- wxBusyCursor bcur;
- wxString
- *families = new wxString[6],
- *styles = new wxString[3],
- *weights = new wxString[3];
- families[0] = _("Roman");
- families[1] = _("Decorative");
- families[2] = _("Modern");
- families[3] = _("Script");
- families[4] = _("Swiss" );
- families[5] = _("Teletype" );
- styles[0] = _("Normal");
- styles[1] = _("Italic");
- styles[2] = _("Slant");
- weights[0] = _("Normal");
- weights[1] = _("Light");
- weights[2] = _("Bold");
- familyChoice = new wxChoice(this, wxID_FONT_FAMILY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 5, families);
- styleChoice = new wxChoice(this, wxID_FONT_STYLE, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 3, styles);
- weightChoice = new wxChoice(this, wxID_FONT_WEIGHT, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 3, weights);
- colourChoice = new wxChoice(this, wxID_FONT_COLOUR, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, NUM_COLS, wxColourDialogNames);
- wxString *pointSizes = new wxString[40];
- int i;
- for ( i = 0; i < 40; i++)
- {
- char buf[5];
- sprintf(buf, "%d", i + 1);
- pointSizes[i] = buf;
- }
- pointSizeChoice = new wxChoice(this, wxID_FONT_SIZE, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 40, pointSizes);
- underLineCheckBox = new wxCheckBox(this, wxID_FONT_UNDERLINE, _("Underline"));
- m_previewer = new wxFontPreviewer(this);
- wxButton *okButton = new wxButton(this, wxID_OK, _("OK"));
- wxButton *cancelButton = new wxButton(this, wxID_OK, _("Cancel"));
- familyChoice->SetStringSelection( wxFontFamilyIntToString(dialogFont.GetFamily()) );
- styleChoice->SetStringSelection(wxFontStyleIntToString(dialogFont.GetStyle()));
- weightChoice->SetStringSelection(wxFontWeightIntToString(dialogFont.GetWeight()));
- wxString name(wxTheColourDatabase->FindName(fontData.fontColour));
- colourChoice->SetStringSelection(name);
- underLineCheckBox->SetValue(dialogFont.GetUnderlined());
- pointSizeChoice->SetSelection(dialogFont.GetPointSize()-1);
- okButton->SetDefault();
- wxSizer *topsizer, *sizer;
- topsizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
- sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
- sizer->Add(familyChoice, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER | wxLEFT, 10);
- sizer->Add(styleChoice, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER | wxLEFT, 10);
- sizer->Add(weightChoice, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER | wxLEFT, 10);
- topsizer->Add(sizer, 0, wxLEFT| wxTOP| wxRIGHT, 10);
- sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
- sizer->Add(colourChoice, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER | wxLEFT, 10);
- sizer->Add(pointSizeChoice, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER | wxLEFT, 10);
- sizer->Add(underLineCheckBox, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER | wxLEFT, 10);
- topsizer->Add(sizer, 0, wxLEFT| wxTOP| wxRIGHT, 10);
- topsizer->Add(m_previewer, 1, wxALL | wxEXPAND, 10);
- topsizer->SetItemMinSize(m_previewer, 430, 100);
- sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
- sizer->Add(okButton, 0, wxRIGHT, 10);
- sizer->Add(cancelButton, 0, wxRIGHT, 10);
- topsizer->Add(sizer, 0, wxALIGN_RIGHT | wxBOTTOM, 10);
- SetAutoLayout(TRUE);
- SetSizer(topsizer);
- topsizer->SetSizeHints(this);
- topsizer->Fit(this);
- Centre(wxBOTH);
- delete[] families;
- delete[] styles;
- delete[] weights;
- delete[] pointSizes;
- m_useEvents = TRUE;
+ wxString *families = new wxString[6],
+ *styles = new wxString[3],
+ *weights = new wxString[3];
+ families[0] = _("Roman");
+ families[1] = _("Decorative");
+ families[2] = _("Modern");
+ families[3] = _("Script");
+ families[4] = _("Swiss" );
+ families[5] = _("Teletype" );
+ styles[0] = _("Normal");
+ styles[1] = _("Italic");
+ styles[2] = _("Slant");
+ weights[0] = _("Normal");
+ weights[1] = _("Light");
+ weights[2] = _("Bold");
+ wxString *pointSizes = new wxString[40];
+ int i;
+ for ( i = 0; i < 40; i++)
+ {
+ wxChar buf[5];
+ wxSprintf(buf, wxT("%d"), i + 1);
+ pointSizes[i] = buf;
+ }
+ // layout
+ bool is_pda = (wxSystemSettings::GetScreenType() <= wxSYS_SCREEN_PDA);
+ int noCols, noRows;
+ if (is_pda)
+ {
+ noCols = 2; noRows = 3;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ noCols = 3; noRows = 2;
+ }
+ wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer2 = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
+ this->SetSizer(itemBoxSizer2);
+ this->SetAutoLayout(true);
+ wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer3 = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
