANY, int index = -1 );
+ %typemap(out) wxImage*; // turn off this typemap
+ DocCtorStr(
+ wxImage( const wxString& name, long type = wxBITMAP_TYPE_ANY, int index = -1 ),
+ "Loads an image from a file.",
+ "
+ :param name: Name of the file from which to load the image.
+ :param type: May be one of the following:
+ ==================== =======================================
+ wx.BITMAP_TYPE_BMP Load a Windows bitmap file.
+ wx.BITMAP_TYPE_GIF Load a GIF bitmap file.
+ wx.BITMAP_TYPE_JPEG Load a JPEG bitmap file.
+ wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG Load a PNG bitmap file.
+ wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PCX Load a PCX bitmap file.
+ wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNM Load a PNM bitmap file.
+ wx.BITMAP_TYPE_TIF Load a TIFF bitmap file.
+ wx.BITMAP_TYPE_XPM Load a XPM bitmap file.
+ wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO Load a Windows icon file (ICO).
+ wx.BITMAP_TYPE_CUR Load a Windows cursor file (CUR).
+ wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANI Load a Windows animated cursor file (ANI).
+ wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY Will try to autodetect the format.
+ ==================== =======================================
+ :param index: Index of the image to load in the case that the
+ image file contains multiple images. This is only used by GIF,
+ ICO and TIFF handlers. The default value (-1) means to choose
+ the default image and is interpreted as the first image (the
+ one with index=0) by the GIF and TIFF handler and as the
+ largest and most colourful one by the ICO handler.
+:see: `wx.ImageFromMime`, `wx.ImageFromStream`, `wx.ImageFromStreamMime`,
+ `wx.EmptyImage`, `wx.ImageFromBitmap`, `wx.ImageFromData`,
+ `wx.ImageFromDataWithAlpha`
// Alternate constructors
- %name(ImageFromMime) wxImage(const wxString& name, const wxString& mimetype, int index = -1);
- %name(ImageFromStream) wxImage(wxInputStream& stream, long type = wxBITMAP_TYPE_ANY, int index = -1);
- %name(ImageFromStreamMime) wxImage(wxInputStream& stream, const wxString& mimetype, int index = -1 );
- %extend {
- %name(EmptyImage) wxImage(int width=0, int height=0, bool clear = true) {
- if (width > 0 && height > 0)
- return new wxImage(width, height, clear);
- else
- return new wxImage;
- }
+ DocCtorStrName(
+ wxImage(const wxString& name, const wxString& mimetype, int index = -1),
+ "Loads an image from a file, using a MIME type string (such as
+'image/jpeg') to specify image type.", "
- MustHaveApp(wxImage(const wxBitmap &bitmap));
- %name(ImageFromBitmap) wxImage(const wxBitmap &bitmap) {
- return new wxImage(bitmap.ConvertToImage());
- }
+:see: `wx.Image`",
+ ImageFromMime);
+ DocCtorStrName(
+ wxImage(wxInputStream& stream, long type = wxBITMAP_TYPE_ANY, int index = -1),
+ "Loads an image from an input stream, or any readable Python file-like
+object.", "
- %name(ImageFromData) wxImage(int width, int height, unsigned char* data) {
- // Copy the source data so the wxImage can clean it up later
- unsigned char* copy = (unsigned char*)malloc(width*height*3);
- if (copy == NULL) {
- PyErr_NoMemory();
- return NULL;
+:see: `wx.Image`",
+ ImageFromStream);
+ DocCtorStrName(
+ wxImage(wxInputStream& stream, const wxString& mimetype, int index = -1 ),
+ "Loads an image from an input stream, or any readable Python file-like
+object, specifying the image format with a MIME type string.", "
+:see: `wx.Image`",
+ ImageFromStreamMime);
+ %extend {
+ %RenameDocCtor(
+ EmptyImage,
+ "Construct an empty image of a given size, optionally setting all
+pixels to black.", "
+:see: `wx.Image`",
+ wxImage(int width=0, int height=0, bool clear = true))
+ {
+ if (width > 0 && height > 0)
+ return new wxImage(width, height, clear);
+ else
+ return new wxImage;
- memcpy(copy, data, width*height*3);
- return new wxImage(width, height, copy, false);
- }
- %name(ImageFromDataWithAlpha) wxImage(int width, int height,
