#define wxSTC_OPTIONAL_START 3000
#define wxSTC_LEXER_START 4000
-// Redoes the next action on the undo history
+// Redoes the next action on the undo history.
#define wxSTC_CMD_REDO 2011
// Select all the text in the document.
#define wxSTC_MARK_MINUS 7
#define wxSTC_MARK_PLUS 8
-// Shapes used for outlining column
+// Shapes used for outlining column.
#define wxSTC_MARK_VLINE 9
#define wxSTC_MARK_LCORNER 10
#define wxSTC_MARK_TCORNER 11
-// Invisible mark that only sets the line background color
+// Invisible mark that only sets the line background color.
+#define wxSTC_MARK_DOTDOTDOT 23
+#define wxSTC_MARK_ARROWS 24
#define wxSTC_MARK_CHARACTER 10000
-// Markers used for outlining column
+// Markers used for outlining column.
// Delete the selection or if no selection, the character before the caret.
#define wxSTC_CMD_DELETEBACK 2326
-// If selection is empty or all on one line replace the selection with a tab
-// character.
+// If selection is empty or all on one line replace the selection with a tab character.
// If more than one line selected, indent the lines.
#define wxSTC_CMD_TAB 2327
// Delete the selection or if no selection, the character before the caret.
-// Will not delete the chraacter before at the start of a line.
+// Will not delete the character before at the start of a line.
-#define wxSTC_EDGE_NONE 0
-#define wxSTC_EDGE_LINE 1
-// Show caret within N lines of edge when it's scrolled to view
-// If CARET_SLOP not set then centre caret on screen when it's
-// scrolled to view
-#define wxSTC_CARET_SLOP 0x01
-// Value not used
-#define wxSTC_CARET_CENTER 0x02
+// Move caret to first position on display line.
+#define wxSTC_CMD_HOMEDISPLAY 2345
-// If CARET_SLOP also set then reposition whenever outside slop border
-// If CARET_SLOP not set then recentre even when visible
-#define wxSTC_CARET_STRICT 0x04
+// Move caret to first position on display line extending selection to
+// new caret position.
-// If CARET_XEVEN set then both left and right margins are given equal weight
-// rather than favouring left following behaviour.
-#define wxSTC_CARET_XEVEN 0x08
+// Move caret to last position on display line.
-// If CARET_XJUMPS set then when caret reaches the margin the display jumps
-// enough to leave the caret solidly within the display.
-#define wxSTC_CARET_XJUMPS 0x10
+// Move caret to last position on display line extending selection to new
+// caret position.
+#define wxSTC_EDGE_NONE 0
+#define wxSTC_EDGE_LINE 1
#define wxSTC_CURSORWAIT 3
-// Constants for use with SetVisiblePolicy, similar to SetCaretPolicy
+// Constants for use with SetVisiblePolicy, similar to SetCaretPolicy.
#define wxSTC_VISIBLE_SLOP 0x01
#define wxSTC_VISIBLE_STRICT 0x04
+// Caret policy, used by SetXCaretPolicy and SetYCaretPolicy.
+// If CARET_SLOP is set, we can define a slop value: caretSlop.
+// This value defines an unwanted zone (UZ) where the caret is... unwanted.
+// This zone is defined as a number of pixels near the vertical margins,
+// and as a number of lines near the horizontal margins.
+// By keeping the caret away from the edges, it is seen within its context,
+// so it is likely that the identifier that the caret is on can be completely seen,
+// and that the current line is seen with some of the lines following it which are
+// often dependent on that line.
+#define wxSTC_CARET_SLOP 0x01
+// If CARET_STRICT is set, the policy is enforced... strictly.
+// The caret is centred on the display if slop is not set,
+// and cannot go in the UZ if slop is set.
+#define wxSTC_CARET_STRICT 0x04
+// If CARET_JUMPS is set, the display is moved more energetically
+// so the caret can move in the same direction longer before the policy is applied again.
+#define wxSTC_CARET_JUMPS 0x10
+// If CARET_EVEN is not set, instead of having symmetrical UZs,
+// the left and bottom UZs are extended up to right and top UZs respectively.
