+ wxCoord normal_textx, normal_texty;
+ wxCoord selected_textx, selected_texty;
+ wxCoord texty;
+ // if the caption is empty, measure some temporary text
+ wxString caption = page.caption;
+ if (caption.empty())
+ caption = wxT("Xj");
+ dc.SetFont(m_selectedFont);
+ dc.GetTextExtent(caption, &selected_textx, &selected_texty);
+ dc.SetFont(m_normalFont);
+ dc.GetTextExtent(caption, &normal_textx, &normal_texty);
+ // figure out the size of the tab
+ wxSize tab_size = GetTabSize(dc,
+ wnd,
+ page.caption,
+ page.bitmap,
+ page.active,
+ close_button_state,
+ x_extent);
+ wxCoord tab_height = m_tabCtrlHeight - 3;
+ wxCoord tab_width = tab_size.x;
+ wxCoord tab_x = in_rect.x;
+ wxCoord tab_y = in_rect.y + in_rect.height - tab_height;
+ caption = page.caption;
+ // select pen, brush and font for the tab to be drawn
+ if (page.active)
+ {
+ dc.SetFont(m_selectedFont);
+ texty = selected_texty;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dc.SetFont(m_normalFont);
+ texty = normal_texty;
+ }
+ // create points that will make the tab outline
+ int clip_width = tab_width;
+ if (tab_x + clip_width > in_rect.x + in_rect.width)
+ clip_width = (in_rect.x + in_rect.width) - tab_x;
+ wxPoint clip_points[6];
+ clip_points[0] = wxPoint(tab_x, tab_y+tab_height-3);
+ clip_points[1] = wxPoint(tab_x, tab_y+2);
+ clip_points[2] = wxPoint(tab_x+2, tab_y);
+ clip_points[3] = wxPoint(tab_x+clip_width-1, tab_y);
+ clip_points[4] = wxPoint(tab_x+clip_width+1, tab_y+2);
+ clip_points[5] = wxPoint(tab_x+clip_width+1, tab_y+tab_height-3);
+ // FIXME: these ports don't provide wxRegion ctor from array of points
+#if !defined(__WXDFB__) && !defined(__WXCOCOA__)
+ // set the clipping region for the tab --
+ wxRegion clipping_region(WXSIZEOF(clip_points), clip_points);
+ dc.SetClippingRegion(clipping_region);
+#endif // !wxDFB && !wxCocoa
+ // since the above code above doesn't play well with WXDFB or WXCOCOA,
+ // we'll just use a rectangle for the clipping region for now --
+ dc.SetClippingRegion(tab_x, tab_y, clip_width+1, tab_height-3);
+ wxPoint border_points[6];
+ if (m_flags &wxAUI_NB_BOTTOM)
+ {
+ border_points[0] = wxPoint(tab_x, tab_y);
+ border_points[1] = wxPoint(tab_x, tab_y+tab_height-6);
+ border_points[2] = wxPoint(tab_x+2, tab_y+tab_height-4);
+ border_points[3] = wxPoint(tab_x+tab_width-2, tab_y+tab_height-4);
+ border_points[4] = wxPoint(tab_x+tab_width, tab_y+tab_height-6);
+ border_points[5] = wxPoint(tab_x+tab_width, tab_y);
+ }
+ else //if (m_flags & wxAUI_NB_TOP) {}
+ {
+ border_points[0] = wxPoint(tab_x, tab_y+tab_height-4);
+ border_points[1] = wxPoint(tab_x, tab_y+2);
+ border_points[2] = wxPoint(tab_x+2, tab_y);
+ border_points[3] = wxPoint(tab_x+tab_width-2, tab_y);
+ border_points[4] = wxPoint(tab_x+tab_width, tab_y+2);
+ border_points[5] = wxPoint(tab_x+tab_width, tab_y+tab_height-4);
+ }
+ // TODO: else if (m_flags &wxAUI_NB_LEFT) {}
+ // TODO: else if (m_flags &wxAUI_NB_RIGHT) {}
+ int drawn_tab_yoff = border_points[1].y;
+ int drawn_tab_height = border_points[0].y - border_points[1].y;
+ if (page.active)
+ {
+ // draw active tab
+ // draw base background color
+ wxRect r(tab_x, tab_y, tab_width, tab_height);
+ dc.SetPen(wxPen(m_activeColour));
+ dc.SetBrush(wxBrush(m_activeColour));
+ dc.DrawRectangle(r.x+1, r.y+1, r.width-1, r.height-4);
+ // this white helps fill out the gradient at the top of the tab
+ dc.SetPen(*wxWHITE_PEN);
+ dc.SetBrush(*wxWHITE_BRUSH);
+ dc.DrawRectangle(r.x+2, r.y+1, r.width-3, r.height-4);
+ // these two points help the rounded corners appear more antialiased
