#if wxUSE_GUI
-#include "wx/hashmap.h"
#include "wx/mac/private.h"
// ============================================================================
-// DataBrowser Wrapper
+// wxMacDataBrowserTableViewControl
// ============================================================================
-// basing on DataBrowserItemIDs
+// this is a wrapper class for the Mac OS X data browser environment,
+// it covers all general data brower functionality,
// data browser's property IDs have a reserved ID range from 0 - 1023
OSStatus GetDefaultColumnWidth(UInt16 *width ) const; // returns the default column width in pixels
OSStatus GetDefaultRowHeight (UInt16 * height ) const;
OSStatus GetHeaderButtonHeight(UInt16 *height );
+ OSStatus GetPartBounds (DataBrowserItemID item, DataBrowserPropertyID property, DataBrowserPropertyPart part, Rect* bounds);
OSStatus GetRowHeight (DataBrowserItemID item , UInt16 *height) const;
OSStatus GetScrollPosition (UInt32* top, UInt32 *left) const;
OSStatus SetHasScrollBars( bool horiz, bool vert );
OSStatus SetHeaderButtonHeight( UInt16 height );
OSStatus SetHiliteStyle( DataBrowserTableViewHiliteStyle hiliteStyle );
+ OSStatus SetIndent(float Indent);
OSStatus SetRowHeight( DataBrowserItemID item , UInt16 height);
OSStatus SetScrollPosition( UInt32 top , UInt32 left );
// column handling
OSStatus GetColumnCount (UInt32* numColumns) const;
- OSStatus GetColumnID (DataBrowserTableViewColumnIndex position, DataBrowserTableViewColumnID* id);
- OSStatus GetFreePropertyID(DataBrowserPropertyID* id) const; // this method returns a property id that is valid and currently not used; if it cannot be found 'errDataBrowerPropertyNotSupported' is returned
- OSStatus GetPropertyColumn(DataBrowserPropertyID propertyID, DataBrowserTableViewColumnIndex* index) const;
+ OSStatus GetColumnIndex (DataBrowserPropertyID propertyID, DataBrowserTableViewColumnIndex* index) const; // returns for the passed property the corresponding column index
+ OSStatus GetFreePropertyID(DataBrowserPropertyID* propertyID) const; // this method returns a property id that is valid and currently not used; if it cannot be found 'errDataBrowerPropertyNotSupported' is returned
OSStatus GetPropertyFlags (DataBrowserPropertyID propertyID, DataBrowserPropertyFlags *flags ) const;
+ OSStatus GetPropertyID (DataBrowserItemDataRef itemData, DataBrowserPropertyID* propertyID); // returns for the passed item data reference the corresponding property ID
+ OSStatus GetPropertyID (DataBrowserTableViewColumnIndex index, DataBrowserPropertyID* propertyID); // returns for the passed column index the corresponding property ID
OSStatus IsUsedPropertyID(DataBrowserPropertyID propertyID) const; // checks if passed property id is used by the control; no error is returned if the id exists
- OSStatus RemoveColumn(DataBrowserTableViewColumnIndex position);
+ OSStatus RemoveColumnByProperty(DataBrowserTableViewColumnID propertyID);
+ OSStatus RemoveColumnByIndex (DataBrowserTableViewColumnIndex index);
- OSStatus SetColumnPosition (DataBrowserPropertyID column, DataBrowserTableViewColumnIndex position);
- OSStatus SetDisclosureColumn(DataBrowserPropertyID property, Boolean expandableRows );
- OSStatus SetPropertyFlags (DataBrowserPropertyID property, DataBrowserPropertyFlags flags );
+ OSStatus SetColumnIndex (DataBrowserPropertyID propertyID, DataBrowserTableViewColumnIndex index);
+ OSStatus SetDisclosureColumn(DataBrowserPropertyID propertyID, Boolean expandableRows=true);
+ OSStatus SetPropertyFlags (DataBrowserPropertyID propertyID, DataBrowserPropertyFlags flags);
// item handling
return this->GetItemCount(kDataBrowserNoItem,true,kDataBrowserItemAnyState,numItems);
OSStatus GetItemCount (DataBrowserItemID container, Boolean recurse, DataBrowserItemState state, ItemCount* numItems) const;
- OSStatus GetItemID (DataBrowserTableViewRowIndex row, DataBrowserItemID * item) const;