- unsigned char* data, unsigned char* alpha) {
- // Copy the source data so the wxImage can clean it up later
- unsigned char* dcopy = (unsigned char*)malloc(width*height*3);
- if (dcopy == NULL) {
- PyErr_NoMemory();
- return NULL;
+ MustHaveApp(wxImage(const wxBitmap &bitmap));
+ %RenameDocCtor(
+ ImageFromBitmap,
+ "Construct an Image from a `wx.Bitmap`.", "
+:see: `wx.Image`",
+ wxImage(const wxBitmap &bitmap))
+ {
+ return new wxImage(bitmap.ConvertToImage());
- memcpy(dcopy, data, width*height*3);
- unsigned char* acopy = (unsigned char*)malloc(width*height);
- if (acopy == NULL) {
- PyErr_NoMemory();
- return NULL;
+ %RenameDocCtor(
+ ImageFromData,
+ "Construct an Image from a buffer of RGB bytes. Accepts either a
+string or a buffer object holding the data and the length of the data
+must be width*height*3.", "
+:see: `wx.Image`",
+ wxImage(int width, int height, buffer data, int DATASIZE))
+ {
+ if (DATASIZE != width*height*3) {
+ wxPyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Invalid data buffer size.");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // Copy the source data so the wxImage can clean it up later
+ buffer copy = (buffer)malloc(DATASIZE);
+ if (copy == NULL) {
+ wxPyBLOCK_THREADS(PyErr_NoMemory());
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ memcpy(copy, data, DATASIZE);
+ return new wxImage(width, height, copy, false);
- memcpy(acopy, alpha, width*height);
+ %RenameDocCtor(
+ ImageFromDataWithAlpha,
+ "Construct an Image from a buffer of RGB bytes with an Alpha channel.
+Accepts either a string or a buffer object holding the data and the
+length of the data must be width*height*3 bytes, and the length of the
+alpha data must be width*height bytes.", "
+:see: `wx.Image`",
+ wxImage(int width, int height, buffer data, int DATASIZE, buffer alpha, int ALPHASIZE))
+ {
+ if (DATASIZE != width*height*3) {
+ wxPyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Invalid data buffer size.");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (ALPHASIZE != width*height) {
+ wxPyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Invalid alpha buffer size.");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // Copy the source data so the wxImage can clean it up later
+ buffer dcopy = (buffer)malloc(DATASIZE);
+ if (dcopy == NULL) {
+ wxPyBLOCK_THREADS(PyErr_NoMemory());
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ memcpy(dcopy, data, DATASIZE);
- return new wxImage(width, height, dcopy, acopy, false);
- }
+ buffer acopy = (buffer)malloc(ALPHASIZE);
+ if (acopy == NULL) {
+ wxPyBLOCK_THREADS(PyErr_NoMemory());
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ memcpy(acopy, alpha, ALPHASIZE);
+ return new wxImage(width, height, dcopy, acopy, false);
+ }
- void Create( int width, int height );
- void Destroy();
+ // TODO: wxImage( char** xpmData );
+ // Turn it back on again
+ %typemap(out) wxImage* { $result = wxPyMake_wxObject($1, $owner); }
+ DocDeclStr(
+ void , Create( int width, int height, bool clear=true ),
+ "Creates a fresh image. If clear is ``True``, the new image will be
+initialized to black. Otherwise, the image data will be uninitialized.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ void , Destroy(),
+ "Destroys the image data.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ wxImage , Scale( int width, int height ),
+ "Returns a scaled version of the image. This is also useful for scaling
+bitmaps in general as the only other way to scale bitmaps is to blit a
+`wx.MemoryDC` into another `wx.MemoryDC`.", "
+:see: `Rescale`");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ wxImage , ShrinkBy( int xFactor , int yFactor ) const ,
+ "Return a version of the image scaled smaller by the given factors.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ wxImage& , Rescale(int width, int height),
+ "Changes the size of the image in-place by scaling it: after a call to
+this function, the image will have the given width and height.