+ dc.SetPen(wxPen(m_activeColour));
+ dc.DrawPoint(r.x+2, r.y+1);
+ dc.DrawPoint(r.x+r.width-2, r.y+1);
+ // set rectangle down a bit for gradient drawing
+ r.SetHeight(r.GetHeight()/2);
+ r.x += 2;
+ r.width -= 3;
+ r.y += r.height;
+ r.y -= 2;
+ // draw gradient background
+ wxColor top_color = *wxWHITE;
+ wxColor bottom_color = m_activeColour;
+ dc.GradientFillLinear(r, bottom_color, top_color, wxNORTH);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // draw inactive tab
+ wxRect r(tab_x, tab_y+1, tab_width, tab_height-3);
+ // start the gradent up a bit and leave the inside border inset
+ // by a pixel for a 3D look. Only the top half of the inactive
+ // tab will have a slight gradient
+ r.x += 3;
+ r.y++;
+ r.width -= 4;
+ r.height /= 2;
+ r.height--;
+ // -- draw top gradient fill for glossy look
+ wxColor top_color = m_baseColour;
+ wxColor bottom_color = top_color.ChangeLightness(160);
+ dc.GradientFillLinear(r, bottom_color, top_color, wxNORTH);
+ r.y += r.height;
+ r.y--;
+ // -- draw bottom fill for glossy look
+ top_color = m_baseColour;
+ bottom_color = m_baseColour;
+ dc.GradientFillLinear(r, top_color, bottom_color, wxSOUTH);
+ }
+ // draw tab outline
+ dc.SetPen(m_borderPen);
+ dc.SetBrush(*wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH);
+ dc.DrawPolygon(WXSIZEOF(border_points), border_points);
+ // there are two horizontal grey lines at the bottom of the tab control,
+ // this gets rid of the top one of those lines in the tab control
+ if (page.active)
+ {
+ if (m_flags &wxAUI_NB_BOTTOM)
+ dc.SetPen(wxPen(m_baseColour.ChangeLightness(170)));
+ // TODO: else if (m_flags &wxAUI_NB_LEFT) {}
+ // TODO: else if (m_flags &wxAUI_NB_RIGHT) {}
+ else //for wxAUI_NB_TOP
+ dc.SetPen(m_baseColourPen);
+ dc.DrawLine(border_points[0].x+1,
+ border_points[0].y,
+ border_points[5].x,
+ border_points[5].y);
+ }
+ int text_offset = tab_x + 8;
+ int close_button_width = 0;
+ if (close_button_state != wxAUI_BUTTON_STATE_HIDDEN)
+ {
+ close_button_width = m_activeCloseBmp.GetWidth();
+ }
+ int bitmap_offset = 0;
+ if (page.bitmap.IsOk())
+ {
+ bitmap_offset = tab_x + 8;
+ // draw bitmap
+ dc.DrawBitmap(page.bitmap,
+ bitmap_offset,
+ drawn_tab_yoff + (drawn_tab_height/2) - (page.bitmap.GetHeight()/2),
+ true);
+ text_offset = bitmap_offset + page.bitmap.GetWidth();
+ text_offset += 3; // bitmap padding
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ text_offset = tab_x + 8;
+ }
+ wxString draw_text = wxAuiChopText(dc,
+ caption,
+ tab_width - (text_offset-tab_x) - close_button_width);
+ // draw tab text
+ dc.DrawText(draw_text,
+ text_offset,
+ drawn_tab_yoff + (drawn_tab_height)/2 - (texty/2) - 1);
+ // draw focus rectangle
+ if (page.active && (wnd->FindFocus() == wnd))
+ {
+ wxRect focusRectText(text_offset, (drawn_tab_yoff + (drawn_tab_height)/2 - (texty/2) - 1),
+ selected_textx, selected_texty);
+ wxRect focusRect;
+ wxRect focusRectBitmap;
+ if (page.bitmap.IsOk())
+ focusRectBitmap = wxRect(bitmap_offset, drawn_tab_yoff + (drawn_tab_height/2) - (page.bitmap.GetHeight()/2),
+ page.bitmap.GetWidth(), page.bitmap.GetHeight());
+ if (page.bitmap.IsOk() && draw_text.IsEmpty())
+ focusRect = focusRectBitmap;
+ else if (!page.bitmap.IsOk() && !draw_text.IsEmpty())
+ focusRect = focusRectText;
+ else if (page.bitmap.IsOk() && !draw_text.IsEmpty())
+ focusRect = focusRectText.Union(focusRectBitmap);
+ focusRect.Inflate(2, 2);
+ wxRendererNative::Get().DrawFocusRect(wnd, dc, focusRect, 0);
+ }
+ // draw close button if necessary
