- if (!m_view) return;
- int tabInc = 0;
- if (m_isSelected)
- {
- tabInc = m_view->GetTabSelectionHeight() - m_view->GetTabHeight();
- }
- int tabLeft = GetX() + m_view->GetViewRect().x;
- int tabTop = GetY() + m_view->GetViewRect().y - tabInc;
- int tabRight = tabLeft + m_view->GetTabWidth();
- int left = m_view->GetViewRect().x;
- int top = tabTop + m_view->GetTabHeight() + tabInc;
- int right = left + m_view->GetViewRect().width;
- int bottom = top + m_view->GetViewRect().height;
- if (m_isSelected)
- {
- // TAB is selected - draw TAB and the View's full outline
- dc.SetPen(*(m_view->GetHighlightPen()));
- wxPoint pnts[10];
- int n = 0;
- pnts[n].x = left; pnts[n++].y = bottom;
- pnts[n].x = left; pnts[n++].y = top;
- pnts[n].x = tabLeft; pnts[n++].y = top;
- pnts[n].x = tabLeft; pnts[n++].y = tabTop + 2;
- pnts[n].x = tabLeft + 2; pnts[n++].y = tabTop;
- pnts[n].x = tabRight - 1; pnts[n++].y = tabTop;
- dc.DrawLines(n, pnts);
- if (!lastInRow)
- {
- dc.DrawLine(
- (tabRight + 2),
- top,
- right,
- top
- );
- }
- dc.SetPen(*(m_view->GetShadowPen()));
- dc.DrawLine(
- tabRight,
- tabTop + 2,
- tabRight,
- top
- );
- dc.DrawLine(
- right,
- top,
- right,
- bottom
- );
- dc.DrawLine(
- right,
- bottom,
- left,
- bottom
- );
- dc.SetPen(*wxBLACK_PEN);
- dc.DrawPoint(
- tabRight,
- tabTop + 1
- );
- dc.DrawPoint(
- tabRight + 1,
- tabTop + 2
- );
- if (lastInRow)
- {
- dc.DrawLine(
- tabRight + 1,
- bottom,
- tabRight + 1,
- tabTop + 1
- );
- }
- else
- {
- dc.DrawLine(
- tabRight + 1,
- tabTop + 2,
- tabRight + 1,
- top
- );
- dc.DrawLine(
- right + 1,
- top,
- right + 1,
- bottom + 1
- );
- }
- dc.DrawLine(
- right + 1,
- bottom + 1,
- left + 1,
- bottom + 1
- );
- }
- else
- {
- // TAB is not selected - just draw TAB outline and RH edge
- // if the TAB is the last in the row
- int maxPositions = ((wxTabLayer*)m_view->GetLayers().Nth(0)->Data())->Number();
- wxTabControl* tabBelow = 0;
- wxTabControl* tabBelowRight = 0;
- if (GetColPosition() > 0)
- {
- tabBelow = m_view->FindTabControlForPosition(
- GetColPosition() - 1,
- GetRowPosition()
- );
- }
- if (!lastInRow && GetColPosition() > 0)
- {
- tabBelowRight = m_view->FindTabControlForPosition(
- GetColPosition() - 1,
- GetRowPosition() + 1
- );
- }
- float raisedTop = top - m_view->GetTabSelectionHeight() +
- m_view->GetTabHeight();
- dc.SetPen(*(m_view->GetHighlightPen()));
- wxPoint pnts[10];
- int n = 0;
- pnts[n].x = tabLeft;
- if (tabBelow && tabBelow->IsSelected())
- {
- pnts[n++].y = (long)raisedTop;
- }
- else
- {
- pnts[n++].y = top;
- }
- pnts[n].x = tabLeft; pnts[n++].y = tabTop + 2;
- pnts[n].x = tabLeft + 2; pnts[n++].y = tabTop;
- pnts[n].x = tabRight - 1; pnts[n++].y = tabTop;
- dc.DrawLines(n, pnts);
- dc.SetPen(*(m_view->GetShadowPen()));
- if (GetRowPosition() >= maxPositions - 1)
- {
- dc.DrawLine(
- tabRight,
- (tabTop + 2),
- tabRight,
- bottom
- );
- dc.DrawLine(
- tabRight,
- bottom,
- (tabRight - m_view->GetHorizontalTabOffset()),
- bottom
- );
- }
- else
- {
- if (tabBelowRight && tabBelowRight->IsSelected())
- {
- dc.DrawLine(
- tabRight,
- (long)raisedTop,
