// Author: Benjamin I. Williams
// Modified by:
// Created: 2005-05-17
-// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Copyright: (C) Copyright 2005-2006, Kirix Corporation, All Rights Reserved
// Licence: wxWindows Library Licence, Version 3.1
#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
-IMPLEMENT_CLASS( wxFloatingPane, wxFloatingPaneBaseClass )
+#ifdef __WXMSW__
+#include "wx/msw/private.h"
+IMPLEMENT_CLASS(wxAuiFloatingFrame, wxAuiFloatingFrameBaseClass)
-wxFloatingPane::wxFloatingPane(wxWindow* parent,
- wxFrameManager* owner_mgr,
- const wxPaneInfo& pane,
+wxAuiFloatingFrame::wxAuiFloatingFrame(wxWindow* parent,
+ wxAuiManager* owner_mgr,
+ const wxAuiPaneInfo& pane,
wxWindowID id /*= wxID_ANY*/,
long style /*=wxRESIZE_BORDER | wxSYSTEM_MENU | wxCAPTION |
- : wxFloatingPaneBaseClass(parent, id, wxEmptyString,
+ : wxAuiFloatingFrameBaseClass(parent, id, wxEmptyString,
pane.floating_pos, pane.floating_size,
- style |
+ style |
(pane.HasCloseButton()?wxCLOSE_BOX:0) |
+ (pane.HasMaximizeButton()?wxMAXIMIZE_BOX:0) |
- m_owner_mgr = owner_mgr;
+ m_ownerMgr = owner_mgr;
m_moving = false;
+ m_solidDrag = true;
+ // find out if the system supports solid window drag.
+ // on non-msw systems, this is assumed to be the case
+#ifdef __WXMSW__
+ BOOL b = TRUE;
+ SystemParametersInfo(38 /*SPI_GETDRAGFULLWINDOWS*/, 0, &b, 0);
+ m_solidDrag = b ? true : false;
+ // if we do not do this, then we can crash...
+ if (m_ownerMgr && m_ownerMgr->m_actionWindow == this)
+ {
+ m_ownerMgr->m_actionWindow = NULL;
+ }
-void wxFloatingPane::SetPaneWindow(const wxPaneInfo& pane)
+void wxAuiFloatingFrame::SetPaneWindow(const wxAuiPaneInfo& pane)
- m_pane_window = pane.window;
- m_pane_window->Reparent(this);
+ m_paneWindow = pane.window;
+ m_paneWindow->Reparent(this);
- wxPaneInfo contained_pane = pane;
+ wxAuiPaneInfo contained_pane = pane;
// Carry over the minimum size
+ wxSize pane_min_size = pane.window->GetMinSize();
+ // if the frame window's max size is greater than the min size
+ // then set the max size to the min size as well
+ wxSize cur_max_size = GetMaxSize();
+ if (cur_max_size.IsFullySpecified() &&
+ (cur_max_size.x < pane.min_size.x ||
+ cur_max_size.y < pane.min_size.y)
+ )
+ {
+ SetMaxSize(pane_min_size);
+ }
- m_mgr.AddPane(m_pane_window, contained_pane);
+ m_mgr.AddPane(m_paneWindow, contained_pane);
if (pane.min_size.IsFullySpecified())
- if (pane.floating_size != wxDefaultSize)
+ // This code is slightly awkward because we need to reset wxRESIZE_BORDER
+ // before calling SetClientSize() below as doing it after setting the
+ // client size would actually change it, at least under MSW, where the
+ // total window size doesn't change and hence, as the borders size changes,
+ // the client size does change.
+ //
+ // So we must call it first but doing it generates a size event and updates
+ // pane.floating_size from inside it so we must also record its original
+ // value before doing it.