+ if (close_button_state != wxAUI_BUTTON_STATE_HIDDEN)
+ {
+ wxBitmap bmp = m_disabledCloseBmp;
+ if (close_button_state == wxAUI_BUTTON_STATE_HOVER ||
+ close_button_state == wxAUI_BUTTON_STATE_PRESSED)
+ {
+ bmp = m_activeCloseBmp;
+ }
+ int offsetY = tab_y-1;
+ if (m_flags & wxAUI_NB_BOTTOM)
+ offsetY = 1;
+ wxRect rect(tab_x + tab_width - close_button_width - 1,
+ offsetY + (tab_height/2) - (bmp.GetHeight()/2),
+ close_button_width,
+ tab_height);
+ IndentPressedBitmap(&rect, close_button_state);
+ dc.DrawBitmap(bmp, rect.x, rect.y, true);
+ *out_button_rect = rect;
+ }
+ *out_tab_rect = wxRect(tab_x, tab_y, tab_width, tab_height);
+ dc.DestroyClippingRegion();
+int wxAuiDefaultTabArt::GetIndentSize()
+ return 5;
+wxSize wxAuiDefaultTabArt::GetTabSize(wxDC& dc,
+ wxWindow* WXUNUSED(wnd),
+ const wxString& caption,
+ const wxBitmap& bitmap,
+ bool WXUNUSED(active),
+ int close_button_state,
+ int* x_extent)
+ wxCoord measured_textx, measured_texty, tmp;
+ dc.SetFont(m_measuringFont);
+ dc.GetTextExtent(caption, &measured_textx, &measured_texty);
+ dc.GetTextExtent(wxT("ABCDEFXj"), &tmp, &measured_texty);
+ // add padding around the text
+ wxCoord tab_width = measured_textx;
+ wxCoord tab_height = measured_texty;
+ // if the close button is showing, add space for it
+ if (close_button_state != wxAUI_BUTTON_STATE_HIDDEN)
+ tab_width += m_activeCloseBmp.GetWidth() + 3;
+ // if there's a bitmap, add space for it
+ if (bitmap.IsOk())
+ {
+ tab_width += bitmap.GetWidth();
+ tab_width += 3; // right side bitmap padding
+ tab_height = wxMax(tab_height, bitmap.GetHeight());
+ }
+ // add padding
+ tab_width += 16;
+ tab_height += 10;
+ if (m_flags & wxAUI_NB_TAB_FIXED_WIDTH)
+ {
+ tab_width = m_fixedTabWidth;
+ }
+ *x_extent = tab_width;
+ return wxSize(tab_width, tab_height);
+void wxAuiDefaultTabArt::DrawButton(wxDC& dc,
+ wxWindow* WXUNUSED(wnd),
+ const wxRect& in_rect,
+ int bitmap_id,
+ int button_state,
+ int orientation,
+ wxRect* out_rect)
+ wxBitmap bmp;
+ wxRect rect;
+ switch (bitmap_id)
+ {
+ if (button_state & wxAUI_BUTTON_STATE_DISABLED)
+ bmp = m_disabledCloseBmp;
+ else
+ bmp = m_activeCloseBmp;
+ break;
+ if (button_state & wxAUI_BUTTON_STATE_DISABLED)
+ bmp = m_disabledLeftBmp;
+ else
+ bmp = m_activeLeftBmp;
+ break;
+ if (button_state & wxAUI_BUTTON_STATE_DISABLED)
+ bmp = m_disabledRightBmp;
+ else
+ bmp = m_activeRightBmp;
+ break;
+ if (button_state & wxAUI_BUTTON_STATE_DISABLED)
+ bmp = m_disabledWindowListBmp;
+ else
+ bmp = m_activeWindowListBmp;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!bmp.IsOk())
+ return;
+ rect = in_rect;
+ if (orientation == wxLEFT)
+ {
+ rect.SetX(in_rect.x);
+ rect.SetY(((in_rect.y + in_rect.height)/2) - (bmp.GetHeight()/2));
+ rect.SetWidth(bmp.GetWidth());
+ rect.SetHeight(bmp.GetHeight());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rect = wxRect(in_rect.x + in_rect.width - bmp.GetWidth(),
+ ((in_rect.y + in_rect.height)/2) - (bmp.GetHeight()/2),
+ bmp.GetWidth(), bmp.GetHeight());
+ }
+ IndentPressedBitmap(&rect, button_state);
+ dc.DrawBitmap(bmp, rect.x, rect.y, true);
+ *out_rect = rect;
+int wxAuiDefaultTabArt::ShowDropDown(wxWindow* wnd,
+ const wxAuiNotebookPageArray& pages,
+ int /*active_idx*/)
+ wxMenu menuPopup;
+ size_t i, count = pages.GetCount();
+ for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
+ {
+ const wxAuiNotebookPage& page = pages.Item(i);
+ wxString caption = page.caption;
+ // if there is no caption, make it a space. This will prevent
+ // an assert in the menu code.
