Puts Yes and No buttons in the message box. It is recommended to always
use @c wxCANCEL with this style as otherwise the message box won't have
a close button under wxMSW and the user will be forced to answer it.
+ @style{wxHELP}
+ Puts a Help button to the message box. This button can have special
+ appearance or be specially positioned if its label is not changed from
+ the default one. Notice that using this button is not supported when
+ showing a message box from non-main thread in wxOSX/Cocoa and it is not
+ supported in wxOSX/Carbon at all. @since 2.9.3.
Makes the "No" button default, can only be used with @c wxYES_NO.
class wxMessageDialog : public wxDialog
+ /**
+ Helper class allowing to use either stock id or string labels.
+ This class should never be used explicitly and is not really part of
+ wxWidgets API but rather is just an implementation helper allowing the
+ methods such as SetYesNoLabels() and SetOKCancelLabels() below to be
+ callable with either stock ids (e.g. ::wxID_CLOSE) or strings
+ ("&Close").
+ */
+ class ButtonLabel
+ {
+ public:
+ /// Construct the label from a stock id.
+ ButtonLabel(int stockId);
+ /// Construct the label from the specified string.
+ ButtonLabel(const wxString& label);
+ /**
+ Return the associated label as string.
+ Get the string label, whether it was originally specified directly
+ or as a stock id -- this is only useful for platforms without native
+ stock items id support
+ */
+ wxString GetAsString() const;
+ /**
+ Return the stock id or wxID_NONE if this is not a stock label.
+ */
+ int GetStockId() const;
+ };
Constructor specifying the message box properties.
Use ShowModal() to show the dialog.
virtual void SetExtendedMessage(const wxString& extendedMessage);
+ /**
+ Sets the label for the Help button.
+ Please see the remarks in SetYesNoLabels() documentation.
+ Notice that changing the label of the help button resets its special
+ status (if any, this depends on the platform) and it will be treated
+ just like another button in this case.
+ @since 2.9.3
+ */
+ virtual bool SetHelpLabel(const ButtonLabel& help);
Sets the message shown by the dialog.
virtual bool SetYesNoLabels(const ButtonLabel& yes, const ButtonLabel& no);
- Shows the dialog, returning one of wxID_OK, wxID_CANCEL, wxID_YES, wxID_NO.
+ Shows the dialog, returning one of wxID_OK, wxID_CANCEL, wxID_YES,
+ wxID_NO or wxID_HELP.
Notice that this method returns the identifier of the button which was
clicked unlike wxMessageBox() function.
virtual int ShowModal();
+ wxString GetCaption() const;
+ wxString GetMessage() const;
+ wxString GetExtendedMessage() const;
+ long GetMessageDialogStyle() const;
+ bool HasCustomLabels() const;
+ wxString GetYesLabel() const;
+ wxString GetNoLabel() const;
+ wxString GetOKLabel() const;
+ wxString GetCancelLabel() const;
+ wxString GetHelpLabel() const;
+ long GetEffectiveIcon() const;
extended text and custom labels for the message box buttons, are not
provided by this function but only by wxMessageDialog.
- The return value is one of: @c wxYES, @c wxNO, @c wxCANCEL or @c wxOK
- (notice that this return value is @b different from the return value of
- wxMessageDialog::ShowModal()).
+ The return value is one of: @c wxYES, @c wxNO, @c wxCANCEL, @c wxOK or @c
+ wxHELP (notice that this return value is @b different from the return value
+ of wxMessageDialog::ShowModal()).
For example:
for @a x and @a y to let the system position the window.
@param y
Vertical dialog position (ignored under MSW).
int wxMessageBox(const wxString& message,
- const wxString& caption = "Message",
- int style = wxOK,
+ const wxString& caption = wxMessageBoxCaptionStr,
+ int style = wxOK | wxCENTRE,
wxWindow* parent = NULL,
int x = wxDefaultCoord,
int y = wxDefaultCoord);