+ itemBoxSizer2->Add(itemBoxSizer3, 1, wxGROW|wxALL, 5);
+ wxFlexGridSizer* itemGridSizer4 = new wxFlexGridSizer(noRows, noCols, 0, 0);
+ itemBoxSizer3->Add(itemGridSizer4, 0, wxGROW, 5);
+ wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer5 = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
+ itemGridSizer4->Add(itemBoxSizer5, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxGROW, 5);
+ wxStaticText* itemStaticText6 = new wxStaticText( this, wxID_STATIC, _("&Font family:"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
+ itemBoxSizer5->Add(itemStaticText6, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxTOP|wxADJUST_MINSIZE, 5);
+ wxChoice* itemChoice7 = new wxChoice( this, wxID_FONT_FAMILY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 5, families, 0 );
+ itemChoice7->SetHelpText(_("The font family."));
+ if (ShowToolTips())
+ itemChoice7->SetToolTip(_("The font family."));
+ itemBoxSizer5->Add(itemChoice7, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 5);
+ wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer8 = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
+ itemGridSizer4->Add(itemBoxSizer8, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxGROW, 5);
+ wxStaticText* itemStaticText9 = new wxStaticText( this, wxID_STATIC, _("&Style:"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
+ itemBoxSizer8->Add(itemStaticText9, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxTOP|wxADJUST_MINSIZE, 5);
+ wxChoice* itemChoice10 = new wxChoice( this, wxID_FONT_STYLE, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 3, styles, 0 );
+ itemChoice10->SetHelpText(_("The font style."));
+ if (ShowToolTips())
+ itemChoice10->SetToolTip(_("The font style."));
+ itemBoxSizer8->Add(itemChoice10, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 5);
+ wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer11 = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
+ itemGridSizer4->Add(itemBoxSizer11, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxGROW, 5);
+ wxStaticText* itemStaticText12 = new wxStaticText( this, wxID_STATIC, _("&Weight:"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
+ itemBoxSizer11->Add(itemStaticText12, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxTOP|wxADJUST_MINSIZE, 5);
+ wxChoice* itemChoice13 = new wxChoice( this, wxID_FONT_WEIGHT, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 3, weights, 0 );
+ itemChoice13->SetHelpText(_("The font weight."));
+ if (ShowToolTips())
+ itemChoice13->SetToolTip(_("The font weight."));
+ itemBoxSizer11->Add(itemChoice13, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 5);
+ wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer14 = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
+ itemGridSizer4->Add(itemBoxSizer14, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxGROW, 5);
+ if (m_fontData.GetEnableEffects())
+ {
+ wxStaticText* itemStaticText15 = new wxStaticText( this, wxID_STATIC, _("C&olour:"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
+ itemBoxSizer14->Add(itemStaticText15, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxTOP|wxADJUST_MINSIZE, 5);
+ wxSize colourSize = wxDefaultSize;
+ if (is_pda)
+ colourSize.x = 100;
+ wxChoice* itemChoice16 = new wxChoice( this, wxID_FONT_COLOUR, wxDefaultPosition, colourSize, NUM_COLS, wxColourDialogNames, 0 );
+ itemChoice16->SetHelpText(_("The font colour."));
+ if (ShowToolTips())
+ itemChoice16->SetToolTip(_("The font colour."));
+ itemBoxSizer14->Add(itemChoice16, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 5);
+ }
+ wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer17 = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
+ itemGridSizer4->Add(itemBoxSizer17, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxGROW, 5);
+ wxStaticText* itemStaticText18 = new wxStaticText( this, wxID_STATIC, _("&Point size:"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
+ itemBoxSizer17->Add(itemStaticText18, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxTOP|wxADJUST_MINSIZE, 5);
+ wxSpinCtrl* spinCtrl = new wxSpinCtrl(this, wxID_FONT_SIZE, wxT("12"), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(80, wxDefaultCoord), wxSP_ARROW_KEYS, 1, 500, 12);
+ spinCtrl->SetHelpText(_("The font point size."));
+ if (ShowToolTips())
+ spinCtrl->SetToolTip(_("The font point size."));
+ itemBoxSizer17->Add(spinCtrl, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 5);
+ wxChoice* itemChoice19 = new wxChoice( this, wxID_FONT_SIZE, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 40, pointSizes, 0 );
