wxWindow* window; // page's associated window
wxString caption; // caption displayed on the tab
+ wxString tooltip; // tooltip displayed when hovering over tab title
wxBitmap bitmap; // tab's bitmap
wxRect rect; // tab's hit rectangle
bool active; // true if the page is currently active
bool SetPageText(size_t page, const wxString& text);
wxString GetPageText(size_t pageIdx) const;
+ bool SetPageToolTip(size_t page, const wxString& text);
+ wxString GetPageToolTip(size_t pageIdx) const;
bool SetPageBitmap(size_t page, const wxBitmap& bitmap);
wxBitmap GetPageBitmap(size_t pageIdx) const;
// Gets the height of the notebook for a given page height
int GetHeightForPageHeight(int pageHeight);
- // Advances the selection, generation page selection events
- void AdvanceSelection(bool forward = true);
// Shows the window menu
bool ShowWindowMenu();
virtual int GetPageImage(size_t n) const;
virtual bool SetPageImage(size_t n, int imageId);
- wxWindow* GetCurrentPage () const;
virtual int ChangeSelection(size_t n);
virtual bool AddPage(wxWindow *page, const wxString &text, bool select,