+Returns the (modified) image itself.", "
+:see: `Scale`");
+ // resizes the image in place
+ DocDeclStr(
+ wxImage& , Resize( const wxSize& size, const wxPoint& pos,
+ int r = -1, int g = -1, int b = -1 ),
+ "Changes the size of the image in-place without scaling it, by adding
+either a border with the given colour or cropping as necessary. The
+image is pasted into a new image with the given size and background
+colour at the position pos relative to the upper left of the new
+image. If red = green = blue = -1 then use either the current mask
+colour if set or find, use, and set a suitable mask colour for any
+newly exposed areas.
+Returns the (modified) image itself.", "
+:see: `Size`");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ void , SetRGB( int x, int y, byte r, byte g, byte b ),
+ "Sets the pixel at the given coordinate. This routine performs
+bounds-checks for the coordinate so it can be considered a safe way to
+manipulate the data, but in some cases this might be too slow so that
+the data will have to be set directly. In that case you will have to
+get access to the image data using the `GetData` method.", "");
+ DocDeclStrName(
+ void, SetRGB( const wxRect& rect,
+ byte r, byte g, byte b ),
+ "Sets the colour of the pixels within the given rectangle. This routine
+performs bounds-checks for the rectangle so it can be considered a
+safe way to manipulate the data.", "",
+ SetRGBRect);
+ DocDeclStr(
+ byte , GetRed( int x, int y ),
+ "Returns the red intensity at the given coordinate.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ byte , GetGreen( int x, int y ),
+ "Returns the green intensity at the given coordinate.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ byte , GetBlue( int x, int y ),
+ "Returns the blue intensity at the given coordinate.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ void , SetAlpha(int x, int y, byte alpha),
+ "Sets the alpha value for the given pixel. This function should only be
+called if the image has alpha channel data, use `HasAlpha` to check
+for this.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ byte , GetAlpha(int x, int y),
+ "Returns the alpha value for the given pixel. This function may only be
+called for the images with alpha channel, use `HasAlpha` to check for
+The returned value is the *opacity* of the image, i.e. the value of 0
+corresponds to the fully transparent pixels while the value of 255 to
+the fully opaque pixels.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ bool , HasAlpha(),
+ "Returns true if this image has alpha channel, false otherwise.", "
- wxImage Scale( int width, int height );
- wxImage ShrinkBy( int xFactor , int yFactor ) const ;
- wxImage& Rescale(int width, int height);
+:see: `GetAlpha`, `SetAlpha`");
- void SetRGB( int x, int y, unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b );
- unsigned char GetRed( int x, int y );
- unsigned char GetGreen( int x, int y );
- unsigned char GetBlue( int x, int y );
+ DocDeclStr(
+ void , InitAlpha(),
+ "Initializes the image alpha channel data. It is an error to call it if
+the image already has alpha data. If it doesn't, alpha data will be by
+default initialized to all pixels being fully opaque. But if the image
+has a a mask colour, all mask pixels will be completely transparent.", "");
- void SetAlpha(int x, int y, unsigned char alpha);
- unsigned char GetAlpha(int x, int y);
- bool HasAlpha();
+ DocDeclStr(
+ bool , IsTransparent(int x, int y,
+ byte threshold = wxIMAGE_ALPHA_THRESHOLD) const,
+ "Returns ``True`` if this pixel is masked or has an alpha value less
+than the spcified threshold.", "");
// find first colour that is not used in the image and has higher
// RGB values than <startR,startG,startB>
- bool , ConvertAlphaToMask(byte threshold = 128),
- "If the image has alpha channel, this method converts it to mask. All pixels
-with alpha value less than ``threshold`` are replaced with mask colour and the
-alpha channel is removed. Mask colour is chosen automatically using
+ bool , ConvertAlphaToMask(byte threshold = wxIMAGE_ALPHA_THRESHOLD),
+ "If the image has alpha channel, this method converts it to mask. All
+pixels with alpha value less than ``threshold`` are replaced with the
+mask colour and the alpha channel is removed. The mask colour is
+chosen automatically using `FindFirstUnusedColour`.