+ OSStatus GetItemID (DataBrowserTableViewRowIndex row, DataBrowserItemID* item) const;
OSStatus GetItems (DataBrowserItemID container, Boolean recurse, DataBrowserItemState state, Handle items) const;
OSStatus GetItemRow (DataBrowserItemID item, DataBrowserTableViewRowIndex* row) const;
// item sorting
OSStatus GetSortOrder (DataBrowserSortOrder* order) const;
- OSStatus GetSortProperty(DataBrowserPropertyID* column) const;
+ OSStatus GetSortProperty(DataBrowserPropertyID* propertyID) const;
+ OSStatus Resort(DataBrowserItemID container=kDataBrowserNoItem, Boolean sortChildren=true);
OSStatus SetSortOrder (DataBrowserSortOrder order);
- OSStatus SetSortProperty(DataBrowserPropertyID column);
+ OSStatus SetSortProperty(DataBrowserPropertyID propertyID);
+// container handling
+ OSStatus CloseContainer(DataBrowserItemID containerID);
+ OSStatus OpenContainer(DataBrowserItemID containerID);
protected :
// ============================================================================
-// Databrowser class for the list view control
+// wxMacDataBrowserListViewControl
// ============================================================================
+// this class is a wrapper for a list view which incorporates all general
+// data browser functionality of the inherited table view control class;
+// the term list view is in this case Mac OS X specific and is not related
+// to any wxWidget naming conventions
class wxMacDataBrowserListViewControl : public wxMacDataBrowserTableViewControl
// ============================================================================
-// Databrowser class for the data view list control model
+// wxMacDataViewDataBrowserListViewControl
// ============================================================================
-// Hash maps used by the data browser for the data view model
+// internal interface class between wxDataViewCtrl (wxWidget) and the data
+// browser (Mac OS X)
-WX_DECLARE_HASH_MAP(DataBrowserItemID,unsigned long,wxIntegerHash,wxIntegerEqual,ItemIDRowNumberHashMap); // stores for each item ID the model's row number
class wxMacDataViewDataBrowserListViewControl : public wxMacDataBrowserListViewControl
// constructors / destructor
- wxMacDataViewDataBrowserListViewControl(wxWindow* peer, wxPoint const& pos, wxSize const& size, long style);
-// item ID and model matching
- void ClearItemIDRowPairs(void); // removes all ID row pairs
- bool DeleteItemIDRowPair(DataBrowserItemID itemID); // if the id has been removed, 'true' is returned, 'false' is returned if the id did not exist or another error occurred
- bool GetRowIndex(unsigned long& rowIndex, DataBrowserItemID itemID) const; // returns 'true' and the rowIndex if the id has been found in the map, otherwise 'false' is returned and rowIndex remains untouched
- bool InsertItemIDRowPair(DataBrowserItemID itemID, unsigned long rowIndex); // the pair will only be inserted if the item ID does not exist before the call
- void RenumberItemIDRowIndices (unsigned int* newIndices); // for each item ID - row index pair the row index is changed
- void RenumberItemIDRowIndicesDeletion (unsigned long decreaseFromIndex); // decreases all row indices by one that are equal or larger than 'decreaseFromIndex'
- void RenumberItemIDRowIndicesInsertion(unsigned long increaseFromIndex); // increases all row indices by one that are equal or larger than 'increaseFromIndex'
- void ReverseRowIndexNumbering(void); // reverses the order of the indices
+ wxMacDataViewDataBrowserListViewControl(wxWindow* peer, wxPoint const& pos, wxSize const& size, long style);
virtual OSStatus DataBrowserGetSetItemDataProc (DataBrowserItemID itemID, DataBrowserPropertyID property, DataBrowserItemDataRef itemData, Boolean getValue);
-// variables
- ItemIDRowNumberHashMap m_itemIDRowNumberMap; // contains for each data browser ID the corresponding line number in the model
typedef wxMacDataViewDataBrowserListViewControl* wxMacDataViewDataBrowserListViewControlPointer;