+ if (m_privateContextMenu != NULL)
+ PopupMenu(m_privateContextMenu);
+bool wxTextCtrl::MacSetupCursor( const wxPoint& pt )
+ if ( !GetPeer()->SetupCursor(pt) )
+ return wxWindow::MacSetupCursor( pt ) ;
+ else
+ return true ;
+// user pane implementation
+void wxTextCtrl::MacControlUserPaneDrawProc(wxInt16 part)
+ GetPeer()->MacControlUserPaneDrawProc( part ) ;
+wxInt16 wxTextCtrl::MacControlUserPaneHitTestProc(wxInt16 x, wxInt16 y)
+ return GetPeer()->MacControlUserPaneHitTestProc( x , y ) ;
+wxInt16 wxTextCtrl::MacControlUserPaneTrackingProc(wxInt16 x, wxInt16 y, void* actionProc)
+ return GetPeer()->MacControlUserPaneTrackingProc( x , y , actionProc ) ;
+void wxTextCtrl::MacControlUserPaneIdleProc()
+ GetPeer()->MacControlUserPaneIdleProc( ) ;
+wxInt16 wxTextCtrl::MacControlUserPaneKeyDownProc(wxInt16 keyCode, wxInt16 charCode, wxInt16 modifiers)
+ return GetPeer()->MacControlUserPaneKeyDownProc( keyCode , charCode , modifiers ) ;
+void wxTextCtrl::MacControlUserPaneActivateProc(bool activating)
+ GetPeer()->MacControlUserPaneActivateProc( activating ) ;
+wxInt16 wxTextCtrl::MacControlUserPaneFocusProc(wxInt16 action)
+ return GetPeer()->MacControlUserPaneFocusProc( action ) ;
+void wxTextCtrl::MacControlUserPaneBackgroundProc(void* info)
+ GetPeer()->MacControlUserPaneBackgroundProc( info ) ;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// implementation base class
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+wxMacTextControl::wxMacTextControl(wxTextCtrl* peer) :
+ wxMacControl( peer )
+void wxMacTextControl::SetStyle(long start, long end, const wxTextAttr& style)
+void wxMacTextControl::Copy()
+void wxMacTextControl::Cut()
+void wxMacTextControl::Paste()
+bool wxMacTextControl::CanPaste() const
+ return false ;
+void wxMacTextControl::SetEditable(bool editable)
+wxTextPos wxMacTextControl::GetLastPosition() const
+ return GetStringValue().Length() ;
+void wxMacTextControl::Replace( long from , long to , const wxString str )
+void wxMacTextControl::Clear()
+ SetStringValue( wxEmptyString ) ;
+bool wxMacTextControl::CanUndo() const
+ return false ;
+void wxMacTextControl::Undo() { }
+bool wxMacTextControl::CanRedo() const
+ return false ;
+void wxMacTextControl::Redo()
+long wxMacTextControl::XYToPosition(long x, long y) const
+ return 0 ;
+bool wxMacTextControl::PositionToXY(long pos, long *x, long *y) const
+ return false ;
+void wxMacTextControl::ShowPosition( long WXUNUSED(pos) )
+int wxMacTextControl::GetNumberOfLines() const
+ ItemCount lines = 0 ;
+ wxString content = GetStringValue() ;
+ lines = 1;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < content.Length() ; i++)
+ {
+ if (content[i] == '\r') lines++;
+ }
+ return lines ;
+wxString wxMacTextControl::GetLineText(long lineNo) const
+ // TODO change this if possible to reflect real lines
+ wxString content = GetStringValue() ;
+ // Find line first
+ int count = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < content.Length() ; i++)
+ {
+ if (count == lineNo)
+ {
+ // Add chars in line then
+ wxString tmp;
+ for (size_t j = i; j < content.Length(); j++)
+ {
+ if (content[j] == '\n')
+ return tmp;
+ tmp += content[j];
+ }
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ if (content[i] == '\n') count++;
+ }
+ return wxEmptyString ;
+int wxMacTextControl::GetLineLength(long lineNo) const
+ // TODO change this if possible to reflect real lines
+ wxString content = GetStringValue() ;
