- #from wxPython import dch
- #dch.FillRect(dc, wxRect(50, 400, 50, 50), wxBLACK)
+ if not printing:
+ # This has troubles when used on a print preview in wxGTK,
+ # probably something to do with the pen styles and the scaling
+ # it does...
+ y = 20
+ for style in [wxDOT, wxLONG_DASH, wxSHORT_DASH, wxDOT_DASH, wxUSER_DASH]:
+ pen = wxPen("DARK ORCHID", 1, style)
+ if style == wxUSER_DASH:
+ pen.SetCap(wxCAP_BUTT)
+ pen.SetDashes([1,2])
+ pen.SetColour("RED")
+ dc.SetPen(pen)
+ dc.DrawLine(300, y, 400, y)
+ y = y + 10
+ dc.SetPen(wxPen(wxColour(0xFF, 0x20, 0xFF), 1, wxSOLID))
+ dc.DrawRectangle(450, 50, 100, 100)
+ old_pen = dc.GetPen()
+ new_pen = wxPen("BLACK", 5)
+ dc.SetPen(new_pen)
+ dc.DrawRectangle(470, 70, 60, 60)
+ dc.SetPen(old_pen)
+ dc.DrawRectangle(490, 90, 20, 20)