-anything. Otherwise please change the path from within the IDE
-(Options->project->directories). This should be very easy for
-the library-file. For the samples-file it can be neccessary to
-change the settings for all programms seperately, because there
-are local options for each of them. To do that, show the project
-so that you can see the list with all the programs, right-click
-onto each of them and choose local options. Then change the
-4. How to create IDE-files for your own wxWindows-programs
+anything. Otherwise please change the path from within the ide
+(Options->project->directories). Because we use the
+$inherit-macro (Julian found the trick), this should work.
+To add a new sample to samples\bc32.ide, follow these steps:
+a. Choose Project->New target... and type in e.g.
+ samples\newsample. Press OK.
+b. Static, no OWL, MFC or class libraries. Press OK.
+c. Right-click on the new node, choose Add node... and add
+ ..\lib\wx32.lib. Add any other source files you require.
+d. Right-click on the new node, choose Edit Local Options.. and
+ add in Directories, specify the following:
+ Include: $inherit;.\newsample
+ Library: $inherit;
+ Source: .\newsample
+ Intermediate: .\newsample
+ Final: .\newsample
+4. How to create ide-files for your own wxWindows-programs