+ // next is the year
+ if ( !wxIsdigit(*p) )
+ {
+ // no year?
+ return (wxChar *)NULL;
+ }
+ int year = *p++ - _T('0');
+ if ( !wxIsdigit(*p) )
+ {
+ // should have at least 2 digits in the year
+ return (wxChar *)NULL;
+ }
+ year *= 10;
+ year += *p++ - _T('0');
+ // is it a 2 digit year (as per original RFC 822) or a 4 digit one?
+ if ( wxIsdigit(*p) )
+ {
+ year *= 10;
+ year += *p++ - _T('0');
+ if ( !wxIsdigit(*p) )
+ {
+ // no 3 digit years please
+ return (wxChar *)NULL;
+ }
+ year *= 10;
+ year += *p++ - _T('0');
+ }
+ if ( *p++ != _T(' ') )
+ {
+ return (wxChar *)NULL;
+ }
+ // time is in the format hh:mm:ss and seconds are optional
+ if ( !wxIsdigit(*p) )
+ {
+ return (wxChar *)NULL;
+ }
+ wxDateTime_t hour = *p++ - _T('0');
+ if ( !wxIsdigit(*p) )
+ {
+ return (wxChar *)NULL;
+ }
+ hour *= 10;
+ hour += *p++ - _T('0');
+ if ( *p++ != _T(':') )
+ {
+ return (wxChar *)NULL;
+ }
+ if ( !wxIsdigit(*p) )
+ {
+ return (wxChar *)NULL;
+ }
+ wxDateTime_t min = *p++ - _T('0');
+ if ( !wxIsdigit(*p) )
+ {
+ return (wxChar *)NULL;
+ }
+ min *= 10;
+ min += *p++ - _T('0');
+ wxDateTime_t sec = 0;
+ if ( *p++ == _T(':') )
+ {
+ if ( !wxIsdigit(*p) )
+ {
+ return (wxChar *)NULL;
+ }
+ sec = *p++ - _T('0');
+ if ( !wxIsdigit(*p) )
+ {
+ return (wxChar *)NULL;
+ }
+ sec *= 10;
+ sec += *p++ - _T('0');
+ }
+ if ( *p++ != _T(' ') )
+ {
+ return (wxChar *)NULL;
+ }
+ // and now the interesting part: the timezone
+ int offset;
+ if ( *p == _T('-') || *p == _T('+') )
+ {
+ // the explicit offset given: it has the form of hhmm
+ bool plus = *p++ == _T('+');
+ if ( !wxIsdigit(*p) || !wxIsdigit(*(p + 1)) )
+ {
+ return (wxChar *)NULL;
+ }
+ // hours
+ offset = 60*(10*(*p - _T('0')) + (*(p + 1) - _T('0')));
+ p += 2;
+ if ( !wxIsdigit(*p) || !wxIsdigit(*(p + 1)) )
+ {
+ return (wxChar *)NULL;
+ }
+ // minutes
+ offset += 10*(*p - _T('0')) + (*(p + 1) - _T('0'));
+ if ( !plus )
+ {
+ offset = -offset;
+ }
+ p += 2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // the symbolic timezone given: may be either military timezone or one
+ // of standard abbreviations
+ if ( !*(p + 1) )
+ {
+ // military: Z = UTC, J unused, A = -1, ..., Y = +12
+ static const int offsets[26] =
+ {
+ //A B C D E F G H I J K L M
+ -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8, -9, 0, -10, -11, -12,
+ //N O P R Q S T U V W Z Y Z
+ +1, +2, +3, +4, +5, +6, +7, +8, +9, +10, +11, +12, 0
+ };
+ if ( *p < _T('A') || *p > _T('Z') || *p == _T('J') )
+ {
+ wxLogDebug(_T("Invalid militaty timezone '%c'"), *p);
+ return (wxChar *)NULL;
+ }
+ offset = offsets[*p++ - _T('A')];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // abbreviation
+ wxString tz = p;
+ if ( tz == _T("UT") || tz == _T("UTC") || tz == _T("GMT") )
+ offset = 0;
+ else if ( tz == _T("AST") )
+ offset = AST - GMT0;
+ else if ( tz == _T("ADT") )
+ offset = ADT - GMT0;
+ else if ( tz == _T("EST") )
+ offset = EST - GMT0;
+ else if ( tz == _T("EDT") )
+ offset = EDT - GMT0;
+ else if ( tz == _T("CST") )