+ const bool hasFloatingSize = pane.floating_size != wxDefaultSize;
+ if (pane.IsFixed())
+ {
+ SetWindowStyleFlag(GetWindowStyleFlag() & ~wxRESIZE_BORDER);
+ }
+ if ( hasFloatingSize )
- else
+ else
wxSize size = pane.best_size;
if (size == wxDefaultSize)
size = pane.min_size;
if (size == wxDefaultSize)
- size = m_pane_window->GetSize();
- if (pane.HasGripper())
+ size = m_paneWindow->GetSize();
+ if (m_ownerMgr && pane.HasGripper())
if (pane.HasGripperTop())
- size.y += m_owner_mgr->m_art->GetMetric(wxAUI_ART_GRIPPER_SIZE);
+ size.y += m_ownerMgr->m_art->GetMetric(wxAUI_DOCKART_GRIPPER_SIZE);
- size.x += m_owner_mgr->m_art->GetMetric(wxAUI_ART_GRIPPER_SIZE);
+ size.x += m_ownerMgr->m_art->GetMetric(wxAUI_DOCKART_GRIPPER_SIZE);
-void wxFloatingPane::OnSize(wxSizeEvent& event)
+wxAuiManager* wxAuiFloatingFrame::GetOwnerManager() const
- m_owner_mgr->OnFloatingPaneResized(m_pane_window, event.GetSize());
+ return m_ownerMgr;
-void wxFloatingPane::OnClose(wxCloseEvent& evt)
+void wxAuiFloatingFrame::OnSize(wxSizeEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
- m_owner_mgr->OnFloatingPaneClosed(m_pane_window, evt);
+ if (m_ownerMgr)
+ {
+ m_ownerMgr->OnFloatingPaneResized(m_paneWindow, GetRect());
+ }
+void wxAuiFloatingFrame::OnClose(wxCloseEvent& evt)
+ if (m_ownerMgr)
+ {
+ m_ownerMgr->OnFloatingPaneClosed(m_paneWindow, evt);
+ }
if (!evt.GetVeto())
+ {
+ m_mgr.DetachPane(m_paneWindow);
+ }
-void wxFloatingPane::OnMoveEvent(wxMoveEvent& event)
+void wxAuiFloatingFrame::OnMoveEvent(wxMoveEvent& event)
- wxRect win_rect = GetRect();
+ if (!m_solidDrag)
+ {
+ // systems without solid window dragging need to be
+ // handled slightly differently, due to the lack of
+ // the constant stream of EVT_MOVING events
+ if (!isMouseDown())
+ return;
+ OnMoveStart();
+ OnMoving(event.GetRect(), wxNORTH);
+ m_moving = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ wxRect winRect = GetRect();
- if (win_rect == m_last_rect)
+ if (winRect == m_lastRect)
// skip the first move event
- if (m_last_rect.IsEmpty())
+ if (m_lastRect.IsEmpty())
- m_last_rect = win_rect;
+ m_lastRect = winRect;
- // skip if moving too fast to avoid massive redraws and
+ // as on OSX moving windows are not getting all move events, only sporadically, this difference
+ // is almost always big on OSX, so avoid this early exit opportunity
+#ifndef __WXOSX__
+ // skip if moving too fast to avoid massive redraws and
// jumping hint windows
- if ((abs(win_rect.x - m_last_rect.x) > 3) ||
- (abs(win_rect.y - m_last_rect.y) > 3))
+ if ((abs(winRect.x - m_lastRect.x) > 3) ||
+ (abs(winRect.y - m_lastRect.y) > 3))
- m_last3_rect = m_last2_rect;
- m_last2_rect = m_last_rect;
- m_last_rect = win_rect;
+ m_last3Rect = m_last2Rect;
+ m_last2Rect = m_lastRect;
+ m_lastRect = winRect;
+ // However still update the internally stored position to avoid
+ // snapping back to the old one later.
+ if (m_ownerMgr)
+ {
+ m_ownerMgr->GetPane(m_paneWindow).
