virtual void Restore(void);
virtual void SendSizeEvent(void);
virtual void SetIcon(const wxIcon& rIcon);
+ virtual void SetIcons(const wxIconBundle& rIcons);
virtual bool Show(bool bShow = TRUE);
virtual bool ShowFullScreen( bool bShow
,long lStyle = wxFULLSCREEN_ALL
// Implementation from now on
// --------------------------
- virtual void AlterChildPos(void); // OS/2 child control positioning
- virtual void UpdateInternalSize( wxWindow* pChild
- ,int nHeight
- );
+ PSWP GetSwpClient(void) { return &m_vSwpClient; }
// Common part of all ctors
) const;
- // Get the OS/2 window flags corresponding to wxWindows ones
+ // Translate wxWindows flags into OS flags
+ //
+ virtual WXDWORD OS2GetStyle( long lFlag
+ ,WXDWORD* pdwExstyle
+ ) const;
- // The functions returns the flags (WS_XXX) directly and puts the ext
- // (WS_EX_XXX) flags into the provided pointer if not NULL
+ // Choose the right parent to use with CreateWindow()
- long OS2GetCreateWindowFlags(long* lExflags) const;
+ virtual WXHWND OS2GetParent(void) const;
// Is the frame currently iconized?
WXHWND m_hFrame;
SWP m_vSwp;
SWP m_vSwpClient;
+ static bool m_sbInitialized;
+ static wxWindow* m_spHiddenParent;
}; // end of CLASS wxTopLevelWindowOS2