+ offset = CST - GMT0;
+ else if ( tz == _T("CDT") )
+ offset = CDT - GMT0;
+ else if ( tz == _T("MST") )
+ offset = MST - GMT0;
+ else if ( tz == _T("MDT") )
+ offset = MDT - GMT0;
+ else if ( tz == _T("PST") )
+ offset = PST - GMT0;
+ else if ( tz == _T("PDT") )
+ offset = PDT - GMT0;
+ else
+ {
+ wxLogDebug(_T("Unknown RFC 822 timezone '%s'"), p);
+ return (wxChar *)NULL;
+ }
+ p += tz.length();
+ }
+ // make it minutes
+ offset *= 60;
+ }
+ // the spec was correct
+ Set(day, mon, year, hour, min, sec);
+ MakeTimezone((wxDateTime_t)(60*offset));
+ return p;
+const wxChar *wxDateTime::ParseFormat(const wxChar *date,
+ const wxChar *format,
+ const wxDateTime& dateDef)
+ wxCHECK_MSG( date && format, (wxChar *)NULL,
+ _T("NULL pointer in wxDateTime::ParseFormat()") );
+ wxString str;
+ unsigned long num;
+ // what fields have we found?
+ bool haveWDay = FALSE,
+ haveYDay = FALSE,
+ haveDay = FALSE,
+ haveMon = FALSE,
+ haveYear = FALSE,
+ haveHour = FALSE,
+ haveMin = FALSE,
+ haveSec = FALSE;
+ bool hourIsIn12hFormat = FALSE, // or in 24h one?
+ isPM = FALSE; // AM by default
+ // and the value of the items we have (init them to get rid of warnings)
+ wxDateTime_t sec = 0,
+ min = 0,
+ hour = 0;
+ WeekDay wday = Inv_WeekDay;
+ wxDateTime_t yday = 0,
+ mday = 0;
+ wxDateTime::Month mon = Inv_Month;
+ int year = 0;
+ const wxChar *input = date;
+ for ( const wxChar *fmt = format; *fmt; fmt++ )
+ {
+ if ( *fmt != _T('%') )
+ {
+ if ( wxIsspace(*fmt) )
+ {
+ // a white space in the format string matches 0 or more white
+ // spaces in the input
+ while ( wxIsspace(*input) )
+ {
+ input++;
+ }
+ }
+ else // !space
+ {
+ // any other character (not whitespace, not '%') must be
+ // matched by itself in the input
+ if ( *input++ != *fmt )
+ {
+ // no match
+ return (wxChar *)NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ // done with this format char
+ continue;
+ }
+ // start of a format specification
+ // parse the optional width
+ size_t width = 0;
+ while ( isdigit(*++fmt) )
+ {
+ width *= 10;
+ width += *fmt - _T('0');
+ }
+ // the default widths for the various fields
+ if ( !width )
+ {
+ switch ( *fmt )
+ {
+ case _T('Y'): // year has 4 digits
+ width = 4;
+ break;
+ case _T('j'): // day of year has 3 digits
+ case _T('l'): // milliseconds have 3 digits
+ width = 3;
+ break;
+ case _T('w'): // week day as number has only one
+ width = 1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ // default for all other fields
+ width = 2;
+ }
+ }
+ // then the format itself
+ switch ( *fmt )
+ {
+ case _T('a'): // a weekday name
+ case _T('A'):
+ {
+ int flag = *fmt == _T('a') ? Name_Abbr : Name_Full;
+ wday = GetWeekDayFromName(GetAlphaToken(input), flag);
+ if ( wday == Inv_WeekDay )
+ {
+ // no match
+ return (wxChar *)NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ haveWDay = TRUE;
+ break;
+ case _T('b'): // a month name
+ case _T('B'):
+ {
+ int flag = *fmt == _T('b') ? Name_Abbr : Name_Full;
