-# This file was created automatically by SWIG.
+# This file was created automatically by SWIG 1.3.29.
# Don't modify this file, modify the SWIG interface instead.
-import _stc
+The `StyledTextCtrl` provides a text editor that can used as a syntax
+highlighting source code editor, or similar. Lexers for several programming
+languages are built-in.
-import core
-import misc
-wx = core
+import _stc
+import new
+new_instancemethod = new.instancemethod
+def _swig_setattr_nondynamic(self,class_type,name,value,static=1):
+ if (name == "thisown"): return self.this.own(value)
+ if (name == "this"):
+ if type(value).__name__ == 'PySwigObject':
+ self.__dict__[name] = value
+ return
+ method = class_type.__swig_setmethods__.get(name,None)
+ if method: return method(self,value)
+ if (not static) or hasattr(self,name):
+ self.__dict__[name] = value
+ else:
+ raise AttributeError("You cannot add attributes to %s" % self)
+def _swig_setattr(self,class_type,name,value):
+ return _swig_setattr_nondynamic(self,class_type,name,value,0)
+def _swig_getattr(self,class_type,name):
+ if (name == "thisown"): return self.this.own()
+ method = class_type.__swig_getmethods__.get(name,None)
+ if method: return method(self)
+ raise AttributeError,name
+def _swig_repr(self):
+ try: strthis = "proxy of " + self.this.__repr__()
+ except: strthis = ""
+ return "<%s.%s; %s >" % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, strthis,)
+import types
+ _object = types.ObjectType
+ _newclass = 1
+except AttributeError:
+ class _object : pass
+ _newclass = 0
+del types
+def _swig_setattr_nondynamic_method(set):
+ def set_attr(self,name,value):
+ if (name == "thisown"): return self.this.own(value)
+ if hasattr(self,name) or (name == "this"):
+ set(self,name,value)
+ else:
+ raise AttributeError("You cannot add attributes to %s" % self)
+ return set_attr
+import _core
+import _misc
+wx = _core
+__docfilter__ = wx.__DocFilter(globals())
+STC_CHARSET_8859_15 = _stc.STC_CHARSET_8859_15
+STC_T3_USER1 = _stc.STC_T3_USER1
+STC_T3_USER2 = _stc.STC_T3_USER2
+STC_T3_USER3 = _stc.STC_T3_USER3
-class StyledTextCtrl(core.Control):
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<%s.%s; proxy of C++ wxStyledTextCtrl instance at %s>" % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, self.this,)
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- __init__(Window parent, int id, Point pos=DefaultPosition, Size size=DefaultSize,
- long style=0, String name=STCNameStr) -> StyledTextCtrl
- """
- newobj = _stc.new_StyledTextCtrl(*args, **kwargs)
- self.this = newobj.this
- self.thisown = 1
- del newobj.thisown
+class StyledTextCtrl(_core.Control):
+ """Proxy of C++ StyledTextCtrl class"""
+ thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag')
+ __repr__ = _swig_repr
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ __init__(self, Window parent, int id=ID_ANY, Point pos=DefaultPosition,
+ Size size=DefaultSize, long style=0, String name=STCNameStr) -> StyledTextCtrl
+ """
+ _stc.StyledTextCtrl_swiginit(self,_stc.new_StyledTextCtrl(*args, **kwargs))
def Create(*args, **kwargs):
- Create(Window parent, int id, Point pos=DefaultPosition, Size size=DefaultSize,
- long style=0, String name=wxSTCNameStr)
+ Create(self, Window parent, int id=ID_ANY, Point pos=DefaultPosition,
+ Size size=DefaultSize, long style=0, String name=wxSTCNameStr) -> bool
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_Create(*args, **kwargs)
def AddText(*args, **kwargs):
- """AddText(String text)"""
+ """
+ AddText(self, String text)
+ Add text to the document at current position.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_AddText(*args, **kwargs)
def AddStyledText(*args, **kwargs):
- """AddStyledText(wxMemoryBuffer data)"""
+ """
+ AddStyledText(self, wxMemoryBuffer data)
+ Add array of cells to document.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_AddStyledText(*args, **kwargs)
def InsertText(*args, **kwargs):
- """InsertText(int pos, String text)"""
+ """
+ InsertText(self, int pos, String text)
+ Insert string at a position.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_InsertText(*args, **kwargs)
def ClearAll(*args, **kwargs):
- """ClearAll()"""
+ """
+ ClearAll(self)
+ Delete all text in the document.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_ClearAll(*args, **kwargs)
def ClearDocumentStyle(*args, **kwargs):
- """ClearDocumentStyle()"""
+ """
+ ClearDocumentStyle(self)
+ Set all style bytes to 0, remove all folding information.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_ClearDocumentStyle(*args, **kwargs)
def GetLength(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetLength() -> int"""
+ """
+ GetLength(self) -> int
+ Returns the number of characters in the document.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetLength(*args, **kwargs)
def GetCharAt(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetCharAt(int pos) -> int"""
+ """
+ GetCharAt(self, int pos) -> int
+ Returns the character byte at the position.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetCharAt(*args, **kwargs)
def GetCurrentPos(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetCurrentPos() -> int"""
+ """
+ GetCurrentPos(self) -> int
+ Returns the position of the caret.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetCurrentPos(*args, **kwargs)
def GetAnchor(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetAnchor() -> int"""
+ """
+ GetAnchor(self) -> int
+ Returns the position of the opposite end of the selection to the caret.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetAnchor(*args, **kwargs)
def GetStyleAt(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetStyleAt(int pos) -> int"""
+ """
+ GetStyleAt(self, int pos) -> int
+ Returns the style byte at the position.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetStyleAt(*args, **kwargs)
def Redo(*args, **kwargs):
- """Redo()"""
+ """
+ Redo(self)
+ Redoes the next action on the undo history.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_Redo(*args, **kwargs)
def SetUndoCollection(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetUndoCollection(bool collectUndo)"""
+ """
+ SetUndoCollection(self, bool collectUndo)
+ Choose between collecting actions into the undo
+ history and discarding them.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetUndoCollection(*args, **kwargs)
def SelectAll(*args, **kwargs):
- """SelectAll()"""
+ """
+ SelectAll(self)
+ Select all the text in the document.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SelectAll(*args, **kwargs)
def SetSavePoint(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetSavePoint()"""
+ """
+ SetSavePoint(self)
+ Remember the current position in the undo history as the position
+ at which the document was saved.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetSavePoint(*args, **kwargs)
def GetStyledText(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetStyledText(int startPos, int endPos) -> wxMemoryBuffer"""
+ """
+ GetStyledText(self, int startPos, int endPos) -> wxMemoryBuffer
+ Retrieve a buffer of cells.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetStyledText(*args, **kwargs)
def CanRedo(*args, **kwargs):
- """CanRedo() -> bool"""
+ """
+ CanRedo(self) -> bool
+ Are there any redoable actions in the undo history?
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_CanRedo(*args, **kwargs)
def MarkerLineFromHandle(*args, **kwargs):
- """MarkerLineFromHandle(int handle) -> int"""
+ """
+ MarkerLineFromHandle(self, int handle) -> int
+ Retrieve the line number at which a particular marker is located.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_MarkerLineFromHandle(*args, **kwargs)
def MarkerDeleteHandle(*args, **kwargs):
- """MarkerDeleteHandle(int handle)"""
+ """
+ MarkerDeleteHandle(self, int handle)
+ Delete a marker.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_MarkerDeleteHandle(*args, **kwargs)
def GetUndoCollection(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetUndoCollection() -> bool"""
+ """
+ GetUndoCollection(self) -> bool
+ Is undo history being collected?
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetUndoCollection(*args, **kwargs)
def GetViewWhiteSpace(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetViewWhiteSpace() -> int"""
+ """
+ GetViewWhiteSpace(self) -> int
+ Are white space characters currently visible?
+ Returns one of SCWS_* constants.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetViewWhiteSpace(*args, **kwargs)
def SetViewWhiteSpace(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetViewWhiteSpace(int viewWS)"""
+ """
+ SetViewWhiteSpace(self, int viewWS)
+ Make white space characters invisible, always visible or visible outside indentation.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetViewWhiteSpace(*args, **kwargs)
def PositionFromPoint(*args, **kwargs):
- """PositionFromPoint(Point pt) -> int"""
+ """
+ PositionFromPoint(self, Point pt) -> int
+ Find the position from a point within the window.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_PositionFromPoint(*args, **kwargs)
def PositionFromPointClose(*args, **kwargs):
- """PositionFromPointClose(int x, int y) -> int"""
+ """
+ PositionFromPointClose(self, int x, int y) -> int
+ Find the position from a point within the window but return
+ INVALID_POSITION if not close to text.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_PositionFromPointClose(*args, **kwargs)
def GotoLine(*args, **kwargs):
- """GotoLine(int line)"""
+ """
+ GotoLine(self, int line)
+ Set caret to start of a line and ensure it is visible.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GotoLine(*args, **kwargs)
def GotoPos(*args, **kwargs):
- """GotoPos(int pos)"""
+ """
+ GotoPos(self, int pos)
+ Set caret to a position and ensure it is visible.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GotoPos(*args, **kwargs)
def SetAnchor(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetAnchor(int posAnchor)"""
+ """
+ SetAnchor(self, int posAnchor)
+ Set the selection anchor to a position. The anchor is the opposite
+ end of the selection from the caret.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetAnchor(*args, **kwargs)
def GetCurLine(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetCurLine(int OUTPUT) -> String"""
+ """
+ GetCurLine(self) -> (text, pos)
+ Retrieve the text of the line containing the caret, and also theindex
+ of the caret on the line.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetCurLine(*args, **kwargs)
def GetEndStyled(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetEndStyled() -> int"""
+ """
+ GetEndStyled(self) -> int
+ Retrieve the position of the last correctly styled character.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetEndStyled(*args, **kwargs)
def ConvertEOLs(*args, **kwargs):
- """ConvertEOLs(int eolMode)"""
+ """
+ ConvertEOLs(self, int eolMode)
+ Convert all line endings in the document to one mode.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_ConvertEOLs(*args, **kwargs)
def GetEOLMode(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetEOLMode() -> int"""
+ """
+ GetEOLMode(self) -> int
+ Retrieve the current end of line mode - one of CRLF, CR, or LF.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetEOLMode(*args, **kwargs)
def SetEOLMode(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetEOLMode(int eolMode)"""
+ """
+ SetEOLMode(self, int eolMode)
+ Set the current end of line mode.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetEOLMode(*args, **kwargs)
def StartStyling(*args, **kwargs):
- """StartStyling(int pos, int mask)"""
+ """
+ StartStyling(self, int pos, int mask)
+ Set the current styling position to pos and the styling mask to mask.
+ The styling mask can be used to protect some bits in each styling byte from modification.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_StartStyling(*args, **kwargs)
def SetStyling(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetStyling(int length, int style)"""
+ """
+ SetStyling(self, int length, int style)
+ Change style from current styling position for length characters to a style
+ and move the current styling position to after this newly styled segment.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetStyling(*args, **kwargs)
def GetBufferedDraw(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetBufferedDraw() -> bool"""
+ """
+ GetBufferedDraw(self) -> bool
+ Is drawing done first into a buffer or direct to the screen?
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetBufferedDraw(*args, **kwargs)
def SetBufferedDraw(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetBufferedDraw(bool buffered)"""
+ """
+ SetBufferedDraw(self, bool buffered)
+ If drawing is buffered then each line of text is drawn into a bitmap buffer
+ before drawing it to the screen to avoid flicker.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetBufferedDraw(*args, **kwargs)
def SetTabWidth(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetTabWidth(int tabWidth)"""
+ """
+ SetTabWidth(self, int tabWidth)
+ Change the visible size of a tab to be a multiple of the width of a space character.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetTabWidth(*args, **kwargs)
def GetTabWidth(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetTabWidth() -> int"""
+ """
+ GetTabWidth(self) -> int
+ Retrieve the visible size of a tab.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetTabWidth(*args, **kwargs)
def SetCodePage(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetCodePage(int codePage)"""
+ """
+ SetCodePage(self, int codePage)
+ Set the code page used to interpret the bytes of the document as characters.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetCodePage(*args, **kwargs)
def MarkerDefine(*args, **kwargs):
- MarkerDefine(int markerNumber, int markerSymbol, Colour foreground=wxNullColour,
+ MarkerDefine(self, int markerNumber, int markerSymbol, Colour foreground=wxNullColour,
Colour background=wxNullColour)
+ Set the symbol used for a particular marker number,
+ and optionally the fore and background colours.
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_MarkerDefine(*args, **kwargs)
def MarkerSetForeground(*args, **kwargs):
- """MarkerSetForeground(int markerNumber, Colour fore)"""
+ """
+ MarkerSetForeground(self, int markerNumber, Colour fore)
+ Set the foreground colour used for a particular marker number.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_MarkerSetForeground(*args, **kwargs)
def MarkerSetBackground(*args, **kwargs):
- """MarkerSetBackground(int markerNumber, Colour back)"""
+ """
+ MarkerSetBackground(self, int markerNumber, Colour back)
+ Set the background colour used for a particular marker number.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_MarkerSetBackground(*args, **kwargs)
def MarkerAdd(*args, **kwargs):
- """MarkerAdd(int line, int markerNumber) -> int"""
+ """
+ MarkerAdd(self, int line, int markerNumber) -> int
+ Add a marker to a line, returning an ID which can be used to find or delete the marker.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_MarkerAdd(*args, **kwargs)
def MarkerDelete(*args, **kwargs):
- """MarkerDelete(int line, int markerNumber)"""
+ """
+ MarkerDelete(self, int line, int markerNumber)
+ Delete a marker from a line.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_MarkerDelete(*args, **kwargs)
def MarkerDeleteAll(*args, **kwargs):
- """MarkerDeleteAll(int markerNumber)"""
+ """
+ MarkerDeleteAll(self, int markerNumber)
+ Delete all markers with a particular number from all lines.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_MarkerDeleteAll(*args, **kwargs)
def MarkerGet(*args, **kwargs):
- """MarkerGet(int line) -> int"""
+ """
+ MarkerGet(self, int line) -> int
+ Get a bit mask of all the markers set on a line.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_MarkerGet(*args, **kwargs)
def MarkerNext(*args, **kwargs):
- """MarkerNext(int lineStart, int markerMask) -> int"""
+ """
+ MarkerNext(self, int lineStart, int markerMask) -> int
+ Find the next line after lineStart that includes a marker in mask.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_MarkerNext(*args, **kwargs)
def MarkerPrevious(*args, **kwargs):
- """MarkerPrevious(int lineStart, int markerMask) -> int"""
+ """
+ MarkerPrevious(self, int lineStart, int markerMask) -> int
+ Find the previous line before lineStart that includes a marker in mask.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_MarkerPrevious(*args, **kwargs)
def MarkerDefineBitmap(*args, **kwargs):
- """MarkerDefineBitmap(int markerNumber, Bitmap bmp)"""
+ """
+ MarkerDefineBitmap(self, int markerNumber, Bitmap bmp)
+ Define a marker from a bitmap
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_MarkerDefineBitmap(*args, **kwargs)
+ def MarkerAddSet(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ MarkerAddSet(self, int line, int set)
+ Add a set of markers to a line.
+ """
+ return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_MarkerAddSet(*args, **kwargs)
+ def MarkerSetAlpha(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ MarkerSetAlpha(self, int markerNumber, int alpha)
+ Set the alpha used for a marker that is drawn in the text area, not the margin.
