<!-- $Id$ -->
+ <!--
+ The use of PCH is disabled for samples by default but we do want to use
+ them for the test as this dramatically speeds up its compilation.
+ -->
+ <set var="WX_ENABLE_PRECOMP_HEADERS">1</set>
<include file="../build/bakefiles/common_samples.bkl"/>
- <exe id="test" template="wx_test_console"
+ <template id="wx_test">
+ <cppflags>$(CPPUNIT_CFLAGS)</cppflags>
+ <ldflags>$(CPPUNIT_LIBS)</ldflags>
+ <if cond="FORMAT!='autoconf' and PLATFORM_WIN32=='1'">
+ <sources>dummy.cpp</sources>
+ <precomp-headers-gen>dummy.cpp</precomp-headers-gen>
+ </if>
+ <precomp-headers-header>testprec.h</precomp-headers-header>
+ <precomp-headers>on</precomp-headers>
+ <precomp-headers-file>testprec_$(id)</precomp-headers-file>
+ </if>
+ </template>
+ <exe id="test" template="wx_sample_console,wx_test"
- mbconv/main.cpp
- formatconverter/formatconverter.cpp
- regex/regex.cpp
- regex/wxregex.cpp
- filesys/filesys.cpp
+ any/anytest.cpp
+ archive/archivetest.cpp
+ archive/ziptest.cpp
+ archive/tartest.cpp
- longlong/longlong.cpp
+ base64/base64.cpp
+ cmdline/cmdlinetest.cpp
+ config/fileconf.cpp
+ config/regconf.cpp
+ datetime/datetimetest.cpp
+ events/evthandler.cpp
+ events/evtsource.cpp
+ events/stopwatch.cpp
+ events/timertest.cpp
+ exec/exec.cpp
+ file/dir.cpp
+ file/filefn.cpp
+ file/filetest.cpp
+ filekind/filekind.cpp
+ filename/filenametest.cpp
+ filesys/filesystest.cpp
+ fontmap/fontmaptest.cpp
+ formatconverter/formatconvertertest.cpp
+ fswatcher/fswatchertest.cpp
+ hashes/hashes.cpp
+ interactive/output.cpp
+ interactive/input.cpp
+ intl/intltest.cpp
+ lists/lists.cpp
+ log/logtest.cpp
+ longlong/longlongtest.cpp
+ mbconv/convautotest.cpp
+ mbconv/mbconvtest.cpp
+ misc/dynamiclib.cpp
+ misc/environ.cpp
+ misc/metatest.cpp
+ misc/misctests.cpp
+ misc/module.cpp
+ misc/pathlist.cpp
+ misc/typeinfotest.cpp
+ net/ipc.cpp
+ net/socket.cpp
+ regex/regextest.cpp
+ regex/wxregextest.cpp
+ scopeguard/scopeguardtest.cpp
+ strings/iostream.cpp
+ strings/numformatter.cpp
+ strings/stdstrings.cpp
+ strings/tokenizer.cpp
+ strings/unichar.cpp
+ strings/unicode.cpp
+ strings/vararg.cpp
+ strings/crt.cpp
+ strings/vsnprintf.cpp
+ streams/datastreamtest.cpp
+ streams/fileback.cpp
+ streams/iostreams.cpp
+ streams/largefile.cpp
+ streams/socketstream.cpp
+ streams/sstream.cpp
+ streams/stdstream.cpp
+ streams/tempfile.cpp
+ streams/textstreamtest.cpp
+ textfile/textfiletest.cpp
+ thread/atomic.cpp
+ thread/misc.cpp
+ thread/queue.cpp
+ thread/tls.cpp
+ uris/ftp.cpp
+ uris/uris.cpp
+ uris/url.cpp
+ vectors/vectors.cpp
+ weakref/evtconnection.cpp
+ weakref/weakref.cpp
+ xlocale/xlocale.cpp
+ xml/xmltest.cpp
+ </sources>
+ <wx-lib>net</wx-lib>
+ <wx-lib>xml</wx-lib>
+ <wx-lib>base</wx-lib>
+ </exe>
+ <exe id="test_gui" template="wx_sample,wx_test"
+ template_append="wx_append"
+ cond="USE_GUI=='1'">
+ <!-- link against GUI libraries, but be a console app: -->
+ <app-type>console</app-type>
+ <sources>
+ asserthelper.cpp
+ test.cpp
+ testableframe.cpp
+ geometry/rect.cpp
+ geometry/size.cpp
+ geometry/point.cpp
+ geometry/region.cpp
+ graphics/bitmap.cpp
+ graphics/colour.cpp
+ graphics/ellipsization.cpp
+ graphics/measuring.cpp
+ graphics/affinematrix.cpp
+ config/config.cpp
+ controls/bitmapcomboboxtest.cpp
+ controls/bitmaptogglebuttontest.cpp
+ controls/bookctrlbasetest.cpp
+ controls/buttontest.cpp
+ controls/checkboxtest.cpp
+ controls/checklistboxtest.cpp
+ controls/choicebooktest.cpp
+ controls/choicetest.cpp
+ controls/comboboxtest.cpp
+ controls/dataviewctrltest.cpp
+ controls/datepickerctrltest.cpp
+ controls/frametest.cpp
+ controls/gaugetest.cpp
+ controls/gridtest.cpp
+ controls/headerctrltest.cpp