+ mon = GetMonthFromName(GetAlphaToken(input), flag);
+ if ( mon == Inv_Month )
+ {
+ // no match
+ return (wxChar *)NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ haveMon = TRUE;
+ break;
+ case _T('c'): // locale default date and time representation
+ {
+ wxDateTime dt;
+ // this is the format which corresponds to ctime() output
+ // and strptime("%c") should parse it, so try it first
+ static const wxChar *fmtCtime = _T("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y");
+ const wxChar *result = dt.ParseFormat(input, fmtCtime);
+ if ( !result )
+ {
+ result = dt.ParseFormat(input, _T("%x %X"));
+ }
+ if ( !result )
+ {
+ result = dt.ParseFormat(input, _T("%X %x"));
+ }
+ if ( !result )
+ {
+ // we've tried everything and still no match
+ return (wxChar *)NULL;
+ }
+ Tm tm = dt.GetTm();
+ haveDay = haveMon = haveYear =
+ haveHour = haveMin = haveSec = TRUE;
+ hour = tm.hour;
+ min = tm.min;
+ sec = tm.sec;
+ year = tm.year;
+ mon = tm.mon;
+ mday = tm.mday;
+ input = result;
+ }
+ break;
+ case _T('d'): // day of a month (01-31)
+ if ( !GetNumericToken(width, input, &num) ||
+ (num > 31) || (num < 1) )
+ {
+ // no match
+ return (wxChar *)NULL;
+ }
+ // we can't check whether the day range is correct yet, will
+ // do it later - assume ok for now
+ haveDay = TRUE;
+ mday = (wxDateTime_t)num;
+ break;
+ case _T('H'): // hour in 24h format (00-23)
+ if ( !GetNumericToken(width, input, &num) || (num > 23) )
+ {
+ // no match
+ return (wxChar *)NULL;
+ }
+ haveHour = TRUE;
+ hour = (wxDateTime_t)num;
+ break;
+ case _T('I'): // hour in 12h format (01-12)
+ if ( !GetNumericToken(width, input, &num) || !num || (num > 12) )
+ {
+ // no match
+ return (wxChar *)NULL;
+ }
+ haveHour = TRUE;
+ hourIsIn12hFormat = TRUE;
+ hour = (wxDateTime_t)(num % 12); // 12 should be 0
+ break;
+ case _T('j'): // day of the year
+ if ( !GetNumericToken(width, input, &num) || !num || (num > 366) )
+ {
+ // no match
+ return (wxChar *)NULL;
+ }
+ haveYDay = TRUE;
+ yday = (wxDateTime_t)num;
+ break;
+ case _T('m'): // month as a number (01-12)
+ if ( !GetNumericToken(width, input, &num) || !num || (num > 12) )
+ {
+ // no match
+ return (wxChar *)NULL;
+ }
+ haveMon = TRUE;
+ mon = (Month)(num - 1);
+ break;
+ case _T('M'): // minute as a decimal number (00-59)
+ if ( !GetNumericToken(width, input, &num) || (num > 59) )
+ {
+ // no match
+ return (wxChar *)NULL;
+ }
+ haveMin = TRUE;
+ min = (wxDateTime_t)num;
+ break;
+ case _T('p'): // AM or PM string
+ {
+ wxString am, pm, token = GetAlphaToken(input);
+ GetAmPmStrings(&am, &pm);
+ if ( token.CmpNoCase(pm) == 0 )
+ {
+ isPM = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if ( token.CmpNoCase(am) != 0 )
+ {
+ // no match
+ return (wxChar *)NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case _T('r'): // time as %I:%M:%S %p
+ {
+ wxDateTime dt;
+ input = dt.ParseFormat(input, _T("%I:%M:%S %p"));
+ if ( !input )
+ {
+ // no match
+ return (wxChar *)NULL;
+ }
+ haveHour = haveMin = haveSec = TRUE;
