wxPathFormat format;
} filenames[] =
+ // the empty string
+ { _T(""), _T(""), _T(""), _T(""), _T(""), false, wxPATH_UNIX },
+ { _T(""), _T(""), _T(""), _T(""), _T(""), false, wxPATH_DOS },
+ { _T(""), _T(""), _T(""), _T(""), _T(""), false, wxPATH_VMS },
// Unix file names
{ _T("/usr/bin/ls"), _T(""), _T("/usr/bin"), _T("ls"), _T(""), true, wxPATH_UNIX },
{ _T("/usr/bin/"), _T(""), _T("/usr/bin"), _T(""), _T(""), true, wxPATH_UNIX },
{ _T("\\\\server\\foo.bar"), _T("server"), _T("\\"), _T("foo"), _T("bar"), true, wxPATH_DOS },
{ _T("\\\\server\\dir\\foo.bar"), _T("server"), _T("\\dir"), _T("foo"), _T("bar"), true, wxPATH_DOS },
+ // consecutive [back]slashes should be treated as single occurrences of
+ // them and not interpreted as share names if there is a volume name
+ { _T("c:\\aaa\\bbb\\ccc"), _T("c"), _T("\\aaa\\bbb"), _T("ccc"), _T(""), true, wxPATH_DOS },
+ { _T("c:\\\\aaa\\bbb\\ccc"), _T("c"), _T("\\\\aaa\\bbb"), _T("ccc"), _T(""), true, wxPATH_DOS },
// wxFileName support for Mac file names is broken currently
#if 0
wxFileName fn(fni.fullname, fni.format);
+ // the original full name could contain consecutive [back]slashes,
+ // squeeze them except for the double backslash in the beginning in
+ // Windows filenames where it has special meaning
+ wxString fullnameOrig;
+ if ( fni.format == wxPATH_DOS )
+ {
+ // copy the backslashes at beginning unchanged
+ const wxChar *p = fni.fullname;
+ while ( *p == _T('\\') )
+ fullnameOrig += *p++;
+ // replace consecutive slashes with single ones in the rest
+ for ( wxChar chPrev = _T('\0'); *p; p++ )
+ {
+ if ( *p == _T('\\') && chPrev == _T('\\') )
+ continue;
+ chPrev = *p;
+ fullnameOrig += chPrev;
+ }
+ }
+ else // !wxPATH_DOS
+ {
+ fullnameOrig = fni.fullname;
+ }
+ fullnameOrig.Replace(_T("//"), _T("/"));
wxString fullname = fn.GetFullPath(fni.format);
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( wxString(fni.fullname), fullname );
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( fullnameOrig, fullname );
+ // notice that we use a dummy working directory to ensure that paths
+ // with "../.." in them could be normalized, otherwise this would fail
+ // if the test is run from root directory or its direct subdirectory
- wxString::Format("Normalize(%s) failed", fni.fullname).c_str(),
+ (const char *)wxString::Format(_T("Normalize(%s) failed"), fni.fullname).mb_str(),
fn.Normalize(wxPATH_NORM_ALL, _T("/foo/bar/baz"), fni.format)
fni.format), fn );
+ wxFileName fn;
+ // empty strings
+ fn.AssignDir(wxEmptyString);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !fn.IsOk() );
+ fn.Assign(wxEmptyString);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !fn.IsOk() );
+ fn.Assign(wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !fn.IsOk() );
+ fn.Assign(wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !fn.IsOk() );
+ fn.Assign(wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !fn.IsOk() );
void FileNameTestCase::TestComparison()
static struct FileNameTest
- const wxChar *original;
+ const wxString original;
int flags;
- wxString expected;
+ const wxString expected;
} tests[] =
// be sure this normalization does not fail
- wxString::Format("Normalize(%s) failed", tests[i].original).c_str(),
+ (const char *)wxString::Format(_T("Normalize(%s) failed"), tests[i].original).mb_str(),
fn.Normalize(tests[i].flags, cwd, wxPATH_UNIX)
// compare result with expected string
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( tests[i].expected, fn.GetFullPath(wxPATH_UNIX) );
+ WX_ASSERT_STR_EQUAL( tests[i].expected, fn.GetFullPath(wxPATH_UNIX) );