+// This way, we favour the displaying of useful information: the begining of lines,
+// where most code reside, and the lines after the caret, eg. the body of a function.
+#define wxSTC_CARET_EVEN 0x08
// Notifications
-// Type of modification and the action which caused the modification
+// Type of modification and the action which caused the modification.
// These are defined as a bit mask to make it easy to specify which notifications are wanted.
// One bit is set from each of SC_MOD_* and SC_PERFORMED_*.
#define wxSTC_MOD_INSERTTEXT 0x1
#define wxSTC_MOD_BEFOREDELETE 0x800
-// Symbolic key codes and modifier flags
-// ASCII and other printable characters below 256
-// Extended keys above 300
+// Symbolic key codes and modifier flags.
+// ASCII and other printable characters below 256.
+// Extended keys above 300.
#define wxSTC_KEY_DOWN 300
#define wxSTC_KEY_UP 301
#define wxSTC_KEY_LEFT 302
#define wxSTC_LEX_PHP 30
#define wxSTC_LEX_BAAN 31
#define wxSTC_LEX_MATLAB 32
+#define wxSTC_LEX_SCRIPTOL 33
// When a lexer specifies its language as SCLEX_AUTOMATIC it receives a
// value assigned in sequence from SCLEX_AUTOMATIC+1.
-// Lexical states for SCLEX_VB, SCLEX_VBSCRIPT
-#define wxSTC_B_DEFAULT 0
-#define wxSTC_B_COMMENT 1
-#define wxSTC_B_NUMBER 2
-#define wxSTC_B_KEYWORD 3
-#define wxSTC_B_STRING 4
-#define wxSTC_B_OPERATOR 6
-#define wxSTC_B_IDENTIFIER 7
-#define wxSTC_B_DATE 8
// Lexical states for SCLEX_HTML, SCLEX_XML
#define wxSTC_H_DEFAULT 0
#define wxSTC_H_TAG 1
#define wxSTC_PL_STRING_QR 29
#define wxSTC_PL_STRING_QW 30
+// Lexical states for SCLEX_VB, SCLEX_VBSCRIPT
+#define wxSTC_B_DEFAULT 0
+#define wxSTC_B_COMMENT 1
+#define wxSTC_B_NUMBER 2
+#define wxSTC_B_KEYWORD 3
+#define wxSTC_B_STRING 4
+#define wxSTC_B_OPERATOR 6
+#define wxSTC_B_IDENTIFIER 7
+#define wxSTC_B_DATE 8
+// Lexical states for SCLEX_PROPERTIES
+#define wxSTC_PROPS_DEFAULT 0
+#define wxSTC_PROPS_COMMENT 1
+#define wxSTC_PROPS_SECTION 2
+#define wxSTC_PROPS_DEFVAL 4
// Lexical states for SCLEX_LATEX
#define wxSTC_L_DEFAULT 0
#define wxSTC_L_COMMAND 1
#define wxSTC_ERR_PERL 6
#define wxSTC_ERR_NET 7
#define wxSTC_ERR_LUA 8
+#define wxSTC_ERR_CTAG 9
#define wxSTC_MAKE_TARGET 5
#define wxSTC_MAKE_IDEOL 9
-// Lexical states for the SCLEX_CONF (Apache Configuration Files Lexer)
+// Lexical states for SCLEX_DIFF
+#define wxSTC_DIFF_DEFAULT 0
+#define wxSTC_DIFF_COMMENT 1
+#define wxSTC_DIFF_COMMAND 2
+#define wxSTC_DIFF_HEADER 3
+#define wxSTC_DIFF_POSITION 4
+#define wxSTC_DIFF_DELETED 5
+#define wxSTC_DIFF_ADDED 6
+// Lexical states for SCLEX_CONF (Apache Configuration Files Lexer)
#define wxSTC_CONF_DEFAULT 0
#define wxSTC_CONF_COMMENT 1
#define wxSTC_CONF_NUMBER 2
#define wxSTC_CONF_IP 8
-// Avenue
+// Lexical states for SCLEX_AVE, Avenue
#define wxSTC_AVE_DEFAULT 0
#define wxSTC_AVE_COMMENT 1
#define wxSTC_AVE_NUMBER 2
-// Lexical states for the SCLEX_NNCRONTAB (nnCron crontab Lexer)
+// Lexical states for SCLEX_NNCRONTAB (nnCron crontab Lexer)
+// Lexical states for SCLEX_SCRIPTOL
+#define wxSTC_SCRIPTOL_WORD 5
+#define wxSTC_SCRIPTOL_UUID 8
+#define wxSTC_SCRIPTOL_REGEX 14
+#define wxSTC_SCRIPTOL_WORD2 16
// END of generated section
// and regenerate
- // Add text to the document
+ // Add text to the document.