+ """
+ return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_MarkerSetAlpha(*args, **kwargs)
def SetMarginType(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetMarginType(int margin, int marginType)"""
+ """
+ SetMarginType(self, int margin, int marginType)
+ Set a margin to be either numeric or symbolic.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetMarginType(*args, **kwargs)
def GetMarginType(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetMarginType(int margin) -> int"""
+ """
+ GetMarginType(self, int margin) -> int
+ Retrieve the type of a margin.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetMarginType(*args, **kwargs)
def SetMarginWidth(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetMarginWidth(int margin, int pixelWidth)"""
+ """
+ SetMarginWidth(self, int margin, int pixelWidth)
+ Set the width of a margin to a width expressed in pixels.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetMarginWidth(*args, **kwargs)
def GetMarginWidth(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetMarginWidth(int margin) -> int"""
+ """
+ GetMarginWidth(self, int margin) -> int
+ Retrieve the width of a margin in pixels.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetMarginWidth(*args, **kwargs)
def SetMarginMask(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetMarginMask(int margin, int mask)"""
+ """
+ SetMarginMask(self, int margin, int mask)
+ Set a mask that determines which markers are displayed in a margin.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetMarginMask(*args, **kwargs)
def GetMarginMask(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetMarginMask(int margin) -> int"""
+ """
+ GetMarginMask(self, int margin) -> int
+ Retrieve the marker mask of a margin.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetMarginMask(*args, **kwargs)
def SetMarginSensitive(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetMarginSensitive(int margin, bool sensitive)"""
+ """
+ SetMarginSensitive(self, int margin, bool sensitive)
+ Make a margin sensitive or insensitive to mouse clicks.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetMarginSensitive(*args, **kwargs)
def GetMarginSensitive(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetMarginSensitive(int margin) -> bool"""
+ """
+ GetMarginSensitive(self, int margin) -> bool
+ Retrieve the mouse click sensitivity of a margin.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetMarginSensitive(*args, **kwargs)
def StyleClearAll(*args, **kwargs):
- """StyleClearAll()"""
+ """
+ StyleClearAll(self)
+ Clear all the styles and make equivalent to the global default style.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_StyleClearAll(*args, **kwargs)
def StyleSetForeground(*args, **kwargs):
- """StyleSetForeground(int style, Colour fore)"""
+ """
+ StyleSetForeground(self, int style, Colour fore)
+ Set the foreground colour of a style.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_StyleSetForeground(*args, **kwargs)
def StyleSetBackground(*args, **kwargs):
- """StyleSetBackground(int style, Colour back)"""
+ """
+ StyleSetBackground(self, int style, Colour back)
+ Set the background colour of a style.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_StyleSetBackground(*args, **kwargs)
def StyleSetBold(*args, **kwargs):
- """StyleSetBold(int style, bool bold)"""
+ """
+ StyleSetBold(self, int style, bool bold)
+ Set a style to be bold or not.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_StyleSetBold(*args, **kwargs)
def StyleSetItalic(*args, **kwargs):
- """StyleSetItalic(int style, bool italic)"""
+ """
+ StyleSetItalic(self, int style, bool italic)
+ Set a style to be italic or not.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_StyleSetItalic(*args, **kwargs)
def StyleSetSize(*args, **kwargs):
- """StyleSetSize(int style, int sizePoints)"""
+ """
+ StyleSetSize(self, int style, int sizePoints)
+ Set the size of characters of a style.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_StyleSetSize(*args, **kwargs)
def StyleSetFaceName(*args, **kwargs):
- """StyleSetFaceName(int style, String fontName)"""
+ """
+ StyleSetFaceName(self, int style, String fontName)
+ Set the font of a style.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_StyleSetFaceName(*args, **kwargs)
def StyleSetEOLFilled(*args, **kwargs):
- """StyleSetEOLFilled(int style, bool filled)"""
+ """
+ StyleSetEOLFilled(self, int style, bool filled)
+ Set a style to have its end of line filled or not.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_StyleSetEOLFilled(*args, **kwargs)
def StyleResetDefault(*args, **kwargs):
- """StyleResetDefault()"""
+ """
+ StyleResetDefault(self)
+ Reset the default style to its state at startup
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_StyleResetDefault(*args, **kwargs)
def StyleSetUnderline(*args, **kwargs):
- """StyleSetUnderline(int style, bool underline)"""
+ """
+ StyleSetUnderline(self, int style, bool underline)
+ Set a style to be underlined or not.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_StyleSetUnderline(*args, **kwargs)
def StyleSetCase(*args, **kwargs):
- """StyleSetCase(int style, int caseForce)"""
- return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_StyleSetCase(*args, **kwargs)
+ """
+ StyleSetCase(self, int style, int caseForce)
- def StyleSetCharacterSet(*args, **kwargs):
- """StyleSetCharacterSet(int style, int characterSet)"""
- return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_StyleSetCharacterSet(*args, **kwargs)
+ Set a style to be mixed case, or to force upper or lower case.
+ """
+ return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_StyleSetCase(*args, **kwargs)
def StyleSetHotSpot(*args, **kwargs):
- """StyleSetHotSpot(int style, bool hotspot)"""
+ """
+ StyleSetHotSpot(self, int style, bool hotspot)
+ Set a style to be a hotspot or not.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_StyleSetHotSpot(*args, **kwargs)
def SetSelForeground(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetSelForeground(bool useSetting, Colour fore)"""
+ """
+ SetSelForeground(self, bool useSetting, Colour fore)
+ Set the foreground colour of the selection and whether to use this setting.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetSelForeground(*args, **kwargs)
def SetSelBackground(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetSelBackground(bool useSetting, Colour back)"""
+ """
+ SetSelBackground(self, bool useSetting, Colour back)
+ Set the background colour of the selection and whether to use this setting.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetSelBackground(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetSelAlpha(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetSelAlpha(self) -> int
+ Get the alpha of the selection.
+ """
+ return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetSelAlpha(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetSelAlpha(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ SetSelAlpha(self, int alpha)
+ Set the alpha of the selection.
+ """
+ return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetSelAlpha(*args, **kwargs)
def SetCaretForeground(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetCaretForeground(Colour fore)"""
+ """
+ SetCaretForeground(self, Colour fore)
+ Set the foreground colour of the caret.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetCaretForeground(*args, **kwargs)
def CmdKeyAssign(*args, **kwargs):
- """CmdKeyAssign(int key, int modifiers, int cmd)"""
+ """
+ CmdKeyAssign(self, int key, int modifiers, int cmd)
+ When key+modifier combination km is pressed perform msg.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_CmdKeyAssign(*args, **kwargs)
def CmdKeyClear(*args, **kwargs):
- """CmdKeyClear(int key, int modifiers)"""
+ """
+ CmdKeyClear(self, int key, int modifiers)
+ When key+modifier combination km is pressed do nothing.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_CmdKeyClear(*args, **kwargs)
def CmdKeyClearAll(*args, **kwargs):
- """CmdKeyClearAll()"""
+ """
+ CmdKeyClearAll(self)
+ Drop all key mappings.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_CmdKeyClearAll(*args, **kwargs)
def SetStyleBytes(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetStyleBytes(int length, char styleBytes)"""
+ """
+ SetStyleBytes(self, int length, char styleBytes)
+ Set the styles for a segment of the document.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetStyleBytes(*args, **kwargs)
def StyleSetVisible(*args, **kwargs):
- """StyleSetVisible(int style, bool visible)"""
+ """
+ StyleSetVisible(self, int style, bool visible)
+ Set a style to be visible or not.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_StyleSetVisible(*args, **kwargs)
def GetCaretPeriod(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetCaretPeriod() -> int"""
+ """
+ GetCaretPeriod(self) -> int
+ Get the time in milliseconds that the caret is on and off.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetCaretPeriod(*args, **kwargs)
def SetCaretPeriod(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetCaretPeriod(int periodMilliseconds)"""
+ """
+ SetCaretPeriod(self, int periodMilliseconds)
+ Get the time in milliseconds that the caret is on and off. 0 = steady on.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetCaretPeriod(*args, **kwargs)
def SetWordChars(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetWordChars(String characters)"""
- return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetWordChars(*args, **kwargs)
+ """
+ SetWordChars(self, String characters)
+ Set the set of characters making up words for when moving or selecting by word.
+ First sets deaults like SetCharsDefault.
+ """
+ return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetWordChars(*args, **kwargs)
def BeginUndoAction(*args, **kwargs):
- """BeginUndoAction()"""
+ """
+ BeginUndoAction(self)
+ Start a sequence of actions that is undone and redone as a unit.
+ May be nested.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_BeginUndoAction(*args, **kwargs)
def EndUndoAction(*args, **kwargs):
- """EndUndoAction()"""
+ """
+ EndUndoAction(self)
+ End a sequence of actions that is undone and redone as a unit.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_EndUndoAction(*args, **kwargs)
def IndicatorSetStyle(*args, **kwargs):
- """IndicatorSetStyle(int indic, int style)"""
+ """
+ IndicatorSetStyle(self, int indic, int style)
+ Set an indicator to plain, squiggle or TT.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_IndicatorSetStyle(*args, **kwargs)
def IndicatorGetStyle(*args, **kwargs):
- """IndicatorGetStyle(int indic) -> int"""
+ """
+ IndicatorGetStyle(self, int indic) -> int
+ Retrieve the style of an indicator.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_IndicatorGetStyle(*args, **kwargs)
def IndicatorSetForeground(*args, **kwargs):
- """IndicatorSetForeground(int indic, Colour fore)"""
+ """
+ IndicatorSetForeground(self, int indic, Colour fore)
+ Set the foreground colour of an indicator.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_IndicatorSetForeground(*args, **kwargs)
def IndicatorGetForeground(*args, **kwargs):
- """IndicatorGetForeground(int indic) -> Colour"""
+ """
+ IndicatorGetForeground(self, int indic) -> Colour
+ Retrieve the foreground colour of an indicator.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_IndicatorGetForeground(*args, **kwargs)
def SetWhitespaceForeground(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetWhitespaceForeground(bool useSetting, Colour fore)"""
+ """
+ SetWhitespaceForeground(self, bool useSetting, Colour fore)
+ Set the foreground colour of all whitespace and whether to use this setting.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetWhitespaceForeground(*args, **kwargs)
def SetWhitespaceBackground(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetWhitespaceBackground(bool useSetting, Colour back)"""
+ """
+ SetWhitespaceBackground(self, bool useSetting, Colour back)
+ Set the background colour of all whitespace and whether to use this setting.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetWhitespaceBackground(*args, **kwargs)
def SetStyleBits(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetStyleBits(int bits)"""
+ """
+ SetStyleBits(self, int bits)
+ Divide each styling byte into lexical class bits (default: 5) and indicator
+ bits (default: 3). If a lexer requires more than 32 lexical states, then this
+ is used to expand the possible states.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetStyleBits(*args, **kwargs)
def GetStyleBits(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetStyleBits() -> int"""
+ """
+ GetStyleBits(self) -> int
+ Retrieve number of bits in style bytes used to hold the lexical state.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetStyleBits(*args, **kwargs)
def SetLineState(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetLineState(int line, int state)"""
+ """
+ SetLineState(self, int line, int state)
+ Used to hold extra styling information for each line.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetLineState(*args, **kwargs)
def GetLineState(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetLineState(int line) -> int"""
+ """
+ GetLineState(self, int line) -> int
+ Retrieve the extra styling information for a line.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetLineState(*args, **kwargs)
def GetMaxLineState(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetMaxLineState() -> int"""
+ """
+ GetMaxLineState(self) -> int
+ Retrieve the last line number that has line state.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetMaxLineState(*args, **kwargs)
def GetCaretLineVisible(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetCaretLineVisible() -> bool"""
+ """
+ GetCaretLineVisible(self) -> bool
+ Is the background of the line containing the caret in a different colour?
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetCaretLineVisible(*args, **kwargs)
def SetCaretLineVisible(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetCaretLineVisible(bool show)"""
+ """
+ SetCaretLineVisible(self, bool show)
+ Display the background of the line containing the caret in a different colour.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetCaretLineVisible(*args, **kwargs)
- def GetCaretLineBack(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetCaretLineBack() -> Colour"""
- return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetCaretLineBack(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetCaretLineBackground(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetCaretLineBackground(self) -> Colour
- def SetCaretLineBack(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetCaretLineBack(Colour back)"""
- return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetCaretLineBack(*args, **kwargs)
+ Get the colour of the background of the line containing the caret.
+ """
+ return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetCaretLineBackground(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetCaretLineBackground(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ SetCaretLineBackground(self, Colour back)
+ Set the colour of the background of the line containing the caret.
+ """
+ return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetCaretLineBackground(*args, **kwargs)
def StyleSetChangeable(*args, **kwargs):
- """StyleSetChangeable(int style, bool changeable)"""
+ """
+ StyleSetChangeable(self, int style, bool changeable)
+ Set a style to be changeable or not (read only).
+ Experimental feature, currently buggy.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_StyleSetChangeable(*args, **kwargs)
def AutoCompShow(*args, **kwargs):
- """AutoCompShow(int lenEntered, String itemList)"""
+ """
+ AutoCompShow(self, int lenEntered, String itemList)
+ Display a auto-completion list.
+ The lenEntered parameter indicates how many characters before
+ the caret should be used to provide context.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_AutoCompShow(*args, **kwargs)
def AutoCompCancel(*args, **kwargs):
- """AutoCompCancel()"""
+ """
+ AutoCompCancel(self)
+ Remove the auto-completion list from the screen.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_AutoCompCancel(*args, **kwargs)
def AutoCompActive(*args, **kwargs):
- """AutoCompActive() -> bool"""
+ """
+ AutoCompActive(self) -> bool
+ Is there an auto-completion list visible?
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_AutoCompActive(*args, **kwargs)
def AutoCompPosStart(*args, **kwargs):
- """AutoCompPosStart() -> int"""
+ """
+ AutoCompPosStart(self) -> int
+ Retrieve the position of the caret when the auto-completion list was displayed.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_AutoCompPosStart(*args, **kwargs)
def AutoCompComplete(*args, **kwargs):
- """AutoCompComplete()"""
+ """
+ AutoCompComplete(self)
+ User has selected an item so remove the list and insert the selection.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_AutoCompComplete(*args, **kwargs)
def AutoCompStops(*args, **kwargs):
- """AutoCompStops(String characterSet)"""
+ """
+ AutoCompStops(self, String characterSet)
+ Define a set of character that when typed cancel the auto-completion list.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_AutoCompStops(*args, **kwargs)
def AutoCompSetSeparator(*args, **kwargs):
- """AutoCompSetSeparator(int separatorCharacter)"""
+ """
+ AutoCompSetSeparator(self, int separatorCharacter)
+ Change the separator character in the string setting up an auto-completion list.
+ Default is space but can be changed if items contain space.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_AutoCompSetSeparator(*args, **kwargs)
def AutoCompGetSeparator(*args, **kwargs):
- """AutoCompGetSeparator() -> int"""
+ """
+ AutoCompGetSeparator(self) -> int
+ Retrieve the auto-completion list separator character.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_AutoCompGetSeparator(*args, **kwargs)
def AutoCompSelect(*args, **kwargs):
- """AutoCompSelect(String text)"""
+ """
+ AutoCompSelect(self, String text)
+ Select the item in the auto-completion list that starts with a string.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_AutoCompSelect(*args, **kwargs)
def AutoCompSetCancelAtStart(*args, **kwargs):
- """AutoCompSetCancelAtStart(bool cancel)"""
+ """
+ AutoCompSetCancelAtStart(self, bool cancel)
+ Should the auto-completion list be cancelled if the user backspaces to a
+ position before where the box was created.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_AutoCompSetCancelAtStart(*args, **kwargs)
def AutoCompGetCancelAtStart(*args, **kwargs):
- """AutoCompGetCancelAtStart() -> bool"""
+ """
+ AutoCompGetCancelAtStart(self) -> bool
+ Retrieve whether auto-completion cancelled by backspacing before start.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_AutoCompGetCancelAtStart(*args, **kwargs)
def AutoCompSetFillUps(*args, **kwargs):
- """AutoCompSetFillUps(String characterSet)"""
+ """
+ AutoCompSetFillUps(self, String characterSet)
+ Define a set of characters that when typed will cause the autocompletion to
+ choose the selected item.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_AutoCompSetFillUps(*args, **kwargs)
def AutoCompSetChooseSingle(*args, **kwargs):
- """AutoCompSetChooseSingle(bool chooseSingle)"""
+ """
+ AutoCompSetChooseSingle(self, bool chooseSingle)
+ Should a single item auto-completion list automatically choose the item.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_AutoCompSetChooseSingle(*args, **kwargs)
def AutoCompGetChooseSingle(*args, **kwargs):
- """AutoCompGetChooseSingle() -> bool"""
+ """
+ AutoCompGetChooseSingle(self) -> bool
+ Retrieve whether a single item auto-completion list automatically choose the item.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_AutoCompGetChooseSingle(*args, **kwargs)
def AutoCompSetIgnoreCase(*args, **kwargs):
- """AutoCompSetIgnoreCase(bool ignoreCase)"""
+ """
+ AutoCompSetIgnoreCase(self, bool ignoreCase)
+ Set whether case is significant when performing auto-completion searches.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_AutoCompSetIgnoreCase(*args, **kwargs)
def AutoCompGetIgnoreCase(*args, **kwargs):
- """AutoCompGetIgnoreCase() -> bool"""
+ """
+ AutoCompGetIgnoreCase(self) -> bool
+ Retrieve state of ignore case flag.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_AutoCompGetIgnoreCase(*args, **kwargs)
def UserListShow(*args, **kwargs):
- """UserListShow(int listType, String itemList)"""
+ """
+ UserListShow(self, int listType, String itemList)
+ Display a list of strings and send notification when user chooses one.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_UserListShow(*args, **kwargs)
def AutoCompSetAutoHide(*args, **kwargs):
- """AutoCompSetAutoHide(bool autoHide)"""
+ """
+ AutoCompSetAutoHide(self, bool autoHide)
+ Set whether or not autocompletion is hidden automatically when nothing matches.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_AutoCompSetAutoHide(*args, **kwargs)
def AutoCompGetAutoHide(*args, **kwargs):
- """AutoCompGetAutoHide() -> bool"""
+ """
+ AutoCompGetAutoHide(self) -> bool
+ Retrieve whether or not autocompletion is hidden automatically when nothing matches.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_AutoCompGetAutoHide(*args, **kwargs)
def AutoCompSetDropRestOfWord(*args, **kwargs):
- """AutoCompSetDropRestOfWord(bool dropRestOfWord)"""
+ """
+ AutoCompSetDropRestOfWord(self, bool dropRestOfWord)
+ Set whether or not autocompletion deletes any word characters
+ after the inserted text upon completion.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_AutoCompSetDropRestOfWord(*args, **kwargs)
def AutoCompGetDropRestOfWord(*args, **kwargs):
- """AutoCompGetDropRestOfWord() -> bool"""
+ """
+ AutoCompGetDropRestOfWord(self) -> bool
+ Retrieve whether or not autocompletion deletes any word characters
+ after the inserted text upon completion.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_AutoCompGetDropRestOfWord(*args, **kwargs)
def RegisterImage(*args, **kwargs):
- """RegisterImage(int type, Bitmap bmp)"""
+ """
+ RegisterImage(self, int type, Bitmap bmp)
+ Register an image for use in autocompletion lists.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_RegisterImage(*args, **kwargs)
def ClearRegisteredImages(*args, **kwargs):
- """ClearRegisteredImages()"""
+ """
+ ClearRegisteredImages(self)
+ Clear all the registered images.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_ClearRegisteredImages(*args, **kwargs)
def AutoCompGetTypeSeparator(*args, **kwargs):
- """AutoCompGetTypeSeparator() -> int"""
+ """
+ AutoCompGetTypeSeparator(self) -> int
+ Retrieve the auto-completion list type-separator character.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_AutoCompGetTypeSeparator(*args, **kwargs)
def AutoCompSetTypeSeparator(*args, **kwargs):
- """AutoCompSetTypeSeparator(int separatorCharacter)"""
+ """
+ AutoCompSetTypeSeparator(self, int separatorCharacter)
+ Change the type-separator character in the string setting up an auto-completion list.
