+ /* if a an MDI child window has just been inserted
+ it has to be brought to the top in idle time. we
+ simply set the last notebook page active as new
+ pages can only be appended at the end */
+ if (m_justInserted)
+ {
+ GtkNotebook *notebook = GTK_NOTEBOOK(m_clientWindow->m_widget);
+ gtk_notebook_set_page( notebook, g_list_length( notebook->children ) - 1 );
+ /* need to set the menubar of the child */
+ wxMDIChildFrame *active_child_frame = GetActiveChild();
+ wxMenuBar *menu_bar = active_child_frame->m_menuBar;
+ menu_bar->m_width = m_width;
+ menu_bar->m_height = wxMENU_HEIGHT;
+ gtk_pizza_set_size( GTK_PIZZA(m_mainWidget),
+ menu_bar->m_widget,
+ 0, 0, m_width, wxMENU_HEIGHT );
+ menu_bar->SetInvokingWindow(active_child_frame);
+ m_justInserted = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ wxFrame::OnInternalIdle();