+ Tm tm = dt.GetTm();
+ hour = tm.hour;
+ min = tm.min;
+ sec = tm.sec;
+ }
+ break;
+ case _T('R'): // time as %H:%M
+ {
+ wxDateTime dt;
+ input = dt.ParseFormat(input, _T("%H:%M"));
+ if ( !input )
+ {
+ // no match
+ return (wxChar *)NULL;
+ }
+ haveHour = haveMin = TRUE;
+ Tm tm = dt.GetTm();
+ hour = tm.hour;
+ min = tm.min;
+ }
+ case _T('S'): // second as a decimal number (00-61)
+ if ( !GetNumericToken(width, input, &num) || (num > 61) )
+ {
+ // no match
+ return (wxChar *)NULL;
+ }
+ haveSec = TRUE;
+ sec = (wxDateTime_t)num;
+ break;
+ case _T('T'): // time as %H:%M:%S
+ {
+ wxDateTime dt;
+ input = dt.ParseFormat(input, _T("%H:%M:%S"));
+ if ( !input )
+ {
+ // no match
+ return (wxChar *)NULL;
+ }
+ haveHour = haveMin = haveSec = TRUE;
+ Tm tm = dt.GetTm();
+ hour = tm.hour;
+ min = tm.min;
+ sec = tm.sec;
+ }
+ break;
+ case _T('w'): // weekday as a number (0-6), Sunday = 0
+ if ( !GetNumericToken(width, input, &num) || (wday > 6) )
+ {
+ // no match
+ return (wxChar *)NULL;
+ }
+ haveWDay = TRUE;
+ wday = (WeekDay)num;
+ break;
+ case _T('x'): // locale default date representation
+ // try using strptime() -- it may fail even if the input is
+ // correct but the date is out of range, so we will fall back
+ // to our generic code anyhow
+ {
+ struct tm tm;
+ const wxChar *result = CallStrptime(input, "%x", &tm);
+ if ( result )
+ {
+ input = result;
+ haveDay = haveMon = haveYear = TRUE;
+ year = 1900 + tm.tm_year;
+ mon = (Month)tm.tm_mon;
+ mday = tm.tm_mday;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+#endif // HAVE_STRPTIME
+ // TODO query the LOCALE_IDATE setting under Win32
+ {
+ wxDateTime dt;
+ wxString fmtDate, fmtDateAlt;
+ if ( IsWestEuropeanCountry(GetCountry()) ||
+ GetCountry() == Russia )
+ {
+ fmtDate = _T("%d/%m/%y");
+ fmtDateAlt = _T("%m/%d/%y");
+ }
+ else // assume USA
+ {
+ fmtDate = _T("%m/%d/%y");
+ fmtDateAlt = _T("%d/%m/%y");
+ }
+ const wxChar *result = dt.ParseFormat(input, fmtDate);
+ if ( !result )
+ {
+ // ok, be nice and try another one
+ result = dt.ParseFormat(input, fmtDateAlt);
+ }
+ if ( !result )
+ {
+ // bad luck
+ return (wxChar *)NULL;
+ }
+ Tm tm = dt.GetTm();
+ haveDay = haveMon = haveYear = TRUE;
+ year = tm.year;
+ mon = tm.mon;
+ mday = tm.mday;
+ input = result;
+ }
+ break;
+ case _T('X'): // locale default time representation
+ {
+ // use strptime() to do it for us (FIXME !Unicode friendly)
+ struct tm tm;
+ input = CallStrptime(input, "%X", &tm);
+ if ( !input )
+ {
+ return (wxChar *)NULL;
+ }
+ haveHour = haveMin = haveSec = TRUE;
+ hour = tm.tm_hour;
+ min = tm.tm_min;
+ sec = tm.tm_sec;
+ }
+#else // !HAVE_STRPTIME
+ // TODO under Win32 we can query the LOCALE_ITIME system
+ // setting which says whether the default time format is
+ // 24 or 12 hour
+ {
+ // try to parse what follows as "%H:%M:%S" and, if this
+ // fails, as "%I:%M:%S %p" - this should catch the most
+ // common cases
+ wxDateTime dt;
+ const wxChar *result = dt.ParseFormat(input, _T("%T"));
