#include "wx/filesys.h"
#if defined(__WXMAC__)
- #include "wx/mac/private.h" // includes mac headers
+ #include "wx/mac/private.h" // includes mac headers
+#if defined(__DARWIN__)
+ #include "wx/mac/corefoundation/cfref.h"
+ #include <CoreFoundation/CFLocale.h>
+ #include "wx/mac/corefoundation/cfstring.h"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
size_t i = 0,
count = ms_languagesDB->GetCount();
-#if defined(__UNIX__) && !defined(__WXMAC__)
+#if defined(__UNIX__)
// first get the string identifying the language from the environment
wxString langFull;
+#ifdef __WXMAC__
+ // as at the C-runtime level many OS X versions only have a "C" locale, therefore we use the CFLocale (ICU based)
+ wxCFRef<CFLocaleRef> userLocaleRef(CFLocaleCopyCurrent());
+ // because the locale identifier (kCFLocaleIdentifier) is formatted a little bit differently, eg
+ // az_Cyrl_AZ@calendar=buddhist;currency=JPY we just recreate the base info as expected by wx here
+ CFTypeRef cfstr = CFLocaleGetValue(userLocaleRef, kCFLocaleLanguageCode);
+ wxMacCFStringHolder str(CFStringCreateCopy(NULL, static_cast<CFStringRef>(cfstr)));
+ langFull = str.AsString()+"_";
+ cfstr = CFLocaleGetValue(userLocaleRef, kCFLocaleCountryCode);
+ str.Assign(CFStringCreateCopy(NULL, static_cast<CFStringRef>(cfstr)));
+ langFull += str.AsString();
if (!wxGetEnv(wxT("LC_ALL"), &langFull) &&
!wxGetEnv(wxT("LC_MESSAGES"), &langFull) &&
!wxGetEnv(wxT("LANG"), &langFull))
// default C locale is English too
// the language string has the following form
-#elif defined(__WXMAC__)
- const wxChar * lc = NULL ;
- long lang = GetScriptVariable( smSystemScript, smScriptLang) ;
- switch( GetScriptManagerVariable( smRegionCode ) ) {
- case verUS :
- lc = wxT("en_US") ;
- break ;
- case verFrance :
- lc = wxT("fr_FR") ;
- break ;
- case verBritain :
- lc = wxT("en_GB") ;
- break ;
- case verGermany :
- lc = wxT("de_DE") ;
- break ;
- case verItaly :
- lc = wxT("it_IT") ;
- break ;
- case verNetherlands :
- lc = wxT("nl_NL") ;
- break ;
- case verFlemish :
- lc = wxT("nl_BE") ;
- break ;
- case verSweden :
- lc = wxT("sv_SE" );
- break ;
- case verSpain :
- lc = wxT("es_ES" );
- break ;
- case verDenmark :
- lc = wxT("da_DK") ;
- break ;
- case verPortugal :
- lc = wxT("pt_PT") ;
- break ;
- case verFrCanada:
- lc = wxT("fr_CA") ;
- break ;
- case verNorway:
- lc = wxT("nb_NO") ;
- break ;
- case verIsrael:
- lc = wxT("iw_IL") ;
- break ;
- case verJapan:
- lc = wxT("ja_JP") ;
- break ;
- case verAustralia:
- lc = wxT("en_AU") ;
- break ;
- case verArabic:
- lc = wxT("ar") ;
- break ;
- case verFinland:
- lc = wxT("fi_FI") ;
- break ;
- case verFrSwiss:
- lc = wxT("fr_CH") ;
- break ;
- case verGrSwiss:
- lc = wxT("de_CH") ;
- break ;
- case verGreece:
- lc = wxT("el_GR") ;
- break ;
- case verIceland:
- lc = wxT("is_IS") ;
- break ;
- case verMalta:
- lc = wxT("mt_MT") ;
- break ;
- case verCyprus:
- // _CY is not part of wx, so we have to translate according to the system language
- if ( lang == langGreek ) {
- lc = wxT("el_GR") ;
- }
- else if ( lang == langTurkish ) {
- lc = wxT("tr_TR") ;
- }
- break ;
- case verTurkey:
- lc = wxT("tr_TR") ;
- break ;
- case verYugoCroatian:
- lc = wxT("hr_HR") ;
- break ;
- case verIndiaHindi:
- lc = wxT("hi_IN") ;
- break ;
- case verPakistanUrdu:
- lc = wxT("ur_PK") ;
- break ;
- case verTurkishModified:
- lc = wxT("tr_TR") ;
- break ;
- case verItalianSwiss:
- lc = wxT("it_CH") ;
- break ;
- case verInternational:
- lc = wxT("en") ;
- break ;
- case verRomania:
- lc = wxT("ro_RO") ;
- break ;
- case verGreecePoly:
- lc = wxT("el_GR") ;
- break ;
- case verLithuania:
- lc = wxT("lt_LT") ;
- break ;
- case verPoland:
- lc = wxT("pl_PL") ;
- break ;
- case verMagyar :
- case verHungary:
- lc = wxT("hu_HU") ;
- break ;
- case verEstonia:
- lc = wxT("et_EE") ;
- break ;
- case verLatvia:
- lc = wxT("lv_LV") ;
- break ;
- case verSami:
- // not known
- break ;
- case verFaroeIsl:
- lc = wxT("fo_FO") ;
- break ;
- case verIran:
- lc = wxT("fa_IR") ;
- break ;
- case verRussia:
- lc = wxT("ru_RU") ;