+ Default is '?' but can be changed if items contain '?'.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_AutoCompSetTypeSeparator(*args, **kwargs)
+ def AutoCompSetMaxWidth(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ AutoCompSetMaxWidth(self, int characterCount)
+ Set the maximum width, in characters, of auto-completion and user lists.
+ Set to 0 to autosize to fit longest item, which is the default.
+ """
+ return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_AutoCompSetMaxWidth(*args, **kwargs)
+ def AutoCompGetMaxWidth(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ AutoCompGetMaxWidth(self) -> int
+ Get the maximum width, in characters, of auto-completion and user lists.
+ """
+ return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_AutoCompGetMaxWidth(*args, **kwargs)
+ def AutoCompSetMaxHeight(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ AutoCompSetMaxHeight(self, int rowCount)
+ Set the maximum height, in rows, of auto-completion and user lists.
+ The default is 5 rows.
+ """
+ return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_AutoCompSetMaxHeight(*args, **kwargs)
+ def AutoCompGetMaxHeight(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ AutoCompGetMaxHeight(self) -> int
+ Set the maximum height, in rows, of auto-completion and user lists.
+ """
+ return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_AutoCompGetMaxHeight(*args, **kwargs)
def SetIndent(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetIndent(int indentSize)"""
+ """
+ SetIndent(self, int indentSize)
+ Set the number of spaces used for one level of indentation.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetIndent(*args, **kwargs)
def GetIndent(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetIndent() -> int"""
+ """
+ GetIndent(self) -> int
+ Retrieve indentation size.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetIndent(*args, **kwargs)
def SetUseTabs(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetUseTabs(bool useTabs)"""
+ """
+ SetUseTabs(self, bool useTabs)
+ Indentation will only use space characters if useTabs is false, otherwise
+ it will use a combination of tabs and spaces.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetUseTabs(*args, **kwargs)
def GetUseTabs(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetUseTabs() -> bool"""
+ """
+ GetUseTabs(self) -> bool
+ Retrieve whether tabs will be used in indentation.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetUseTabs(*args, **kwargs)
def SetLineIndentation(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetLineIndentation(int line, int indentSize)"""
+ """
+ SetLineIndentation(self, int line, int indentSize)
+ Change the indentation of a line to a number of columns.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetLineIndentation(*args, **kwargs)
def GetLineIndentation(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetLineIndentation(int line) -> int"""
+ """
+ GetLineIndentation(self, int line) -> int
+ Retrieve the number of columns that a line is indented.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetLineIndentation(*args, **kwargs)
def GetLineIndentPosition(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetLineIndentPosition(int line) -> int"""
+ """
+ GetLineIndentPosition(self, int line) -> int
+ Retrieve the position before the first non indentation character on a line.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetLineIndentPosition(*args, **kwargs)
def GetColumn(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetColumn(int pos) -> int"""
+ """
+ GetColumn(self, int pos) -> int
+ Retrieve the column number of a position, taking tab width into account.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetColumn(*args, **kwargs)
def SetUseHorizontalScrollBar(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetUseHorizontalScrollBar(bool show)"""
+ """
+ SetUseHorizontalScrollBar(self, bool show)
+ Show or hide the horizontal scroll bar.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetUseHorizontalScrollBar(*args, **kwargs)
def GetUseHorizontalScrollBar(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetUseHorizontalScrollBar() -> bool"""
+ """
+ GetUseHorizontalScrollBar(self) -> bool
+ Is the horizontal scroll bar visible?
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetUseHorizontalScrollBar(*args, **kwargs)
def SetIndentationGuides(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetIndentationGuides(bool show)"""
+ """
+ SetIndentationGuides(self, bool show)
+ Show or hide indentation guides.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetIndentationGuides(*args, **kwargs)
def GetIndentationGuides(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetIndentationGuides() -> bool"""
+ """
+ GetIndentationGuides(self) -> bool
+ Are the indentation guides visible?
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetIndentationGuides(*args, **kwargs)
def SetHighlightGuide(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetHighlightGuide(int column)"""
+ """
+ SetHighlightGuide(self, int column)
+ Set the highlighted indentation guide column.
+ 0 = no highlighted guide.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetHighlightGuide(*args, **kwargs)
def GetHighlightGuide(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetHighlightGuide() -> int"""
+ """
+ GetHighlightGuide(self) -> int
+ Get the highlighted indentation guide column.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetHighlightGuide(*args, **kwargs)
def GetLineEndPosition(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetLineEndPosition(int line) -> int"""
+ """
+ GetLineEndPosition(self, int line) -> int
+ Get the position after the last visible characters on a line.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetLineEndPosition(*args, **kwargs)
def GetCodePage(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetCodePage() -> int"""
+ """
+ GetCodePage(self) -> int
+ Get the code page used to interpret the bytes of the document as characters.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetCodePage(*args, **kwargs)
def GetCaretForeground(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetCaretForeground() -> Colour"""
+ """
+ GetCaretForeground(self) -> Colour
+ Get the foreground colour of the caret.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetCaretForeground(*args, **kwargs)
def GetReadOnly(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetReadOnly() -> bool"""
+ """
+ GetReadOnly(self) -> bool
+ In read-only mode?
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetReadOnly(*args, **kwargs)
def SetCurrentPos(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetCurrentPos(int pos)"""
+ """
+ SetCurrentPos(self, int pos)
+ Sets the position of the caret.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetCurrentPos(*args, **kwargs)
def SetSelectionStart(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetSelectionStart(int pos)"""
+ """
+ SetSelectionStart(self, int pos)
+ Sets the position that starts the selection - this becomes the anchor.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetSelectionStart(*args, **kwargs)
def GetSelectionStart(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetSelectionStart() -> int"""
+ """
+ GetSelectionStart(self) -> int
+ Returns the position at the start of the selection.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetSelectionStart(*args, **kwargs)
def SetSelectionEnd(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetSelectionEnd(int pos)"""
+ """
+ SetSelectionEnd(self, int pos)
+ Sets the position that ends the selection - this becomes the currentPosition.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetSelectionEnd(*args, **kwargs)
def GetSelectionEnd(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetSelectionEnd() -> int"""
+ """
+ GetSelectionEnd(self) -> int
+ Returns the position at the end of the selection.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetSelectionEnd(*args, **kwargs)
def SetPrintMagnification(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetPrintMagnification(int magnification)"""
+ """
+ SetPrintMagnification(self, int magnification)
+ Sets the print magnification added to the point size of each style for printing.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetPrintMagnification(*args, **kwargs)
def GetPrintMagnification(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetPrintMagnification() -> int"""
+ """
+ GetPrintMagnification(self) -> int
+ Returns the print magnification.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetPrintMagnification(*args, **kwargs)
def SetPrintColourMode(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetPrintColourMode(int mode)"""
+ """
+ SetPrintColourMode(self, int mode)
+ Modify colours when printing for clearer printed text.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetPrintColourMode(*args, **kwargs)
def GetPrintColourMode(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetPrintColourMode() -> int"""
+ """
+ GetPrintColourMode(self) -> int
+ Returns the print colour mode.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetPrintColourMode(*args, **kwargs)
def FindText(*args, **kwargs):
- """FindText(int minPos, int maxPos, String text, int flags=0) -> int"""
+ """
+ FindText(self, int minPos, int maxPos, String text, int flags=0) -> int
+ Find some text in the document.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_FindText(*args, **kwargs)
def FormatRange(*args, **kwargs):
- FormatRange(bool doDraw, int startPos, int endPos, DC draw, DC target,
+ FormatRange(self, bool doDraw, int startPos, int endPos, DC draw, DC target,
Rect renderRect, Rect pageRect) -> int
+ On Windows, will draw the document into a display context such as a printer.
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_FormatRange(*args, **kwargs)
def GetFirstVisibleLine(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetFirstVisibleLine() -> int"""
+ """
+ GetFirstVisibleLine(self) -> int
+ Retrieve the display line at the top of the display.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetFirstVisibleLine(*args, **kwargs)
def GetLine(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetLine(int line) -> String"""
+ """
+ GetLine(self, int line) -> String
+ Retrieve the contents of a line.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetLine(*args, **kwargs)
def GetLineCount(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetLineCount() -> int"""
+ """
+ GetLineCount(self) -> int
+ Returns the number of lines in the document. There is always at least one.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetLineCount(*args, **kwargs)
def SetMarginLeft(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetMarginLeft(int pixelWidth)"""
+ """
+ SetMarginLeft(self, int pixelWidth)
+ Sets the size in pixels of the left margin.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetMarginLeft(*args, **kwargs)
def GetMarginLeft(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetMarginLeft() -> int"""
+ """
+ GetMarginLeft(self) -> int
+ Returns the size in pixels of the left margin.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetMarginLeft(*args, **kwargs)
def SetMarginRight(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetMarginRight(int pixelWidth)"""
+ """
+ SetMarginRight(self, int pixelWidth)
+ Sets the size in pixels of the right margin.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetMarginRight(*args, **kwargs)
def GetMarginRight(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetMarginRight() -> int"""
+ """
+ GetMarginRight(self) -> int
+ Returns the size in pixels of the right margin.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetMarginRight(*args, **kwargs)
def GetModify(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetModify() -> bool"""
+ """
+ GetModify(self) -> bool
+ Is the document different from when it was last saved?
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetModify(*args, **kwargs)
def SetSelection(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetSelection(int start, int end)"""
+ """
+ SetSelection(self, int start, int end)
+ Select a range of text.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetSelection(*args, **kwargs)
def GetSelectedText(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetSelectedText() -> String"""
+ """
+ GetSelectedText(self) -> String
+ Retrieve the selected text.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetSelectedText(*args, **kwargs)
def GetTextRange(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetTextRange(int startPos, int endPos) -> String"""
+ """
+ GetTextRange(self, int startPos, int endPos) -> String
+ Retrieve a range of text.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetTextRange(*args, **kwargs)
def HideSelection(*args, **kwargs):
- """HideSelection(bool normal)"""
+ """
+ HideSelection(self, bool normal)
+ Draw the selection in normal style or with selection highlighted.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_HideSelection(*args, **kwargs)
def LineFromPosition(*args, **kwargs):
- """LineFromPosition(int pos) -> int"""
+ """
+ LineFromPosition(self, int pos) -> int
+ Retrieve the line containing a position.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_LineFromPosition(*args, **kwargs)
def PositionFromLine(*args, **kwargs):
- """PositionFromLine(int line) -> int"""
+ """
+ PositionFromLine(self, int line) -> int
+ Retrieve the position at the start of a line.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_PositionFromLine(*args, **kwargs)
def LineScroll(*args, **kwargs):
- """LineScroll(int columns, int lines)"""
+ """
+ LineScroll(self, int columns, int lines)
+ Scroll horizontally and vertically.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_LineScroll(*args, **kwargs)
def EnsureCaretVisible(*args, **kwargs):
- """EnsureCaretVisible()"""
+ """
+ EnsureCaretVisible(self)
+ Ensure the caret is visible.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_EnsureCaretVisible(*args, **kwargs)
def ReplaceSelection(*args, **kwargs):
- """ReplaceSelection(String text)"""
+ """
+ ReplaceSelection(self, String text)
+ Replace the selected text with the argument text.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_ReplaceSelection(*args, **kwargs)
def SetReadOnly(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetReadOnly(bool readOnly)"""
+ """
+ SetReadOnly(self, bool readOnly)
+ Set to read only or read write.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetReadOnly(*args, **kwargs)
def CanPaste(*args, **kwargs):
- """CanPaste() -> bool"""
+ """
+ CanPaste(self) -> bool
+ Will a paste succeed?
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_CanPaste(*args, **kwargs)
def CanUndo(*args, **kwargs):
- """CanUndo() -> bool"""
+ """
+ CanUndo(self) -> bool
+ Are there any undoable actions in the undo history?
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_CanUndo(*args, **kwargs)
def EmptyUndoBuffer(*args, **kwargs):
- """EmptyUndoBuffer()"""
+ """
+ EmptyUndoBuffer(self)
+ Delete the undo history.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_EmptyUndoBuffer(*args, **kwargs)
def Undo(*args, **kwargs):
- """Undo()"""
+ """
+ Undo(self)
+ Undo one action in the undo history.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_Undo(*args, **kwargs)
def Cut(*args, **kwargs):
- """Cut()"""
+ """
+ Cut(self)
+ Cut the selection to the clipboard.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_Cut(*args, **kwargs)
def Copy(*args, **kwargs):
- """Copy()"""
+ """
+ Copy(self)
+ Copy the selection to the clipboard.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_Copy(*args, **kwargs)
def Paste(*args, **kwargs):
- """Paste()"""
+ """
+ Paste(self)
+ Paste the contents of the clipboard into the document replacing the selection.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_Paste(*args, **kwargs)
def Clear(*args, **kwargs):
- """Clear()"""
+ """
+ Clear(self)
+ Clear the selection.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_Clear(*args, **kwargs)
def SetText(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetText(String text)"""
+ """
+ SetText(self, String text)
+ Replace the contents of the document with the argument text.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetText(*args, **kwargs)
def GetText(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetText() -> String"""
+ """
+ GetText(self) -> String
+ Retrieve all the text in the document.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetText(*args, **kwargs)
def GetTextLength(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetTextLength() -> int"""
+ """
+ GetTextLength(self) -> int
+ Retrieve the number of characters in the document.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetTextLength(*args, **kwargs)
def SetOvertype(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetOvertype(bool overtype)"""
+ """
+ SetOvertype(self, bool overtype)
+ Set to overtype (true) or insert mode.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetOvertype(*args, **kwargs)
def GetOvertype(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetOvertype() -> bool"""
+ """
+ GetOvertype(self) -> bool
+ Returns true if overtype mode is active otherwise false is returned.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetOvertype(*args, **kwargs)
def SetCaretWidth(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetCaretWidth(int pixelWidth)"""
+ """
+ SetCaretWidth(self, int pixelWidth)
+ Set the width of the insert mode caret.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetCaretWidth(*args, **kwargs)
def GetCaretWidth(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetCaretWidth() -> int"""
+ """
+ GetCaretWidth(self) -> int
+ Returns the width of the insert mode caret.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetCaretWidth(*args, **kwargs)
def SetTargetStart(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetTargetStart(int pos)"""
+ """
+ SetTargetStart(self, int pos)
+ Sets the position that starts the target which is used for updating the
+ document without affecting the scroll position.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetTargetStart(*args, **kwargs)
def GetTargetStart(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetTargetStart() -> int"""
+ """
+ GetTargetStart(self) -> int
+ Get the position that starts the target.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetTargetStart(*args, **kwargs)
def SetTargetEnd(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetTargetEnd(int pos)"""
+ """
+ SetTargetEnd(self, int pos)
+ Sets the position that ends the target which is used for updating the
+ document without affecting the scroll position.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetTargetEnd(*args, **kwargs)
def GetTargetEnd(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetTargetEnd() -> int"""
+ """
+ GetTargetEnd(self) -> int
+ Get the position that ends the target.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetTargetEnd(*args, **kwargs)
def ReplaceTarget(*args, **kwargs):
- """ReplaceTarget(String text) -> int"""
+ """
+ ReplaceTarget(self, String text) -> int
+ Replace the target text with the argument text.
+ Text is counted so it can contain NULs.
+ Returns the length of the replacement text.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_ReplaceTarget(*args, **kwargs)
def ReplaceTargetRE(*args, **kwargs):
- """ReplaceTargetRE(String text) -> int"""
+ """
+ ReplaceTargetRE(self, String text) -> int
+ Replace the target text with the argument text after \d processing.
+ Text is counted so it can contain NULs.
+ Looks for \d where d is between 1 and 9 and replaces these with the strings
+ matched in the last search operation which were surrounded by \( and \).
+ Returns the length of the replacement text including any change
+ caused by processing the \d patterns.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_ReplaceTargetRE(*args, **kwargs)
def SearchInTarget(*args, **kwargs):
- """SearchInTarget(String text) -> int"""
+ """
+ SearchInTarget(self, String text) -> int
+ Search for a counted string in the target and set the target to the found
+ range. Text is counted so it can contain NULs.