+ floating_pos = winRect.GetPosition();
+ }
// prevent frame redocking during resize
- if (m_last_rect.GetSize() != win_rect.GetSize())
+ if (m_lastRect.GetSize() != winRect.GetSize())
- m_last3_rect = m_last2_rect;
- m_last2_rect = m_last_rect;
- m_last_rect = win_rect;
+ m_last3Rect = m_last2Rect;
+ m_last2Rect = m_lastRect;
+ m_lastRect = winRect;
wxDirection dir = wxALL;
- int horiz_dist = abs(win_rect.x - m_last3_rect.x);
- int vert_dist = abs(win_rect.y - m_last3_rect.y);
+ int horiz_dist = abs(winRect.x - m_last3Rect.x);
+ int vert_dist = abs(winRect.y - m_last3Rect.y);
if (vert_dist >= horiz_dist)
- if (win_rect.y < m_last3_rect.y)
+ if (winRect.y < m_last3Rect.y)
dir = wxNORTH;
dir = wxSOUTH;
- if (win_rect.x < m_last3_rect.x)
+ if (winRect.x < m_last3Rect.x)
dir = wxWEST;
dir = wxEAST;
- m_last3_rect = m_last2_rect;
- m_last2_rect = m_last_rect;
- m_last_rect = win_rect;
+ m_last3Rect = m_last2Rect;
+ m_last2Rect = m_lastRect;
+ m_lastRect = winRect;
if (!isMouseDown())
m_moving = true;
- if (m_last3_rect.IsEmpty())
+ if (m_last3Rect.IsEmpty())
- OnMoving(event.GetRect(), dir );
+ if ( event.GetEventType() == wxEVT_MOVING )
+ OnMoving(event.GetRect(), dir);
+ else
+ OnMoving(wxRect(event.GetPosition(),GetSize()), dir);
-void wxFloatingPane::OnIdle(wxIdleEvent& event)
+void wxAuiFloatingFrame::OnIdle(wxIdleEvent& event)
if (m_moving)
m_moving = false;
- else
+ else
-void wxFloatingPane::OnMoveStart()
+void wxAuiFloatingFrame::OnMoveStart()
// notify the owner manager that the pane has started to move
- m_owner_mgr->OnFloatingPaneMoveStart(m_pane_window);
+ if (m_ownerMgr)
+ {
+ m_ownerMgr->OnFloatingPaneMoveStart(m_paneWindow);
+ }
-void wxFloatingPane::OnMoving(const wxRect& WXUNUSED(window_rect), wxDirection dir)
+void wxAuiFloatingFrame::OnMoving(const wxRect& WXUNUSED(window_rect), wxDirection dir)
// notify the owner manager that the pane is moving
- m_owner_mgr->OnFloatingPaneMoving(m_pane_window, dir);
+ if (m_ownerMgr)
+ {
+ m_ownerMgr->OnFloatingPaneMoving(m_paneWindow, dir);
+ }
m_lastDirection = dir;
-void wxFloatingPane::OnMoveFinished()
+void wxAuiFloatingFrame::OnMoveFinished()
// notify the owner manager that the pane has finished moving
- m_owner_mgr->OnFloatingPaneMoved(m_pane_window, m_lastDirection);
+ if (m_ownerMgr)
+ {
+ m_ownerMgr->OnFloatingPaneMoved(m_paneWindow, m_lastDirection);
+ }
-void wxFloatingPane::OnActivate(wxActivateEvent& event)
+void wxAuiFloatingFrame::OnActivate(wxActivateEvent& event)
- if (event.GetActive())
+ if (m_ownerMgr && event.GetActive())
- m_owner_mgr->OnFloatingPaneActivated(m_pane_window);
+ m_ownerMgr->OnFloatingPaneActivated(m_paneWindow);
// utility function which determines the state of the mouse button
-// (independant of having a wxMouseEvent handy) - utimately a better
+// (independent of having a wxMouseEvent handy) - utimately a better
// mechanism for this should be found (possibly by adding the
// functionality to wxWidgets itself)
-bool wxFloatingPane::isMouseDown()
+bool wxAuiFloatingFrame::isMouseDown()
- return wxGetMouseState().LeftDown();
+ return wxGetMouseState().LeftIsDown();
-BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxFloatingPane, wxFloatingPaneBaseClass)
- EVT_SIZE(wxFloatingPane::OnSize)
- EVT_MOVE(wxFloatingPane::OnMoveEvent)
- EVT_MOVING(wxFloatingPane::OnMoveEvent)
- EVT_CLOSE(wxFloatingPane::OnClose)
- EVT_IDLE(wxFloatingPane::OnIdle)
- EVT_ACTIVATE(wxFloatingPane::OnActivate)
+BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxAuiFloatingFrame, wxAuiFloatingFrameBaseClass)
+ EVT_SIZE(wxAuiFloatingFrame::OnSize)
+ EVT_MOVE(wxAuiFloatingFrame::OnMoveEvent)
+ EVT_MOVING(wxAuiFloatingFrame::OnMoveEvent)
+ EVT_CLOSE(wxAuiFloatingFrame::OnClose)
+ EVT_IDLE(wxAuiFloatingFrame::OnIdle)
+ EVT_ACTIVATE(wxAuiFloatingFrame::OnActivate)