+ // Find line first
+ int count = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < content.Length() ; i++)
+ {
+ if (count == lineNo)
+ {
+ // Count chars in line then
+ count = 0;
+ for (size_t j = i; j < content.Length(); j++)
+ {
+ count++;
+ if (content[j] == '\n') return count;
+ }
+ return count;
+ }
+ if (content[i] == '\n') count++;
+ }
+ return 0 ;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// standard unicode control implementation
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+wxMacUnicodeTextControl::wxMacUnicodeTextControl( wxTextCtrl *wxPeer,
+ const wxString& str,
+ const wxPoint& pos,
+ const wxSize& size, long style ) : wxMacTextControl( wxPeer )
+ m_font = wxPeer->GetFont() ;
+ m_windowStyle = style ;
+ Rect bounds = wxMacGetBoundsForControl( wxPeer , pos , size ) ;
+ wxString st = str ;
+ wxMacConvertNewlines10To13( &st ) ;
+ wxMacCFStringHolder cf(st , m_font.GetEncoding()) ;
+ CFStringRef cfr = cf ;
+ Boolean isPassword = ( m_windowStyle & wxTE_PASSWORD ) != 0 ;
+ m_valueTag = isPassword ? kControlEditTextPasswordCFStringTag : kControlEditTextCFStringTag ;
+ CreateEditUnicodeTextControl( MAC_WXHWND(wxPeer->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef()), &bounds , cfr , isPassword , NULL , &m_controlRef ) ;
+ if ( !(m_windowStyle & wxTE_MULTILINE) )
+ {
+ SetData<Boolean>( kControlEditTextPart , kControlEditTextSingleLineTag , true ) ;
+ }
+void wxMacUnicodeTextControl::VisibilityChanged(bool shown)
+ if ( !(m_windowStyle & wxTE_MULTILINE) && shown )
+ {
+ // work around a refresh issue insofar as not always the entire content is shown even if this would be possible
+ ControlEditTextSelectionRec sel ;
+ CFStringRef value = NULL ;
+ verify_noerr( GetData<ControlEditTextSelectionRec>( 0, kControlEditTextSelectionTag, &sel ) );
+ verify_noerr( GetData<CFStringRef>( 0, m_valueTag , &value ) );
+ verify_noerr( SetData<CFStringRef>( 0, m_valueTag, &value ) );
+ verify_noerr( SetData<ControlEditTextSelectionRec>( 0, kControlEditTextSelectionTag, &sel ) );
+ CFRelease( value ) ;
+ }
+wxString wxMacUnicodeTextControl::GetStringValue() const
+ wxString result ;
+ CFStringRef value = GetData<CFStringRef>(0,m_valueTag) ;
+ if ( value )
+ {
+ wxMacCFStringHolder cf(value) ;
+ result = cf.AsString() ;
+ }
+#if '\n' == 10
+ wxMacConvertNewlines13To10( &result ) ;
+ wxMacConvertNewlines10To13( &result ) ;
+ return result ;
+void wxMacUnicodeTextControl::SetStringValue( const wxString &str)
+ wxString st = str ;
+ wxMacConvertNewlines10To13( &st ) ;
+ wxMacCFStringHolder cf(st , m_font.GetEncoding() ) ;
+ verify_noerr( SetData<CFStringRef>( 0, m_valueTag , cf ) ) ;
+void wxMacUnicodeTextControl::Copy()
+ SendHICommand( kHICommandCopy ) ;
+void wxMacUnicodeTextControl::Cut()
+ SendHICommand( kHICommandCut ) ;
+void wxMacUnicodeTextControl::Paste()
+ SendHICommand( kHICommandPaste ) ;
+bool wxMacUnicodeTextControl::CanPaste() const
+ return true ;
+void wxMacUnicodeTextControl::SetEditable(bool editable)
+ SetData<Boolean>( 0 , kControlEditTextLockedTag , (Boolean) !editable ) ;
+void wxMacUnicodeTextControl::Remove( long from , long to )
+void wxMacUnicodeTextControl::GetSelection( long* from, long* to) const
+ ControlEditTextSelectionRec sel ;
+ verify_noerr(GetData<ControlEditTextSelectionRec>( 0, kControlEditTextSelectionTag, &sel ) ) ;
+ if ( from ) *from = sel.selStart ;
+ if ( to ) *to = sel.selEnd ;