+ if (caption.IsEmpty())
+ caption = wxT(" ");
+ wxMenuItem* item = new wxMenuItem(NULL, 1000+i, caption);
+ if (page.bitmap.IsOk())
+ item->SetBitmap(page.bitmap);
+ menuPopup.Append(item);
+ }
+ // find out where to put the popup menu of window items
+ wxPoint pt = ::wxGetMousePosition();
+ pt = wnd->ScreenToClient(pt);
+ // find out the screen coordinate at the bottom of the tab ctrl
+ wxRect cli_rect = wnd->GetClientRect();
+ pt.y = cli_rect.y + cli_rect.height;
+ wxAuiCommandCapture* cc = new wxAuiCommandCapture;
+ wnd->PushEventHandler(cc);
+ wnd->PopupMenu(&menuPopup, pt);
+ int command = cc->GetCommandId();
+ wnd->PopEventHandler(true);
+ if (command >= 1000)
+ return command-1000;
+ return -1;
+int wxAuiDefaultTabArt::GetBestTabCtrlSize(wxWindow* wnd,
+ const wxAuiNotebookPageArray& pages,
+ const wxSize& requiredBmp_size)
+ wxClientDC dc(wnd);
+ dc.SetFont(m_measuringFont);
+ // sometimes a standard bitmap size needs to be enforced, especially
+ // if some tabs have bitmaps and others don't. This is important because
+ // it prevents the tab control from resizing when tabs are added.
+ wxBitmap measureBmp;
+ if (requiredBmp_size.IsFullySpecified())
+ {
+ measureBmp.Create(requiredBmp_size.x,
+ requiredBmp_size.y);
+ }
+ int max_y = 0;
+ size_t i, page_count = pages.GetCount();
+ for (i = 0; i < page_count; ++i)
+ {
+ wxAuiNotebookPage& page = pages.Item(i);
+ wxBitmap bmp;
+ if (measureBmp.IsOk())
+ bmp = measureBmp;
+ else
+ bmp = page.bitmap;
+ // we don't use the caption text because we don't
+ // want tab heights to be different in the case
+ // of a very short piece of text on one tab and a very
+ // tall piece of text on another tab
+ int x_ext = 0;
+ wxSize s = GetTabSize(dc,
+ wnd,
+ wxT("ABCDEFGHIj"),
+ bmp,
+ true,
+ &x_ext);
+ max_y = wxMax(max_y, s.y);
+ }
+ return max_y+2;
+void wxAuiDefaultTabArt::SetNormalFont(const wxFont& font)
+ m_normalFont = font;
+void wxAuiDefaultTabArt::SetSelectedFont(const wxFont& font)
+ m_selectedFont = font;
+void wxAuiDefaultTabArt::SetMeasuringFont(const wxFont& font)
+ m_measuringFont = font;
+void wxAuiDefaultTabArt::SetColour(const wxColour& colour)
+ m_baseColour = colour;
+ m_borderPen = wxPen(m_baseColour.ChangeLightness(75));
+ m_baseColourPen = wxPen(m_baseColour);
+ m_baseColourBrush = wxBrush(m_baseColour);
+void wxAuiDefaultTabArt::SetActiveColour(const wxColour& colour)
+ m_activeColour = colour;
+// -- wxAuiSimpleTabArt class implementation --
+ m_normalFont = *wxNORMAL_FONT;
+ m_selectedFont = *wxNORMAL_FONT;
+ m_selectedFont.SetWeight(wxBOLD);
+ m_measuringFont = m_selectedFont;
+ m_flags = 0;
+ m_fixedTabWidth = 100;
+ wxColour baseColour = wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_3DFACE);
+ wxColour backgroundColour = baseColour;
+ wxColour normaltabColour = baseColour;
