-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Build wxWidgets and wxPython on a OSX box. This is normally
-# called from build-all but it should be able to be used standalone too...
-# The command line must have the following parameters:
-# 1. the path to the base of the wx source tree
-# 2. the path of where to put the resulting installers
-# 3. skipclean flag (yes|no)
-# 4. the VERSION
-# 5. the FLAVOR (panther or jaguar)
-# *. the remaining args are the versions of Python to build for
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
set -o errexit
-#set -o xtrace
-echo "-=-=-=- Hello from $HOSTNAME -=-=-=-"
-if [ $# -lt 6 ]; then
- exit 1
-export PATH=/sw/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH
-# untar the source
-echo "Unarchiving wxPythonSrc-$VERSION.tar.gz"
-tar xzf wxPythonSrc-$VERSION.tar.gz
-rm wxPythonSrc-$VERSION.tar.gz
-echo "Invoking wxPythonOSX build script..."
-cd $WXDIR/wxPython
-mkdir -p dist
-distrib/mac/wxPythonOSX/build $FLAVOR inplace skipclean
-echo "Copying installers to $DESTDIR..."
-cp dist/*.dmg $DESTDIR
-if [ $SKIPCLEAN != yes ]; then
- echo "Cleaning up..."
- rm -r $WXDIR || true
- rm wxPythonDocs-$VERSION.tar.gz
- rm wxPythonDemo-$VERSION.tar.gz
+if [ $skiposx != yes ]; then
+ # test if the target machine is online
+ if ping -q -c1 -w1 $host > /dev/null; then
+ echo " The $host machine is online, OSX build continuing..."
+ else
+ echo "The $host machine is **OFFLINE**, skipping the OSX build."
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ echo "Copying source files and build script..."
+ ssh root@$host "mkdir -p $OSX_BUILD && rm -rf $OSX_BUILD/* || true"
+ scp $STAGING_DIR/wxPython-src-$VERSION.tar.bz2 \
+ $STAGING_DIR/wxPython-docs-$VERSION.tar.bz2 \
+ $STAGING_DIR/wxPython-demo-$VERSION.tar.bz2 \
+ distrib/all/do-build-osx \
+ root@$host:$OSX_BUILD
+ echo "Running build script on $host..."
+ wxdir=$OSX_BUILD/wxPython-src-$VERSION
+ cmd=./do-build-osx
+ ssh root@$host "cd $OSX_BUILD && $cmd $wxdir $OSX_BUILD $skipclean $VERSION $pyver $chartype $flags && rm $cmd"
+ echo "Fetching the results..."
+ scp "root@$host:$OSX_BUILD/wxPython*-osx*" $STAGING_DIR
+ ssh root@$host "rm $OSX_BUILD/wxPython*-osx*"
+ echo "Done!"
+ sleep 1
-echo "-=-=-=- Goodbye! -=-=-=-"