-class ClientDC(DC):
+class WindowDC(DC):
+ """
+ A wx.WindowDC must be constructed if an application wishes to paint on
+ the whole area of a window (client and decorations). This should
+ normally be constructed as a temporary stack object; don't store a
+ wx.WindowDC object.
+ """
+ thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag')
+ __repr__ = _swig_repr
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ __init__(self, Window win) -> WindowDC
+ Constructor. Pass the window on which you wish to paint.
+ """
+ _gdi_.WindowDC_swiginit(self,_gdi_.new_WindowDC(*args, **kwargs))
+class ClientDC(WindowDC):
A wx.ClientDC must be constructed if an application wishes to paint on
the client area of a window from outside an EVT_PAINT event. This should
-class PaintDC(DC):
+class PaintDC(ClientDC):
A wx.PaintDC must be constructed if an application wishes to paint on
the client area of a window from within an EVT_PAINT event
-class WindowDC(DC):
- """
- A wx.WindowDC must be constructed if an application wishes to paint on
- the whole area of a window (client and decorations). This should
- normally be constructed as a temporary stack object; don't store a
- wx.WindowDC object.
- """
- thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag')
- __repr__ = _swig_repr
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- __init__(self, Window win) -> WindowDC
- Constructor. Pass the window on which you wish to paint.
- """
- _gdi_.WindowDC_swiginit(self,_gdi_.new_WindowDC(*args, **kwargs))
class MirrorDC(DC):
wx.MirrorDC is a simple wrapper class which is always associated with a
+class GraphicsPath(object):
+ """Proxy of C++ GraphicsPath class"""
+ thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag')
+ def __init__(self): raise AttributeError, "No constructor defined"
+ __repr__ = _swig_repr
+ __swig_destroy__ = _gdi_.delete_GraphicsPath
+ __del__ = lambda self : None;
+ def MoveToPoint(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ MoveToPoint(self, Double x, Double y)
+ Begins a new subpath at (x,y)
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsPath_MoveToPoint(*args, **kwargs)
+ def AddLineToPoint(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ AddLineToPoint(self, Double x, Double y)
+ Adds a straight line from the current point to (x,y)
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsPath_AddLineToPoint(*args, **kwargs)
+ def AddCurveToPoint(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ AddCurveToPoint(self, Double cx1, Double cy1, Double cx2, Double cy2, Double x,
+ Double y)
+ Adds a cubic Bezier curve from the current point, using two control
+ points and an end point
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsPath_AddCurveToPoint(*args, **kwargs)
+ def CloseSubpath(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ CloseSubpath(self)
+ closes the current sub-path
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsPath_CloseSubpath(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetCurrentPoint(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetCurrentPoint(self) -> Point2D
+ Gets the last point of the current path, (0,0) if not yet set
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsPath_GetCurrentPoint(*args, **kwargs)
+ def AddArc(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ AddArc(self, Double x, Double y, Double r, Double startAngle, Double endAngle,
+ bool clockwise)
+ Adds an arc of a circle centering at (x,y) with radius (r) from
+ startAngle to endAngle
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsPath_AddArc(*args, **kwargs)
+ def AddQuadCurveToPoint(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ AddQuadCurveToPoint(self, Double cx, Double cy, Double x, Double y)
+ Adds a quadratic Bezier curve from the current point, using a control
+ point and an end point
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsPath_AddQuadCurveToPoint(*args, **kwargs)
+ def AddRectangle(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ AddRectangle(self, Double x, Double y, Double w, Double h)
+ Appends a rectangle as a new closed subpath
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsPath_AddRectangle(*args, **kwargs)
+ def AddCircle(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ AddCircle(self, Double x, Double y, Double r)
+ Appends an ellipsis as a new closed subpath fitting the passed rectangle
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsPath_AddCircle(*args, **kwargs)
+ def AddArcToPoint(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ AddArcToPoint(self, Double x1, Double y1, Double x2, Double y2, Double r)
+ Draws a an arc to two tangents connecting (current) to (x1,y1) and (x1,y1)
+ to (x2,y2), also a straight line from (current) to (x1,y1)
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsPath_AddArcToPoint(*args, **kwargs)
+class GraphicsContext(object):
+ """Proxy of C++ GraphicsContext class"""
+ thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag')
+ def __init__(self): raise AttributeError, "No constructor defined"
+ __repr__ = _swig_repr
+ __swig_destroy__ = _gdi_.delete_GraphicsContext
+ __del__ = lambda self : None;
+ def Create(*args, **kwargs):
+ """Create(WindowDC dc) -> GraphicsContext"""
+ val = _gdi_.GraphicsContext_Create(*args, **kwargs)
+ val.__dc = args[0] # save a ref so the other dc will not be deleted before self
+ return val
+ Create = staticmethod(Create)
+ def CreatePath(*args, **kwargs):
+ """CreatePath(self) -> GraphicsPath"""
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_CreatePath(*args, **kwargs)
+ def PushState(*args, **kwargs):
+ """PushState(self)"""
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_PushState(*args, **kwargs)
+ def PopState(*args, **kwargs):
+ """PopState(self)"""
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_PopState(*args, **kwargs)
+ def Clip(*args, **kwargs):
+ """Clip(self, Region region)"""
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_Clip(*args, **kwargs)
+ def Translate(*args, **kwargs):
+ """Translate(self, Double dx, Double dy)"""
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_Translate(*args, **kwargs)
+ def Scale(*args, **kwargs):
+ """Scale(self, Double xScale, Double yScale)"""
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_Scale(*args, **kwargs)
+ def Rotate(*args, **kwargs):
+ """Rotate(self, Double angle)"""
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_Rotate(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetPen(*args, **kwargs):
+ """SetPen(self, Pen pen)"""