If the image image doesn't have alpha channel, ConvertAlphaToMask does
nothing.", "");
- bool , ConvertColourToAlpha( unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b ),
+ bool , ConvertColourToAlpha( byte r, byte g, byte b ),
"This method converts an image where the original alpha information is
only available as a shades of a colour (actually shades of grey)
typically when you draw anti-aliased text into a bitmap. The DC
- // Set image's mask to the area of 'mask' that has <mr,mg,mb> colour
- bool SetMaskFromImage(const wxImage & mask,
- byte mr, byte mg, byte mb);
+ DocDeclStr(
+ bool , SetMaskFromImage(const wxImage & mask,
+ byte mr, byte mg, byte mb),
+ "Sets the image's mask so that the pixels that have RGB value of
+``(mr,mg,mb)`` in ``mask`` will be masked in this image. This is done
+by first finding an unused colour in the image, setting this colour as
+the mask colour and then using this colour to draw all pixels in the
+image who corresponding pixel in mask has given RGB value.
+Returns ``False`` if ``mask`` does not have same dimensions as the
+image or if there is no unused colour left. Returns ``True`` if the
+mask was successfully applied.
+Note that this method involves computing the histogram, which is
+computationally intensive operation.", "");
// void DoFloodFill (wxCoord x, wxCoord y,
// const wxBrush & fillBrush,
// int style = wxFLOOD_SURFACE,
// int LogicalFunction = wxCOPY /* currently unused */ ) ;
- static bool CanRead( const wxString& name );
- static int GetImageCount( const wxString& name, long type = wxBITMAP_TYPE_ANY );
+ DocDeclStr(
+ static bool , CanRead( const wxString& filename ),
+ "Returns True if the image handlers can read this file.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ static int , GetImageCount( const wxString& filename, long type = wxBITMAP_TYPE_ANY ),
+ "If the image file contains more than one image and the image handler
+is capable of retrieving these individually, this function will return
+the number of available images.", "");
- bool LoadFile( const wxString& name, long type = wxBITMAP_TYPE_ANY, int index = -1 );
- %name(LoadMimeFile)bool LoadFile( const wxString& name, const wxString& mimetype, int index = -1 );
+ DocDeclStr(
+ bool , LoadFile( const wxString& name, long type = wxBITMAP_TYPE_ANY, int index = -1 ),
+ "Loads an image from a file. If no handler type is provided, the
+library will try to autodetect the format.", "");
+ DocDeclStrName(
+ bool , LoadFile( const wxString& name, const wxString& mimetype, int index = -1 ),
+ "Loads an image from a file, specifying the image type with a MIME type
+string.", "",
+ LoadMimeFile);
- bool SaveFile( const wxString& name, int type );
- %name(SaveMimeFile)bool SaveFile( const wxString& name, const wxString& mimetype );
+ DocDeclStr(
+ bool , SaveFile( const wxString& name, int type ),
+ "Saves an image in the named file.", "");
+ DocDeclStrName(
+ bool , SaveFile( const wxString& name, const wxString& mimetype ),
+ "Saves an image in the named file.", "",
+ SaveMimeFile);
- %name(CanReadStream) static bool CanRead( wxInputStream& stream );
- %name(LoadStream) bool LoadFile( wxInputStream& stream, long type = wxBITMAP_TYPE_ANY, int index = -1 );
- %name(LoadMimeStream) bool LoadFile( wxInputStream& stream, const wxString& mimetype, int index = -1 );
+ DocDeclStrName(
+ static bool , CanRead( wxInputStream& stream ),
+ "Returns True if the image handlers can read an image file from the
+data currently on the input stream, or a readable Python file-like
+object.", "",
+ CanReadStream);
- bool Ok();
- int GetWidth();
- int GetHeight();
+ DocDeclStrName(
+ bool , LoadFile( wxInputStream& stream, long type = wxBITMAP_TYPE_ANY, int index = -1 ),
