+ wxMDIParentFrame *mdi_frame = (wxMDIParentFrame*)m_parent->GetParent();
+ if ( !ShowMenuHelp(event.GetMenuId()) )
+ {
+ // we don't have any help text for this item, but may be the MDI frame
+ // does?
+ mdi_frame->OnMenuHighlight(event);
+ }
+#endif // wxUSE_STATUSBAR
+void wxMDIChildFrame::SetTitle( const wxString &title )
+ if ( title == m_title )
+ return;
+ m_title = title;
+ wxMDIParentFrame* parent = (wxMDIParentFrame*) GetParent();
+ GtkNotebook* notebook = GTK_NOTEBOOK(parent->m_widget);
+ gtk_notebook_set_tab_label_text(notebook, m_widget, wxGTK_CONV( title ) );
+void wxMDIClientWindow::AddChildGTK(wxWindowGTK* child)
+ wxMDIChildFrame* child_frame = wx_static_cast(wxMDIChildFrame*, child);
+ wxString s = child_frame->GetTitle();
+ if (s.IsNull()) s = _("MDI child");
+ GtkWidget *label_widget = gtk_label_new( s.mbc_str() );
+ gtk_misc_set_alignment( GTK_MISC(label_widget), 0.0, 0.5 );
+ GtkNotebook* notebook = GTK_NOTEBOOK(m_widget);
+ gtk_notebook_append_page( notebook, child->m_widget, label_widget );
+ child_frame->m_page = (GtkNotebookPage*) (g_list_last(notebook->children)->data);
+ wxMDIParentFrame* parent_frame = wx_static_cast(wxMDIParentFrame*, GetParent());
+ parent_frame->m_justInserted = true;