+ Returns length of range or -1 for failure in which case target is not moved.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SearchInTarget(*args, **kwargs)
def SetSearchFlags(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetSearchFlags(int flags)"""
+ """
+ SetSearchFlags(self, int flags)
+ Set the search flags used by SearchInTarget.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetSearchFlags(*args, **kwargs)
def GetSearchFlags(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetSearchFlags() -> int"""
+ """
+ GetSearchFlags(self) -> int
+ Get the search flags used by SearchInTarget.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetSearchFlags(*args, **kwargs)
def CallTipShow(*args, **kwargs):
- """CallTipShow(int pos, String definition)"""
+ """
+ CallTipShow(self, int pos, String definition)
+ Show a call tip containing a definition near position pos.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_CallTipShow(*args, **kwargs)
def CallTipCancel(*args, **kwargs):
- """CallTipCancel()"""
+ """
+ CallTipCancel(self)
+ Remove the call tip from the screen.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_CallTipCancel(*args, **kwargs)
def CallTipActive(*args, **kwargs):
- """CallTipActive() -> bool"""
+ """
+ CallTipActive(self) -> bool
+ Is there an active call tip?
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_CallTipActive(*args, **kwargs)
def CallTipPosAtStart(*args, **kwargs):
- """CallTipPosAtStart() -> int"""
+ """
+ CallTipPosAtStart(self) -> int
+ Retrieve the position where the caret was before displaying the call tip.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_CallTipPosAtStart(*args, **kwargs)
def CallTipSetHighlight(*args, **kwargs):
- """CallTipSetHighlight(int start, int end)"""
+ """
+ CallTipSetHighlight(self, int start, int end)
+ Highlight a segment of the definition.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_CallTipSetHighlight(*args, **kwargs)
def CallTipSetBackground(*args, **kwargs):
- """CallTipSetBackground(Colour back)"""
+ """
+ CallTipSetBackground(self, Colour back)
+ Set the background colour for the call tip.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_CallTipSetBackground(*args, **kwargs)
def CallTipSetForeground(*args, **kwargs):
- """CallTipSetForeground(Colour fore)"""
+ """
+ CallTipSetForeground(self, Colour fore)
+ Set the foreground colour for the call tip.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_CallTipSetForeground(*args, **kwargs)
def CallTipSetForegroundHighlight(*args, **kwargs):
- """CallTipSetForegroundHighlight(Colour fore)"""
+ """
+ CallTipSetForegroundHighlight(self, Colour fore)
+ Set the foreground colour for the highlighted part of the call tip.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_CallTipSetForegroundHighlight(*args, **kwargs)
+ def CallTipUseStyle(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ CallTipUseStyle(self, int tabSize)
+ Enable use of STYLE_CALLTIP and set call tip tab size in pixels.
+ """
+ return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_CallTipUseStyle(*args, **kwargs)
def VisibleFromDocLine(*args, **kwargs):
- """VisibleFromDocLine(int line) -> int"""
+ """
+ VisibleFromDocLine(self, int line) -> int
+ Find the display line of a document line taking hidden lines into account.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_VisibleFromDocLine(*args, **kwargs)
- def DocLineFromVisible(*args, **kwargs):
- """DocLineFromVisible(int lineDisplay) -> int"""
+ def DocLineFromVisible(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ DocLineFromVisible(self, int lineDisplay) -> int
+ Find the document line of a display line taking hidden lines into account.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_DocLineFromVisible(*args, **kwargs)
+ def WrapCount(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ WrapCount(self, int line) -> int
+ The number of display lines needed to wrap a document line
+ """
+ return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_WrapCount(*args, **kwargs)
def SetFoldLevel(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetFoldLevel(int line, int level)"""
+ """
+ SetFoldLevel(self, int line, int level)
+ Set the fold level of a line.
+ This encodes an integer level along with flags indicating whether the
+ line is a header and whether it is effectively white space.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetFoldLevel(*args, **kwargs)
def GetFoldLevel(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetFoldLevel(int line) -> int"""
+ """
+ GetFoldLevel(self, int line) -> int
+ Retrieve the fold level of a line.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetFoldLevel(*args, **kwargs)
def GetLastChild(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetLastChild(int line, int level) -> int"""
+ """
+ GetLastChild(self, int line, int level) -> int
+ Find the last child line of a header line.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetLastChild(*args, **kwargs)
def GetFoldParent(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetFoldParent(int line) -> int"""
+ """
+ GetFoldParent(self, int line) -> int
+ Find the parent line of a child line.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetFoldParent(*args, **kwargs)
def ShowLines(*args, **kwargs):
- """ShowLines(int lineStart, int lineEnd)"""
+ """
+ ShowLines(self, int lineStart, int lineEnd)
+ Make a range of lines visible.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_ShowLines(*args, **kwargs)
def HideLines(*args, **kwargs):
- """HideLines(int lineStart, int lineEnd)"""
+ """
+ HideLines(self, int lineStart, int lineEnd)
+ Make a range of lines invisible.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_HideLines(*args, **kwargs)
def GetLineVisible(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetLineVisible(int line) -> bool"""
+ """
+ GetLineVisible(self, int line) -> bool
+ Is a line visible?
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetLineVisible(*args, **kwargs)
def SetFoldExpanded(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetFoldExpanded(int line, bool expanded)"""
+ """
+ SetFoldExpanded(self, int line, bool expanded)
+ Show the children of a header line.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetFoldExpanded(*args, **kwargs)
def GetFoldExpanded(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetFoldExpanded(int line) -> bool"""
+ """
+ GetFoldExpanded(self, int line) -> bool
+ Is a header line expanded?
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetFoldExpanded(*args, **kwargs)
def ToggleFold(*args, **kwargs):
- """ToggleFold(int line)"""
+ """
+ ToggleFold(self, int line)
+ Switch a header line between expanded and contracted.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_ToggleFold(*args, **kwargs)
def EnsureVisible(*args, **kwargs):
- """EnsureVisible(int line)"""
+ """
+ EnsureVisible(self, int line)
+ Ensure a particular line is visible by expanding any header line hiding it.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_EnsureVisible(*args, **kwargs)
def SetFoldFlags(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetFoldFlags(int flags)"""
+ """
+ SetFoldFlags(self, int flags)
+ Set some style options for folding.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetFoldFlags(*args, **kwargs)
def EnsureVisibleEnforcePolicy(*args, **kwargs):
- """EnsureVisibleEnforcePolicy(int line)"""
+ """
+ EnsureVisibleEnforcePolicy(self, int line)
+ Ensure a particular line is visible by expanding any header line hiding it.
+ Use the currently set visibility policy to determine which range to display.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_EnsureVisibleEnforcePolicy(*args, **kwargs)
def SetTabIndents(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetTabIndents(bool tabIndents)"""
+ """
+ SetTabIndents(self, bool tabIndents)
+ Sets whether a tab pressed when caret is within indentation indents.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetTabIndents(*args, **kwargs)
def GetTabIndents(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetTabIndents() -> bool"""
+ """
+ GetTabIndents(self) -> bool
+ Does a tab pressed when caret is within indentation indent?
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetTabIndents(*args, **kwargs)
def SetBackSpaceUnIndents(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetBackSpaceUnIndents(bool bsUnIndents)"""
+ """
+ SetBackSpaceUnIndents(self, bool bsUnIndents)
+ Sets whether a backspace pressed when caret is within indentation unindents.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetBackSpaceUnIndents(*args, **kwargs)
def GetBackSpaceUnIndents(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetBackSpaceUnIndents() -> bool"""
+ """
+ GetBackSpaceUnIndents(self) -> bool
+ Does a backspace pressed when caret is within indentation unindent?
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetBackSpaceUnIndents(*args, **kwargs)
def SetMouseDwellTime(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetMouseDwellTime(int periodMilliseconds)"""
+ """
+ SetMouseDwellTime(self, int periodMilliseconds)
+ Sets the time the mouse must sit still to generate a mouse dwell event.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetMouseDwellTime(*args, **kwargs)
def GetMouseDwellTime(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetMouseDwellTime() -> int"""
+ """
+ GetMouseDwellTime(self) -> int
+ Retrieve the time the mouse must sit still to generate a mouse dwell event.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetMouseDwellTime(*args, **kwargs)
def WordStartPosition(*args, **kwargs):
- """WordStartPosition(int pos, bool onlyWordCharacters) -> int"""
+ """
+ WordStartPosition(self, int pos, bool onlyWordCharacters) -> int
+ Get position of start of word.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_WordStartPosition(*args, **kwargs)
def WordEndPosition(*args, **kwargs):
- """WordEndPosition(int pos, bool onlyWordCharacters) -> int"""
+ """
+ WordEndPosition(self, int pos, bool onlyWordCharacters) -> int
+ Get position of end of word.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_WordEndPosition(*args, **kwargs)
def SetWrapMode(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetWrapMode(int mode)"""
+ """
+ SetWrapMode(self, int mode)
+ Sets whether text is word wrapped.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetWrapMode(*args, **kwargs)
def GetWrapMode(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetWrapMode() -> int"""
+ """
+ GetWrapMode(self) -> int
+ Retrieve whether text is word wrapped.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetWrapMode(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetWrapVisualFlags(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ SetWrapVisualFlags(self, int wrapVisualFlags)
+ Set the display mode of visual flags for wrapped lines.
+ """
+ return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetWrapVisualFlags(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetWrapVisualFlags(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetWrapVisualFlags(self) -> int
+ Retrive the display mode of visual flags for wrapped lines.
+ """
+ return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetWrapVisualFlags(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetWrapVisualFlagsLocation(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ SetWrapVisualFlagsLocation(self, int wrapVisualFlagsLocation)
+ Set the location of visual flags for wrapped lines.
+ """
+ return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetWrapVisualFlagsLocation(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetWrapVisualFlagsLocation(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetWrapVisualFlagsLocation(self) -> int
+ Retrive the location of visual flags for wrapped lines.
+ """
+ return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetWrapVisualFlagsLocation(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetWrapStartIndent(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ SetWrapStartIndent(self, int indent)
+ Set the start indent for wrapped lines.
+ """
+ return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetWrapStartIndent(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetWrapStartIndent(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetWrapStartIndent(self) -> int
+ Retrive the start indent for wrapped lines.
+ """
+ return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetWrapStartIndent(*args, **kwargs)
def SetLayoutCache(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetLayoutCache(int mode)"""
+ """
+ SetLayoutCache(self, int mode)
+ Sets the degree of caching of layout information.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetLayoutCache(*args, **kwargs)
def GetLayoutCache(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetLayoutCache() -> int"""
+ """
+ GetLayoutCache(self) -> int
+ Retrieve the degree of caching of layout information.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetLayoutCache(*args, **kwargs)
def SetScrollWidth(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetScrollWidth(int pixelWidth)"""
+ """
+ SetScrollWidth(self, int pixelWidth)
+ Sets the document width assumed for scrolling.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetScrollWidth(*args, **kwargs)
def GetScrollWidth(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetScrollWidth() -> int"""
+ """
+ GetScrollWidth(self) -> int
+ Retrieve the document width assumed for scrolling.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetScrollWidth(*args, **kwargs)
def TextWidth(*args, **kwargs):
- """TextWidth(int style, String text) -> int"""
+ """
+ TextWidth(self, int style, String text) -> int
+ Measure the pixel width of some text in a particular style.
+ NUL terminated text argument.
+ Does not handle tab or control characters.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_TextWidth(*args, **kwargs)
def SetEndAtLastLine(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetEndAtLastLine(bool endAtLastLine)"""
+ """
+ SetEndAtLastLine(self, bool endAtLastLine)
+ Sets the scroll range so that maximum scroll position has
+ the last line at the bottom of the view (default).
+ Setting this to false allows scrolling one page below the last line.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetEndAtLastLine(*args, **kwargs)
def GetEndAtLastLine(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetEndAtLastLine() -> int"""
+ """
+ GetEndAtLastLine(self) -> bool
+ Retrieve whether the maximum scroll position has the last
+ line at the bottom of the view.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetEndAtLastLine(*args, **kwargs)
def TextHeight(*args, **kwargs):
- """TextHeight(int line) -> int"""
+ """
+ TextHeight(self, int line) -> int
+ Retrieve the height of a particular line of text in pixels.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_TextHeight(*args, **kwargs)
def SetUseVerticalScrollBar(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetUseVerticalScrollBar(bool show)"""
+ """
+ SetUseVerticalScrollBar(self, bool show)
+ Show or hide the vertical scroll bar.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetUseVerticalScrollBar(*args, **kwargs)
def GetUseVerticalScrollBar(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetUseVerticalScrollBar() -> bool"""
+ """
+ GetUseVerticalScrollBar(self) -> bool
+ Is the vertical scroll bar visible?
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetUseVerticalScrollBar(*args, **kwargs)
def AppendText(*args, **kwargs):
- """AppendText(int length, String text)"""
+ """
+ AppendText(self, String text)
+ Append a string to the end of the document without changing the selection.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_AppendText(*args, **kwargs)
def GetTwoPhaseDraw(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetTwoPhaseDraw() -> bool"""
+ """
+ GetTwoPhaseDraw(self) -> bool
+ Is drawing done in two phases with backgrounds drawn before foregrounds?
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetTwoPhaseDraw(*args, **kwargs)
def SetTwoPhaseDraw(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetTwoPhaseDraw(bool twoPhase)"""
+ """
+ SetTwoPhaseDraw(self, bool twoPhase)
+ In twoPhaseDraw mode, drawing is performed in two phases, first the background
+ and then the foreground. This avoids chopping off characters that overlap the next run.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetTwoPhaseDraw(*args, **kwargs)
def TargetFromSelection(*args, **kwargs):
- """TargetFromSelection()"""
+ """
+ TargetFromSelection(self)
+ Make the target range start and end be the same as the selection range start and end.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_TargetFromSelection(*args, **kwargs)
def LinesJoin(*args, **kwargs):
- """LinesJoin()"""
+ """
+ LinesJoin(self)
+ Join the lines in the target.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_LinesJoin(*args, **kwargs)
def LinesSplit(*args, **kwargs):
- """LinesSplit(int pixelWidth)"""
+ """
+ LinesSplit(self, int pixelWidth)
+ Split the lines in the target into lines that are less wide than pixelWidth
+ where possible.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_LinesSplit(*args, **kwargs)
def SetFoldMarginColour(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetFoldMarginColour(bool useSetting, Colour back)"""
+ """
+ SetFoldMarginColour(self, bool useSetting, Colour back)
+ Set the colours used as a chequerboard pattern in the fold margin
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetFoldMarginColour(*args, **kwargs)
def SetFoldMarginHiColour(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetFoldMarginHiColour(bool useSetting, Colour fore)"""
+ """SetFoldMarginHiColour(self, bool useSetting, Colour fore)"""
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetFoldMarginHiColour(*args, **kwargs)
def LineDown(*args, **kwargs):
- LineDown()
+ LineDown(self)
- This is just a wrapper for ScrollLines(1).
+ Move caret down one line.
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_LineDown(*args, **kwargs)
def LineDownExtend(*args, **kwargs):
- """LineDownExtend()"""
+ """
+ LineDownExtend(self)
+ Move caret down one line extending selection to new caret position.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_LineDownExtend(*args, **kwargs)
def LineUp(*args, **kwargs):
- LineUp()
+ LineUp(self)
- This is just a wrapper for ScrollLines(-1).
+ Move caret up one line.
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_LineUp(*args, **kwargs)
def LineUpExtend(*args, **kwargs):
- """LineUpExtend()"""
+ """
+ LineUpExtend(self)
+ Move caret up one line extending selection to new caret position.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_LineUpExtend(*args, **kwargs)
def CharLeft(*args, **kwargs):
- """CharLeft()"""
+ """
+ CharLeft(self)
+ Move caret left one character.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_CharLeft(*args, **kwargs)
def CharLeftExtend(*args, **kwargs):
- """CharLeftExtend()"""
+ """
+ CharLeftExtend(self)
+ Move caret left one character extending selection to new caret position.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_CharLeftExtend(*args, **kwargs)
def CharRight(*args, **kwargs):
- """CharRight()"""
+ """
+ CharRight(self)
+ Move caret right one character.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_CharRight(*args, **kwargs)
def CharRightExtend(*args, **kwargs):
- """CharRightExtend()"""
+ """
+ CharRightExtend(self)
+ Move caret right one character extending selection to new caret position.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_CharRightExtend(*args, **kwargs)
def WordLeft(*args, **kwargs):
- """WordLeft()"""
+ """
+ WordLeft(self)
+ Move caret left one word.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_WordLeft(*args, **kwargs)
def WordLeftExtend(*args, **kwargs):
- """WordLeftExtend()"""
+ """
+ WordLeftExtend(self)
+ Move caret left one word extending selection to new caret position.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_WordLeftExtend(*args, **kwargs)
def WordRight(*args, **kwargs):
- """WordRight()"""
+ """
+ WordRight(self)
+ Move caret right one word.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_WordRight(*args, **kwargs)
def WordRightExtend(*args, **kwargs):
- """WordRightExtend()"""
+ """
+ WordRightExtend(self)
+ Move caret right one word extending selection to new caret position.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_WordRightExtend(*args, **kwargs)
def Home(*args, **kwargs):
- """Home()"""
+ """
+ Home(self)
+ Move caret to first position on line.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_Home(*args, **kwargs)
def HomeExtend(*args, **kwargs):
- """HomeExtend()"""
+ """
+ HomeExtend(self)
+ Move caret to first position on line extending selection to new caret position.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_HomeExtend(*args, **kwargs)
def LineEnd(*args, **kwargs):
- """LineEnd()"""
+ """
+ LineEnd(self)
+ Move caret to last position on line.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_LineEnd(*args, **kwargs)
def LineEndExtend(*args, **kwargs):
- """LineEndExtend()"""
+ """
+ LineEndExtend(self)
+ Move caret to last position on line extending selection to new caret position.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_LineEndExtend(*args, **kwargs)
def DocumentStart(*args, **kwargs):
- """DocumentStart()"""
+ """
+ DocumentStart(self)
+ Move caret to first position in document.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_DocumentStart(*args, **kwargs)
def DocumentStartExtend(*args, **kwargs):
- """DocumentStartExtend()"""
+ """
+ DocumentStartExtend(self)
+ Move caret to first position in document extending selection to new caret position.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_DocumentStartExtend(*args, **kwargs)
def DocumentEnd(*args, **kwargs):
- """DocumentEnd()"""
+ """
+ DocumentEnd(self)
+ Move caret to last position in document.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_DocumentEnd(*args, **kwargs)
def DocumentEndExtend(*args, **kwargs):
- """DocumentEndExtend()"""
+ """
+ DocumentEndExtend(self)
+ Move caret to last position in document extending selection to new caret position.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_DocumentEndExtend(*args, **kwargs)
def PageUp(*args, **kwargs):
- PageUp()
+ PageUp(self)
- This is just a wrapper for ScrollPages(-1).