+ "Loads an image from an input stream or a readable Python file-like
+object. If no handler type is provided, the library will try to
+autodetect the format.", "",
+ LoadStream);
+ DocDeclStrName(
+ bool , LoadFile( wxInputStream& stream, const wxString& mimetype, int index = -1 ),
+ "Loads an image from an input stream or a readable Python file-like
+object, using a MIME type string to specify the image file format.", "",
+ LoadMimeStream);
+ DocDeclStr(
+ bool , Ok(),
+ "Returns true if image data is present.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ int , GetWidth(),
+ "Gets the width of the image in pixels.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ int , GetHeight(),
+ "Gets the height of the image in pixels.", "");
%extend {
+ DocStr(GetSize,
+ "Returns the size of the image in pixels.", "");
wxSize GetSize() {
wxSize size(self->GetWidth(), self->GetHeight());
return size;
- wxImage GetSubImage(const wxRect& rect);
- wxImage Copy();
- void Paste( const wxImage &image, int x, int y );
+ DocDeclStr(
+ wxImage , GetSubImage(const wxRect& rect),
+ "Returns a sub image of the current one as long as the rect belongs
+entirely to the image.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ wxImage , Size( const wxSize& size, const wxPoint& pos,
+ int r = -1, int g = -1, int b = -1 ) const,
+ "Returns a resized version of this image without scaling it by adding
+either a border with the given colour or cropping as necessary. The
+image is pasted into a new image with the given size and background
+colour at the position ``pos`` relative to the upper left of the new
+image. If red = green = blue = -1 then use either the current mask
+colour if set or find, use, and set a suitable mask colour for any
+newly exposed areas.", "
+:see: `Resize`");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ wxImage , Copy(),
+ "Returns an identical copy of the image.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ void , Paste( const wxImage &image, int x, int y ),
+ "Pastes ``image`` into this instance and takes care of the mask colour
+and any out of bounds problems.", "");
//unsigned char *GetData();
//void SetData( unsigned char *data );
%extend {
- PyObject* GetData() {
- unsigned char* data = self->GetData();
+ DocStr(GetData,
+ "Returns a string containing a copy of the RGB bytes of the image.", "");
+ PyObject* GetData()
+ {
+ buffer data = self->GetData();
int len = self->GetWidth() * self->GetHeight() * 3;
PyObject* rv;
wxPyBLOCK_THREADS( rv = PyString_FromStringAndSize((char*)data, len));
return rv;
- void SetData(PyObject* data) {
- unsigned char* dataPtr;
- if (! PyString_Check(data)) {
- wxPyBLOCK_THREADS(PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
- "Expected string object"));
- return /* NULL */ ;
- }
- size_t len = self->GetWidth() * self->GetHeight() * 3;
- dataPtr = (unsigned char*) malloc(len);
- wxPyBLOCK_THREADS( memcpy(dataPtr, PyString_AsString(data), len) );
- self->SetData(dataPtr);
- // wxImage takes ownership of dataPtr...
+ DocStr(SetData,
+ "Resets the Image's RGB data from a buffer of RGB bytes. Accepts
+either a string or a buffer object holding the data and the length of
+the data must be width*height*3.", "");
+ void SetData(buffer data, int DATASIZE)
+ {
+ if (DATASIZE != self->GetWidth() * self->GetHeight() * 3) {
+ wxPyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Invalid data buffer size.");
+ return;
+ }
+ buffer copy = (buffer)malloc(DATASIZE);
+ if (copy == NULL) {
+ wxPyBLOCK_THREADS(PyErr_NoMemory());
+ return;
+ }
+ memcpy(copy, data, DATASIZE);
+ self->SetData(copy, false);
+ // wxImage takes ownership of copy...