+ if ( !result )
+ {
+ result = dt.ParseFormat(input, _T("%r"));
+ }
+ if ( !result )
+ {
+ // no match
+ return (wxChar *)NULL;
+ }
+ haveHour = haveMin = haveSec = TRUE;
+ Tm tm = dt.GetTm();
+ hour = tm.hour;
+ min = tm.min;
+ sec = tm.sec;
+ input = result;
+ }
+ break;
+ case _T('y'): // year without century (00-99)
+ if ( !GetNumericToken(width, input, &num) || (num > 99) )
+ {
+ // no match
+ return (wxChar *)NULL;
+ }
+ haveYear = TRUE;
+ // TODO should have an option for roll over date instead of
+ // hard coding it here
+ year = (num > 30 ? 1900 : 2000) + (wxDateTime_t)num;
+ break;
+ case _T('Y'): // year with century
+ if ( !GetNumericToken(width, input, &num) )
+ {
+ // no match
+ return (wxChar *)NULL;
+ }
+ haveYear = TRUE;
+ year = (wxDateTime_t)num;
+ break;
+ case _T('Z'): // timezone name
+ wxFAIL_MSG(_T("TODO"));
+ break;
+ case _T('%'): // a percent sign
+ if ( *input++ != _T('%') )
+ {
+ // no match
+ return (wxChar *)NULL;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0: // the end of string
+ wxFAIL_MSG(_T("unexpected format end"));
+ // fall through
+ default: // not a known format spec
+ return (wxChar *)NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ // format matched, try to construct a date from what we have now
+ Tm tmDef;
+ if ( dateDef.IsValid() )
+ {
+ // take this date as default
+ tmDef = dateDef.GetTm();
+ }
+ else if ( IsValid() )
+ {
+ // if this date is valid, don't change it
+ tmDef = GetTm();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // no default and this date is invalid - fall back to Today()
+ tmDef = Today().GetTm();
+ }
+ Tm tm = tmDef;
+ // set the date
+ if ( haveYear )
+ {
+ tm.year = year;
+ }
+ // TODO we don't check here that the values are consistent, if both year
+ // day and month/day were found, we just ignore the year day and we
+ // also always ignore the week day
+ if ( haveMon && haveDay )
+ {
+ if ( mday > GetNumOfDaysInMonth(tm.year, mon) )
+ {
+ wxLogDebug(_T("bad month day in wxDateTime::ParseFormat"));
+ return (wxChar *)NULL;
+ }
+ tm.mon = mon;
+ tm.mday = mday;
+ }
+ else if ( haveYDay )
+ {
+ if ( yday > GetNumberOfDays(tm.year) )
+ {
+ wxLogDebug(_T("bad year day in wxDateTime::ParseFormat"));
+ return (wxChar *)NULL;
+ }
+ Tm tm2 = wxDateTime(1, Jan, tm.year).SetToYearDay(yday).GetTm();
+ tm.mon = tm2.mon;
+ tm.mday = tm2.mday;
+ }
+ // deal with AM/PM
+ if ( haveHour && hourIsIn12hFormat && isPM )
+ {
+ // translate to 24hour format
+ hour += 12;
+ }
+ //else: either already in 24h format or no translation needed
+ // set the time
+ if ( haveHour )
+ {
+ tm.hour = hour;
+ }
+ if ( haveMin )
+ {
+ tm.min = min;
+ }
+ if ( haveSec )
+ {
+ tm.sec = sec;
+ }
+ Set(tm);
+ return input;
+const wxChar *wxDateTime::ParseDateTime(const wxChar *date)
+ wxCHECK_MSG( date, (wxChar *)NULL, _T("NULL pointer in wxDateTime::Parse") );
+ // there is a public domain version of getdate.y, but it only works for
+ // English...