void AddText(const wxString& text);
- // Add array of cells to document
+ // Add array of cells to document.
void AddStyledText(const wxMemoryBuffer& data);
- // Insert string at a position
+ // Insert string at a position.
void InsertText(int pos, const wxString& text);
- // Delete all text in the document
+ // Delete all text in the document.
void ClearAll();
- // Set all style bytes to 0, remove all folding information
+ // Set all style bytes to 0, remove all folding information.
void ClearDocumentStyle();
- // The number of characters in the document
+ // The number of characters in the document.
int GetLength();
- // Returns the character byte at the position
+ // Returns the character byte at the position.
int GetCharAt(int pos);
- // Returns the position of the caret
+ // Returns the position of the caret.
int GetCurrentPos();
- // Returns the position of the opposite end of the selection to the caret
+ // Returns the position of the opposite end of the selection to the caret.
int GetAnchor();
- // Returns the style byte at the position
+ // Returns the style byte at the position.
int GetStyleAt(int pos);
- // Redoes the next action on the undo history
+ // Redoes the next action on the undo history.
void Redo();
// Choose between collecting actions into the undo
// Retrieve a buffer of cells.
wxMemoryBuffer GetStyledText(int startPos, int endPos);
- // Are there any redoable actions in the undo history.
+ // Are there any redoable actions in the undo history?
bool CanRedo();
- // Retrieve the line number at which a particular marker is located
+ // Retrieve the line number at which a particular marker is located.
int MarkerLineFromHandle(int handle);
// Delete a marker.
void SetEOLMode(int eolMode);
// Set the current styling position to pos and the styling mask to mask.
- // The styling mask can be used to protect some bits in each styling byte from
- // modification.
+ // The styling mask can be used to protect some bits in each styling byte from modification.
void StartStyling(int pos, int mask);
// Change style from current styling position for length characters to a style
// and move the current styling position to after this newly styled segment.
void SetStyling(int length, int style);
- // Is drawing done first into a buffer or direct to the screen.
+ // Is drawing done first into a buffer or direct to the screen?
bool GetBufferedDraw();
// If drawing is buffered then each line of text is drawn into a bitmap buffer
// before drawing it to the screen to avoid flicker.
void SetBufferedDraw(bool buffered);
- // Change the visible size of a tab to be a multiple of the width of a space
- // character.
+ // Change the visible size of a tab to be a multiple of the width of a space character.
void SetTabWidth(int tabWidth);
// Retrieve the visible size of a tab.
// Add a marker to a line, returning an ID which can be used to find or delete the marker.
int MarkerAdd(int line, int markerNumber);
- // Delete a marker from a line
+ // Delete a marker from a line.
void MarkerDelete(int line, int markerNumber);
- // Delete all markers with a particular number from all lines
+ // Delete all markers with a particular number from all lines.
void MarkerDeleteAll(int markerNumber);
// Get a bit mask of all the markers set on a line.
// Get the time in milliseconds that the caret is on and off. 0 = steady on.
void SetCaretPeriod(int periodMilliseconds);
- // Set the set of characters making up words for when moving or selecting
- // by word.
+ // Set the set of characters making up words for when moving or selecting by word.
void SetWordChars(const wxString& characters);
// Start a sequence of actions that is undone and redone as a unit.
// Retrieve the foreground colour of an indicator.
wxColour IndicatorGetForeground(int indic);
- // Divide each styling byte into lexical class bits (default:5) and indicator
- // bits (default:3). If a lexer requires more than 32 lexical states, then this
+ // Set the foreground colour of all whitespace and whether to use this setting.
