- // Helper functions for Motif
- void CreateScrollbar(int orientation);
- void DestroyScrollbar(int orientation);
- virtual void SetScrollPos(int orient, int pos, bool refresh = TRUE);
- virtual int GetScrollPos(int orient) const;
- virtual int GetScrollRange(int orient) const;
- virtual int GetScrollThumb(int orient) const;
- virtual void ScrollWindow(int dx, int dy, const wxRect *rect = NULL);
- // Caret manipulation
- virtual void CreateCaret(int w, int h);
- virtual void CreateCaret(const wxBitmap *bitmap);
- virtual void DestroyCaret();
- virtual void ShowCaret(bool show);
- virtual void SetCaretPos(int x, int y);
- virtual void GetCaretPos(int *x, int *y) const;
- // Tell window how much it can be sized
- virtual void SetSizeHints(int minW = -1, int minH = -1, int maxW = -1, int maxH = -1, int incW = -1, int incH = -1);
- // Set/get the window's identifier
- inline int GetId() const;
- inline void SetId(int id);
- virtual void SetAcceleratorTable(const wxAcceleratorTable& accel);
- virtual wxAcceleratorTable& GetAcceleratorTable() const { return (wxAcceleratorTable&) m_acceleratorTable; }
- // Make the window modal (all other windows unresponsive)
- virtual void MakeModal(bool modal);
- // Get the private handle (platform-dependent)
- inline void *GetHandle() const;
- // Set/get the window's relatives
- inline wxWindow *GetParent() const;
- inline void SetParent(wxWindow *p) ;
- inline wxWindow *GetGrandParent() const;
- inline wxList& GetChildren() const;
- // Reparents this window to have the new parent.
- virtual bool Reparent(wxWindow* parent);
- // Set/get the window's font
- virtual void SetFont(const wxFont& f);
- virtual wxFont& GetFont() const;
- // Set/get the window's validator
- void SetValidator(const wxValidator& validator);
- inline wxValidator *GetValidator() const;
- virtual void SetClientObject( wxClientData *data );
- virtual wxClientData *GetClientObject();
- virtual void SetClientData( void *data );
- virtual void *GetClientData();
- // Set/get the window's style
- inline void SetWindowStyleFlag(long flag);
- inline long GetWindowStyleFlag() const;
- // Handle a control command
- virtual void OnCommand(wxWindow& win, wxCommandEvent& event);
- // Set/get event handler
- inline void SetEventHandler(wxEvtHandler *handler);
- inline wxEvtHandler *GetEventHandler() const;
- // Push/pop event handler (i.e. allow a chain of event handlers
- // be searched)
- void PushEventHandler(wxEvtHandler *handler) ;
- wxEvtHandler *PopEventHandler(bool deleteHandler = FALSE) ;
- // Close the window by calling OnClose, posting a deletion
- virtual bool Close(bool force = FALSE);
- // Destroy the window (delayed, if a managed window)
- virtual bool Destroy() ;
- // Mode for telling default OnSize members to
- // call Layout(), if not using Sizers, just top-down constraints
- inline void SetAutoLayout(bool a);
- inline bool GetAutoLayout() const;
- // Set/get constraints
- inline wxLayoutConstraints *GetConstraints() const;
- void SetConstraints(wxLayoutConstraints *c);
- // Set/get window background colour
- virtual void SetBackgroundColour(const wxColour& col);
- virtual wxColour GetBackgroundColour() const;