+ wxFAIL_MSG(_T("TODO"));
+ return (wxChar *)NULL;
+const wxChar *wxDateTime::ParseDate(const wxChar *date)
+ // this is a simplified version of ParseDateTime() which understands only
+ // "today" (for wxDate compatibility) and digits only otherwise (and not
+ // all esoteric constructions ParseDateTime() knows about)
+ wxCHECK_MSG( date, (wxChar *)NULL, _T("NULL pointer in wxDateTime::Parse") );
+ const wxChar *p = date;
+ while ( wxIsspace(*p) )
+ p++;
+ // some special cases
+ static struct
+ {
+ const wxChar *str;
+ int dayDiffFromToday;
+ } literalDates[] =
+ {
+ { wxTRANSLATE("today"), 0 },
+ { wxTRANSLATE("yesterday"), -1 },
+ { wxTRANSLATE("tomorrow"), 1 },
+ };
+ for ( size_t n = 0; n < WXSIZEOF(literalDates); n++ )
+ {
+ wxString date = wxGetTranslation(literalDates[n].str);
+ size_t len = date.length();
+ if ( wxStrlen(p) >= len && (wxString(p, len).CmpNoCase(date) == 0) )
+ {
+ // nothing can follow this, so stop here
+ p += len;
+ int dayDiffFromToday = literalDates[n].dayDiffFromToday;
+ *this = Today();
+ if ( dayDiffFromToday )
+ {
+ *this += wxDateSpan::Days(dayDiffFromToday);
+ }
+ return p;
+ }
+ }
+ // We try to guess what we have here: for each new (numeric) token, we
+ // determine if it can be a month, day or a year. Of course, there is an
+ // ambiguity as some numbers may be days as well as months, so we also
+ // have the ability to back track.
+ // what do we have?
+ bool haveDay = FALSE, // the months day?
+ haveWDay = FALSE, // the day of week?
+ haveMon = FALSE, // the month?
+ haveYear = FALSE; // the year?
+ // and the value of the items we have (init them to get rid of warnings)
+ WeekDay wday = Inv_WeekDay;
+ wxDateTime_t day = 0;
+ wxDateTime::Month mon = Inv_Month;
+ int year = 0;
+ // tokenize the string
+ size_t nPosCur = 0;
+ static const wxChar *dateDelimiters = _T(".,/-\t\r\n ");
+ wxStringTokenizer tok(p, dateDelimiters);
+ while ( tok.HasMoreTokens() )
+ {
+ wxString token = tok.GetNextToken();
+ if ( !token )
+ continue;
+ // is it a number?
+ unsigned long val;
+ if ( token.ToULong(&val) )
+ {
+ // guess what this number is
+ bool isDay = FALSE,
+ isMonth = FALSE,
+ isYear = FALSE;
+ if ( !haveMon && val > 0 && val <= 12 )
+ {
+ // assume it is month
+ isMonth = TRUE;
+ }
+ else // not the month
+ {
+ wxDateTime_t maxDays = haveMon
+ ? GetNumOfDaysInMonth(haveYear ? year : Inv_Year, mon)
+ : 31;
+ // can it be day?
