from distutils.dep_util import newer
from distutils.spawn import spawn
+import distutils.command.install
import distutils.command.install_data
import distutils.command.install_headers
import distutils.command.clean
VER_MAJOR = 2 # The first three must match wxWidgets
-VER_SUBREL = 2 # wxPython release num for x.y.z release of wxWidgets
+VER_SUBREL = 0 # wxPython release num for x.y.z release of wxWidgets
VER_FLAGS = "p" # release flags, such as prerelease num, unicode, etc.
DESCRIPTION = "Cross platform GUI toolkit for Python"
BUILD_GLCANVAS = 1 # If true, build the contrib/glcanvas extension module
BUILD_OGL = 1 # If true, build the contrib/ogl extension module
BUILD_STC = 1 # If true, build the contrib/stc extension module
-BUILD_XRC = 1 # XML based resource system
BUILD_GIZMOS = 1 # Build a module for the gizmos contrib library
BUILD_DLLWIDGET = 0# Build a module that enables unknown wx widgets
# to be loaded from a DLL and to be used from Python.
NO_SCRIPTS = 0 # Don't install the tool scripts
NO_HEADERS = 0 # Don't install the wxPython *.h and *.i files
+INSTALL_MULTIVERSION = 1 # Install the packages such that multiple versions
+ # can co-exist. When turned on the wx and wxPython
+ # pacakges will be installed in a versioned subdir
+ # of site-packages, and a *.pth file will be
+ # created that adds that dir to the sys.path. In
+ # addition, a module will be installed
+ # to site-pacakges that will allow applications to
+ # choose a specific version if more than one are
+ # installed.
+FLAVOUR = "" # Optional flavour string to be appended to VERSION
+ # in MULTIVERSION installs
+EP_ADD_OPTS = 0 # When doing MULTIVERSION installs the wx port and
+ # ansi/unicode settings can optionally be added to the
+ # subdir path used in site-packages
WX_CONFIG = None # Usually you shouldn't need to touch this, but you can set
# it to pass an alternate version of wx-config or alternate
# flags, eg. as required by the .deb in-tree build. By
# version, port, etc. and it will be looked for on the
# default $PATH.
-WXPORT = 'gtk' # On Linux/Unix there are several ports of wxWidgets available.
+WXPORT = 'gtk2' # On Linux/Unix there are several ports of wxWidgets available.
# Setting this value lets you select which will be used for
# the wxPython build. Possibilites are 'gtk', 'gtk2' and
# 'x11'. Curently only gtk and gtk2 works.
# Some MSW build settings
-FINAL = 0 # Mirrors use of same flag in wx makefiles,
- # (0 or 1 only) should probably find a way to
- # autodetect this...
+MONOLITHIC = 1 # The core wxWidgets lib can be built as either a
+ # single monolithic DLL or as a collection of DLLs.
+ # This flag controls which set of libs will be used
+ # on Windows. (For other platforms it is automatic
+ # via using wx-config.)
+FINAL = 0 # Will use the release version of the wxWidgets libs on MSW.
+HYBRID = 1 # Will use the "hybrid" version of the wxWidgets
+ # libs on MSW. A "hybrid" build is one that is
+ # basically a release build, but that also defines
+ # __WXDEBUG__ to activate the runtime checks and
+ # assertions in the library. When any of these is
+ # triggered it is turned into a Python exception so
+ # this is a very useful feature to have turned on.
-HYBRID = 1 # If set and not debug or FINAL, then build a
- # hybrid extension that can be used by the
- # non-debug version of python, but contains
- # debugging symbols for wxWidgets and wxPython.
- # wxWidgets must have been built with /MD, not /MDd
- # (using FINAL=hybrid will do it.)
# Version part of wxWidgets LIB/DLL names
# Boolean (int) flags
- 'FINAL', 'HYBRID', ]:
for x in range(len(sys.argv)):
if sys.argv[x].find(flag) == 0:
pos = sys.argv[x].find('=') + 1
# String options
for option in ['WX_CONFIG', 'WXDLLVER', 'BUILD_BASE', 'WXPORT', 'SWIG',
+ ]:
for x in range(len(sys.argv)):
if sys.argv[x].find(option) == 0:
pos = sys.argv[x].find('=') + 1
def Verify_WX_CONFIG():
- """ Called below for the builds that need wx-config,
- if WX_CONFIG is not set then tries to select the specific
- wx*-config script based on build options. If not found
- then it defaults to 'wx-config'.
+ """ Called below for the builds that need wx-config, if WX_CONFIG
+ is not set then determins the flags needed based on build
+ options and searches for wx-config on the PATH.
# if WX_CONFIG hasn't been set to an explicit value then construct one.
global WX_CONFIG
if WX_CONFIG is None:
- if debug: # TODO: Fix this. wxPython's --debug shouldn't be tied to wxWidgets...