+ void SetWhitespaceForeground(bool useSetting, const wxColour& fore);
+ // Set the background colour of all whitespace and whether to use this setting.
+ void SetWhitespaceBackground(bool useSetting, const wxColour& back);
+ // Divide each styling byte into lexical class bits (default: 5) and indicator
+ // bits (default: 3). If a lexer requires more than 32 lexical states, then this
// is used to expand the possible states.
void SetStyleBits(int bits);
// Is the background of the line containing the caret in a different colour?
bool GetCaretLineVisible();
- // Dsplay the background of the line containing the caret in a different colour.
+ // Display the background of the line containing the caret in a different colour.
void SetCaretLineVisible(bool show);
// Get the colour of the background of the line containing the caret.
// Is there an auto-completion list visible?
bool AutoCompActive();
- // Retrieve the position of the caret when the auto-completion list was
- // displayed.
+ // Retrieve the position of the caret when the auto-completion list was displayed.
int AutoCompPosStart();
// User has selected an item so remove the list and insert the selection.
// Define a set of character that when typed cancel the auto-completion list.
void AutoCompStops(const wxString& characterSet);
- // Change the separator character in the string setting up an auto-completion
- // list. Default is space but can be changed if items contain space.
+ // Change the separator character in the string setting up an auto-completion list.
+ // Default is space but can be changed if items contain space.
void AutoCompSetSeparator(int separatorCharacter);
// Retrieve the auto-completion list separator character.
// Display a list of strings and send notification when user chooses one.
void UserListShow(int listType, const wxString& itemList);
- // Set whether or not autocompletion is hidden automatically when nothing matches
+ // Set whether or not autocompletion is hidden automatically when nothing matches.
void AutoCompSetAutoHide(bool autoHide);
- // Retrieve whether or not autocompletion is hidden automatically when nothing matches
+ // Retrieve whether or not autocompletion is hidden automatically when nothing matches.
bool AutoCompGetAutoHide();
- // Set whether or not autocompletion deletes any word characters after the inserted text upon completion
+ // Set whether or not autocompletion deletes any word characters
+ // after the inserted text upon completion.
void AutoCompSetDropRestOfWord(bool dropRestOfWord);
- // Retrieve whether or not autocompletion deletes any word characters after the inserted text upon completion
+ // Retrieve whether or not autocompletion deletes any word characters
+ // after the inserted text upon completion.
bool AutoCompGetDropRestOfWord();
// Set the number of spaces used for one level of indentation.
// Find some text in the document.
int FindText(int minPos, int maxPos, const wxString& text, int flags=0);
- // On Windows will draw the document into a display context such as a printer.
+ // On Windows, will draw the document into a display context such as a printer.
int FormatRange(bool doDraw,
int startPos,
int endPos,
// Will a paste succeed?
bool CanPaste();
- // Are there any undoable actions in the undo history.
+ // Are there any undoable actions in the undo history?
bool CanUndo();
// Delete the undo history.
// Retrieve the number of characters in the document.
int GetTextLength();
- // Set to overtype (true) or insert mode
+ // Set to overtype (true) or insert mode.
void SetOvertype(bool overtype);
// Returns true if overtype mode is active otherwise false is returned.
bool GetOvertype();
- // Set the width of the insert mode caret
+ // Set the width of the insert mode caret.
void SetCaretWidth(int pixelWidth);
- // Returns the width of the insert mode caret
+ // Returns the width of the insert mode caret.
int GetCaretWidth();
// Sets the position that starts the target which is used for updating the
// Returns length of range or -1 for failure in which case target is not moved.
int SearchInTarget(const wxString& text);
- // Set the search flags used by SearchInTarget
+ // Set the search flags used by SearchInTarget.
void SetSearchFlags(int flags);
- // Get the search flags used by SearchInTarget
+ // Get the search flags used by SearchInTarget.
int GetSearchFlags();
// Show a call tip containing a definition near position pos.
// Ensure a particular line is visible by expanding any header line hiding it.
void EnsureVisible(int line);
- // Set some debugging options for folding
+ // Set some debugging options for folding.
void SetFoldFlags(int flags);
// Ensure a particular line is visible by expanding any header line hiding it.
