// Licence: wxWindows license
+// ============================================================================
+// declarations
+// ============================================================================
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// headers
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#pragma interface
+ #pragma implementation
+ #pragma interface
// For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx/wx.h".
#include "griddemo.h"
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// wxWin macros
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ============================================================================
+// implementation
+// ============================================================================
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// GridApp
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool GridApp::OnInit()
return TRUE;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// GridFrame
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( GridFrame, wxFrame )
EVT_MENU( ID_TOGGLEROWLABELS, GridFrame::ToggleRowLabels )
EVT_MENU( ID_DELETECOL, GridFrame::DeleteSelectedCols )
EVT_MENU( ID_CLEARGRID, GridFrame::ClearGrid )
+ EVT_MENU( ID_SET_CELL_FG_COLOUR, GridFrame::SetCellFgColour )
+ EVT_MENU( ID_SET_CELL_BG_COLOUR, GridFrame::SetCellBgColour )
EVT_MENU( ID_ABOUT, GridFrame::About )
EVT_MENU( wxID_EXIT, GridFrame::OnQuit )
+ EVT_MENU( ID_VTABLE, GridFrame::OnVTable)
EVT_GRID_LABEL_LEFT_CLICK( GridFrame::OnLabelLeftClick )
EVT_GRID_CELL_LEFT_CLICK( GridFrame::OnCellLeftClick )
int logW = gridW, logH = 80;
wxMenu *fileMenu = new wxMenu;
+ fileMenu->Append( ID_VTABLE, "&Virtual table test");
+ fileMenu->AppendSeparator();
fileMenu->Append( wxID_EXIT, "E&xit\tAlt-X" );
wxMenu *viewMenu = new wxMenu;
viewMenu->Append( ID_TOGGLEROWLABELS, "&Row labels", "", TRUE );
viewMenu->Append( ID_TOGGLECOLLABELS, "&Col labels", "", TRUE );
viewMenu->Append( ID_TOGGLEEDIT, "&Editable", "", TRUE );
- viewMenu->Append( ID_SETLABELCOLOUR, "Set &label colour" );
- viewMenu->Append( ID_SETLABELTEXTCOLOUR, "Set label &text colour" );
wxMenu *rowLabelMenu = new wxMenu;
colLabelMenu->Append( ID_COLLABELHORIZALIGN, "&Horizontal" );
colLabelMenu->Append( ID_COLLABELVERTALIGN, "&Vertical" );
- viewMenu->Append( ID_GRIDLINECOLOUR, "&Grid line colour" );
+ wxMenu *colMenu = new wxMenu;
+ colMenu->Append( ID_SETLABELCOLOUR, "Set &label colour" );
+ colMenu->Append( ID_SETLABELTEXTCOLOUR, "Set label &text colour" );
+ colMenu->Append( ID_GRIDLINECOLOUR, "&Grid line colour" );
+ colMenu->Append( ID_SET_CELL_FG_COLOUR, "Set cell &foreground colour" );
+ colMenu->Append( ID_SET_CELL_BG_COLOUR, "Set cell &background colour" );
wxMenu *editMenu = new wxMenu;
editMenu->Append( ID_INSERTROW, "Insert &row" );
wxMenuBar *menuBar = new wxMenuBar;
menuBar->Append( fileMenu, "&File" );
menuBar->Append( viewMenu, "&View" );
+ menuBar->Append( colMenu, "&Colours" );
menuBar->Append( editMenu, "&Edit" );
menuBar->Append( helpMenu, "&Help" );
grid->SetCellValue( 99, 99, "Ctrl+End\nwill go to\nthis cell" );
grid->SetCellValue(2, 2, "red");
grid->SetCellTextColour(2, 2, *wxRED);
- grid->SetCellValue(3, 3, "green on white");
+ grid->SetCellValue(3, 3, "green on grey");
grid->SetCellTextColour(3, 3, *wxGREEN);
- grid->SetCellBackgroundColour(3, 3, *wxWHITE);
+ grid->SetCellBackgroundColour(3, 3, *wxLIGHT_GREY);
+ grid->SetCellValue(4, 4, "a weird looking cell");
+ grid->SetCellAlignment(4, 4, wxCENTRE, wxCENTRE);
+ grid->SetCellRenderer(4, 4, new MyGridCellRenderer);
+ wxGridCellAttr *attr;
+ attr = new wxGridCellAttr;
+ attr->SetTextColour(*wxBLUE);
+ grid->SetColAttr(5, attr);
+ attr = new wxGridCellAttr;
+ attr->SetBackgroundColour(*wxBLUE);
+ grid->SetRowAttr(5, attr);
wxBoxSizer *topSizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL );
topSizer->Add( grid,
+void GridFrame::SetCellFgColour( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(ev) )
+ wxColour col = wxGetColourFromUser(this);
+ if ( col.Ok() )
+ {
+ grid->SetDefaultCellTextColour(col);
+ grid->Refresh();
+ }
+void GridFrame::SetCellBgColour( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(ev) )
+ wxColour col = wxGetColourFromUser(this);
+ if ( col.Ok() )
+ {
+ grid->SetDefaultCellBackgroundColour(col);
+ grid->Refresh();
+ }
void GridFrame::OnLabelLeftClick( wxGridEvent& ev )
Close( TRUE );
+void GridFrame::OnVTable(wxCommandEvent& )
+ BigGridFrame* win = new BigGridFrame();
+ win->Show(TRUE);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// MyGridCellRenderer
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// do something that the default renderer doesn't here just to show that it is
+// possible to alter the appearance of the cell beyond what the attributes
+// allow
+void MyGridCellRenderer::Draw(wxGrid& grid,
+ wxGridCellAttr& attr,
+ wxDC& dc,
+ const wxRect& rect,
+ int row, int col,
+ bool isSelected)
+ wxGridCellStringRenderer::Draw(grid, attr, dc, rect, row, col, isSelected);
+ dc.SetPen(*wxGREEN_PEN);
+ dc.SetBrush(*wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH);
+ dc.DrawEllipse(rect);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// BigGridFrame and BigGridTable: Sample of a non-standard table
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ : wxFrame(NULL, -1, "Plugin Virtual Table", wxDefaultPosition,
+ wxSize(500, 450))
+ m_grid = new wxGrid(this, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize);
+ m_table = new BigGridTable;
+ m_grid->SetTable(m_table, TRUE);