+ Move caret one page up.
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_PageUp(*args, **kwargs)
def PageUpExtend(*args, **kwargs):
- """PageUpExtend()"""
+ """
+ PageUpExtend(self)
+ Move caret one page up extending selection to new caret position.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_PageUpExtend(*args, **kwargs)
def PageDown(*args, **kwargs):
- PageDown()
+ PageDown(self)
- This is just a wrapper for ScrollPages(1).
+ Move caret one page down.
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_PageDown(*args, **kwargs)
def PageDownExtend(*args, **kwargs):
- """PageDownExtend()"""
+ """
+ PageDownExtend(self)
+ Move caret one page down extending selection to new caret position.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_PageDownExtend(*args, **kwargs)
def EditToggleOvertype(*args, **kwargs):
- """EditToggleOvertype()"""
+ """
+ EditToggleOvertype(self)
+ Switch from insert to overtype mode or the reverse.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_EditToggleOvertype(*args, **kwargs)
def Cancel(*args, **kwargs):
- """Cancel()"""
+ """
+ Cancel(self)
+ Cancel any modes such as call tip or auto-completion list display.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_Cancel(*args, **kwargs)
def DeleteBack(*args, **kwargs):
- """DeleteBack()"""
+ """
+ DeleteBack(self)
+ Delete the selection or if no selection, the character before the caret.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_DeleteBack(*args, **kwargs)
def Tab(*args, **kwargs):
- """Tab()"""
+ """
+ Tab(self)
+ If selection is empty or all on one line replace the selection with a tab character.
+ If more than one line selected, indent the lines.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_Tab(*args, **kwargs)
def BackTab(*args, **kwargs):
- """BackTab()"""
+ """
+ BackTab(self)
+ Dedent the selected lines.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_BackTab(*args, **kwargs)
def NewLine(*args, **kwargs):
- """NewLine()"""
+ """
+ NewLine(self)
+ Insert a new line, may use a CRLF, CR or LF depending on EOL mode.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_NewLine(*args, **kwargs)
def FormFeed(*args, **kwargs):
- """FormFeed()"""
+ """
+ FormFeed(self)
+ Insert a Form Feed character.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_FormFeed(*args, **kwargs)
def VCHome(*args, **kwargs):
- """VCHome()"""
+ """
+ VCHome(self)
+ Move caret to before first visible character on line.
+ If already there move to first character on line.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_VCHome(*args, **kwargs)
def VCHomeExtend(*args, **kwargs):
- """VCHomeExtend()"""
+ """
+ VCHomeExtend(self)
+ Like VCHome but extending selection to new caret position.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_VCHomeExtend(*args, **kwargs)
def ZoomIn(*args, **kwargs):
- """ZoomIn()"""
+ """
+ ZoomIn(self)
+ Magnify the displayed text by increasing the sizes by 1 point.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_ZoomIn(*args, **kwargs)
def ZoomOut(*args, **kwargs):
- """ZoomOut()"""
+ """
+ ZoomOut(self)
+ Make the displayed text smaller by decreasing the sizes by 1 point.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_ZoomOut(*args, **kwargs)
def DelWordLeft(*args, **kwargs):
- """DelWordLeft()"""
+ """
+ DelWordLeft(self)
+ Delete the word to the left of the caret.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_DelWordLeft(*args, **kwargs)
def DelWordRight(*args, **kwargs):
- """DelWordRight()"""
+ """
+ DelWordRight(self)
+ Delete the word to the right of the caret.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_DelWordRight(*args, **kwargs)
- def LineCut(*args, **kwargs):
- """LineCut()"""
+ def LineCut(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ LineCut(self)
+ Cut the line containing the caret.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_LineCut(*args, **kwargs)
def LineDelete(*args, **kwargs):
- """LineDelete()"""
+ """
+ LineDelete(self)
+ Delete the line containing the caret.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_LineDelete(*args, **kwargs)
def LineTranspose(*args, **kwargs):
- """LineTranspose()"""
+ """
+ LineTranspose(self)
+ Switch the current line with the previous.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_LineTranspose(*args, **kwargs)
def LineDuplicate(*args, **kwargs):
- """LineDuplicate()"""
+ """
+ LineDuplicate(self)
+ Duplicate the current line.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_LineDuplicate(*args, **kwargs)
def LowerCase(*args, **kwargs):
- """LowerCase()"""
+ """
+ LowerCase(self)
+ Transform the selection to lower case.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_LowerCase(*args, **kwargs)
def UpperCase(*args, **kwargs):
- """UpperCase()"""
+ """
+ UpperCase(self)
+ Transform the selection to upper case.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_UpperCase(*args, **kwargs)
def LineScrollDown(*args, **kwargs):
- """LineScrollDown()"""
+ """
+ LineScrollDown(self)
+ Scroll the document down, keeping the caret visible.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_LineScrollDown(*args, **kwargs)
def LineScrollUp(*args, **kwargs):
- """LineScrollUp()"""
+ """
+ LineScrollUp(self)
+ Scroll the document up, keeping the caret visible.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_LineScrollUp(*args, **kwargs)
def DeleteBackNotLine(*args, **kwargs):
- """DeleteBackNotLine()"""
+ """
+ DeleteBackNotLine(self)
+ Delete the selection or if no selection, the character before the caret.
+ Will not delete the character before at the start of a line.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_DeleteBackNotLine(*args, **kwargs)
def HomeDisplay(*args, **kwargs):
- """HomeDisplay()"""
+ """
+ HomeDisplay(self)
+ Move caret to first position on display line.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_HomeDisplay(*args, **kwargs)
def HomeDisplayExtend(*args, **kwargs):
- """HomeDisplayExtend()"""
+ """
+ HomeDisplayExtend(self)
+ Move caret to first position on display line extending selection to
+ new caret position.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_HomeDisplayExtend(*args, **kwargs)
def LineEndDisplay(*args, **kwargs):
- """LineEndDisplay()"""
+ """
+ LineEndDisplay(self)
+ Move caret to last position on display line.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_LineEndDisplay(*args, **kwargs)
def LineEndDisplayExtend(*args, **kwargs):
- """LineEndDisplayExtend()"""
+ """
+ LineEndDisplayExtend(self)
+ Move caret to last position on display line extending selection to new
+ caret position.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_LineEndDisplayExtend(*args, **kwargs)
def HomeWrap(*args, **kwargs):
- """HomeWrap()"""
+ """
+ HomeWrap(self)
+ These are like their namesakes Home(Extend)?, LineEnd(Extend)?, VCHome(Extend)?
+ except they behave differently when word-wrap is enabled:
+ They go first to the start / end of the display line, like (Home|LineEnd)Display
+ The difference is that, the cursor is already at the point, it goes on to the start
+ or end of the document line, as appropriate for (Home|LineEnd|VCHome)(Extend)?.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_HomeWrap(*args, **kwargs)
def HomeWrapExtend(*args, **kwargs):
- """HomeWrapExtend()"""
+ """HomeWrapExtend(self)"""
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_HomeWrapExtend(*args, **kwargs)
def LineEndWrap(*args, **kwargs):
- """LineEndWrap()"""
+ """LineEndWrap(self)"""
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_LineEndWrap(*args, **kwargs)
def LineEndWrapExtend(*args, **kwargs):
- """LineEndWrapExtend()"""
+ """LineEndWrapExtend(self)"""
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_LineEndWrapExtend(*args, **kwargs)
def VCHomeWrap(*args, **kwargs):
- """VCHomeWrap()"""
+ """VCHomeWrap(self)"""
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_VCHomeWrap(*args, **kwargs)
def VCHomeWrapExtend(*args, **kwargs):
- """VCHomeWrapExtend()"""
+ """VCHomeWrapExtend(self)"""
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_VCHomeWrapExtend(*args, **kwargs)
def LineCopy(*args, **kwargs):
- """LineCopy()"""
+ """
+ LineCopy(self)
+ Copy the line containing the caret.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_LineCopy(*args, **kwargs)
def MoveCaretInsideView(*args, **kwargs):
- """MoveCaretInsideView()"""
+ """
+ MoveCaretInsideView(self)
+ Move the caret inside current view if it's not there already.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_MoveCaretInsideView(*args, **kwargs)
def LineLength(*args, **kwargs):
- """LineLength(int line) -> int"""
+ """
+ LineLength(self, int line) -> int
+ How many characters are on a line, not including end of line characters?
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_LineLength(*args, **kwargs)
def BraceHighlight(*args, **kwargs):
- """BraceHighlight(int pos1, int pos2)"""
+ """
+ BraceHighlight(self, int pos1, int pos2)
+ Highlight the characters at two positions.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_BraceHighlight(*args, **kwargs)
def BraceBadLight(*args, **kwargs):
- """BraceBadLight(int pos)"""
+ """
+ BraceBadLight(self, int pos)
+ Highlight the character at a position indicating there is no matching brace.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_BraceBadLight(*args, **kwargs)
def BraceMatch(*args, **kwargs):
- """BraceMatch(int pos) -> int"""
+ """
+ BraceMatch(self, int pos) -> int
+ Find the position of a matching brace or INVALID_POSITION if no match.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_BraceMatch(*args, **kwargs)
def GetViewEOL(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetViewEOL() -> bool"""
+ """
+ GetViewEOL(self) -> bool
+ Are the end of line characters visible?
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetViewEOL(*args, **kwargs)
def SetViewEOL(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetViewEOL(bool visible)"""
+ """
+ SetViewEOL(self, bool visible)
+ Make the end of line characters visible or invisible.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetViewEOL(*args, **kwargs)
def GetDocPointer(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetDocPointer() -> void"""
+ """
+ GetDocPointer(self) -> void
+ Retrieve a pointer to the document object.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetDocPointer(*args, **kwargs)
def SetDocPointer(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetDocPointer(void docPointer)"""
+ """
+ SetDocPointer(self, void docPointer)
+ Change the document object used.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetDocPointer(*args, **kwargs)
def SetModEventMask(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetModEventMask(int mask)"""
+ """
+ SetModEventMask(self, int mask)
+ Set which document modification events are sent to the container.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetModEventMask(*args, **kwargs)
def GetEdgeColumn(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetEdgeColumn() -> int"""
+ """
+ GetEdgeColumn(self) -> int
+ Retrieve the column number which text should be kept within.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetEdgeColumn(*args, **kwargs)
def SetEdgeColumn(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetEdgeColumn(int column)"""
+ """
+ SetEdgeColumn(self, int column)
+ Set the column number of the edge.
+ If text goes past the edge then it is highlighted.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetEdgeColumn(*args, **kwargs)
def GetEdgeMode(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetEdgeMode() -> int"""
+ """
+ GetEdgeMode(self) -> int
+ Retrieve the edge highlight mode.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetEdgeMode(*args, **kwargs)
def SetEdgeMode(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetEdgeMode(int mode)"""
+ """
+ SetEdgeMode(self, int mode)
+ The edge may be displayed by a line (EDGE_LINE) or by highlighting text that
+ goes beyond it (EDGE_BACKGROUND) or not displayed at all (EDGE_NONE).
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetEdgeMode(*args, **kwargs)
def GetEdgeColour(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetEdgeColour() -> Colour"""
+ """
+ GetEdgeColour(self) -> Colour
+ Retrieve the colour used in edge indication.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetEdgeColour(*args, **kwargs)
def SetEdgeColour(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetEdgeColour(Colour edgeColour)"""
+ """
+ SetEdgeColour(self, Colour edgeColour)
+ Change the colour used in edge indication.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetEdgeColour(*args, **kwargs)
def SearchAnchor(*args, **kwargs):
- """SearchAnchor()"""
+ """
+ SearchAnchor(self)
+ Sets the current caret position to be the search anchor.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SearchAnchor(*args, **kwargs)
def SearchNext(*args, **kwargs):
- """SearchNext(int flags, String text) -> int"""
+ """
+ SearchNext(self, int flags, String text) -> int
+ Find some text starting at the search anchor.
+ Does not ensure the selection is visible.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SearchNext(*args, **kwargs)
def SearchPrev(*args, **kwargs):
- """SearchPrev(int flags, String text) -> int"""
+ """
+ SearchPrev(self, int flags, String text) -> int
+ Find some text starting at the search anchor and moving backwards.
+ Does not ensure the selection is visible.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SearchPrev(*args, **kwargs)
def LinesOnScreen(*args, **kwargs):
- """LinesOnScreen() -> int"""
+ """
+ LinesOnScreen(self) -> int
+ Retrieves the number of lines completely visible.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_LinesOnScreen(*args, **kwargs)
def UsePopUp(*args, **kwargs):
- """UsePopUp(bool allowPopUp)"""
+ """
+ UsePopUp(self, bool allowPopUp)
+ Set whether a pop up menu is displayed automatically when the user presses
+ the wrong mouse button.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_UsePopUp(*args, **kwargs)
def SelectionIsRectangle(*args, **kwargs):
- """SelectionIsRectangle() -> bool"""
+ """
+ SelectionIsRectangle(self) -> bool
+ Is the selection rectangular? The alternative is the more common stream selection.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SelectionIsRectangle(*args, **kwargs)
def SetZoom(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetZoom(int zoom)"""
+ """
+ SetZoom(self, int zoom)
+ Set the zoom level. This number of points is added to the size of all fonts.
+ It may be positive to magnify or negative to reduce.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetZoom(*args, **kwargs)
def GetZoom(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetZoom() -> int"""
+ """
+ GetZoom(self) -> int
+ Retrieve the zoom level.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetZoom(*args, **kwargs)
def CreateDocument(*args, **kwargs):
- """CreateDocument() -> void"""
+ """
+ CreateDocument(self) -> void
+ Create a new document object.
+ Starts with reference count of 1 and not selected into editor.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_CreateDocument(*args, **kwargs)
def AddRefDocument(*args, **kwargs):
- """AddRefDocument(void docPointer)"""
+ """
+ AddRefDocument(self, void docPointer)
+ Extend life of document.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_AddRefDocument(*args, **kwargs)
def ReleaseDocument(*args, **kwargs):
- """ReleaseDocument(void docPointer)"""
+ """
+ ReleaseDocument(self, void docPointer)
+ Release a reference to the document, deleting document if it fades to black.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_ReleaseDocument(*args, **kwargs)
def GetModEventMask(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetModEventMask() -> int"""
+ """
+ GetModEventMask(self) -> int
+ Get which document modification events are sent to the container.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetModEventMask(*args, **kwargs)
def SetSTCFocus(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetSTCFocus(bool focus)"""
+ """
+ SetSTCFocus(self, bool focus)
+ Change internal focus flag.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetSTCFocus(*args, **kwargs)
def GetSTCFocus(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetSTCFocus() -> bool"""
+ """
+ GetSTCFocus(self) -> bool
+ Get internal focus flag.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetSTCFocus(*args, **kwargs)
def SetStatus(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetStatus(int statusCode)"""
+ """
+ SetStatus(self, int statusCode)
+ Change error status - 0 = OK.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetStatus(*args, **kwargs)
def GetStatus(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetStatus() -> int"""
+ """
+ GetStatus(self) -> int
+ Get error status.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetStatus(*args, **kwargs)
def SetMouseDownCaptures(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetMouseDownCaptures(bool captures)"""
+ """
+ SetMouseDownCaptures(self, bool captures)
+ Set whether the mouse is captured when its button is pressed.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetMouseDownCaptures(*args, **kwargs)
def GetMouseDownCaptures(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetMouseDownCaptures() -> bool"""
+ """
+ GetMouseDownCaptures(self) -> bool
+ Get whether mouse gets captured.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetMouseDownCaptures(*args, **kwargs)
def SetSTCCursor(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetSTCCursor(int cursorType)"""
+ """
+ SetSTCCursor(self, int cursorType)
+ Sets the cursor to one of the SC_CURSOR* values.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetSTCCursor(*args, **kwargs)
def GetSTCCursor(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetSTCCursor() -> int"""
+ """
+ GetSTCCursor(self) -> int
+ Get cursor type.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetSTCCursor(*args, **kwargs)
def SetControlCharSymbol(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetControlCharSymbol(int symbol)"""
+ """
+ SetControlCharSymbol(self, int symbol)
+ Change the way control characters are displayed:
+ If symbol is < 32, keep the drawn way, else, use the given character.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetControlCharSymbol(*args, **kwargs)
def GetControlCharSymbol(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetControlCharSymbol() -> int"""
+ """
+ GetControlCharSymbol(self) -> int
+ Get the way control characters are displayed.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetControlCharSymbol(*args, **kwargs)
def WordPartLeft(*args, **kwargs):
- """WordPartLeft()"""
+ """
+ WordPartLeft(self)
+ Move to the previous change in capitalisation.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_WordPartLeft(*args, **kwargs)
def WordPartLeftExtend(*args, **kwargs):
- """WordPartLeftExtend()"""
+ """
+ WordPartLeftExtend(self)
+ Move to the previous change in capitalisation extending selection
+ to new caret position.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_WordPartLeftExtend(*args, **kwargs)
def WordPartRight(*args, **kwargs):
- """WordPartRight()"""
+ """
+ WordPartRight(self)
+ Move to the change next in capitalisation.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_WordPartRight(*args, **kwargs)
def WordPartRightExtend(*args, **kwargs):
- """WordPartRightExtend()"""
+ """
+ WordPartRightExtend(self)
+ Move to the next change in capitalisation extending selection
+ to new caret position.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_WordPartRightExtend(*args, **kwargs)
def SetVisiblePolicy(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetVisiblePolicy(int visiblePolicy, int visibleSlop)"""
+ """
+ SetVisiblePolicy(self, int visiblePolicy, int visibleSlop)
+ Set the way the display area is determined when a particular line
+ is to be moved to by Find, FindNext, GotoLine, etc.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetVisiblePolicy(*args, **kwargs)
def DelLineLeft(*args, **kwargs):
- """DelLineLeft()"""
+ """
+ DelLineLeft(self)
+ Delete back from the current position to the start of the line.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_DelLineLeft(*args, **kwargs)
def DelLineRight(*args, **kwargs):
- """DelLineRight()"""
+ """
+ DelLineRight(self)
+ Delete forwards from the current position to the end of the line.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_DelLineRight(*args, **kwargs)
def SetXOffset(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetXOffset(int newOffset)"""
+ """
+ SetXOffset(self, int newOffset)
+ Get and Set the xOffset (ie, horizonal scroll position).