- tabRight,
- tabTop + 1
- );
- }
- else
- {
- dc.DrawLine(
- tabRight,
- top - 1,
- tabRight,
- tabTop + 1
- );
- }
- }
- dc.SetPen(*wxBLACK_PEN);
- dc.DrawPoint(
- tabRight,
- tabTop + 1
- );
- dc.DrawPoint(
- tabRight + 1,
- tabTop + 2
- );
- if (GetRowPosition() >= maxPositions - 1)
- {
- // draw right hand edge to bottom of view
- dc.DrawLine(
- tabRight + 1,
- bottom + 1,
- tabRight + 1,
- tabTop + 2
- );
- dc.DrawLine(
- tabRight + 1,
- bottom + 1,
- (tabRight - m_view->GetHorizontalTabOffset()),
- bottom + 1
- );
- }
- else
- {
- // draw right hand edge of TAB
- if (tabBelowRight && tabBelowRight->IsSelected())
- {
- dc.DrawLine(
- tabRight + 1,
- (long)(raisedTop - 1),
- tabRight + 1,
- tabTop + 2
- );
- }
- else
- {
- dc.DrawLine(
- tabRight + 1,
- top - 1,
- tabRight + 1,
- tabTop + 2
- );
- }
- }
- }
- // Draw centered text
- dc.SetPen(*wxBLACK_PEN);
- if (m_isSelected)
- {
- dc.SetFont(*(m_view->GetSelectedTabFont()));
- }
- else
- {
- dc.SetFont(*(GetFont()));
- }
- wxColour col(m_view->GetTextColour());
- dc.SetTextForeground(col);
- dc.SetBackgroundMode(wxTRANSPARENT);
- long textWidth, textHeight;
- dc.GetTextExtent(GetLabel(), &textWidth, &textHeight);
- float textX = (tabLeft + tabRight - textWidth) / 2;
- float textY = (tabInc + tabTop + m_view->GetVerticalTabTextSpacing());
- dc.DrawText(GetLabel(), (long)textX, (long)textY);
+ if (!m_view) return;
+ int tabInc = 0;
+ if (m_isSelected)
+ {
+ tabInc = m_view->GetTabSelectionHeight() - m_view->GetTabHeight();
+ }
+ int tabLeft = GetX() + m_view->GetViewRect().x;
+ int tabTop = GetY() + m_view->GetViewRect().y - tabInc;
+ int tabRight = tabLeft + m_view->GetTabWidth();
+ int left = m_view->GetViewRect().x;
+ int top = tabTop + m_view->GetTabHeight() + tabInc;
+ int right = left + m_view->GetViewRect().width;
+ int bottom = top + m_view->GetViewRect().height;
+ if (m_isSelected)
+ {
+ // TAB is selected - draw TAB and the View's full outline
+ dc.SetPen(*(m_view->GetHighlightPen()));
+ wxPoint pnts[10];
+ int n = 0;
+ pnts[n].x = left; pnts[n++].y = bottom;
+ pnts[n].x = left; pnts[n++].y = top;
+ pnts[n].x = tabLeft; pnts[n++].y = top;
+ pnts[n].x = tabLeft; pnts[n++].y = tabTop + 2;
+ pnts[n].x = tabLeft + 2; pnts[n++].y = tabTop;
+ pnts[n].x = tabRight - 1; pnts[n++].y = tabTop;
+ dc.DrawLines(n, pnts);
+ if (!lastInRow)
+ {
+ dc.DrawLine(
+ (tabRight + 2),
+ top,
+ right,
+ top
+ );
+ }
+ dc.SetPen(*(m_view->GetShadowPen()));
+ dc.DrawLine(
+ tabRight,
+ tabTop + 2,
+ tabRight,
+ top
+ );
+ dc.DrawLine(
+ right,
+ top,
+ right,
+ bottom
+ );
+ dc.DrawLine(
+ right,
+ bottom,
+ left,
+ bottom
+ );
+ dc.SetPen(*wxBLACK_PEN);
+ dc.DrawPoint(
+ tabRight,
+ tabTop + 1
+ );
+ dc.DrawPoint(
+ tabRight + 1,
+ tabTop + 2
+ );
+ if (lastInRow)
+ {
+ dc.DrawLine(
+ tabRight + 1,
+ bottom,
+ tabRight + 1,
+ tabTop + 1
+ );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dc.DrawLine(
+ tabRight + 1,
+ tabTop + 2,
+ tabRight + 1,
+ top
+ );
+ dc.DrawLine(
+ right + 1,
+ top,
+ right + 1,
+ bottom + 1
+ );
+ }
+ dc.DrawLine(
+ right + 1,
+ bottom + 1,
+ left + 1,
+ bottom + 1
