+ if ( isTopLevel )
+ {
+ // We also need to explicitly draw the part of the top level window
+ // outside of its region with transparent colour to ensure that it is
+ // really transparent.
+ if ( clearRgn.IsOk() )
+ {
+ wxMacCGContextStateSaver saveState(context);
+ wxWindowDC dc(wxpeer);
+ dc.SetBackground(wxBrush(wxTransparentColour));
+ dc.SetDeviceClippingRegion(clearRgn);
+ dc.Clear();
+ }
+ // If the window shape is defined by a path, stroke the path to show
+ // the window border.
+ const wxGraphicsPath& path = tlwParent->GetShapePath();
+ if ( !path.IsNull() )
+ {
+ CGContextSetLineWidth(context, 1);
+ CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor(context, wxLIGHT_GREY->GetCGColor());
+ CGContextAddPath(context, (CGPathRef) path.GetNativePath());
+ CGContextStrokePath(context);
+ }
+ }
+ wxpeer->MacPaintChildrenBorders();
+ wxpeer->MacSetCGContextRef( NULL );
+ CGContextRestoreGState( context );
+void wxWidgetCocoaImpl::controlAction( WXWidget WXUNUSED(slf), void *WXUNUSED(_cmd), void *WXUNUSED(sender))
+ wxWindow* wxpeer = (wxWindow*) GetWXPeer();
+ if ( wxpeer )
+ wxpeer->OSXHandleClicked(0);
+void wxWidgetCocoaImpl::controlDoubleAction( WXWidget WXUNUSED(slf), void *WXUNUSED(_cmd), void *WXUNUSED(sender))
+void wxWidgetCocoaImpl::controlTextDidChange()
+ wxWindow* wxpeer = (wxWindow*)GetWXPeer();
+ if ( wxpeer )
+ {
+ // since native rtti doesn't have to be enabled and wx' rtti is not aware of the mixin wxTextEntry, workaround is needed
+ wxTextCtrl *tc = wxDynamicCast( wxpeer , wxTextCtrl );
+ wxComboBox *cb = wxDynamicCast( wxpeer , wxComboBox );
+ if ( tc )
+ tc->SendTextUpdatedEventIfAllowed();
+ else if ( cb )
+ cb->SendTextUpdatedEventIfAllowed();
+ else
+ {
+ wxFAIL_MSG("Unexpected class for controlTextDidChange event");
+ }
+ }
+#define wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD( c, s, i, t ) \
+ class_addMethod(c, s, i, t );
+#define wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD( c, s, i, t ) \
+ { s, (char*) t, i },
+void wxOSXCocoaClassAddWXMethods(Class c)
+ static objc_method wxmethods[] =
+ {
+ wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(mouseDown:), (IMP) wxOSX_mouseEvent, "v@:@" )
+ wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(rightMouseDown:), (IMP) wxOSX_mouseEvent, "v@:@" )
+ wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(otherMouseDown:), (IMP) wxOSX_mouseEvent, "v@:@" )
+ wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(mouseUp:), (IMP) wxOSX_mouseEvent, "v@:@" )
+ wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(rightMouseUp:), (IMP) wxOSX_mouseEvent, "v@:@" )
+ wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(otherMouseUp:), (IMP) wxOSX_mouseEvent, "v@:@" )
+ wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(mouseMoved:), (IMP) wxOSX_mouseEvent, "v@:@" )
+ wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(mouseDragged:), (IMP) wxOSX_mouseEvent, "v@:@" )
+ wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(rightMouseDragged:), (IMP) wxOSX_mouseEvent, "v@:@" )
+ wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(otherMouseDragged:), (IMP) wxOSX_mouseEvent, "v@:@" )
+ wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(acceptsFirstMouse:), (IMP) wxOSX_acceptsFirstMouse, "v@:@" )
+ wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(scrollWheel:), (IMP) wxOSX_mouseEvent, "v@:@" )
+ wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(mouseEntered:), (IMP) wxOSX_mouseEvent, "v@:@" )
+ wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(mouseExited:), (IMP) wxOSX_mouseEvent, "v@:@" )
+ wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(keyDown:), (IMP) wxOSX_keyEvent, "v@:@" )
+ wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(keyUp:), (IMP) wxOSX_keyEvent, "v@:@" )
+ wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(flagsChanged:), (IMP) wxOSX_keyEvent, "v@:@" )
+ wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(insertText:), (IMP) wxOSX_insertText, "v@:@" )
+ wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(performKeyEquivalent:), (IMP) wxOSX_performKeyEquivalent, "c@:@" )
+ wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(acceptsFirstResponder), (IMP) wxOSX_acceptsFirstResponder, "c@:" )
+ wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(becomeFirstResponder), (IMP) wxOSX_becomeFirstResponder, "c@:" )
+ wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(resignFirstResponder), (IMP) wxOSX_resignFirstResponder, "c@:" )
+ wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(resetCursorRects), (IMP) wxOSX_resetCursorRects, "v@:" )
+ wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(isFlipped), (IMP) wxOSX_isFlipped, "c@:" )
+ wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(drawRect:), (IMP) wxOSX_drawRect, "v@:{_NSRect={_NSPoint=ff}{_NSSize=ff}}" )
+ wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(controlAction:), (IMP) wxOSX_controlAction, "v@:@" )
+ wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(controlDoubleAction:), (IMP) wxOSX_controlDoubleAction, "v@:@" )
+ wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(draggingEntered:), (IMP) wxOSX_draggingEntered, "I@:@" )
+ wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(draggingUpdated:), (IMP) wxOSX_draggingUpdated, "I@:@" )
+ wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(draggingExited:), (IMP) wxOSX_draggingExited, "v@:@" )
+ wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(performDragOperation:), (IMP) wxOSX_performDragOperation, "c@:@" )
+ } ;
+ static int method_count = WXSIZEOF( wxmethods );
+ static objc_method_list *wxmethodlist = NULL;
+ if ( wxmethodlist == NULL )
+ {
+ wxmethodlist = (objc_method_list*) malloc(sizeof(objc_method_list) + sizeof(wxmethods) );
+ memcpy( &wxmethodlist->method_list[0], &wxmethods[0], sizeof(wxmethods) );
+ wxmethodlist->method_count = method_count;
+ wxmethodlist->obsolete = 0;
+ }
+ class_addMethods( c, wxmethodlist );
+// C++ implementation class
+IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS( wxWidgetCocoaImpl , wxWidgetImpl )
+wxWidgetCocoaImpl::wxWidgetCocoaImpl( wxWindowMac* peer , WXWidget w, bool isRootControl, bool isUserPane ) :
+ wxWidgetImpl( peer, isRootControl, isUserPane )
+ Init();
+ m_osxView = w;
+ // check if the user wants to create the control initially hidden
+ if ( !peer->IsShown() )
+ SetVisibility(false);
+ // gc aware handling
+ if ( m_osxView )
+ CFRetain(m_osxView);
+ [m_osxView release];