#define TEST_REGEX
#undef TEST_ALL
static const bool TEST_ALL = true;
- #define TEST_LOG
+ #define TEST_ARRAYS
+ #define TEST_HASH
+ #define TEST_LIST
static const bool TEST_ALL = false;
wxPuts(_T("*** Testing wxHashTable ***\n"));
+ {
+ wxHashTable hash(wxKEY_INTEGER), hash2(wxKEY_STRING);
+ int i;
+ for ( i = 0; i < 100; ++i )
+ hash.Put(i, (wxObject*)&i + i);
+ hash.BeginFind();
+ wxHashTable::compatibility_iterator it = hash.Next();
+ i = 0;
+ while (it)
+ {
+ ++i;
+ it = hash.Next();
+ }
+ if (i != 100)
+ wxPuts(_T("Error in wxHashTable::compatibility_iterator\n"));
+ for ( i = 99; i >= 0; --i )
+ if( hash.Get(i) != (wxObject*)&i + i )
+ wxPuts(_T("Error in wxHashTable::Get/Put\n"));
+ hash2.Put("foo", (wxObject*)&i + 1);
+ hash2.Put("bar", (wxObject*)&i + 2);
+ hash2.Put("baz", (wxObject*)&i + 3);
+ if (hash2.Get("moo") != NULL)
+ wxPuts(_T("Error in wxHashTable::Get\n"));
+ if (hash2.Get("bar") != (wxObject*)&i + 2)
+ wxPuts(_T("Error in wxHashTable::Get/Put\n"));
+ }
+#if !wxUSE_STL
wxHashFoos hash;
wxPuts(_T("ok (not found)"));
wxPrintf(_T("Hash destroyed: %u foos left\n"), Foo::count);
+ wxPuts(_T("*** Testing wxHashTable finished ***\n"));
#endif // TEST_HASH
#include "wx/listimpl.cpp"
+WX_DECLARE_LIST(int, wxListInt);
+static void TestList()
+ wxPuts(_T("*** Testing wxList operations ***\n"));
+ {
+ wxListInt list1;
+ int dummy[5];
+ int i;
+ for ( i = 0; i < 5; ++i )
+ list1.Append(dummy + i);
+ if ( list1.GetCount() != 5 )
+ wxPuts(_T("Wrong number of items in list\n"));
+ if ( list1.Item(3)->GetData() != dummy + 3 )
+ wxPuts(_T("Error in Item()\n"));
+ if ( !list1.Find(dummy + 4) )
+ wxPuts(_T("Error in Find()\n"));
+ wxListInt::compatibility_iterator node = list1.GetFirst();
+ i = 0;
+ while (node)
+ {
+ if ( node->GetData() != dummy + i )
+ wxPuts(_T("Error in compatibility_iterator\n"));
+ node = node->GetNext();
+ ++i;
+ }
+ if ( size_t(i) != list1.GetCount() )
+ wxPuts(_T("Error in compatibility_iterator\n"));
+ list1.Insert(dummy + 0);
+ list1.Insert(1, dummy + 1);
+ list1.Insert(list1.GetFirst()->GetNext()->GetNext(), dummy + 2);
+ node = list1.GetFirst();
+ i = 0;
+ while (i < 3)
+ {
+ int* t = node->GetData();
+ if ( t != dummy + i )
+ wxPuts(_T("Error in Insert\n"));
+ node = node->GetNext();
+ ++i;
+ }
+ }
+ wxPuts(_T("*** Testing wxList operations finished ***\n"));
+ wxPuts(_T("*** Testing std::list operations ***\n"));
+ {
+ wxListInt list1;
+ wxListInt::iterator it, en;
+ wxListInt::reverse_iterator rit, ren;
+ int i;
+ for ( i = 0; i < 5; ++i )
+ list1.push_back(i + &i);
+ for ( it = list1.begin(), en = list1.end(), i = 0;
+ it != en; ++it, ++i )
+ if ( *it != i + &i )
+ wxPuts(_T("Error in iterator\n"));
+ for ( rit = list1.rbegin(), ren = list1.rend(), i = 4;
+ rit != ren; ++rit, --i )
+ if ( *rit != i + &i )
+ wxPuts(_T("Error in reverse_iterator\n"));
+ if ( *list1.rbegin() != *--list1.end() ||
+ *list1.begin() != *--list1.rend() )
+ wxPuts(_T("Error in iterator/reverse_iterator\n"));
+ if ( *list1.begin() != *--++list1.begin() ||
+ *list1.rbegin() != *--++list1.rbegin() )
+ wxPuts(_T("Error in iterator/reverse_iterator\n"));
+ if ( list1.front() != &i || list1.back() != &i + 4 )
+ wxPuts(_T("Error in front()/back()\n"));
+ list1.erase(list1.begin());
+ list1.erase(--list1.end());
+ for ( it = list1.begin(), en = list1.end(), i = 1;
+ it != en; ++it, ++i )
+ if ( *it != i + &i )
+ wxPuts(_T("Error in erase()\n"));
+ }
+ wxPuts(_T("*** Testing std::list operations finished ***\n"));
static void TestListCtor()
wxPuts(_T("*** Testing wxList construction ***\n"));
wxPrintf(_T("After 2nd list creation: %u and %u objects in the lists, %u objects total.\n"),
list1.GetCount(), list2.GetCount(), Bar::GetNumber());
+#if !wxUSE_STL
+ WX_CLEAR_LIST(wxListBars, list1);