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetXOffset(*args, **kwargs)
def GetXOffset(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetXOffset() -> int"""
+ """GetXOffset(self) -> int"""
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetXOffset(*args, **kwargs)
def ChooseCaretX(*args, **kwargs):
- """ChooseCaretX()"""
+ """
+ ChooseCaretX(self)
+ Set the last x chosen value to be the caret x position.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_ChooseCaretX(*args, **kwargs)
def SetXCaretPolicy(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetXCaretPolicy(int caretPolicy, int caretSlop)"""
+ """
+ SetXCaretPolicy(self, int caretPolicy, int caretSlop)
+ Set the way the caret is kept visible when going sideway.
+ The exclusion zone is given in pixels.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetXCaretPolicy(*args, **kwargs)
def SetYCaretPolicy(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetYCaretPolicy(int caretPolicy, int caretSlop)"""
+ """
+ SetYCaretPolicy(self, int caretPolicy, int caretSlop)
+ Set the way the line the caret is on is kept visible.
+ The exclusion zone is given in lines.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetYCaretPolicy(*args, **kwargs)
def SetPrintWrapMode(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetPrintWrapMode(int mode)"""
+ """
+ SetPrintWrapMode(self, int mode)
+ Set printing to line wrapped (SC_WRAP_WORD) or not line wrapped (SC_WRAP_NONE).
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetPrintWrapMode(*args, **kwargs)
def GetPrintWrapMode(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetPrintWrapMode() -> int"""
+ """
+ GetPrintWrapMode(self) -> int
+ Is printing line wrapped?
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetPrintWrapMode(*args, **kwargs)
def SetHotspotActiveForeground(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetHotspotActiveForeground(bool useSetting, Colour fore)"""
+ """
+ SetHotspotActiveForeground(self, bool useSetting, Colour fore)
+ Set a fore colour for active hotspots.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetHotspotActiveForeground(*args, **kwargs)
def SetHotspotActiveBackground(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetHotspotActiveBackground(bool useSetting, Colour back)"""
+ """
+ SetHotspotActiveBackground(self, bool useSetting, Colour back)
+ Set a back colour for active hotspots.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetHotspotActiveBackground(*args, **kwargs)
def SetHotspotActiveUnderline(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetHotspotActiveUnderline(bool underline)"""
+ """
+ SetHotspotActiveUnderline(self, bool underline)
+ Enable / Disable underlining active hotspots.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetHotspotActiveUnderline(*args, **kwargs)
def SetHotspotSingleLine(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetHotspotSingleLine(bool singleLine)"""
+ """
+ SetHotspotSingleLine(self, bool singleLine)
+ Limit hotspots to single line so hotspots on two lines don't merge.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetHotspotSingleLine(*args, **kwargs)
def ParaDown(*args, **kwargs):
- """ParaDown()"""
+ """
+ ParaDown(self)
+ Move caret between paragraphs (delimited by empty lines).
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_ParaDown(*args, **kwargs)
def ParaDownExtend(*args, **kwargs):
- """ParaDownExtend()"""
+ """ParaDownExtend(self)"""
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_ParaDownExtend(*args, **kwargs)
def ParaUp(*args, **kwargs):
- """ParaUp()"""
+ """ParaUp(self)"""
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_ParaUp(*args, **kwargs)
def ParaUpExtend(*args, **kwargs):
- """ParaUpExtend()"""
+ """ParaUpExtend(self)"""
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_ParaUpExtend(*args, **kwargs)
def PositionBefore(*args, **kwargs):
- """PositionBefore(int pos) -> int"""
+ """
+ PositionBefore(self, int pos) -> int
+ Given a valid document position, return the previous position taking code
+ page into account. Returns 0 if passed 0.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_PositionBefore(*args, **kwargs)
def PositionAfter(*args, **kwargs):
- """PositionAfter(int pos) -> int"""
+ """
+ PositionAfter(self, int pos) -> int
+ Given a valid document position, return the next position taking code
+ page into account. Maximum value returned is the last position in the document.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_PositionAfter(*args, **kwargs)
def CopyRange(*args, **kwargs):
- """CopyRange(int start, int end)"""
+ """
+ CopyRange(self, int start, int end)
+ Copy a range of text to the clipboard. Positions are clipped into the document.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_CopyRange(*args, **kwargs)
def CopyText(*args, **kwargs):
- """CopyText(int length, String text)"""
+ """
+ CopyText(self, int length, String text)
+ Copy argument text to the clipboard.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_CopyText(*args, **kwargs)
def SetSelectionMode(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetSelectionMode(int mode)"""
+ """
+ SetSelectionMode(self, int mode)
+ Set the selection mode to stream (SC_SEL_STREAM) or rectangular (SC_SEL_RECTANGLE) or
+ by lines (SC_SEL_LINES).
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetSelectionMode(*args, **kwargs)
def GetSelectionMode(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetSelectionMode() -> int"""
+ """
+ GetSelectionMode(self) -> int
+ Get the mode of the current selection.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetSelectionMode(*args, **kwargs)
def GetLineSelStartPosition(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetLineSelStartPosition(int line) -> int"""
+ """
+ GetLineSelStartPosition(self, int line) -> int
+ Retrieve the position of the start of the selection at the given line (INVALID_POSITION if no selection on this line).
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetLineSelStartPosition(*args, **kwargs)
def GetLineSelEndPosition(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetLineSelEndPosition(int line) -> int"""
+ """
+ GetLineSelEndPosition(self, int line) -> int
+ Retrieve the position of the end of the selection at the given line (INVALID_POSITION if no selection on this line).
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetLineSelEndPosition(*args, **kwargs)
def LineDownRectExtend(*args, **kwargs):
- """LineDownRectExtend()"""
+ """
+ LineDownRectExtend(self)
+ Move caret down one line, extending rectangular selection to new caret position.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_LineDownRectExtend(*args, **kwargs)
def LineUpRectExtend(*args, **kwargs):
- """LineUpRectExtend()"""
+ """
+ LineUpRectExtend(self)
+ Move caret up one line, extending rectangular selection to new caret position.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_LineUpRectExtend(*args, **kwargs)
def CharLeftRectExtend(*args, **kwargs):
- """CharLeftRectExtend()"""
+ """
+ CharLeftRectExtend(self)
+ Move caret left one character, extending rectangular selection to new caret position.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_CharLeftRectExtend(*args, **kwargs)
def CharRightRectExtend(*args, **kwargs):
- """CharRightRectExtend()"""
+ """
+ CharRightRectExtend(self)
+ Move caret right one character, extending rectangular selection to new caret position.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_CharRightRectExtend(*args, **kwargs)
def HomeRectExtend(*args, **kwargs):
- """HomeRectExtend()"""
+ """
+ HomeRectExtend(self)
+ Move caret to first position on line, extending rectangular selection to new caret position.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_HomeRectExtend(*args, **kwargs)
def VCHomeRectExtend(*args, **kwargs):
- """VCHomeRectExtend()"""
+ """
+ VCHomeRectExtend(self)
+ Move caret to before first visible character on line.
+ If already there move to first character on line.
+ In either case, extend rectangular selection to new caret position.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_VCHomeRectExtend(*args, **kwargs)
def LineEndRectExtend(*args, **kwargs):
- """LineEndRectExtend()"""
+ """
+ LineEndRectExtend(self)
+ Move caret to last position on line, extending rectangular selection to new caret position.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_LineEndRectExtend(*args, **kwargs)
def PageUpRectExtend(*args, **kwargs):
- """PageUpRectExtend()"""
+ """
+ PageUpRectExtend(self)
+ Move caret one page up, extending rectangular selection to new caret position.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_PageUpRectExtend(*args, **kwargs)
def PageDownRectExtend(*args, **kwargs):
- """PageDownRectExtend()"""
+ """
+ PageDownRectExtend(self)
+ Move caret one page down, extending rectangular selection to new caret position.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_PageDownRectExtend(*args, **kwargs)
def StutteredPageUp(*args, **kwargs):
- """StutteredPageUp()"""
+ """
+ StutteredPageUp(self)
+ Move caret to top of page, or one page up if already at top of page.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_StutteredPageUp(*args, **kwargs)
def StutteredPageUpExtend(*args, **kwargs):
- """StutteredPageUpExtend()"""
+ """
+ StutteredPageUpExtend(self)
+ Move caret to top of page, or one page up if already at top of page, extending selection to new caret position.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_StutteredPageUpExtend(*args, **kwargs)
def StutteredPageDown(*args, **kwargs):
- """StutteredPageDown()"""
+ """
+ StutteredPageDown(self)
+ Move caret to bottom of page, or one page down if already at bottom of page.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_StutteredPageDown(*args, **kwargs)
def StutteredPageDownExtend(*args, **kwargs):
- """StutteredPageDownExtend()"""
+ """
+ StutteredPageDownExtend(self)
+ Move caret to bottom of page, or one page down if already at bottom of page, extending selection to new caret position.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_StutteredPageDownExtend(*args, **kwargs)
def WordLeftEnd(*args, **kwargs):
- """WordLeftEnd()"""
+ """
+ WordLeftEnd(self)
+ Move caret left one word, position cursor at end of word.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_WordLeftEnd(*args, **kwargs)
def WordLeftEndExtend(*args, **kwargs):
- """WordLeftEndExtend()"""
+ """
+ WordLeftEndExtend(self)
+ Move caret left one word, position cursor at end of word, extending selection to new caret position.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_WordLeftEndExtend(*args, **kwargs)
def WordRightEnd(*args, **kwargs):
- """WordRightEnd()"""
+ """
+ WordRightEnd(self)
+ Move caret right one word, position cursor at end of word.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_WordRightEnd(*args, **kwargs)
def WordRightEndExtend(*args, **kwargs):
- """WordRightEndExtend()"""
+ """
+ WordRightEndExtend(self)
+ Move caret right one word, position cursor at end of word, extending selection to new caret position.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_WordRightEndExtend(*args, **kwargs)
def SetWhitespaceChars(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetWhitespaceChars(String characters)"""
+ """
+ SetWhitespaceChars(self, String characters)
+ Set the set of characters making up whitespace for when moving or selecting by word.
+ Should be called after SetWordChars.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetWhitespaceChars(*args, **kwargs)
def SetCharsDefault(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetCharsDefault()"""
+ """
+ SetCharsDefault(self)
+ Reset the set of characters for whitespace and word characters to the defaults.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetCharsDefault(*args, **kwargs)
def AutoCompGetCurrent(*args, **kwargs):
- """AutoCompGetCurrent() -> int"""
+ """
+ AutoCompGetCurrent(self) -> int
+ Get currently selected item position in the auto-completion list
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_AutoCompGetCurrent(*args, **kwargs)
+ def Allocate(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Allocate(self, int bytes)
+ Enlarge the document to a particular size of text bytes.
+ """
+ return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_Allocate(*args, **kwargs)
+ def FindColumn(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ FindColumn(self, int line, int column) -> int
+ Find the position of a column on a line taking into account tabs and
+ multi-byte characters. If beyond end of line, return line end position.
+ """
+ return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_FindColumn(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetCaretSticky(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetCaretSticky(self) -> bool
+ Can the caret preferred x position only be changed by explicit movement commands?
+ """
+ return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetCaretSticky(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetCaretSticky(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ SetCaretSticky(self, bool useCaretStickyBehaviour)
+ Stop the caret preferred x position changing when the user types.
+ """
+ return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetCaretSticky(*args, **kwargs)
+ def ToggleCaretSticky(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ ToggleCaretSticky(self)
+ Switch between sticky and non-sticky: meant to be bound to a key.
+ """
+ return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_ToggleCaretSticky(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetPasteConvertEndings(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ SetPasteConvertEndings(self, bool convert)
+ Enable/Disable convert-on-paste for line endings
+ """
+ return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetPasteConvertEndings(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetPasteConvertEndings(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetPasteConvertEndings(self) -> bool
+ Get convert-on-paste setting
+ """
+ return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetPasteConvertEndings(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SelectionDuplicate(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ SelectionDuplicate(self)
+ Duplicate the selection. If selection empty duplicate the line containing the caret.
+ """
+ return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SelectionDuplicate(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetCaretLineBackAlpha(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ SetCaretLineBackAlpha(self, int alpha)
+ Set background alpha of the caret line.
+ """
+ return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetCaretLineBackAlpha(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetCaretLineBackAlpha(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetCaretLineBackAlpha(self) -> int
+ Get the background alpha of the caret line.
+ """
+ return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetCaretLineBackAlpha(*args, **kwargs)
def StartRecord(*args, **kwargs):
- """StartRecord()"""
+ """
+ StartRecord(self)
+ Start notifying the container of all key presses and commands.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_StartRecord(*args, **kwargs)
def StopRecord(*args, **kwargs):
- """StopRecord()"""
+ """
+ StopRecord(self)
+ Stop notifying the container of all key presses and commands.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_StopRecord(*args, **kwargs)
def SetLexer(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetLexer(int lexer)"""
+ """
+ SetLexer(self, int lexer)
+ Set the lexing language of the document.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetLexer(*args, **kwargs)
def GetLexer(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetLexer() -> int"""
+ """
+ GetLexer(self) -> int
+ Retrieve the lexing language of the document.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetLexer(*args, **kwargs)
def Colourise(*args, **kwargs):
- """Colourise(int start, int end)"""
+ """
+ Colourise(self, int start, int end)
+ Colourise a segment of the document using the current lexing language.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_Colourise(*args, **kwargs)
def SetProperty(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetProperty(String key, String value)"""
+ """
+ SetProperty(self, String key, String value)
+ Set up a value that may be used by a lexer for some optional feature.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetProperty(*args, **kwargs)
def SetKeyWords(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetKeyWords(int keywordSet, String keyWords)"""
+ """
+ SetKeyWords(self, int keywordSet, String keyWords)
+ Set up the key words used by the lexer.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetKeyWords(*args, **kwargs)
def SetLexerLanguage(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetLexerLanguage(String language)"""
+ """
+ SetLexerLanguage(self, String language)
+ Set the lexing language of the document based on string name.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetLexerLanguage(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetProperty(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetProperty(self, String key) -> String
+ Retrieve a 'property' value previously set with SetProperty.
+ """
+ return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetProperty(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetPropertyExpanded(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetPropertyExpanded(self, String key) -> String
+ Retrieve a 'property' value previously set with SetProperty,
+ with '$()' variable replacement on returned buffer.
+ """
+ return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetPropertyExpanded(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetPropertyInt(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetPropertyInt(self, String key) -> int
+ Retrieve a 'property' value previously set with SetProperty,
+ interpreted as an int AFTER any '$()' variable replacement.
+ """
+ return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetPropertyInt(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetStyleBitsNeeded(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetStyleBitsNeeded(self) -> int
+ Retrieve the number of bits the current lexer needs for styling.