+ );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // TAB is not selected - just draw TAB outline and RH edge
+ // if the TAB is the last in the row
+ int maxPositions = ((wxTabLayer*)m_view->GetLayers().Item(0)->GetData())->GetCount();
+ wxTabControl* tabBelow = 0;
+ wxTabControl* tabBelowRight = 0;
+ if (GetColPosition() > 0)
+ {
+ tabBelow = m_view->FindTabControlForPosition(
+ GetColPosition() - 1,
+ GetRowPosition()
+ );
+ }
+ if (!lastInRow && GetColPosition() > 0)
+ {
+ tabBelowRight = m_view->FindTabControlForPosition(
+ GetColPosition() - 1,
+ GetRowPosition() + 1
+ );
+ }
+ float raisedTop = top - m_view->GetTabSelectionHeight() +
+ m_view->GetTabHeight();
+ dc.SetPen(*(m_view->GetHighlightPen()));
+ wxPoint pnts[10];
+ int n = 0;
+ pnts[n].x = tabLeft;
+ if (tabBelow && tabBelow->IsSelected())
+ {
+ pnts[n++].y = (long)raisedTop;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pnts[n++].y = top;
+ }
+ pnts[n].x = tabLeft; pnts[n++].y = tabTop + 2;
+ pnts[n].x = tabLeft + 2; pnts[n++].y = tabTop;
+ pnts[n].x = tabRight - 1; pnts[n++].y = tabTop;
+ dc.DrawLines(n, pnts);
+ dc.SetPen(*(m_view->GetShadowPen()));
+ if (GetRowPosition() >= maxPositions - 1)
+ {
+ dc.DrawLine(
+ tabRight,
+ (tabTop + 2),
+ tabRight,
+ bottom
+ );
+ dc.DrawLine(
+ tabRight,
+ bottom,
+ (tabRight - m_view->GetHorizontalTabOffset()),
+ bottom
+ );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (tabBelowRight && tabBelowRight->IsSelected())
+ {
+ dc.DrawLine(
+ tabRight,
+ (long)raisedTop,
+ tabRight,
+ tabTop + 1
+ );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dc.DrawLine(
+ tabRight,
+ top - 1,
+ tabRight,
+ tabTop + 1
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ dc.SetPen(*wxBLACK_PEN);
+ dc.DrawPoint(
+ tabRight,
+ tabTop + 1
+ );
+ dc.DrawPoint(
+ tabRight + 1,
+ tabTop + 2
+ );
+ if (GetRowPosition() >= maxPositions - 1)
+ {
+ // draw right hand edge to bottom of view
+ dc.DrawLine(
+ tabRight + 1,
+ bottom + 1,
+ tabRight + 1,
+ tabTop + 2
+ );
+ dc.DrawLine(
+ tabRight + 1,
+ bottom + 1,
+ (tabRight - m_view->GetHorizontalTabOffset()),
+ bottom + 1
+ );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // draw right hand edge of TAB
+ if (tabBelowRight && tabBelowRight->IsSelected())
+ {
+ dc.DrawLine(
+ tabRight + 1,
+ (long)(raisedTop - 1),
+ tabRight + 1,
+ tabTop + 2
+ );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dc.DrawLine(
+ tabRight + 1,
+ top - 1,
+ tabRight + 1,
+ tabTop + 2
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Draw centered text
+ dc.SetPen(*wxBLACK_PEN);
+ if (m_isSelected)
+ {
+ dc.SetFont(*(m_view->GetSelectedTabFont()));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dc.SetFont(*(GetFont()));
+ }
+ wxColour col(m_view->GetTextColour());
+ dc.SetTextForeground(col);
+ dc.SetBackgroundMode(wxTRANSPARENT);
+ long textWidth, textHeight;
+ dc.GetTextExtent(GetLabel(), &textWidth, &textHeight);
+ float textX = (tabLeft + tabRight - textWidth) / 2;
+ float textY = (tabInc + tabTop + m_view->GetVerticalTabTextSpacing());
+ dc.DrawText(GetLabel(), (long)textX, (long)textY);