if (self._service.GetEmbeddedWindowLocation() == wx.lib.pydocview.EMBEDDED_WINDOW_BOTTOM):
if ServiceView.bottomTab == None:
ServiceView.bottomTab = wx.Notebook(frame, wx.NewId(), (0,0), (100,100), wx.LB_DEFAULT, "Bottom Tab")
+ wx.EVT_RIGHT_DOWN(ServiceView.bottomTab, self.OnNotebookRightClick)
+ wx.EVT_MIDDLE_DOWN(ServiceView.bottomTab, self.OnNotebookMiddleClick)
sizer.Add(ServiceView.bottomTab, 1, wx.TOP|wx.EXPAND, 4)
def OnFrameResize(event):
sizer.Add(self._control, 1, wx.EXPAND, 0)
+ self.Activate()
return True
+ def OnNotebookMiddleClick(self, event):
+ index, type = ServiceView.bottomTab.HitTest(event.GetPosition())
+ # 0 tab is always message. This code assumes the rest are run/debug windows
+ if index > 0:
+ page = ServiceView.bottomTab.GetPage(index)
+ if hasattr(page, 'StopAndRemoveUI'):
+ page.StopAndRemoveUI(event)
+ def OnNotebookRightClick(self, event):
+ index, type = ServiceView.bottomTab.HitTest(event.GetPosition())
+ menu = wx.Menu()
+ x, y = event.GetX(), event.GetY()
+ # 0 tab is always message. This code assumes the rest are run/debug windows
+ if index > 0:
+ page = ServiceView.bottomTab.GetPage(index)
+ id = wx.NewId()
+ menu.Append(id, _("Close"))
+ def OnRightMenuSelect(event):
+ if hasattr(page, 'StopAndRemoveUI'):
+ page.StopAndRemoveUI(event)
+ wx.EVT_MENU(ServiceView.bottomTab, id, OnRightMenuSelect)
+ if ServiceView.bottomTab.GetPageCount() > 1:
+ id = wx.NewId()
+ menu.Append(id, _("Close All but \"Message\""))
+ def OnRightMenuSelect(event):
+ for i in range(ServiceView.bottomTab.GetPageCount()-1, 0, -1): # Go from len-1 to 1
+ page = ServiceView.bottomTab.GetPage(i)
+ if hasattr(page, 'StopAndRemoveUI'):
+ page.StopAndRemoveUI(event)
+ wx.EVT_MENU(ServiceView.bottomTab, id, OnRightMenuSelect)
+ ServiceView.bottomTab.PopupMenu(menu, wx.Point(x, y))
+ menu.Destroy()
def OnCloseWindow(self, event):
frame = self.GetFrame()
config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()