+ """
+ return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetStyleBitsNeeded(*args, **kwargs)
def GetCurrentLine(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetCurrentLine() -> int"""
+ """
+ GetCurrentLine(self) -> int
+ Returns the line number of the line with the caret.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetCurrentLine(*args, **kwargs)
def StyleSetSpec(*args, **kwargs):
- """StyleSetSpec(int styleNum, String spec)"""
+ """
+ StyleSetSpec(self, int styleNum, String spec)
+ Extract style settings from a spec-string which is composed of one or
+ more of the following comma separated elements::
+ bold turns on bold
+ italic turns on italics
+ fore:[name or #RRGGBB] sets the foreground colour
+ back:[name or #RRGGBB] sets the background colour
+ face:[facename] sets the font face name to use
+ size:[num] sets the font size in points
+ eol turns on eol filling
+ underline turns on underlining
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_StyleSetSpec(*args, **kwargs)
def StyleSetFont(*args, **kwargs):
- """StyleSetFont(int styleNum, Font font)"""
+ """
+ StyleSetFont(self, int styleNum, Font font)
+ Set style size, face, bold, italic, and underline attributes from the
+ attributes of a `wx.Font`.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_StyleSetFont(*args, **kwargs)
def StyleSetFontAttr(*args, **kwargs):
- StyleSetFontAttr(int styleNum, int size, String faceName, bool bold,
- bool italic, bool underline)
+ StyleSetFontAttr(self, int styleNum, int size, String faceName, bool bold,
+ bool italic, bool underline, int encoding=wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT)
+ Set all font style attributes at once.
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_StyleSetFontAttr(*args, **kwargs)
+ def StyleSetCharacterSet(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ StyleSetCharacterSet(self, int style, int characterSet)
+ Set the character set of the font in a style. Converts the Scintilla
+ wx.stc.STC_CHARSET_* set values to a wxFontEncoding.
+ """
+ return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_StyleSetCharacterSet(*args, **kwargs)
+ def StyleSetFontEncoding(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ StyleSetFontEncoding(self, int style, int encoding)
+ Set the font encoding to be used by a style.
+ """
+ return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_StyleSetFontEncoding(*args, **kwargs)
def CmdKeyExecute(*args, **kwargs):
- """CmdKeyExecute(int cmd)"""
+ """
+ CmdKeyExecute(self, int cmd)
+ Perform one of the operations defined by the wx.stc.STC_CMD_* constants.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_CmdKeyExecute(*args, **kwargs)
def SetMargins(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetMargins(int left, int right)"""
+ """
+ SetMargins(self, int left, int right)
+ Set the left and right margin in the edit area, measured in pixels.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetMargins(*args, **kwargs)
def GetSelection(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetSelection(int OUTPUT, int OUTPUT)"""
+ """
+ GetSelection(self) -> (startPos, endPos)
+ Retrieve the start and end positions of the current selection.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetSelection(*args, **kwargs)
def PointFromPosition(*args, **kwargs):
- """PointFromPosition(int pos) -> Point"""
+ """
+ PointFromPosition(self, int pos) -> Point
+ Retrieve the point in the window where a position is displayed.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_PointFromPosition(*args, **kwargs)
def ScrollToLine(*args, **kwargs):
- """ScrollToLine(int line)"""
+ """
+ ScrollToLine(self, int line)
+ Scroll enough to make the given line visible.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_ScrollToLine(*args, **kwargs)
def ScrollToColumn(*args, **kwargs):
- """ScrollToColumn(int column)"""
+ """
+ ScrollToColumn(self, int column)
+ Scroll enough to make the given column visible
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_ScrollToColumn(*args, **kwargs)
def SendMsg(*args, **kwargs):
- """SendMsg(int msg, long wp=0, long lp=0) -> long"""
+ """
+ SendMsg(self, int msg, long wp=0, long lp=0) -> long
+ Send a message to Scintilla.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SendMsg(*args, **kwargs)
def SetVScrollBar(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetVScrollBar(wxScrollBar bar)"""
+ """
+ SetVScrollBar(self, wxScrollBar bar)
+ Set the vertical scrollbar to use instead of the one that's built-in.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetVScrollBar(*args, **kwargs)
def SetHScrollBar(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetHScrollBar(wxScrollBar bar)"""
+ """
+ SetHScrollBar(self, wxScrollBar bar)
+ Set the horizontal scrollbar to use instead of the ont that's built-in.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetHScrollBar(*args, **kwargs)
def GetLastKeydownProcessed(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetLastKeydownProcessed() -> bool"""
+ """GetLastKeydownProcessed(self) -> bool"""
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetLastKeydownProcessed(*args, **kwargs)
def SetLastKeydownProcessed(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetLastKeydownProcessed(bool val)"""
+ """SetLastKeydownProcessed(self, bool val)"""
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetLastKeydownProcessed(*args, **kwargs)
def SaveFile(*args, **kwargs):
- """SaveFile(String filename) -> bool"""
+ """
+ SaveFile(self, String filename) -> bool
+ Write the contents of the editor to filename
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SaveFile(*args, **kwargs)
def LoadFile(*args, **kwargs):
- """LoadFile(String filename) -> bool"""
+ """
+ LoadFile(self, String filename) -> bool
+ Load the contents of filename into the editor
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_LoadFile(*args, **kwargs)
def DoDragOver(*args, **kwargs):
- """DoDragOver(int x, int y, int def) -> int"""
+ """
+ DoDragOver(self, int x, int y, int def) -> int
+ Allow for simulating a DnD DragOver.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_DoDragOver(*args, **kwargs)
def DoDropText(*args, **kwargs):
- """DoDropText(long x, long y, String data) -> bool"""
+ """
+ DoDropText(self, long x, long y, String data) -> bool
+ Allow for simulating a DnD DropText.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_DoDropText(*args, **kwargs)
def SetUseAntiAliasing(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetUseAntiAliasing(bool useAA)"""
+ """
+ SetUseAntiAliasing(self, bool useAA)
+ Specify whether anti-aliased fonts should be used. Will have no
+ effect on some platforms, but on some (wxMac for example) can greatly
+ improve performance.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetUseAntiAliasing(*args, **kwargs)
def GetUseAntiAliasing(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetUseAntiAliasing() -> bool"""
+ """
+ GetUseAntiAliasing(self) -> bool
+ Returns the current UseAntiAliasing setting.
+ """
return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetUseAntiAliasing(*args, **kwargs)
+ def AddTextRaw(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ AddTextRaw(self, char text)
+ Add text to the document at current position. The text should be
+ utf-8 encoded on unicode builds of wxPython, or can be any 8-bit text
+ in ansi builds.
+ """
+ return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_AddTextRaw(*args, **kwargs)
+ def InsertTextRaw(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ InsertTextRaw(self, int pos, char text)
+ Insert string at a position. The text should be utf-8 encoded on
+ unicode builds of wxPython, or can be any 8-bit text in ansi builds.
+ """
+ return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_InsertTextRaw(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetCurLineRaw(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetCurLineRaw() -> (text, index)
+ Retrieve the text of the line containing the caret, and also the index
+ of the caret on the line. The returned value is a utf-8 encoded
+ string in unicode builds of wxPython, or raw 8-bit text otherwise.
+ """
+ return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetCurLineRaw(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetLineRaw(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetLineRaw(self, int line) -> wxCharBuffer
+ Retrieve the contents of a line. The returned value is a utf-8
+ encoded string in unicode builds of wxPython, or raw 8-bit text
+ otherwise.
+ """
+ return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetLineRaw(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetSelectedTextRaw(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetSelectedTextRaw(self) -> wxCharBuffer
+ Retrieve the selected text. The returned value is a utf-8 encoded
+ string in unicode builds of wxPython, or raw 8-bit text otherwise.
+ """
+ return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetSelectedTextRaw(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetTextRangeRaw(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetTextRangeRaw(self, int startPos, int endPos) -> wxCharBuffer
+ Retrieve a range of text. The returned value is a utf-8 encoded
+ string in unicode builds of wxPython, or raw 8-bit text otherwise.
+ """
+ return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetTextRangeRaw(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetTextRaw(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ SetTextRaw(self, char text)
+ Replace the contents of the document with the argument text. The text
+ should be utf-8 encoded on unicode builds of wxPython, or can be any
+ 8-bit text in ansi builds.
+ """
+ return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_SetTextRaw(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetTextRaw(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetTextRaw(self) -> wxCharBuffer
+ Retrieve all the text in the document. The returned value is a utf-8
+ encoded string in unicode builds of wxPython, or raw 8-bit text
+ otherwise.
+ """
+ return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_GetTextRaw(*args, **kwargs)
+ def AppendTextRaw(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ AppendTextRaw(self, char text)
+ Append a string to the end of the document without changing the
+ selection. The text should be utf-8 encoded on unicode builds of
+ wxPython, or can be any 8-bit text in ansi builds.
+ """
+ return _stc.StyledTextCtrl_AppendTextRaw(*args, **kwargs)
+ def AddTextUTF8(self, text):
+ """
+ Add UTF8 encoded text to the document at the current position.
+ Works 'natively' in a unicode build of wxPython, and will also work
+ in an ansi build if the UTF8 text is compatible with the current
+ encoding.
+ """
+ if not wx.USE_UNICODE:
+ u = text.decode('utf-8')
+ text = u.encode(wx.GetDefaultPyEncoding())
+ self.AddTextRaw(text)
+ def InsertTextUTF8(self, pos, text):
+ """
+ Insert UTF8 encoded text at a position. Works 'natively' in a
+ unicode build of wxPython, and will also work in an ansi build if
+ the UTF8 text is compatible with the current encoding.
+ """
+ if not wx.USE_UNICODE:
+ u = text.decode('utf-8')
+ text = u.encode(wx.GetDefaultPyEncoding())
+ self.InsertTextRaw(pos, text)
+ def GetCurLineUTF8(self):
+ """
+ Retrieve the UTF8 text of the line containing the caret, and also
+ the index of the caret on the line. In an ansi build of wxPython
+ the text retrieved from the document is assumed to be in the
+ current default encoding.
+ """
+ text, pos = self.GetCurLineRaw()
+ if not wx.USE_UNICODE:
+ u = text.decode(wx.GetDefaultPyEncoding())
+ text = u.encode('utf-8')
+ return text, pos
+ def GetLineUTF8(self, line):
+ """
+ Retrieve the contents of a line as UTF8. In an ansi build of wxPython
+ the text retrieved from the document is assumed to be in the
+ current default encoding.
+ """
+ text = self.GetLineRaw(line)
+ if not wx.USE_UNICODE:
+ u = text.decode(wx.GetDefaultPyEncoding())
+ text = u.encode('utf-8')
+ return text
+ def GetSelectedTextUTF8(self):
+ """
+ Retrieve the selected text as UTF8. In an ansi build of wxPython
+ the text retrieved from the document is assumed to be in the
+ current default encoding.
+ """
+ text = self.GetSelectedTextRaw()
+ if not wx.USE_UNICODE:
+ u = text.decode(wx.GetDefaultPyEncoding())
+ text = u.encode('utf-8')
+ return text
+ def GetTextRangeUTF8(self, startPos, endPos):
+ """
+ Retrieve a range of text as UTF8. In an ansi build of wxPython
+ the text retrieved from the document is assumed to be in the
+ current default encoding.
+ """
+ text = self.GetTextRangeRaw(startPos, endPos)
+ if not wx.USE_UNICODE:
+ u = text.decode(wx.GetDefaultPyEncoding())
+ text = u.encode('utf-8')
+ return text
+ def SetTextUTF8(self, text):
+ """
+ Replace the contents of the document with the UTF8 text given.
+ Works 'natively' in a unicode build of wxPython, and will also
+ work in an ansi build if the UTF8 text is compatible with the
+ current encoding.
+ """
+ if not wx.USE_UNICODE:
+ u = text.decode('utf-8')
+ text = u.encode(wx.GetDefaultPyEncoding())
+ self.SetTextRaw(text)
+ def GetTextUTF8(self):
+ """
+ Retrieve all the text in the document as UTF8. In an ansi build
+ of wxPython the text retrieved from the document is assumed to be
+ in the current default encoding.
+ """
+ text = self.GetTextRaw()
+ if not wx.USE_UNICODE:
+ u = text.decode(wx.GetDefaultPyEncoding())
+ text = u.encode('utf-8')
+ return text
-class StyledTextCtrlPtr(StyledTextCtrl):
- def __init__(self, this):
- self.this = this
- if not hasattr(self,"thisown"): self.thisown = 0
- self.__class__ = StyledTextCtrl
+ def AppendTextUTF8(self, text):
+ """
+ Append a UTF8 string to the end of the document without changing
+ the selection. Works 'natively' in a unicode build of wxPython,
+ and will also work in an ansi build if the UTF8 text is compatible
+ with the current encoding.
+ """
+ if not wx.USE_UNICODE:
+ u = text.decode('utf-8')
+ text = u.encode(wx.GetDefaultPyEncoding())
+ self.AppendTextRaw(text)
+ GetCaretLineBack = GetCaretLineBackground
+ SetCaretLineBack = SetCaretLineBackground
+ Anchor = property(GetAnchor,SetAnchor,doc="See `GetAnchor` and `SetAnchor`")
+ BackSpaceUnIndents = property(GetBackSpaceUnIndents,SetBackSpaceUnIndents,doc="See `GetBackSpaceUnIndents` and `SetBackSpaceUnIndents`")
+ BufferedDraw = property(GetBufferedDraw,SetBufferedDraw,doc="See `GetBufferedDraw` and `SetBufferedDraw`")
+ CaretForeground = property(GetCaretForeground,SetCaretForeground,doc="See `GetCaretForeground` and `SetCaretForeground`")
+ CaretLineBack = property(GetCaretLineBack,SetCaretLineBack,doc="See `GetCaretLineBack` and `SetCaretLineBack`")
+ CaretLineBackAlpha = property(GetCaretLineBackAlpha,SetCaretLineBackAlpha,doc="See `GetCaretLineBackAlpha` and `SetCaretLineBackAlpha`")
+ CaretLineBackground = property(GetCaretLineBackground,SetCaretLineBackground,doc="See `GetCaretLineBackground` and `SetCaretLineBackground`")
+ CaretLineVisible = property(GetCaretLineVisible,SetCaretLineVisible,doc="See `GetCaretLineVisible` and `SetCaretLineVisible`")
+ CaretPeriod = property(GetCaretPeriod,SetCaretPeriod,doc="See `GetCaretPeriod` and `SetCaretPeriod`")
+ CaretSticky = property(GetCaretSticky,SetCaretSticky,doc="See `GetCaretSticky` and `SetCaretSticky`")
+ CaretWidth = property(GetCaretWidth,SetCaretWidth,doc="See `GetCaretWidth` and `SetCaretWidth`")
+ CodePage = property(GetCodePage,SetCodePage,doc="See `GetCodePage` and `SetCodePage`")
+ ControlCharSymbol = property(GetControlCharSymbol,SetControlCharSymbol,doc="See `GetControlCharSymbol` and `SetControlCharSymbol`")
+ CurLine = property(GetCurLine,doc="See `GetCurLine`")
+ CurLineRaw = property(GetCurLineRaw,doc="See `GetCurLineRaw`")
+ CurLineUTF8 = property(GetCurLineUTF8,doc="See `GetCurLineUTF8`")
+ CurrentLine = property(GetCurrentLine,doc="See `GetCurrentLine`")
+ CurrentPos = property(GetCurrentPos,SetCurrentPos,doc="See `GetCurrentPos` and `SetCurrentPos`")
+ DocPointer = property(GetDocPointer,SetDocPointer,doc="See `GetDocPointer` and `SetDocPointer`")
+ EOLMode = property(GetEOLMode,SetEOLMode,doc="See `GetEOLMode` and `SetEOLMode`")
+ EdgeColour = property(GetEdgeColour,SetEdgeColour,doc="See `GetEdgeColour` and `SetEdgeColour`")
+ EdgeColumn = property(GetEdgeColumn,SetEdgeColumn,doc="See `GetEdgeColumn` and `SetEdgeColumn`")
+ EdgeMode = property(GetEdgeMode,SetEdgeMode,doc="See `GetEdgeMode` and `SetEdgeMode`")
+ EndAtLastLine = property(GetEndAtLastLine,SetEndAtLastLine,doc="See `GetEndAtLastLine` and `SetEndAtLastLine`")
+ EndStyled = property(GetEndStyled,doc="See `GetEndStyled`")
+ FirstVisibleLine = property(GetFirstVisibleLine,doc="See `GetFirstVisibleLine`")
+ HighlightGuide = property(GetHighlightGuide,SetHighlightGuide,doc="See `GetHighlightGuide` and `SetHighlightGuide`")
+ Indent = property(GetIndent,SetIndent,doc="See `GetIndent` and `SetIndent`")
