// Set value after limiting so that it will be applied
pg->SetPropertyValue( wxT("StringProperty"), wxT("some text") );
+ //
+ // Demonstrate "AutoComplete" attribute
+ pg->Append( new wxStringProperty( "StringProperty AutoComplete",
+ wxPG_LABEL ) );
+ wxArrayString autoCompleteStrings;
+ autoCompleteStrings.Add("One choice");
+ autoCompleteStrings.Add("Another choice");
+ autoCompleteStrings.Add("Another choice, yeah");
+ autoCompleteStrings.Add("Yet another choice");
+ autoCompleteStrings.Add("Yet another choice, bear with me");
+ pg->SetPropertyAttribute( "StringProperty AutoComplete",
+ "AutoComplete",
+ autoCompleteStrings );
+ pg->SetPropertyHelpString( "StringProperty AutoComplete",
+ "AutoComplete attribute has been set for this property "
+ "(try writing something beginning with 'a', 'o' or 'y').");
// Add string property with arbitrarily wide bitmap in front of it. We
// intentionally lower-than-typical row height here so that the ugly
// scaling code wont't be run.