- PyObject* GetDataBuffer() {
- unsigned char* data = self->GetData();
+ DocStr(GetDataBuffer,
+ "Returns a writable Python buffer object that is pointing at the RGB
+image data buffer inside the wx.Image. You need to ensure that you do
+not use this buffer object after the image has been destroyed.", "");
+ PyObject* GetDataBuffer()
+ {
+ buffer data = self->GetData();
int len = self->GetWidth() * self->GetHeight() * 3;
PyObject* rv;
wxPyBLOCK_THREADS( rv = PyBuffer_FromReadWriteMemory(data, len) );
return rv;
- void SetDataBuffer(PyObject* data) {
- unsigned char* buffer;
- int size;
- bool blocked = wxPyBeginBlockThreads();
- if (!PyArg_Parse(data, "t#", &buffer, &size))
- goto done;
- if (size != self->GetWidth() * self->GetHeight() * 3) {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Incorrect buffer size");
- goto done;
+ DocStr(SetDataBuffer,
+ "Sets the internal image data pointer to point at a Python buffer
+object. This can save making an extra copy of the data but you must
+ensure that the buffer object lives longer than the wx.Image does.", "");
+ void SetDataBuffer(buffer data, int DATASIZE)
+ {
+ if (DATASIZE != self->GetWidth() * self->GetHeight() * 3) {
+ wxPyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Invalid data buffer size.");
+ return;
- self->SetData(buffer);
- done:
- wxPyEndBlockThreads(blocked);
+ self->SetData(data, true);
+ DocStr(GetAlphaData,
+ "Returns a string containing a copy of the alpha bytes of the image.", "");
PyObject* GetAlphaData() {
- unsigned char* data = self->GetAlpha();
+ buffer data = self->GetAlpha();
if (! data) {
} else {
return rv;
- void SetAlphaData(PyObject* data) {
- unsigned char* dataPtr;
- if (! PyString_Check(data)) {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Expected string object");
- return /* NULL */ ;
+ DocStr(SetAlphaData,
+ "Resets the Image's alpha data from a buffer of bytes. Accepts either
+a string or a buffer object holding the data and the length of the
+data must be width*height.", "");
+ void SetAlphaData(buffer alpha, int ALPHASIZE)
+ {
+ if (ALPHASIZE != self->GetWidth() * self->GetHeight()) {
+ wxPyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Invalid alpha buffer size.");
+ return;
- size_t len = self->GetWidth() * self->GetHeight();
- dataPtr = (unsigned char*) malloc(len);
- wxPyBLOCK_THREADS( memcpy(dataPtr, PyString_AsString(data), len) );
- self->SetAlpha(dataPtr);
- // wxImage takes ownership of dataPtr...
+ buffer acopy = (buffer)malloc(ALPHASIZE);
+ if (acopy == NULL) {
+ wxPyBLOCK_THREADS(PyErr_NoMemory());
+ return;
+ }
+ memcpy(acopy, alpha, ALPHASIZE);
+ self->SetAlpha(acopy, false);
+ // wxImage takes ownership of acopy...
