+ os.remove(path)
+ return skipped
+def RemoveRecursive(path, skipFile=None):
+ _DoRemoveRecursive(path, skipFile)
+def CaseInsensitiveCompare(s1, s2):
+ """ Method used by sort() to sort values in case insensitive order """
+ return strutils.caseInsensitiveCompare(s1, s2)
+def GetAnnotation(model, elementName):
+ """ Get an object's annotation used for tooltips """
+ if hasattr(model, "_complexType"):
+ ct = model._complexType
+ elif hasattr(model, "__xsdcomplextype__"):
+ ct = model.__xsdcomplextype__
+ else:
+ ct = None
+ if ct:
+ el = ct.findElement(elementName)
+ if el and el.annotation:
+ return el.annotation
+ return ""
+def GetDisplayName(doc, name):
+ if name:
+ appDocMgr = doc.GetAppDocMgr()
+ if appDocMgr:
+ name = appDocMgr.toDisplayTypeName(name)
+ else:
+ namespace, name = xmlutils.splitType(name)
+ if namespace and hasattr(doc.GetModel(), "getXmlNamespaces"):
+ for xmlkey, xmlval in doc.GetModel().getXmlNamespaces().iteritems():
+ if xmlval == namespace:
+ name = "%s:%s" % (xmlkey, name)
+ break
+ if name:
+ import activegrid.model.schema as schemalib
+ baseTypeName = schemalib.mapXsdType(name)
+ if baseTypeName:
+ name = baseTypeName
+ return name
+def GetInternalName(doc, name):
+ if name:
+ appDocMgr = doc.GetAppDocMgr()
+ if appDocMgr:
+ name = appDocMgr.toInternalTypeName(name)
+ else:
+ namespace, name = xmlutils.splitType(name)
+ if namespace and hasattr(doc.GetModel(), "getXmlNamespaces"):
+ for xmlkey, xmlval in doc.GetModel().getXmlNamespaces().iteritems():
+ if xmlkey == namespace:
+ name = "%s:%s" % (xmlval, name)
+ break
+ import activegrid.model.schema as schemalib
+ name = schemalib.mapAGType(name)
+ return name
+# Methods for finding application level info
+def GetProjectForDoc(doc):
+ """ Given a document find which project it belongs to.
+ Tries to intelligently resolve conflicts if it is in more than one open project.
+ """
+ projectService = wx.GetApp().GetService(ProjectEditor.ProjectService)
+ projectDoc = projectService.FindProjectFromMapping(doc)
+ if projectDoc:
+ return projectDoc
+ projectDoc = projectService.GetCurrentProject()
+ if not projectDoc:
+ return None
+ if projectDoc.IsFileInProject(doc.GetFilename()):
+ return projectDoc
+ projects = []
+ openDocs = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetDocuments()
+ for openDoc in openDocs:
+ if openDoc == projectDoc:
+ continue
+ if(isinstance(openDoc, ProjectEditor.ProjectDocument)):
+ if openDoc.IsFileInProject(doc.GetFilename()):
+ projects.append(openDoc)
+ if projects:
+ if len(projects) == 1:
+ return projects[0]
+ else:
+ choices = [os.path.basename(project.GetFilename()) for project in projects]
+ dlg = wx.SingleChoiceDialog(wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow(), _("'%s' found in more than one project.\nWhich project should be used for this operation?") % os.path.basename(doc.GetFilename()), _("Select Project"), choices, wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wx.RESIZE_BORDER|wx.OK|wx.CENTRE)
+ dlg.CenterOnParent()
+ projectDoc = None
+ if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
+ i = dlg.GetSelection()
+ projectDoc = projects[i]
+ dlg.Destroy()
+ return projectDoc
+ return None
+def GetAppInfoForDoc(doc):
+ """ Get the AppInfo for a given document """
+ projectDoc = GetProjectForDoc(doc)
+ if projectDoc:
+ return projectDoc.GetAppInfo()
+ return None
+def GetAppDocMgrForDoc(doc):
+ """ Get the AppDocMgr for a given document """
+ projectDoc = GetProjectForDoc(doc)
+ if projectDoc:
+ return projectDoc.GetModel()
+ return None
+def GetAppInfoLanguage(doc=None):
+ from activegrid.server.projectmodel import LANGUAGE_DEFAULT
+ if doc:
+ language = doc.GetAppInfo().language
+ else:
+ language = None
+ if not language:
+ config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
+ language = config.Read(ProjectEditor.APP_LAST_LANGUAGE, LANGUAGE_DEFAULT)
+ if doc:
+ doc.GetAppInfo().language = language # once it is selected, it must be set.
+ return language
+def AddWsdlAgToProjectFromWsdlRegistration(wsdlRegistration):
+ """Add wsdl ag for registry entry."""