+ IndentationGuides = property(GetIndentationGuides,SetIndentationGuides,doc="See `GetIndentationGuides` and `SetIndentationGuides`")
+ LastKeydownProcessed = property(GetLastKeydownProcessed,SetLastKeydownProcessed,doc="See `GetLastKeydownProcessed` and `SetLastKeydownProcessed`")
+ LayoutCache = property(GetLayoutCache,SetLayoutCache,doc="See `GetLayoutCache` and `SetLayoutCache`")
+ Length = property(GetLength,doc="See `GetLength`")
+ Lexer = property(GetLexer,SetLexer,doc="See `GetLexer` and `SetLexer`")
+ LineCount = property(GetLineCount,doc="See `GetLineCount`")
+ MarginLeft = property(GetMarginLeft,SetMarginLeft,doc="See `GetMarginLeft` and `SetMarginLeft`")
+ MarginRight = property(GetMarginRight,SetMarginRight,doc="See `GetMarginRight` and `SetMarginRight`")
+ MaxLineState = property(GetMaxLineState,doc="See `GetMaxLineState`")
+ ModEventMask = property(GetModEventMask,SetModEventMask,doc="See `GetModEventMask` and `SetModEventMask`")
+ Modify = property(GetModify,doc="See `GetModify`")
+ MouseDownCaptures = property(GetMouseDownCaptures,SetMouseDownCaptures,doc="See `GetMouseDownCaptures` and `SetMouseDownCaptures`")
+ MouseDwellTime = property(GetMouseDwellTime,SetMouseDwellTime,doc="See `GetMouseDwellTime` and `SetMouseDwellTime`")
+ Overtype = property(GetOvertype,SetOvertype,doc="See `GetOvertype` and `SetOvertype`")
+ PasteConvertEndings = property(GetPasteConvertEndings,SetPasteConvertEndings,doc="See `GetPasteConvertEndings` and `SetPasteConvertEndings`")
+ PrintColourMode = property(GetPrintColourMode,SetPrintColourMode,doc="See `GetPrintColourMode` and `SetPrintColourMode`")
+ PrintMagnification = property(GetPrintMagnification,SetPrintMagnification,doc="See `GetPrintMagnification` and `SetPrintMagnification`")
+ PrintWrapMode = property(GetPrintWrapMode,SetPrintWrapMode,doc="See `GetPrintWrapMode` and `SetPrintWrapMode`")
+ ReadOnly = property(GetReadOnly,SetReadOnly,doc="See `GetReadOnly` and `SetReadOnly`")
+ STCCursor = property(GetSTCCursor,SetSTCCursor,doc="See `GetSTCCursor` and `SetSTCCursor`")
+ STCFocus = property(GetSTCFocus,SetSTCFocus,doc="See `GetSTCFocus` and `SetSTCFocus`")
+ ScrollWidth = property(GetScrollWidth,SetScrollWidth,doc="See `GetScrollWidth` and `SetScrollWidth`")
+ SearchFlags = property(GetSearchFlags,SetSearchFlags,doc="See `GetSearchFlags` and `SetSearchFlags`")
+ SelAlpha = property(GetSelAlpha,SetSelAlpha,doc="See `GetSelAlpha` and `SetSelAlpha`")
+ SelectedText = property(GetSelectedText,doc="See `GetSelectedText`")
+ SelectedTextRaw = property(GetSelectedTextRaw,doc="See `GetSelectedTextRaw`")
+ SelectedTextUTF8 = property(GetSelectedTextUTF8,doc="See `GetSelectedTextUTF8`")
+ Selection = property(GetSelection,doc="See `GetSelection`")
+ SelectionEnd = property(GetSelectionEnd,SetSelectionEnd,doc="See `GetSelectionEnd` and `SetSelectionEnd`")
+ SelectionMode = property(GetSelectionMode,SetSelectionMode,doc="See `GetSelectionMode` and `SetSelectionMode`")
+ SelectionStart = property(GetSelectionStart,SetSelectionStart,doc="See `GetSelectionStart` and `SetSelectionStart`")
+ Status = property(GetStatus,SetStatus,doc="See `GetStatus` and `SetStatus`")
+ StyleBits = property(GetStyleBits,SetStyleBits,doc="See `GetStyleBits` and `SetStyleBits`")
+ StyleBitsNeeded = property(GetStyleBitsNeeded,doc="See `GetStyleBitsNeeded`")
+ TabIndents = property(GetTabIndents,SetTabIndents,doc="See `GetTabIndents` and `SetTabIndents`")
+ TabWidth = property(GetTabWidth,SetTabWidth,doc="See `GetTabWidth` and `SetTabWidth`")
+ TargetEnd = property(GetTargetEnd,SetTargetEnd,doc="See `GetTargetEnd` and `SetTargetEnd`")
+ TargetStart = property(GetTargetStart,SetTargetStart,doc="See `GetTargetStart` and `SetTargetStart`")
+ Text = property(GetText,SetText,doc="See `GetText` and `SetText`")
+ TextLength = property(GetTextLength,doc="See `GetTextLength`")
+ TextRaw = property(GetTextRaw,SetTextRaw,doc="See `GetTextRaw` and `SetTextRaw`")
+ TextUTF8 = property(GetTextUTF8,SetTextUTF8,doc="See `GetTextUTF8` and `SetTextUTF8`")
+ TwoPhaseDraw = property(GetTwoPhaseDraw,SetTwoPhaseDraw,doc="See `GetTwoPhaseDraw` and `SetTwoPhaseDraw`")
+ UndoCollection = property(GetUndoCollection,SetUndoCollection,doc="See `GetUndoCollection` and `SetUndoCollection`")
+ UseAntiAliasing = property(GetUseAntiAliasing,SetUseAntiAliasing,doc="See `GetUseAntiAliasing` and `SetUseAntiAliasing`")
+ UseHorizontalScrollBar = property(GetUseHorizontalScrollBar,SetUseHorizontalScrollBar,doc="See `GetUseHorizontalScrollBar` and `SetUseHorizontalScrollBar`")
+ UseTabs = property(GetUseTabs,SetUseTabs,doc="See `GetUseTabs` and `SetUseTabs`")
+ UseVerticalScrollBar = property(GetUseVerticalScrollBar,SetUseVerticalScrollBar,doc="See `GetUseVerticalScrollBar` and `SetUseVerticalScrollBar`")
+ ViewEOL = property(GetViewEOL,SetViewEOL,doc="See `GetViewEOL` and `SetViewEOL`")
+ ViewWhiteSpace = property(GetViewWhiteSpace,SetViewWhiteSpace,doc="See `GetViewWhiteSpace` and `SetViewWhiteSpace`")
+ WrapMode = property(GetWrapMode,SetWrapMode,doc="See `GetWrapMode` and `SetWrapMode`")
+ WrapStartIndent = property(GetWrapStartIndent,SetWrapStartIndent,doc="See `GetWrapStartIndent` and `SetWrapStartIndent`")
+ WrapVisualFlags = property(GetWrapVisualFlags,SetWrapVisualFlags,doc="See `GetWrapVisualFlags` and `SetWrapVisualFlags`")
+ WrapVisualFlagsLocation = property(GetWrapVisualFlagsLocation,SetWrapVisualFlagsLocation,doc="See `GetWrapVisualFlagsLocation` and `SetWrapVisualFlagsLocation`")
+ XOffset = property(GetXOffset,SetXOffset,doc="See `GetXOffset` and `SetXOffset`")
+ Zoom = property(GetZoom,SetZoom,doc="See `GetZoom` and `SetZoom`")
cvar = _stc.cvar
STCNameStr = cvar.STCNameStr
def PreStyledTextCtrl(*args, **kwargs):
"""PreStyledTextCtrl() -> StyledTextCtrl"""
val = _stc.new_PreStyledTextCtrl(*args, **kwargs)
- val.thisown = 1
return val
-class StyledTextEvent(core.CommandEvent):
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<%s.%s; proxy of C++ wxStyledTextEvent instance at %s>" % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, self.this,)
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """__init__(wxEventType commandType=0, int id=0) -> StyledTextEvent"""
- newobj = _stc.new_StyledTextEvent(*args, **kwargs)
- self.this = newobj.this
- self.thisown = 1
- del newobj.thisown
- def __del__(self, destroy=_stc.delete_StyledTextEvent):
- """__del__()"""
- try:
- if self.thisown: destroy(self)
- except: pass
+class StyledTextEvent(_core.CommandEvent):
+ """Proxy of C++ StyledTextEvent class"""
+ thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag')
+ __repr__ = _swig_repr
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """__init__(self, EventType commandType=0, int id=0) -> StyledTextEvent"""
+ _stc.StyledTextEvent_swiginit(self,_stc.new_StyledTextEvent(*args, **kwargs))
+ __swig_destroy__ = _stc.delete_StyledTextEvent
+ __del__ = lambda self : None;
def SetPosition(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetPosition(int pos)"""
+ """SetPosition(self, int pos)"""
return _stc.StyledTextEvent_SetPosition(*args, **kwargs)
def SetKey(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetKey(int k)"""
+ """SetKey(self, int k)"""
return _stc.StyledTextEvent_SetKey(*args, **kwargs)
def SetModifiers(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetModifiers(int m)"""
+ """SetModifiers(self, int m)"""
return _stc.StyledTextEvent_SetModifiers(*args, **kwargs)
def SetModificationType(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetModificationType(int t)"""
+ """SetModificationType(self, int t)"""
return _stc.StyledTextEvent_SetModificationType(*args, **kwargs)
def SetText(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetText(String t)"""
+ """SetText(self, String t)"""
return _stc.StyledTextEvent_SetText(*args, **kwargs)
def SetLength(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetLength(int len)"""
+ """SetLength(self, int len)"""
return _stc.StyledTextEvent_SetLength(*args, **kwargs)
def SetLinesAdded(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetLinesAdded(int num)"""
+ """SetLinesAdded(self, int num)"""
return _stc.StyledTextEvent_SetLinesAdded(*args, **kwargs)
def SetLine(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetLine(int val)"""
+ """SetLine(self, int val)"""
return _stc.StyledTextEvent_SetLine(*args, **kwargs)
def SetFoldLevelNow(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetFoldLevelNow(int val)"""
+ """SetFoldLevelNow(self, int val)"""
return _stc.StyledTextEvent_SetFoldLevelNow(*args, **kwargs)
def SetFoldLevelPrev(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetFoldLevelPrev(int val)"""
+ """SetFoldLevelPrev(self, int val)"""
return _stc.StyledTextEvent_SetFoldLevelPrev(*args, **kwargs)
def SetMargin(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetMargin(int val)"""
+ """SetMargin(self, int val)"""
return _stc.StyledTextEvent_SetMargin(*args, **kwargs)
def SetMessage(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetMessage(int val)"""
+ """SetMessage(self, int val)"""
return _stc.StyledTextEvent_SetMessage(*args, **kwargs)
def SetWParam(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetWParam(int val)"""
+ """SetWParam(self, int val)"""
return _stc.StyledTextEvent_SetWParam(*args, **kwargs)
def SetLParam(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetLParam(int val)"""
+ """SetLParam(self, int val)"""
return _stc.StyledTextEvent_SetLParam(*args, **kwargs)
def SetListType(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetListType(int val)"""
+ """SetListType(self, int val)"""
return _stc.StyledTextEvent_SetListType(*args, **kwargs)
def SetX(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetX(int val)"""
+ """SetX(self, int val)"""
return _stc.StyledTextEvent_SetX(*args, **kwargs)
def SetY(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetY(int val)"""
+ """SetY(self, int val)"""
return _stc.StyledTextEvent_SetY(*args, **kwargs)
def SetDragText(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetDragText(String val)"""
+ """SetDragText(self, String val)"""
return _stc.StyledTextEvent_SetDragText(*args, **kwargs)
def SetDragAllowMove(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetDragAllowMove(bool val)"""
+ """SetDragAllowMove(self, bool val)"""
return _stc.StyledTextEvent_SetDragAllowMove(*args, **kwargs)
def SetDragResult(*args, **kwargs):
- """SetDragResult(int val)"""
+ """SetDragResult(self, int val)"""
return _stc.StyledTextEvent_SetDragResult(*args, **kwargs)
def GetPosition(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetPosition() -> int"""
+ """GetPosition(self) -> int"""
return _stc.StyledTextEvent_GetPosition(*args, **kwargs)
def GetKey(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetKey() -> int"""
+ """GetKey(self) -> int"""
return _stc.StyledTextEvent_GetKey(*args, **kwargs)
def GetModifiers(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetModifiers() -> int"""
+ """GetModifiers(self) -> int"""
return _stc.StyledTextEvent_GetModifiers(*args, **kwargs)
def GetModificationType(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetModificationType() -> int"""
+ """GetModificationType(self) -> int"""
return _stc.StyledTextEvent_GetModificationType(*args, **kwargs)
def GetText(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetText() -> String"""
+ """GetText(self) -> String"""
return _stc.StyledTextEvent_GetText(*args, **kwargs)
def GetLength(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetLength() -> int"""
+ """GetLength(self) -> int"""
return _stc.StyledTextEvent_GetLength(*args, **kwargs)
def GetLinesAdded(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetLinesAdded() -> int"""
+ """GetLinesAdded(self) -> int"""
return _stc.StyledTextEvent_GetLinesAdded(*args, **kwargs)
def GetLine(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetLine() -> int"""
+ """GetLine(self) -> int"""
return _stc.StyledTextEvent_GetLine(*args, **kwargs)
def GetFoldLevelNow(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetFoldLevelNow() -> int"""
+ """GetFoldLevelNow(self) -> int"""
return _stc.StyledTextEvent_GetFoldLevelNow(*args, **kwargs)
def GetFoldLevelPrev(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetFoldLevelPrev() -> int"""
+ """GetFoldLevelPrev(self) -> int"""
return _stc.StyledTextEvent_GetFoldLevelPrev(*args, **kwargs)
def GetMargin(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetMargin() -> int"""
+ """GetMargin(self) -> int"""
return _stc.StyledTextEvent_GetMargin(*args, **kwargs)
def GetMessage(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetMessage() -> int"""
+ """GetMessage(self) -> int"""
return _stc.StyledTextEvent_GetMessage(*args, **kwargs)
def GetWParam(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetWParam() -> int"""
+ """GetWParam(self) -> int"""
return _stc.StyledTextEvent_GetWParam(*args, **kwargs)
def GetLParam(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetLParam() -> int"""
+ """GetLParam(self) -> int"""
return _stc.StyledTextEvent_GetLParam(*args, **kwargs)
def GetListType(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetListType() -> int"""
+ """GetListType(self) -> int"""
return _stc.StyledTextEvent_GetListType(*args, **kwargs)
def GetX(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetX() -> int"""
+ """GetX(self) -> int"""
return _stc.StyledTextEvent_GetX(*args, **kwargs)
def GetY(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetY() -> int"""
+ """GetY(self) -> int"""
return _stc.StyledTextEvent_GetY(*args, **kwargs)
def GetDragText(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetDragText() -> String"""
+ """GetDragText(self) -> String"""
return _stc.StyledTextEvent_GetDragText(*args, **kwargs)
def GetDragAllowMove(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetDragAllowMove() -> bool"""
+ """GetDragAllowMove(self) -> bool"""
return _stc.StyledTextEvent_GetDragAllowMove(*args, **kwargs)
def GetDragResult(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetDragResult() -> int"""
+ """GetDragResult(self) -> int"""
return _stc.StyledTextEvent_GetDragResult(*args, **kwargs)
def GetShift(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetShift() -> bool"""
+ """GetShift(self) -> bool"""
return _stc.StyledTextEvent_GetShift(*args, **kwargs)
def GetControl(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetControl() -> bool"""
+ """GetControl(self) -> bool"""
return _stc.StyledTextEvent_GetControl(*args, **kwargs)
def GetAlt(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetAlt() -> bool"""
+ """GetAlt(self) -> bool"""
return _stc.StyledTextEvent_GetAlt(*args, **kwargs)
- def Clone(*args, **kwargs):
- """Clone() -> Event"""
- return _stc.StyledTextEvent_Clone(*args, **kwargs)
-class StyledTextEventPtr(StyledTextEvent):
- def __init__(self, this):
- self.this = this
- if not hasattr(self,"thisown"): self.thisown = 0
- self.__class__ = StyledTextEvent
+ Alt = property(GetAlt,doc="See `GetAlt`")
+ Control = property(GetControl,doc="See `GetControl`")
+ DragAllowMove = property(GetDragAllowMove,SetDragAllowMove,doc="See `GetDragAllowMove` and `SetDragAllowMove`")
+ DragResult = property(GetDragResult,SetDragResult,doc="See `GetDragResult` and `SetDragResult`")
+ DragText = property(GetDragText,SetDragText,doc="See `GetDragText` and `SetDragText`")
+ FoldLevelNow = property(GetFoldLevelNow,SetFoldLevelNow,doc="See `GetFoldLevelNow` and `SetFoldLevelNow`")
+ FoldLevelPrev = property(GetFoldLevelPrev,SetFoldLevelPrev,doc="See `GetFoldLevelPrev` and `SetFoldLevelPrev`")
+ Key = property(GetKey,SetKey,doc="See `GetKey` and `SetKey`")
+ LParam = property(GetLParam,SetLParam,doc="See `GetLParam` and `SetLParam`")
+ Length = property(GetLength,SetLength,doc="See `GetLength` and `SetLength`")
+ Line = property(GetLine,SetLine,doc="See `GetLine` and `SetLine`")
+ LinesAdded = property(GetLinesAdded,SetLinesAdded,doc="See `GetLinesAdded` and `SetLinesAdded`")
+ ListType = property(GetListType,SetListType,doc="See `GetListType` and `SetListType`")
+ Margin = property(GetMargin,SetMargin,doc="See `GetMargin` and `SetMargin`")
+ Message = property(GetMessage,SetMessage,doc="See `GetMessage` and `SetMessage`")
+ ModificationType = property(GetModificationType,SetModificationType,doc="See `GetModificationType` and `SetModificationType`")
+ Modifiers = property(GetModifiers,SetModifiers,doc="See `GetModifiers` and `SetModifiers`")
+ Position = property(GetPosition,SetPosition,doc="See `GetPosition` and `SetPosition`")
+ Shift = property(GetShift,doc="See `GetShift`")
+ Text = property(GetText,SetText,doc="See `GetText` and `SetText`")
+ WParam = property(GetWParam,SetWParam,doc="See `GetWParam` and `SetWParam`")
+ X = property(GetX,SetX,doc="See `GetX` and `SetX`")
+ Y = property(GetY,SetY,doc="See `GetY` and `SetY`")
EVT_STC_CHANGE = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_STC_CHANGE, 1 )
EVT_STC_PAINTED = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_STC_PAINTED, 1 )