// Use the currently set visibility policy to determine which range to display.
void EnsureVisibleEnforcePolicy(int line);
- // Sets whether a tab pressed when caret is within indentation indents
+ // Sets whether a tab pressed when caret is within indentation indents.
void SetTabIndents(bool tabIndents);
// Does a tab pressed when caret is within indentation indent?
bool GetTabIndents();
- // Sets whether a backspace pressed when caret is within indentation unindents
+ // Sets whether a backspace pressed when caret is within indentation unindents.
void SetBackSpaceUnIndents(bool bsUnIndents);
// Does a backspace pressed when caret is within indentation unindent?
bool GetBackSpaceUnIndents();
- // Sets the time the mouse must sit still to generate a mouse dwell event
+ // Sets the time the mouse must sit still to generate a mouse dwell event.
void SetMouseDwellTime(int periodMilliseconds);
- // Retrieve the time the mouse must sit still to generate a mouse dwell event
+ // Retrieve the time the mouse must sit still to generate a mouse dwell event.
int GetMouseDwellTime();
- // Get position of start of word
+ // Get position of start of word.
int WordStartPosition(int pos, bool onlyWordCharacters);
- // Get position of end of word
+ // Get position of end of word.
int WordEndPosition(int pos, bool onlyWordCharacters);
- // Sets whether text is word wrapped
+ // Sets whether text is word wrapped.
void SetWrapMode(int mode);
- // Retrieve whether text is word wrapped
+ // Retrieve whether text is word wrapped.
int GetWrapMode();
- // Sets the degree of caching of layout information
+ // Sets the degree of caching of layout information.
void SetLayoutCache(int mode);
- // Retrieve the degree of caching of layout information
+ // Retrieve the degree of caching of layout information.
int GetLayoutCache();
- // Move the caret inside current view if it's not there already
+ // Sets the document width assumed for scrolling.
+ void SetScrollWidth(int pixelWidth);
+ // Retrieve the document width assumed for scrolling.
+ int GetScrollWidth();
+ // Measure the pixel width of some text in a particular style.
+ // Nul terminated text argument.
+ // Does not handle tab or control characters.
+ int TextWidth(int style, const wxString& text);
+ // Sets the scroll range so that maximum scroll position has
+ // the last line at the bottom of the view (default).
+ // Setting this to false allows scrolling one page below the last line.
+ void SetEndAtLastLine(bool endAtLastLine);
+ // Retrieve whether the maximum scroll position has the last
+ // line at the bottom of the view.
+ int GetEndAtLastLine();
+ // Retrieve the height of a particular line of text in pixels.
+ int TextHeight(int line);
+ // Move caret to first position on display line.
+ void HomeDisplay();
+ // Move caret to first position on display line extending selection to
+ // new caret position.
+ void HomeDisplayExtend();
+ // Move caret to last position on display line.
+ void LineEndDisplay();
+ // Move caret to last position on display line extending selection to new
+ // caret position.
+ void LineEndDisplayExtend();
+ // Move the caret inside current view if it's not there already.
void MoveCaretInsideView();
- // How many characters are on a line, not including end of line characters.
+ // How many characters are on a line, not including end of line characters?
int LineLength(int line);
// Highlight the characters at two positions.
// Find the position of a matching brace or INVALID_POSITION if no match.
int BraceMatch(int pos);
- // Are the end of line characters visible.
+ // Are the end of line characters visible?
bool GetViewEOL();
- // Make the end of line characters visible or invisible
+ // Make the end of line characters visible or invisible.
void SetViewEOL(bool visible);
// Retrieve a pointer to the document object.
// Does not ensure the selection is visible.
int SearchPrev(int flags, const wxString& text);
- // Set the way the line the caret is on is kept visible.
- void SetCaretPolicy(int caretPolicy, int caretSlop);
// Retrieves the number of lines completely visible.
int LinesOnScreen();
// the wrong mouse button.
void UsePopUp(bool allowPopUp);
- // Is the selection a rectangular. The alternative is the more common stream selection.