+ wsdlPath = wsdlRegistration.path
+ rootPath = None
+ serviceRefName = wsdlRegistration.name
+ agwsDoc = _InitWsdlAg(wsdlPath, rootPath, serviceRefName)
+ if (agwsDoc == None):
+ return
+ serviceRef = agwsDoc.GetModel()
+ serviceRef.serviceType = wsdlRegistration.type
+ import activegrid.server.deployment as deployment
+ if (serviceRef.serviceType == deployment.SERVICE_LOCAL):
+ serviceRef.localService = deployment.LocalService(
+ wsdlRegistration.codeFile)
+ elif (serviceRef.serviceType == deployment.SERVICE_DATABASE):
+ serviceRef.databaseService = deployment.DatabaseService(
+ wsdlRegistration.datasourceName)
+ elif (serviceRef.serviceType == deployment.SERVICE_SOAP):
+ pass
+ elif (serviceRef.serviceType == deployment.SERVICE_RSS):
+ serviceRef.rssService = deployment.RssService(wsdlRegistration.feedUrl)
+ elif (serviceRef.serviceType == deployment.SERVICE_REST):
+ serviceRef.restService = deployment.RestService(
+ wsdlRegistration.baseUrl)
+ else:
+ raise AssertionError("Unknown service type")
+ _AddToProject(agwsDoc, addWsdl=True)
+def AddWsdlAgToProject(wsdlPath, rootPath=fileutils.AG_SYSTEM_STATIC_VAR_REF,
+ serviceRefName=None, className=None, serviceType=None,
+ dataSourceName=None):
+ """
+ wsdlPath: path to wsdl from rootPath. If wsdlPath is absolute, rootPath
+ is ignored. rootPath is also ignored when rootPath is set to None.
+ rootPath: defaults to ${AG_SYSTEM_STATIC}.
+ serviceRefName: If None, it will be set to the wsdl file name without
+ the .wsdl file extension.
+ className: if not None, will be used for the the wsdlag's ClassName.
+ serviceType: defaults to local.
+ dataSourceName: if serviceType is deployment.DATABASE, the ds must be
+ provided.
+ """
+ import WsdlAgEditor
+ import XFormWizard
+ import activegrid.model.basedocmgr as basedocmgr
+ import activegrid.server.deployment as deployment
+ if (serviceType == None):
+ serviceType = deployment.SERVICE_LOCAL
+ agwsDoc = _InitWsdlAg(wsdlPath, rootPath, serviceRefName)
+ if (agwsDoc == None):
+ return
+ serviceRef = agwsDoc.GetModel()
+ serviceRef.serviceType = serviceType
+ if (serviceType == deployment.SERVICE_DATABASE and dataSourceName != None):
+ serviceRef.databaseService = deployment.DatabaseService(dataSourceName)
+ else:
+ serviceRef.localService = deployment.LocalService(className=className)
+ _AddToProject(agwsDoc)
+def _AddToProject(agwsDoc, addWsdl=False):
+ import activegrid.model.basedocmgr as basedocmgr
+ projectDoc = GetCurrentProject()
+ agwsDoc.OnSaveDocument(agwsDoc.GetFilename())
+ files = [agwsDoc.fileName]
+ types = [basedocmgr.FILE_TYPE_SERVICE]
+ names = [agwsDoc.GetModel().name]
+ if (addWsdl):
+ m = agwsDoc.GetModel()
+ wsdlName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(m.filePath))[0]
+ appDocMgr = projectDoc.GetAppDocMgr()
+ if (appDocMgr.findService(wsdlName) == None):
+ m = agwsDoc.GetModel()
+ files.append(m.filePath)
+ types.append(None)
+ names.append(wsdlName)
+ ProjectEditor.ProjectAddFilesCommand(projectDoc, files, types=types,
+ names=names).Do()
+def _InitWsdlAg(wsdlPath, rootPath=fileutils.AG_SYSTEM_STATIC_VAR_REF,
+ serviceRefName=None):
+ projectDoc = GetCurrentProject()
+ appDocMgr = projectDoc.GetAppDocMgr()
+ if (serviceRefName == None):
+ serviceRefName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(wsdlPath))[0]
+ if (appDocMgr.findServiceRef(serviceRefName) != None):
+ return None
+ import WsdlAgEditor
+ import XFormWizard
+ import activegrid.server.deployment as deployment
+ template = XFormWizard.GetTemplate(WsdlAgEditor.WsdlAgDocument)
+ ext = template.GetDefaultExtension()
+ fullPath = os.path.join(appDocMgr.homeDir, serviceRefName + ext)
+ agwsDoc = template.CreateDocument(
+ fullPath, flags=(wx.lib.docview.DOC_NO_VIEW|wx.lib.docview.DOC_NEW|
+ wx.lib.docview.DOC_OPEN_ONCE))
+ serviceRef = agwsDoc.GetModel()
+ serviceRef.name = serviceRefName
+ if (rootPath == None or os.path.isabs(wsdlPath)):
+ serviceRef.filePath = wsdlPath
+ else:
+ # make sure to use forward slashes for the path to the .wsdl
+ wsdlPath = wsdlPath.replace("\\", "/")
+ if not wsdlPath.startswith("/"):
+ wsdlPath = "/%s" % wsdlPath
+ serviceRef.filePath = "%s%s" % (rootPath, wsdlPath)
+ agwsDoc.fileName = fullPath
+ return agwsDoc
+def GetSchemaName(schema):
+ return os.path.basename(schema.fileName)
+class AGChoice(wx.Choice):
+ """Extension to wx.Choice that fixes linux bug where first item of choices
+ passed into ctor would be visible, but not selected."""
+ def __init__(self, parent, id, choices=[]):
+ super(AGChoice, self).__init__(parent=parent, id=id)
+ self.AppendItems(choices)