frame->SetIcon( wxICON(mondrian) );
- wxMenu *file_menu = new wxMenu;
+ wxMenu *file_menu = new wxMenu("", wxMENU_TEAROFF );
file_menu->Append(MINIMAL_ABOUT, "&About\tF1");
file_menu->Append(MINIMAL_QUIT, "E&xit\tAlt-X", "Quit controls sample");
(void)new wxButton( panel, ID_CHOICE_DELETE, "Delete selected item", wxPoint(180,130), wxSize(140,30) );
(void)new wxButton( panel, ID_CHOICE_FONT, "Set Italic font", wxPoint(340,130), wxSize(140,30) );
(void)new wxCheckBox( panel, ID_CHOICE_ENABLE, "Disable", wxPoint(20,130), wxSize(140,30) );
m_notebook->AddPage(panel, "wxChoice", FALSE, Image_Choice);
panel = new wxPanel(m_notebook);
m_fontButton = new wxButton( panel, ID_SET_FONT, "Set more Italic font", wxPoint(340,30), wxSize(140,30) );
(void)new wxButton( panel, ID_RADIOBOX_FONT, "Set Italic font", wxPoint(340,80), wxSize(140,30) );
(void)new wxCheckBox( panel, ID_RADIOBOX_ENABLE, "Disable", wxPoint(340,130), wxSize(140,30) );
- wxRadioButton *rb = new wxRadioButton( panel, ID_RADIOBUTTON_1, "Radiobutton1", wxPoint(210,170), wxSize(110,30) );
+ wxRadioButton *rb = new wxRadioButton( panel, ID_RADIOBUTTON_1, "Radiobutton1", wxPoint(210,170), wxSize(110,30), wxRB_GROUP );
rb->SetValue( FALSE );
(void)new wxRadioButton( panel, ID_RADIOBUTTON_2, "Radiobutton2", wxPoint(340,170), wxSize(110,30) );
m_notebook->AddPage(panel, "wxRadioBox", FALSE, Image_Radio);
wxPoint(208, 159) );
m_notebook->AddPage(panel, "wxGauge", FALSE, Image_Gauge);
+ panel = new wxPanel(m_notebook);
+ wxIcon icon = wxTheApp->GetStdIcon(wxICON_INFORMATION);
+ wxStaticBitmap *bmpStatic = new wxStaticBitmap(panel, -1, icon, wxPoint(10, 10));
+ bmpStatic = new wxStaticBitmap(panel, -1, wxNullIcon, wxPoint(50, 10));
+ bmpStatic->SetIcon(wxTheApp->GetStdIcon(wxICON_QUESTION));
+ wxBitmap bitmap( 100, 100 );
+ wxMemoryDC dc;
+ dc.SelectObject( bitmap );
+ dc.SetPen(*wxGREEN_PEN);
+ dc.DrawEllipse(5, 5, 90, 90);
+ dc.DrawText("Bitmap", 20, 20);
+ dc.SelectObject( wxNullBitmap );
+ wxBitmapButton *bmpBtn = new wxBitmapButton
+ (
+ panel,
+ -1,
+ bitmap,
+ wxPoint(100, 20)
+ );
+ bmpBtn = NULL; // suppress warning
+ new wxButton(panel, -1, "Another button", wxPoint(250, 20));
+ m_notebook->AddPage(panel, "wxBitmapXXX");
void MyPanel::OnSize( wxSizeEvent& WXUNUSED(event) )
void MyPanel::OnPageChanging( wxNotebookEvent &event )
- int selNew = event.GetSelection(),
- selOld = event.GetOldSelection();
- if ( selOld == 2 && selNew == 4 )
+ int selOld = event.GetOldSelection();
+ if ( selOld == 2 )
wxMessageBox("This demonstrates how a program may prevent the "
- "page change from taking place - the current page will "
- "stay the third one", "Conntrol sample",
+ "page change from taking place - \n the current page will "
+ "stay the third one", "Control sample",
+ return;
- else
- {
- *m_text << "Notebook selection is being changed from "
- << selOld << " to " << selNew << "\n";
- }
+ *m_text << "Notebook selection is being changed from " << selOld << "\n";
void MyPanel::OnPageChanged( wxNotebookEvent &event )
max, // range
this, // parent
bool cont = TRUE;
for ( int i = 0; i < max && cont; i++ )