+ controls/htmllboxtest.cpp
+ controls/hyperlinkctrltest.cpp
+ controls/itemcontainertest.cpp
+ controls/label.cpp
+ controls/listbasetest.cpp
+ controls/listbooktest.cpp
+ controls/listboxtest.cpp
+ controls/listctrltest.cpp
+ controls/listviewtest.cpp
+ controls/markuptest.cpp
+ controls/notebooktest.cpp
+ controls/ownerdrawncomboboxtest.cpp
+ controls/pickerbasetest.cpp
+ controls/pickertest.cpp
+ controls/radioboxtest.cpp
+ controls/radiobuttontest.cpp
+ controls/rearrangelisttest.cpp
+ controls/richtextctrltest.cpp
+ controls/searchctrltest.cpp
+ controls/slidertest.cpp
+ controls/spinctrldbltest.cpp
+ controls/spinctrltest.cpp
+ controls/textctrltest.cpp
+ controls/textentrytest.cpp
+ controls/togglebuttontest.cpp
+ controls/toolbooktest.cpp
+ controls/treebooktest.cpp
+ controls/treectrltest.cpp
+ controls/treelistctrltest.cpp
+ controls/virtlistctrltest.cpp
+ controls/webtest.cpp
+ controls/windowtest.cpp
+ controls/dialogtest.cpp
+ events/clone.cpp
+ events/propagation.cpp
+ events/keyboard.cpp
+ font/fonttest.cpp
+ image/image.cpp
+ image/rawbmp.cpp
+ html/htmlparser.cpp
+ html/htmlwindow.cpp
+ menu/accelentry.cpp
+ menu/menu.cpp
+ misc/guifuncs.cpp
+ misc/selstoretest.cpp
+ misc/garbage.cpp
+ misc/settings.cpp
+ <!--
+ This one is intentionally duplicated here (it is also part of
+ non-GUI test) as sockets behave differently in console and GUI
+ applications.
+ -->
+ net/socket.cpp
+ sizers/boxsizer.cpp
+ sizers/wrapsizer.cpp
+ toplevel/toplevel.cpp
+ validators/valnum.cpp
+ window/clientsize.cpp
+ window/setsize.cpp
+ xml/xrctest.cpp
+ <!--
+ Can't use <wx-lib> here as it doesn't work with conditionally
+ defined variables, so fall back <sys-lib> as we must not link with
+ inexisting webview library to be able to run tests even if
+ wxWebView is not available.
+ -->
+ <sys-lib>$(WXLIB_WEBVIEW)</sys-lib>
+ <wx-lib>richtext</wx-lib>
+ <wx-lib>media</wx-lib>
+ <wx-lib>xrc</wx-lib>
+ <wx-lib>xml</wx-lib>
+ <wx-lib>adv</wx-lib>
+ <wx-lib>html</wx-lib>
+ <wx-lib>core</wx-lib>
+ <wx-lib>net</wx-lib>
+ <wx-data id="data">
+ <files>testdata.fc</files>
+ <!-- test data for image/image.cpp test unit: -->
+ <files>horse.ani horse.bmp horse.cur horse.gif horse.ico horse.jpg
+ horse.pcx horse.png horse.pnm horse.tga horse.tif horse.xpm</files>
+ </wx-data>
+ <wx-data id="data-images">
+ <srcdir>$(SRCDIR)/image</srcdir>
+ <dstdir>image</dstdir>
+ <files>horse_grey.bmp horse_grey_flipped.bmp
+ horse_rle4.bmp horse_rle4_flipped.bmp
+ horse_rle8.bmp horse_rle8_flipped.bmp</files>
+ </wx-data>
+ <template id="catalog">
+ <dstdir>$(BUILDDIR)/intl/$(id)</dstdir>
+ <srcdir>$(SRCDIR)/intl/$(id)</srcdir>
+ <files>internat.po internat.mo</files>
+ </template>
+ <wx-data id="fr" template="catalog"/>
+ <fragment format="autoconf">
+# notice the ugly hack with using CXXWARNINGS: we can't use CPPFLAGS as
+# currently the value in the makefile would be ignored if we did, but
+# warnings don't matter when we expect compilation to fail anyhow so we can
+# use this variable to enable the compilation of code which is supposed to
+# fail
+failtest: failtest_combobox failtest_evthandler
+ @$(RM) test_gui_comboboxtest.o
+ if $(MAKE) CXXWARNINGS=-DTEST_INVALID_COMBOBOX_ISEMPTY test_gui_comboboxtest.o 2>/dev/null; then \
+ echo "*** Compilation with TEST_INVALID_COMBOBOX_ISEMPTY unexpectedly succeeded.">&2; \
+ exit 1; \
+ fi; \
+ exit 0
+ @$(RM) test_evthandler.o
+ if $(MAKE) CXXWARNINGS=-DTEST_INVALID_BIND_$$d test_evthandler.o 2>/dev/null; then \
+ echo "*** Compilation with TEST_INVALID_BIND_$$d unexpectedly succeeded.">&2; \
+ exit 1; \
+ fi; \
+ done; \
+ exit 0
+.PHONY: failtest
+ </fragment>