+ if ( (val == 0) || (val > (unsigned long)maxDays) ) // cast to shut up compiler warning in BCC
+ {
+ isYear = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ isDay = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( isYear )
+ {
+ if ( haveYear )
+ break;
+ haveYear = TRUE;
+ year = (wxDateTime_t)val;
+ }
+ else if ( isDay )
+ {
+ if ( haveDay )
+ break;
+ haveDay = TRUE;
+ day = (wxDateTime_t)val;
+ }
+ else if ( isMonth )
+ {
+ haveMon = TRUE;
+ mon = (Month)(val - 1);
+ }
+ }
+ else // not a number
+ {
+ // be careful not to overwrite the current mon value
+ Month mon2 = GetMonthFromName(token, Name_Full | Name_Abbr);
+ if ( mon2 != Inv_Month )
+ {
+ // it's a month
+ if ( haveMon )
+ {
+ // but we already have a month - maybe we guessed wrong?
+ if ( !haveDay )
+ {
+ // no need to check in month range as always < 12, but
+ // the days are counted from 1 unlike the months
+ day = (wxDateTime_t)mon + 1;
+ haveDay = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // could possible be the year (doesn't the year come
+ // before the month in the japanese format?) (FIXME)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ mon = mon2;
+ haveMon = TRUE;
+ }
+ else // not a valid month name
+ {
+ wday = GetWeekDayFromName(token, Name_Full | Name_Abbr);
+ if ( wday != Inv_WeekDay )
+ {
+ // a week day
+ if ( haveWDay )
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ haveWDay = TRUE;
+ }
+ else // not a valid weekday name
+ {
+ // try the ordinals
+ static const wxChar *ordinals[] =
+ {
+ wxTRANSLATE("first"),
+ wxTRANSLATE("second"),
+ wxTRANSLATE("third"),
+ wxTRANSLATE("fourth"),
+ wxTRANSLATE("fifth"),
+ wxTRANSLATE("sixth"),
+ wxTRANSLATE("seventh"),
+ wxTRANSLATE("eighth"),
+ wxTRANSLATE("ninth"),
+ wxTRANSLATE("tenth"),
+ wxTRANSLATE("eleventh"),
+ wxTRANSLATE("twelfth"),
+ wxTRANSLATE("thirteenth"),
+ wxTRANSLATE("fourteenth"),
+ wxTRANSLATE("fifteenth"),
+ wxTRANSLATE("sixteenth"),
+ wxTRANSLATE("seventeenth"),
+ wxTRANSLATE("eighteenth"),
+ wxTRANSLATE("nineteenth"),
+ wxTRANSLATE("twentieth"),
+ // that's enough - otherwise we'd have problems with
+ // composite (or not) ordinals
+ };
+ size_t n;
+ for ( n = 0; n < WXSIZEOF(ordinals); n++ )
+ {
+ if ( token.CmpNoCase(ordinals[n]) == 0 )
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( n == WXSIZEOF(ordinals) )
+ {
+ // stop here - something unknown
+ break;
+ }
+ // it's a day
+ if ( haveDay )
+ {
+ // don't try anything here (as in case of numeric day
+ // above) - the symbolic day spec should always
+ // precede the month/year
+ break;
+ }
+ haveDay = TRUE;
+ day = (wxDateTime_t)(n + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ nPosCur = tok.GetPosition();
+ }
+ // either no more tokens or the scan was stopped by something we couldn't
+ // parse - in any case, see if we can construct a date from what we have
+ if ( !haveDay && !haveWDay )
+ {
+ wxLogDebug(_T("ParseDate: no day, no weekday hence no date."));
+ return (wxChar *)NULL;
+ }
+ if ( haveWDay && (haveMon || haveYear || haveDay) &&
+ !(haveDay && haveMon && haveYear) )
+ {
+ // without adjectives (which we don't support here) the week day only
+ // makes sense completely separately or with the full date
+ // specification (what would "Wed 1999" mean?)
+ return (wxChar *)NULL;
+ }
+ if ( !haveWDay && haveYear && !(haveDay && haveMon) )
+ {
+ // may be we have month and day instead of day and year?