+void wxMacUnicodeTextControl::SetSelection( long from , long to )
+ ControlEditTextSelectionRec sel ;
+ sel.selStart = from ;
+ sel.selEnd = to ;
+ SetData<ControlEditTextSelectionRec>( 0 , kControlEditTextSelectionTag, &sel ) ;
+void wxMacUnicodeTextControl::WriteText(const wxString& str)
+ wxString st = str ;
+ wxMacConvertNewlines10To13( &st ) ;
+ wxMacCFStringHolder cf(st , m_font.GetEncoding() ) ;
+ CFStringRef value = cf ;
+ SetData<CFStringRef>( 0, kControlEditTextInsertCFStringRefTag, &value );
+ #else
+ wxString val = GetStringValue() ;
+ long start , end ;
+ GetSelection( &start , &end ) ;
+ val.Remove( start , end - start ) ;
+ val.insert( start , str ) ;
+ SetStringValue( val ) ;
+ SetSelection( start + str.Length() , start + str.Length() ) ;
+ #endif
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// MLTE control implementation (common part)
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// if mlte is on read only , no changes at all are allowed, not even from
+// procedural API, in order to allow changes via API all the same we must undo
+// the readonly status while we are executing, this class helps to do so
+class wxMacEditHelper
+public :
+ wxMacEditHelper( TXNObject txn )
+ {
+ TXNControlTag tag[] = { kTXNIOPrivilegesTag } ;
+ m_txn = txn ;
+ TXNGetTXNObjectControls( m_txn , 1 , tag , m_data ) ;
+ if ( m_data[0].uValue == kTXNReadOnly )
+ {
+ TXNControlData data[] = { { kTXNReadWrite } } ;
+ TXNSetTXNObjectControls( m_txn , false , 1 , tag , data ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ ~wxMacEditHelper()
+ {
+ TXNControlTag tag[] = { kTXNIOPrivilegesTag } ;
+ if ( m_data[0].uValue == kTXNReadOnly )
+ {
+ TXNSetTXNObjectControls( m_txn , false , 1 , tag , m_data ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ protected :
+ TXNObject m_txn ;
+ TXNControlData m_data[1] ;
+} ;
+wxMacMLTEControl::wxMacMLTEControl( wxTextCtrl *peer ) : wxMacTextControl( peer )
+ SetNeedsFocusRect( true ) ;
+wxString wxMacMLTEControl::GetStringValue() const
+ wxString result ;
+ OSStatus err ;
+ Size actualSize = 0;
+ {
+ Handle theText ;
+ err = TXNGetDataEncoded( m_txn , kTXNStartOffset, kTXNEndOffset, &theText , kTXNUnicodeTextData );
+ // all done
+ if ( err )
+ {
+ actualSize = 0 ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ actualSize = GetHandleSize( theText ) / sizeof( UniChar) ;
+ if ( actualSize > 0 )
+ {
+ wxChar *ptr = NULL ;
+#if SIZEOF_WCHAR_T == 2
+ ptr = new wxChar[actualSize + 1 ] ;
+ wxStrncpy( ptr , (wxChar*) *theText , actualSize ) ;
+ SetHandleSize( theText , ( actualSize + 1 ) * sizeof( UniChar ) ) ;
+ HLock( theText ) ;
+ (((UniChar*)*theText)[actualSize]) = 0 ;
+ wxMBConvUTF16 converter ;
+ size_t noChars = converter.MB2WC( NULL , (const char*)*theText , 0 ) ;
+ ptr = new wxChar[noChars + 1] ;
+ noChars = converter.MB2WC( ptr , (const char*)*theText , noChars ) ;
+ ptr[noChars] = 0 ;
+ HUnlock( theText ) ;
+ ptr[actualSize] = 0 ;
+ result = wxString( ptr ) ;
+ delete[] ptr ;
+ }
+ DisposeHandle( theText ) ;
+ }
+ Handle theText ;
+ err = TXNGetDataEncoded( m_txn , kTXNStartOffset, kTXNEndOffset, &theText , kTXNTextData );
+ // all done
+ if ( err )
+ {
+ actualSize = 0 ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ actualSize = GetHandleSize( theText ) ;
+ if ( actualSize > 0 )
+ {
+ HLock( theText ) ;
+ result = wxString( *theText , wxConvLocal , actualSize ) ;
+ HUnlock( theText ) ;
+ }
+ DisposeHandle( theText ) ;
+ }