- break ;
- case verIreland:
- lc = wxT("ga_IE") ;
- break ;
- case verKorea:
- lc = wxT("ko_KR") ;
- break ;
- case verChina:
- lc = wxT("zh_CN") ;
- break ;
- case verTaiwan:
- lc = wxT("zh_TW") ;
- break ;
- case verThailand:
- lc = wxT("th_TH") ;
- break ;
- case verCzech:
- lc = wxT("cs_CZ") ;
- break ;
- case verSlovak:
- lc = wxT("sk_SK") ;
- break ;
- case verBengali:
- lc = wxT("bn") ;
- break ;
- case verByeloRussian:
- lc = wxT("be_BY") ;
- break ;
- case verUkraine:
- lc = wxT("uk_UA") ;
- break ;
- case verGreeceAlt:
- lc = wxT("el_GR") ;
- break ;
- case verSerbian:
- lc = wxT("sr_YU") ;
- break ;
- case verSlovenian:
- lc = wxT("sl_SI") ;
- break ;
- case verMacedonian:
- lc = wxT("mk_MK") ;
- break ;
- case verCroatia:
- lc = wxT("hr_HR") ;
- break ;
- case verBrazil:
- lc = wxT("pt_BR ") ;
- break ;
- case verBulgaria:
- lc = wxT("bg_BG") ;
- break ;
- case verCatalonia:
- lc = wxT("ca_ES") ;
- break ;
- case verScottishGaelic:
- lc = wxT("gd") ;
- break ;
- case verManxGaelic:
- lc = wxT("gv") ;
- break ;
- case verBreton:
- lc = wxT("br") ;
- break ;
- case verNunavut:
- lc = wxT("iu_CA") ;
- break ;
- case verWelsh:
- lc = wxT("cy") ;
- break ;
- case verIrishGaelicScript:
- lc = wxT("ga_IE") ;
- break ;
- case verEngCanada:
- lc = wxT("en_CA") ;
- break ;
- case verBhutan:
- lc = wxT("dz_BT") ;
- break ;
- case verArmenian:
- lc = wxT("hy_AM") ;
- break ;
- case verGeorgian:
- lc = wxT("ka_GE") ;
- break ;
- case verSpLatinAmerica:
- lc = wxT("es_AR") ;
- break ;
- case verTonga:
- lc = wxT("to_TO" );
- break ;
- case verFrenchUniversal:
- lc = wxT("fr_FR") ;
- break ;
- case verAustria:
- lc = wxT("de_AT") ;
- break ;
- case verGujarati:
- lc = wxT("gu_IN") ;
- break ;
- case verPunjabi:
- lc = wxT("pa") ;
- break ;
- case verIndiaUrdu:
- lc = wxT("ur_IN") ;
- break ;
- case verVietnam:
- lc = wxT("vi_VN") ;
- break ;
- case verFrBelgium:
- lc = wxT("fr_BE") ;
- break ;
- case verUzbek:
- lc = wxT("uz_UZ") ;
- break ;
- case verSingapore:
- lc = wxT("zh_SG") ;
- break ;
- case verNynorsk:
- lc = wxT("nn_NO") ;
- break ;
- case verAfrikaans:
- lc = wxT("af_ZA") ;
- break ;
- case verEsperanto:
- lc = wxT("eo") ;
- break ;
- case verMarathi:
- lc = wxT("mr_IN") ;
- break ;
- case verTibetan:
- lc = wxT("bo") ;
- break ;
- case verNepal:
- lc = wxT("ne_NP") ;
- break ;
- case verGreenland:
- lc = wxT("kl_GL") ;
- break ;
- default :
- break ;
- }
- for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
- {
- if ( ms_languagesDB->Item(i).CanonicalName == lc )
- {
- break;
- }
- }
#elif defined(__WIN32__)
LCID lcid = GetUserDefaultLCID();
if ( lcid != 0 )
#elif defined(__WXMAC__)
TextEncoding encoding = 0 ;
encoding = CFStringGetSystemEncoding() ;
- UpgradeScriptInfoToTextEncoding ( smSystemScript , kTextLanguageDontCare , kTextRegionDontCare , NULL , &encoding ) ;
return wxMacGetFontEncFromSystemEnc( encoding ) ;
#elif defined(__UNIX_LIKE__) && wxUSE_FONTMAP
const wxString encname = GetSystemEncodingName();
// accessors for locale-dependent data
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#ifdef __WXMSW__
+#if defined(__WXMSW__)
/* static */
wxString wxLocale::GetInfo(wxLocaleInfo index, wxLocaleCategory WXUNUSED(cat))
return str;
-#else // !__WXMSW__
+#elif defined(__DARWIN__)
+/* static */
+wxString wxLocale::GetInfo(wxLocaleInfo index, wxLocaleCategory WXUNUSED(cat))
+ wxCFRef<CFLocaleRef> userLocaleRef(CFLocaleCopyCurrent());
+ CFTypeRef cfstr;
+ switch ( index )
+ {
+ cfstr = CFLocaleGetValue(userLocaleRef, kCFLocaleGroupingSeparator);
+ break;
+ cfstr = CFLocaleGetValue(userLocaleRef, kCFLocaleDecimalSeparator);
+ break;
+ default:
+ wxFAIL_MSG( "Unknown locale info" );
+ }
+ wxMacCFStringHolder
+ str(CFStringCreateCopy(NULL, static_cast<CFStringRef>(cfstr)));
+ return str.AsString();
+#else // !__WXMSW__ && !__DARWIN__
/* static */
wxString wxLocale::GetInfo(wxLocaleInfo index, wxLocaleCategory cat)
-#endif // __WXMSW__/!__WXMSW__
+#endif // platform
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// global functions and variables