- PyObject* GetAlphaBuffer() {
- unsigned char* data = self->GetAlpha();
+ DocStr(GetDataBuffer,
+ "Returns a writable Python buffer object that is pointing at the Alpha
+data buffer inside the wx.Image. You need to ensure that you do not
+use this buffer object after the image has been destroyed.", "");
+ PyObject* GetAlphaBuffer()
+ {
+ buffer data = self->GetAlpha();
int len = self->GetWidth() * self->GetHeight();
PyObject* rv;
wxPyBLOCK_THREADS( rv = PyBuffer_FromReadWriteMemory(data, len) );
return rv;
- void SetAlphaBuffer(PyObject* data) {
- unsigned char* buffer;
- int size;
- bool blocked = wxPyBeginBlockThreads();
- if (!PyArg_Parse(data, "t#", &buffer, &size))
- goto done;
- if (size != self->GetWidth() * self->GetHeight()) {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Incorrect buffer size");
- goto done;
+ DocStr(SetDataBuffer,
+ "Sets the internal image alpha pointer to point at a Python buffer
+object. This can save making an extra copy of the data but you must
+ensure that the buffer object lives as long as the wx.Image does.", "");
+ void SetAlphaBuffer(buffer alpha, int ALPHASIZE)
+ {
+ if (ALPHASIZE != self->GetWidth() * self->GetHeight()) {
+ wxPyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Invalid alpha buffer size.");
+ return;
- self->SetAlpha(buffer);
- done:
- wxPyEndBlockThreads(blocked);
+ self->SetAlpha(alpha, true);
- void SetMaskColour( unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b );
- unsigned char GetMaskRed();
- unsigned char GetMaskGreen();
- unsigned char GetMaskBlue();
- void SetMask( bool mask = true );
- bool HasMask();
- wxImage Rotate(double angle, const wxPoint & centre_of_rotation,
- bool interpolating = true, wxPoint * offset_after_rotation = NULL) const ;
- wxImage Rotate90( bool clockwise = true ) ;
- wxImage Mirror( bool horizontally = true ) ;
+ DocDeclStr(
+ void , SetMaskColour( byte r, byte g, byte b ),
+ "Sets the mask colour for this image (and tells the image to use the
+mask).", "");
- void Replace( unsigned char r1, unsigned char g1, unsigned char b1,
- unsigned char r2, unsigned char g2, unsigned char b2 );
+ DocDeclAStr(
+ /*bool*/ void , GetOrFindMaskColour( byte *OUTPUT,
+ byte *OUTPUT,
+ byte *OUTPUT ) const,
+ "GetOrFindMaskColour() -> (r,g,b)",
+ "Get the current mask colour or find a suitable colour.", "");
- // convert to monochrome image (<r,g,b> will be replaced by white, everything else by black)
- wxImage ConvertToMono( unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b ) const;
+ DocDeclStr(
+ byte , GetMaskRed(),
+ "Gets the red component of the mask colour.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ byte , GetMaskGreen(),
+ "Gets the green component of the mask colour.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ byte , GetMaskBlue(),
+ "Gets the blue component of the mask colour.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ void , SetMask( bool mask = true ),
+ "Specifies whether there is a mask or not. The area of the mask is
+determined by the current mask colour.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ bool , HasMask(),
+ "Returns ``True`` if there is a mask active, ``False`` otherwise.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ wxImage , Rotate(double angle, const wxPoint & centre_of_rotation,
+ bool interpolating = true, wxPoint * offset_after_rotation = NULL) const ,
+ "Rotates the image about the given point, by ``angle`` radians. Passing
+``True`` to ``interpolating`` results in better image quality, but is
+slower. If the image has a mask, then the mask colour is used for the
+uncovered pixels in the rotated image background. Otherwise, black
+will be used as the fill colour.
+Returns the rotated image, leaving this image intact.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ wxImage , Rotate90( bool clockwise = true ) ,
+ "Returns a copy of the image rotated 90 degrees in the direction
+indicated by ``clockwise``.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ wxImage , Mirror( bool horizontally = true ) ,
+ "Returns a mirrored copy of the image. The parameter ``horizontally``
+indicates the orientation.", "");
- void SetOption(const wxString& name, const wxString& value);
- %name(SetOptionInt)void SetOption(const wxString& name, int value);
- wxString GetOption(const wxString& name) const;
