bool AltDown() const;
bool ShiftDown() const;
+ DocDeclStr(
+ bool , CmdDown() const,
+ "\"Cmd\" is a pseudo key which is the same as Control for PC and Unix
+platforms but the special \"Apple\" (a.k.a as \"Command\") key on
+Macs: it makes often sense to use it instead of, say, `ControlDown`
+because Cmd key is used for the same thing under Mac as Ctrl
+elsewhere. The Ctrl still exists, it's just not used for this
+purpose. So for non-Mac platforms this is the same as `ControlDown`
+and Macs this is the same as `MetaDown`.", "");
// Find which event was just generated
bool LeftDown() const;
bool MiddleDown() const;
bool MetaDown() const;
bool AltDown() const;
bool ShiftDown() const;
+ DocDeclStr(
+ bool , CmdDown() const,
+ "\"Cmd\" is a pseudo key which is the same as Control for PC and Unix
+platforms but the special \"Apple\" (a.k.a as \"Command\") key on
+Macs: it makes often sense to use it instead of, say, `ControlDown`
+because Cmd key is used for the same thing under Mac as Ctrl
+elsewhere. The Ctrl still exists, it's just not used for this
+purpose. So for non-Mac platforms this is the same as `ControlDown`
+and Macs this is the same as `MetaDown`.", "");
// exclude MetaDown() from HasModifiers() because NumLock under X is often
// configured as mod2 modifier, yet the key events even when it is pressed