+ if ( haveDay && !haveMon )
+ {
+ if ( day <= 12 )
+ {
+ // exchange day and month
+ mon = (wxDateTime::Month)(day - 1);
+ // we're in the current year then
+ if ( (year > 0) &&
+ (unsigned)year <= GetNumOfDaysInMonth(Inv_Year, mon) )
+ {
+ day = year;
+ haveMon = TRUE;
+ haveYear = FALSE;
+ }
+ //else: no, can't exchange, leave haveMon == FALSE
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !haveMon )
+ {
+ // if we give the year, month and day must be given too
+ wxLogDebug(_T("ParseDate: day and month should be specified if year is."));
+ return (wxChar *)NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !haveMon )
+ {
+ mon = GetCurrentMonth();
+ }
+ if ( !haveYear )
+ {
+ year = GetCurrentYear();
+ }
+ if ( haveDay )
+ {
+ Set(day, mon, year);
+ if ( haveWDay )
+ {
+ // check that it is really the same
+ if ( GetWeekDay() != wday )
+ {
+ // inconsistency detected
+ wxLogDebug(_T("ParseDate: inconsistent day/weekday."));
+ return (wxChar *)NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else // haveWDay
+ {
+ *this = Today();
+ SetToWeekDayInSameWeek(wday);
+ }
+ // return the pointer to the first unparsed char
+ p += nPosCur;
+ if ( nPosCur && wxStrchr(dateDelimiters, *(p - 1)) )
+ {
+ // if we couldn't parse the token after the delimiter, put back the
+ // delimiter as well
+ p--;
+ }
+ return p;
+const wxChar *wxDateTime::ParseTime(const wxChar *time)
+ wxCHECK_MSG( time, (wxChar *)NULL, _T("NULL pointer in wxDateTime::Parse") );
+ // first try some extra things
+ static const struct
+ {
+ const wxChar *name;
+ wxDateTime_t hour;
+ } stdTimes[] =
+ {
+ { wxTRANSLATE("noon"), 12 },
+ { wxTRANSLATE("midnight"), 00 },
+ // anything else?
+ };
+ for ( size_t n = 0; n < WXSIZEOF(stdTimes); n++ )
+ {
+ wxString timeString = wxGetTranslation(stdTimes[n].name);
+ size_t len = timeString.length();
+ if ( timeString.CmpNoCase(wxString(time, len)) == 0 )
+ {
+ // casts required by DigitalMars
+ Set(stdTimes[n].hour, wxDateTime_t(0), wxDateTime_t(0));
+ return time + len;
+ }
+ }
+ // try all time formats we may think about in the order from longest to
+ // shortest
+ // 12hour with AM/PM?
+ const wxChar *result = ParseFormat(time, _T("%I:%M:%S %p"));
+ if ( !result )
+ {
+ // normally, it's the same, but why not try it?
+ result = ParseFormat(time, _T("%H:%M:%S"));
+ }
+ if ( !result )
+ {
+ // 12hour with AM/PM but without seconds?
+ result = ParseFormat(time, _T("%I:%M %p"));
+ }
+ if ( !result )
+ {
+ // without seconds?
+ result = ParseFormat(time, _T("%H:%M"));
+ }
+ if ( !result )
+ {
+ // just the hour and AM/PM?
+ result = ParseFormat(time, _T("%I %p"));
+ }
+ if ( !result )
+ {
+ // just the hour?
+ result = ParseFormat(time, _T("%H"));
+ }
+ if ( !result )
+ {
+ // parse the standard format: normally it is one of the formats above
+ // but it may be set to something completely different by the user
+ result = ParseFormat(time, _T("%X"));
+ }
+ // TODO: parse timezones
+ return result;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Workdays and holidays support
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool wxDateTime::IsWorkDay(Country WXUNUSED(country)) const
+ return !wxDateTimeHolidayAuthority::IsHoliday(*this);