+ It is designed to allow the creation of multiple backends for each port,
+ although currently just one is available. It differs from wxHtmlWindow in
+ that each backend is actually a full rendering engine, Trident on MSW and
+ Webkit on OSX and GTK. This allows the correct viewing complex pages with
+ javascript and css.
+ @section descriptions Backend Descriptions
+ The IE backend uses Microsoft's Trident rendering engine, specifically the
+ version used by the locally installed copy of Internet Explorer. As such it
+ is only available for the MSW port. By default recent versions of the
+ <a href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa752085%28v=VS.85%29.aspx">WebBrowser</a>
+ control, which this backend uses, emulate Internet Explorer 7. This can be
+ changed with a registry setting, see
+ <a href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee330730%28v=vs.85%29.aspx#browser_emulation">
+ this</a> article for more information. This backend has full support for
+ custom schemes and virtual file systems.
+ Under GTK the WebKit backend uses
+ <a href="http://webkitgtk.org/">WebKitGTK+</a>. The current minimum version
+ required is 1.3.1 which ships by default with Ubuntu Natty and Debian
+ Wheezy and has the package name libwebkitgtk-dev. Custom schemes and
+ virtual files systems are supported under this backend, however embedded
+ resources such as images and stylesheets are currently loaded using the
+ data:// scheme.
+ The OSX WebKit backend uses Apple's
+ <a href="http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Cocoa/Reference/WebKit/Classes/WebView_Class/Reference/Reference.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/20001903">WebView</a>
+ class. This backend has full support for custom schemes and virtual file
+ systems.
+ @section async Asynchronous Notifications
+ Many of the methods in wxWebView are asynchronous, i.e. they return
+ immediately and perform their work in the background. This includes
+ functions such as LoadURL() and Reload(). To receive notification of the
+ progress and completion of these functions you need to handle the events
+ that are provided. Specifically @c wxEVT_WEBVIEW_LOADED notifies
+ when the page or a sub-frame has finished loading and
+ @c wxEVT_WEBVIEW_ERROR notifies that an error has occurred.
+ @section vfs Virtual File Systems and Custom Schemes
+ wxWebView supports the registering of custom scheme handlers, for example
+ @c file or @c http. To do this create a new class which inherits from
+ wxWebViewHandler, where wxWebHandler::GetFile() returns a pointer to a
+ wxFSFile which represents the given url. You can then register your handler
+ with RegisterHandler() it will be called for all pages and resources.
+ wxWebViewFSHandler is provided to access the virtual file system encapsulated by
+ wxFileSystem. The wxMemoryFSHandler documentation gives an example of how this
+ may be used.
+ wxWebViewArchiveHandler is provided to allow the navigation of pages inside a zip
+ archive. It supports paths of the form:
+ @c scheme:///C:/example/docs.zip;protocol=zip/main.htm
+ @beginEventEmissionTable{wxWebViewEvent}
+ @event{EVT_WEBVIEW_NAVIGATING(id, func)}
+ Process a @c wxEVT_WEBVIEW_NAVIGATING event, generated before trying