wxPrintf(_T("After list destruction: %u objects left.\n"), Bar::GetNumber());
// scope guard
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "wx/scopeguard.h"
static void function0() { puts("function0()"); }
ON_BLOCK_EXIT2(function2, 3.14, 'p');
Object obj;
- ON_BLOCK_EXIT_OBJ0(obj, Object::method0);
- ON_BLOCK_EXIT_OBJ1(obj, Object::method1, 7);
- ON_BLOCK_EXIT_OBJ2(obj, Object::method2, 2.71, 'e');
+ ON_BLOCK_EXIT_OBJ0(obj, &Object::method0);
+ ON_BLOCK_EXIT_OBJ1(obj, &Object::method1, 7);
+ ON_BLOCK_EXIT_OBJ2(obj, &Object::method2, 2.71, 'e');
wxScopeGuard dismissed = wxMakeGuard(function0);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// sockets
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+static void PrintArray(const wxChar* name, const wxSortedArrayString& array)
+ wxPrintf(_T("Dump of the array '%s'\n"), name);
+ size_t nCount = array.GetCount();
+ for ( size_t n = 0; n < nCount; n++ )
+ {
+ wxPrintf(_T("\t%s[%u] = '%s'\n"), name, n, array[n].c_str());
+ }
int wxCMPFUNC_CONV StringLenCompare(const wxString& first,
const wxString& second)
+static void TestStlArray()
+ wxPuts(_T("*** Testing std::vector operations ***\n"));
+ {
+ wxArrayInt list1;
+ wxArrayInt::iterator it, en;
+ wxArrayInt::reverse_iterator rit, ren;
+ int i;
+ for ( i = 0; i < 5; ++i )
+ list1.push_back(i);
+ for ( it = list1.begin(), en = list1.end(), i = 0;
+ it != en; ++it, ++i )
+ if ( *it != i )
+ wxPuts(_T("Error in iterator\n"));
+ for ( rit = list1.rbegin(), ren = list1.rend(), i = 4;
+ rit != ren; ++rit, --i )
+ if ( *rit != i )
+ wxPuts(_T("Error in reverse_iterator\n"));
+ if ( *list1.rbegin() != *(list1.end()-1) ||
+ *list1.begin() != *(list1.rend()-1) )
+ wxPuts(_T("Error in iterator/reverse_iterator\n"));
+ it = list1.begin()+1;
+ rit = list1.rbegin()+1;
+ if ( *list1.begin() != *(it-1) ||
+ *list1.rbegin() != *(rit-1) )
+ wxPuts(_T("Error in iterator/reverse_iterator\n"));
+ if ( list1.front() != 0 || list1.back() != 4 )
+ wxPuts(_T("Error in front()/back()\n"));
+ list1.erase(list1.begin());
+ list1.erase(list1.end()-1);
+ for ( it = list1.begin(), en = list1.end(), i = 1;
+ it != en; ++it, ++i )
+ if ( *it != i )
+ wxPuts(_T("Error in erase()\n"));
+ }
+ wxPuts(_T("*** Testing std::vector operations finished ***\n"));
static void TestArrayOfObjects()
wxPuts(_T("*** Testing wxObjArray ***\n"));
#include "wx/snglinst.h"
+static int MyStringCompare(wxString* s1, wxString* s2)
+ return wxStrcmp(s1->c_str(), s2->c_str());
+static int MyStringReverseCompare(wxString* s1, wxString* s2)
+ return -wxStrcmp(s1->c_str(), s2->c_str());
int main(int argc, char **argv)
#endif // TEST_STRINGS
- if ( TEST_ALL )
+ if ( 1 || TEST_ALL )
wxArrayString a1;
wxArrayString a2(a1);
PrintArray(_T("a2"), a2);
+#if !wxUSE_STL
wxSortedArrayString a3(a1);
+ wxSortedArrayString a3;
+ for (wxArrayString::iterator it = a1.begin(), en = a1.end();
+ it != en; ++it)
+ a3.Add(*it);
PrintArray(_T("a3"), a3);
wxPuts(_T("*** After deleting three strings from a1"));
- a1.Remove(2,3);
+ a1.RemoveAt(2,3);
PrintArray(_T("a1"), a1);
PrintArray(_T("a2"), a2);
PrintArray(_T("a3"), a3);
+#if !wxUSE_STL
wxPuts(_T("*** After reassigning a1 to a2 and a3"));
a3 = a2 = a1;
PrintArray(_T("a2"), a2);
PrintArray(_T("a3"), a3);
wxPuts(_T("*** After sorting a1"));
- a1.Sort();
+ a1.Sort(&MyStringCompare);
PrintArray(_T("a1"), a1);
wxPuts(_T("*** After sorting a1 in reverse order"));
- a1.Sort(true);
+ a1.Sort(&MyStringReverseCompare);
PrintArray(_T("a1"), a1);
+#if !wxUSE_STL
wxPuts(_T("*** After sorting a1 by the string length"));
- a1.Sort(StringLenCompare);
+ a1.Sort(&StringLenCompare);
PrintArray(_T("a1"), a1);
+ TestStlArray();
#endif // TEST_ARRAYS
#ifdef TEST_DIR
#ifdef TEST_LIST
+ TestList();
#endif // TEST_LIST
+ TestScopeGuard();
wxPuts(_T("Sleeping for 3 seconds... z-z-z-z-z..."));