- df = 'd'
- else:
- df = ''
- uf = 'u'
- else:
- uf = ''
- ver2 = "%s.%s" % (VER_MAJOR, VER_MINOR)
+ WX_CONFIG='wx-config'
port = WXPORT
if port == "x11":
port = "x11univ"
- WX_CONFIG = 'wx%s%s%s-%s-config' % (port, uf, df, ver2)
+ flags = ' --toolkit=%s' % port
+ flags += ' --unicode=%s' % (UNICODE and 'yes' or 'no')
+ flags += ' --version=%s.%s' % (VER_MAJOR, VER_MINOR)
searchpath = os.environ["PATH"]
for p in searchpath.split(':'):
- fp = os.path.join(p, WX_CONFIG)
+ fp = os.path.join(p, 'wx-config')
if os.path.exists(fp) and os.access(fp, os.X_OK):
# success
msg("Found wx-config: " + fp)
- WX_CONFIG = fp
+ msg(" Using flags: " + flags)
+ WX_CONFIG = fp + flags
+ if hasattr(sys, 'setup_is_main') and not sys.setup_is_main:
+ WX_CONFIG += " 2>/dev/null "
- msg("WX_CONFIG not specified and %s not found on $PATH "
- "defaulting to \"wx-config\"" % WX_CONFIG)
- WX_CONFIG = 'wx-config'
+ msg("ERROR: WX_CONFIG not specified and wx-config not found on the $PATH")
+ # should we exit?
+ # TODO: exeucte WX_CONFIG --list and verify a matching config is found
def run_swig(files, dir, gendir, package, USE_SWIG, force, swig_args,
swig_deps=[], add_under=False):
+class wx_install(distutils.command.install.install):
+ """
+ Turns off install_path_file
+ """
+ def initialize_options(self):
+ distutils.command.install.install.initialize_options(self)
+ self.install_path_file = 0
class wx_install_headers(distutils.command.install_headers.install_headers):
Install the header files to the WXPREFIX, with an extra dir per
filename too
- def initialize_options (self):
+ def initialize_options(self):
self.root = None
- def finalize_options (self):
+ def finalize_options(self):
self.set_undefined_options('install', ('root', 'root'))
if root is None or WXPREFIX.startswith(root):
root = ''
for header, location in headers:
- install_dir = os.path.normpath(root + WXPREFIX + location)
+ install_dir = os.path.normpath(root +
+ '/include/wx-%d.%d/wx' % (VER_MAJOR, VER_MINOR) +
+ location)
(out, _) = self.copy_file(header, install_dir)
def makeLibName(name):
if == 'posix':
libname = '%s_%s-%s' % (WXBASENAME, name, WXRELEASE)
- else:
+ elif name:
libname = 'wxmsw%s%s_%s' % (WXDLLVER, libFlag(), name)
+ else:
+ libname = 'wxmsw%s%s' % (WXDLLVER, libFlag())
return [libname]
def adjustCFLAGS(cflags, defines, includes):
- '''Extrace the raw -I, -D, and -U flags and put them into
+ '''Extract the raw -I, -D, and -U flags and put them into
defines and includes as needed.'''
newCFLAGS = []
for flag in cflags:
def adjustLFLAGS(lfags, libdirs, libs):
- '''Extrace the -L and -l flags and put them in libdirs and libs as needed'''
+ '''Extract the -L and -l flags and put them in libdirs and libs as needed'''
newLFLAGS = []
for flag in lflags:
if flag[:2] == '-L':
return newLFLAGS
+def getExtraPath(shortVer=True, addOpts=False):
+ """Get the dirname that wxPython will be installed under."""
+ if shortVer:
+ # short version, just Major.Minor
+ ep = "wx-%d.%d" % (VER_MAJOR, VER_MINOR)
+ # plus release if minor is odd
+ #if VER_MINOR % 2 == 1:
+ # ep += ".%d" % VER_RELEASE
+ else:
+ # long version, full version
+ ep = "wx-%d.%d.%d.%d" % (VER_MAJOR, VER_MINOR, VER_RELEASE, VER_SUBREL)
+ if addOpts:
+ port = WXPORT
+ if port == "msw": port = "win32"
+ ep += "-%s-%s" % (WXPORT, (UNICODE and 'unicode' or 'ansi'))
+ ep += "-" + FLAVOUR
+ return ep
# sanity checks
defines.append( ('__WXDEBUG__', None) )
libdirs = [ opj(WXDIR, 'lib', 'vc_dll') ]
- libs = [ 'wxbase' + WXDLLVER + libFlag(), # TODO: trim this down to what is really needed for the core
- 'wxbase' + WXDLLVER + libFlag() + '_net',
- 'wxbase' + WXDLLVER + libFlag() + '_xml',
- makeLibName('core')[0],
- makeLibName('adv')[0],
- makeLibName('html')[0],
- ]
+ libs = makeLibName('')
+ else:
+ libs = [ 'wxbase' + WXDLLVER + libFlag(),
+ 'wxbase' + WXDLLVER + libFlag() + '_net',
+ 'wxbase' + WXDLLVER + libFlag() + '_xml',
+ makeLibName('core')[0],
+ makeLibName('adv')[0],
+ makeLibName('html')[0],
+ makeLibName('xrc')[0],
+ ]
libs = libs + ['kernel32', 'user32', 'gdi32', 'comdlg32',
'winspool', 'winmm', 'shell32', 'oldnames', 'comctl32',
BUILD_BASE = BUILD_BASE + '.unicode'
- VER_FLAGS += 'u'
+ ##VER_FLAGS += 'u'
if os.path.exists('DAILY_BUILD'):
swig_deps = [ opj(WXPY_SRC, 'src/my_typemaps.i'),
+ opj(WXPY_SRC, 'src/my_fragments.i'),
opj(WXPY_SRC, 'src/common.swg'),
opj(WXPY_SRC, 'src/pyrun.swg'),
+ opj(WXPY_SRC, 'src/python.swg'),
depends = [ #'include/wx/wxPython/wxPython.h',