+ itemChoice19->SetHelpText(_("The font point size."));
+ if (ShowToolTips())
+ itemChoice19->SetToolTip(_("The font point size."));
+ itemBoxSizer17->Add(itemChoice19, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 5);
+ if (m_fontData.GetEnableEffects())
+ {
+ wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer20 = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
+ itemGridSizer4->Add(itemBoxSizer20, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 5);
+ wxCheckBox* itemCheckBox21 = new wxCheckBox( this, wxID_FONT_UNDERLINE, _("&Underline"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
+ itemCheckBox21->SetValue(false);
+ itemCheckBox21->SetHelpText(_("Whether the font is underlined."));
+ if (ShowToolTips())
+ itemCheckBox21->SetToolTip(_("Whether the font is underlined."));
+ itemBoxSizer20->Add(itemCheckBox21, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 5);
+ }
+ if (!is_pda)
+ itemBoxSizer3->Add(5, 5, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxALL, 5);
+ wxStaticText* itemStaticText23 = new wxStaticText( this, wxID_STATIC, _("Preview:"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
+ itemBoxSizer3->Add(itemStaticText23, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxTOP|wxADJUST_MINSIZE, 5);
+ wxFontPreviewer* itemWindow24 = new wxFontPreviewer( this );
+ m_previewer = itemWindow24;
+ itemWindow24->SetHelpText(_("Shows the font preview."));
+ if (ShowToolTips())
+ itemWindow24->SetToolTip(_("Shows the font preview."));
+ itemBoxSizer3->Add(itemWindow24, 1, wxGROW|wxALL, 5);
+ wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer25 = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
+ itemBoxSizer3->Add(itemBoxSizer25, 0, wxGROW, 5);
+ itemBoxSizer25->Add(5, 5, 1, wxGROW|wxALL, 5);
+#ifdef __WXMAC__
+ wxButton* itemButton28 = new wxButton( this, wxID_CANCEL, _("&Cancel"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
+ if (ShowToolTips())
+ itemButton28->SetToolTip(_("Click to cancel the font selection."));
+ itemBoxSizer25->Add(itemButton28, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 5);
+ wxButton* itemButton27 = new wxButton( this, wxID_OK, _("&OK"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
+ itemButton27->SetDefault();
+ itemButton27->SetHelpText(_("Click to confirm the font selection."));
+ if (ShowToolTips())
+ itemButton27->SetToolTip(_("Click to confirm the font selection."));
+ itemBoxSizer25->Add(itemButton27, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 5);
+ wxButton* itemButton27 = new wxButton( this, wxID_OK, _("&OK"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
+ itemButton27->SetDefault();
+ itemButton27->SetHelpText(_("Click to confirm the font selection."));
+ if (ShowToolTips())
+ itemButton27->SetToolTip(_("Click to confirm the font selection."));
+ itemBoxSizer25->Add(itemButton27, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 5);
+ wxButton* itemButton28 = new wxButton( this, wxID_CANCEL, _("&Cancel"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
+ if (ShowToolTips())
+ itemButton28->SetToolTip(_("Click to cancel the font selection."));
+ itemBoxSizer25->Add(itemButton28, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 5);
+ m_familyChoice = (wxChoice*) FindWindow(wxID_FONT_FAMILY);
+ m_styleChoice = (wxChoice*) FindWindow(wxID_FONT_STYLE);
+ m_weightChoice = (wxChoice*) FindWindow(wxID_FONT_WEIGHT);
+ m_colourChoice = (wxChoice*) FindWindow(wxID_FONT_COLOUR);
+ m_underLineCheckBox = (wxCheckBox*) FindWindow(wxID_FONT_UNDERLINE);
+ m_familyChoice->SetStringSelection( wxFontFamilyIntToString(m_dialogFont.GetFamily()) );
+ m_styleChoice->SetStringSelection(wxFontStyleIntToString(m_dialogFont.GetStyle()));
+ m_weightChoice->SetStringSelection(wxFontWeightIntToString(m_dialogFont.GetWeight()));
+ if (m_colourChoice)
+ {
+ wxString name(wxTheColourDatabase->FindName(m_fontData.GetColour()));
+ if (name.length())
+ m_colourChoice->SetStringSelection(name);
+ else
+ m_colourChoice->SetStringSelection(wxT("BLACK"));
+ }
+ if (m_underLineCheckBox)
+ {
+ m_underLineCheckBox->SetValue(m_dialogFont.GetUnderlined());
+ }
+ spinCtrl->SetValue(m_dialogFont.GetPointSize());
+ m_pointSizeChoice = (wxChoice*) FindWindow(wxID_FONT_SIZE);
+ m_pointSizeChoice->SetSelection(m_dialogFont.GetPointSize()-1);
+ GetSizer()->SetItemMinSize(m_previewer, is_pda ? 100 : 430, is_pda ? 40 : 100);
+ GetSizer()->SetSizeHints(this);
+ GetSizer()->Fit(this);
+ Centre(wxBOTH);
+ delete[] families;
+ delete[] styles;
+ delete[] weights;
+ delete[] pointSizes;
+ // Don't block events any more
+ m_useEvents = true;