- int GetOptionInt(const wxString& name) const;
- bool HasOption(const wxString& name) const;
+ DocDeclStr(
+ void , Replace( byte r1, byte g1, byte b1,
+ byte r2, byte g2, byte b2 ),
+ "Replaces the colour specified by ``(r1,g1,b1)`` by the colour
+``(r2,g2,b2)``.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ wxImage , ConvertToMono( byte r, byte g, byte b ) const,
+ "Returns monochromatic version of the image. The returned image has
+white colour where the original has ``(r,g,b)`` colour and black
+colour everywhere else.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ void , SetOption(const wxString& name, const wxString& value),
+ "Sets an image handler defined option. For example, when saving as a
+JPEG file, the option ``wx.IMAGE_OPTION_QUALITY`` is used, which is a
+number between 0 and 100 (0 is terrible, 100 is very good).", "
+ ================================= ===
+ ================================= ===
+:see: `HasOption`, `GetOption`, `GetOptionInt`, `SetOptionInt`");
+ DocDeclStrName(
+ void, SetOption(const wxString& name, int value),
+ "Sets an image option as an integer.", "
+:see: `HasOption`, `GetOption`, `GetOptionInt`, `SetOption`",
+ SetOptionInt);
+ DocDeclStr(
+ wxString , GetOption(const wxString& name) const,
+ "Gets the value of an image handler option.", "
+:see: `HasOption`, `GetOptionInt`, `SetOption`, `SetOptionInt`");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ int , GetOptionInt(const wxString& name) const,
+ "Gets the value of an image handler option as an integer. If the given
+option is not present, the function returns 0.", "
+:see: `HasOption`, `GetOption`, `SetOptionInt`, `SetOption`");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ bool , HasOption(const wxString& name) const,
+ "Returns true if the given option is present.", "
+:see: `GetOption`, `GetOptionInt`, `SetOption`, `SetOptionInt`");
unsigned long CountColours( unsigned long stopafter = (unsigned long) -1 );
unsigned long ComputeHistogram( wxImageHistogram& h );
static void AddHandler( wxImageHandler *handler );
static void InsertHandler( wxImageHandler *handler );
static bool RemoveHandler( const wxString& name );
- static wxString GetImageExtWildcard();
+ DocDeclStr(
+ static wxString , GetImageExtWildcard(),
+ "Iterates all registered wxImageHandler objects, and returns a string
+containing file extension masks suitable for passing to file open/save
+dialog boxes.", "");
return bitmap;
- wxBitmap ConvertToMonoBitmap( unsigned char red,
- unsigned char green,
- unsigned char blue ) {
+ wxBitmap ConvertToMonoBitmap( byte red,
+ byte green,
+ byte blue ) {
wxImage mono = self->ConvertToMono( red, green, blue );
wxBitmap bitmap( mono, 1 );
return bitmap;
+ DocDeclStr(
+ void , RotateHue(double angle),
+ "Rotates the hue of each pixel of the image. Hue is a double in the
+range -1.0..1.0 where -1.0 is -360 degrees and 1.0 is 360 degrees", "");
+ static wxImage_HSVValue RGBtoHSV(wxImage_RGBValue rgb);
+ static wxImage_RGBValue HSVtoRGB(wxImage_HSVValue hsv);
%pythoncode { def __nonzero__(self): return self.Ok() }
+ wxPNG_TYPE_GREY = 2,
wxBMP_24BPP = 24, // default, do not need to set
+"A `wx.ImageHandler` for \*.bmp bitmap files.", "");
class wxBMPHandler : public wxImageHandler {
+"A `wx.ImageHandler` for \*.ico icon files.", "");
class wxICOHandler : public wxBMPHandler {
+"A `wx.ImageHandler` for \*.cur cursor files.", "");
class wxCURHandler : public wxICOHandler {
+"A `wx.ImageHandler` for \*.ani animated cursor files.", "");
class wxANIHandler : public wxCURHandler {
+"A `wx.ImageHandler` for PNG image files.", "");
class wxPNGHandler : public wxImageHandler {
+"A `wx.ImageHandler` for GIF image files.", "");
class wxGIFHandler : public wxImageHandler {
+"A `wx.ImageHandler` for PCX imager files.", "");
class wxPCXHandler : public wxImageHandler {
+"A `wx.ImageHandler` for JPEG/JPG image files.", "");
class wxJPEGHandler : public wxImageHandler {
+"A `wx.ImageHandler` for PNM image files.", "");
class wxPNMHandler : public wxImageHandler {
+"A `wx.ImageHandler` for XPM image.", "");
class wxXPMHandler : public wxImageHandler {
+"A `wx.ImageHandler` for TIFF image files.", "");
class wxTIFFHandler : public wxImageHandler {
#if wxUSE_IFF
+"A `wx.ImageHandler` for IFF image files.", "");
class wxIFFHandler : public wxImageHandler {