+ // Is the selection rectangular? The alternative is the more common stream selection.
bool SelectionIsRectangle();
// Set the zoom level. This number of points is added to the size of all fonts.
// Get which document modification events are sent to the container.
int GetModEventMask();
- // Change internal focus flag
+ // Change internal focus flag.
void SetSTCFocus(bool focus);
- // Get internal focus flag
+ // Get internal focus flag.
bool GetSTCFocus();
- // Change error status - 0 = OK
+ // Change error status - 0 = OK.
void SetStatus(int statusCode);
- // Get error status
+ // Get error status.
int GetStatus();
- // Set whether the mouse is captured when its button is pressed
+ // Set whether the mouse is captured when its button is pressed.
void SetMouseDownCaptures(bool captures);
- // Get whether mouse gets captured
+ // Get whether mouse gets captured.
bool GetMouseDownCaptures();
- // Sets the cursor to one of the SC_CURSOR* values
+ // Sets the cursor to one of the SC_CURSOR* values.
void SetCursor(int cursorType);
- // Get cursor type
+ // Get cursor type.
int GetCursor();
// Change the way control characters are displayed:
- // If symbol is < 32, keep the drawn way, else, use the given character
+ // If symbol is < 32, keep the drawn way, else, use the given character.
void SetControlCharSymbol(int symbol);
- // Get the way control characters are displayed
+ // Get the way control characters are displayed.
int GetControlCharSymbol();
- // Move to the previous change in capitalistion
+ // Move to the previous change in capitalisation.
void WordPartLeft();
- // Move to the previous change in capitalistion extending selection to new caret position.
+ // Move to the previous change in capitalisation extending selection
+ // to new caret position.
void WordPartLeftExtend();
- // Move to the change next in capitalistion
+ // Move to the change next in capitalisation.
void WordPartRight();
- // Move to the next change in capitalistion extending selection to new caret position.
+ // Move to the next change in capitalisation extending selection
+ // to new caret position.
void WordPartRightExtend();
- // Set the way the display area is determined when a particular line is to be moved to.
+ // Set the way the display area is determined when a particular line
+ // is to be moved to by Find, FindNext, GotoLine, etc.
void SetVisiblePolicy(int visiblePolicy, int visibleSlop);
- // Delete back from the current position to the start of the line
+ // Delete back from the current position to the start of the line.
void DelLineLeft();
- // Delete forwards from the current position to the end of the line
+ // Delete forwards from the current position to the end of the line.
void DelLineRight();
- // Get and Set the xOffset (ie, horizonal scroll position)
+ // Get and Set the xOffset (ie, horizonal scroll position).
void SetXOffset(int newOffset);
int GetXOffset();
+ // Set the way the caret is kept visible when going sideway.
+ // The exclusion zone is given in pixels.
+ void SetXCaretPolicy(int caretPolicy, int caretSlop);
+ // Set the way the line the caret is on is kept visible.
+ // The exclusion zone is given in lines.
+ void SetYCaretPolicy(int caretPolicy, int caretSlop);
// Start notifying the container of all key presses and commands.
void StartRecord();
enum {
#define EVT_STC_START_DRAG(id, fn) DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE_ENTRY( wxEVT_STC_START_DRAG, id, -1, (wxObjectEventFunction) (wxEventFunction) (wxStyledTextEventFunction) & fn, (wxObject *) NULL ),
#define EVT_STC_DRAG_OVER(id, fn) DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE_ENTRY( wxEVT_STC_DRAG_OVER, id, -1, (wxObjectEventFunction) (wxEventFunction) (wxStyledTextEventFunction) & fn, (wxObject *) NULL ),
#define EVT_STC_DO_DROP(id, fn) DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE_ENTRY( wxEVT_STC_DO_DROP, id, -1, (wxObjectEventFunction) (wxEventFunction) (wxStyledTextEventFunction) & fn, (wxObject *) NULL ),
+#define EVT_STC_ZOOM(id, fn) DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE_ENTRY( wxEVT_STC_ZOOM, id, -1, (wxObjectEventFunction) (wxEventFunction) (wxStyledTextEventFunction) & fn, (wxObject *) NULL ),