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_SetPen(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetBrush(*args, **kwargs):
+ """SetBrush(self, Brush brush)"""
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_SetBrush(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetLinearGradientBrush(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ SetLinearGradientBrush(self, Double x1, Double y1, Double x2, Double y2, Colour c1,
+ Colour c2)
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_SetLinearGradientBrush(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetRadialGradientBrush(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ SetRadialGradientBrush(self, Double xo, Double yo, Double xc, Double yc, Double radius,
+ Colour oColor, Colour cColor)
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_SetRadialGradientBrush(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetFont(*args, **kwargs):
+ """SetFont(self, Font font)"""
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_SetFont(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetTextColor(*args, **kwargs):
+ """SetTextColor(self, Colour col)"""
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_SetTextColor(*args, **kwargs)
+ def StrokePath(*args, **kwargs):
+ """StrokePath(self, GraphicsPath path)"""
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_StrokePath(*args, **kwargs)
+ def FillPath(*args, **kwargs):
+ """FillPath(self, GraphicsPath path, int fillStyle=WINDING_RULE)"""
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_FillPath(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawPath(*args, **kwargs):
+ """DrawPath(self, GraphicsPath path, int fillStyle=WINDING_RULE)"""
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_DrawPath(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawText(*args):
+ """
+ DrawText(self, String str, Double x, Double y)
+ DrawText(self, String str, Double x, Double y, Double angle)
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_DrawText(*args)
+ def GetTextExtent(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetTextExtent(self, String text, Double OUTPUT, Double OUTPUT, Double OUTPUT,
+ Double OUTPUT)
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_GetTextExtent(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetPartialTextExtents(*args, **kwargs):
+ """GetPartialTextExtents(self, String text, wxArrayDouble widths)"""
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_GetPartialTextExtents(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawBitmap(*args, **kwargs):
+ """DrawBitmap(self, Bitmap bmp, Double x, Double y, Double w, Double h)"""
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_DrawBitmap(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawIcon(*args, **kwargs):
+ """DrawIcon(self, Icon icon, Double x, Double y, Double w, Double h)"""
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_DrawIcon(*args, **kwargs)
+ def StrokeLine(*args, **kwargs):
+ """StrokeLine(self, Double x1, Double y1, Double x2, Double y2)"""
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_StrokeLine(*args, **kwargs)
+ def StrokeLines(*args):
+ """
+ StrokeLines(self, size_t n, Point2D points)
+ StrokeLines(self, size_t n, Point2D beginPoints, Point2D endPoints)
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_StrokeLines(*args)
+ def DrawLines(*args, **kwargs):
+ """DrawLines(self, size_t n, Point2D points, int fillStyle=WINDING_RULE)"""
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_DrawLines(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawRectangle(*args, **kwargs):
+ """DrawRectangle(self, Double x, Double y, Double w, Double h)"""
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_DrawRectangle(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawEllipse(*args, **kwargs):
+ """DrawEllipse(self, Double x, Double y, Double w, Double h)"""
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_DrawEllipse(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawRoundedRectangle(*args, **kwargs):
+ """DrawRoundedRectangle(self, Double x, Double y, Double w, Double h, Double radius)"""
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_DrawRoundedRectangle(*args, **kwargs)
+def GraphicsContext_Create(*args, **kwargs):
+ """GraphicsContext_Create(WindowDC dc) -> GraphicsContext"""
+ val = _gdi_.GraphicsContext_Create(*args, **kwargs)
+ val.__dc = args[0] # save a ref so the other dc will not be deleted before self
+ return val
+class GCDC(DC):
+ """Proxy of C++ GCDC class"""
+ thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag')
+ __repr__ = _swig_repr
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """__init__(self, WindowDC dc) -> GCDC"""
+ _gdi_.GCDC_swiginit(self,_gdi_.new_GCDC(*args, **kwargs))
+ self.__dc = args[0] # save a ref so the other dc will not be deleted before self
+ __swig_destroy__ = _gdi_.delete_GCDC
+ __del__ = lambda self : None;
+ def GetGraphicContext(*args, **kwargs):
+ """GetGraphicContext(self) -> GraphicsContext"""
+ return _gdi_.GCDC_GetGraphicContext(*args, **kwargs)
return _gdi_.PseudoDC_TranslateId(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetIdGreyedOut(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ SetIdGreyedOut(self, int id, bool greyout=True)
+ Set whether an object is drawn greyed out or not.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.PseudoDC_SetIdGreyedOut(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetIdGreyedOut(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetIdGreyedOut(self, int id) -> bool
+ Get whether an object is drawn greyed out or not.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.PseudoDC_GetIdGreyedOut(*args, **kwargs)
+ def FindObjects(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ FindObjects(self, int x, int y, int radius=1, wxColor bg=*wxWHITE) -> PyObject
+ Returns a list of all the id's that draw a pixel with color
+ not equal to bg within radius of (x,y).
+ Returns an empty list if nothing is found. The list is in
+ reverse drawing order so list[0] is the top id.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.PseudoDC_FindObjects(*args, **kwargs)
+ def FindObjectsByBBox(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ FindObjectsByBBox(self, int x, int y) -> PyObject
+ Returns a list of all the id's whose bounding boxes include (x,y).
+ Returns an empty list if nothing is found. The list is in
+ reverse drawing order so list[0] is the top id.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.PseudoDC_FindObjectsByBBox(*args, **kwargs)
def DrawIdToDC(*args, **kwargs):
DrawIdToDC(self, int id, DC dc)