+ wxColour selectedtabColour = *wxWHITE;
+ m_bkBrush = wxBrush(backgroundColour);
+ m_normalBkBrush = wxBrush(normaltabColour);
+ m_normalBkPen = wxPen(normaltabColour);
+ m_selectedBkBrush = wxBrush(selectedtabColour);
+ m_selectedBkPen = wxPen(selectedtabColour);
+ m_activeCloseBmp = wxAuiBitmapFromBits(close_bits, 16, 16, *wxBLACK);
+ m_disabledCloseBmp = wxAuiBitmapFromBits(close_bits, 16, 16, wxColour(128,128,128));
+ m_activeLeftBmp = wxAuiBitmapFromBits(left_bits, 16, 16, *wxBLACK);
+ m_disabledLeftBmp = wxAuiBitmapFromBits(left_bits, 16, 16, wxColour(128,128,128));
+ m_activeRightBmp = wxAuiBitmapFromBits(right_bits, 16, 16, *wxBLACK);
+ m_disabledRightBmp = wxAuiBitmapFromBits(right_bits, 16, 16, wxColour(128,128,128));
+ m_activeWindowListBmp = wxAuiBitmapFromBits(list_bits, 16, 16, *wxBLACK);
+ m_disabledWindowListBmp = wxAuiBitmapFromBits(list_bits, 16, 16, wxColour(128,128,128));
+wxAuiTabArt* wxAuiSimpleTabArt::Clone()
+ return new wxAuiSimpleTabArt(*this);
+void wxAuiSimpleTabArt::SetFlags(unsigned int flags)
+ m_flags = flags;
+void wxAuiSimpleTabArt::SetSizingInfo(const wxSize& tab_ctrl_size,
+ size_t tab_count)
+ m_fixedTabWidth = 100;
+ int tot_width = (int)tab_ctrl_size.x - GetIndentSize() - 4;
+ if (m_flags & wxAUI_NB_CLOSE_BUTTON)
+ tot_width -= m_activeCloseBmp.GetWidth();
+ if (m_flags & wxAUI_NB_WINDOWLIST_BUTTON)
+ tot_width -= m_activeWindowListBmp.GetWidth();
+ if (tab_count > 0)
+ {
+ m_fixedTabWidth = tot_width/(int)tab_count;
+ }
+ if (m_fixedTabWidth < 100)
+ m_fixedTabWidth = 100;
+ if (m_fixedTabWidth > tot_width/2)
+ m_fixedTabWidth = tot_width/2;
+ if (m_fixedTabWidth > 220)
+ m_fixedTabWidth = 220;
+void wxAuiSimpleTabArt::SetColour(const wxColour& colour)
+ m_bkBrush = wxBrush(colour);
+ m_normalBkBrush = wxBrush(colour);
+ m_normalBkPen = wxPen(colour);
+void wxAuiSimpleTabArt::SetActiveColour(const wxColour& colour)
+ m_selectedBkBrush = wxBrush(colour);
+ m_selectedBkPen = wxPen(colour);
+void wxAuiSimpleTabArt::DrawBackground(wxDC& dc,
+ wxWindow* WXUNUSED(wnd),
+ const wxRect& rect)
+ // draw background
+ dc.SetBrush(m_bkBrush);
+ dc.SetPen(*wxTRANSPARENT_PEN);
+ dc.DrawRectangle(-1, -1, rect.GetWidth()+2, rect.GetHeight()+2);
+ // draw base line
+ dc.SetPen(*wxGREY_PEN);
+ dc.DrawLine(0, rect.GetHeight()-1, rect.GetWidth(), rect.GetHeight()-1);
+// DrawTab() draws an individual tab.
+// dc - output dc
+// in_rect - rectangle the tab should be confined to
+// caption - tab's caption
+// active - whether or not the tab is active
+// out_rect - actual output rectangle
+// x_extent - the advance x; where the next tab should start
+void wxAuiSimpleTabArt::DrawTab(wxDC& dc,
+ wxWindow* wnd,
+ const wxAuiNotebookPage& page,
+ const wxRect& in_rect,
+ int close_button_state,
+ wxRect* out_tab_rect,
+ wxRect* out_button_rect,
+ int* x_extent)